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[world-vedic] Digest Number 134

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Friday, January 26, 2001 4:23 AM

[world-vedic] Digest Number 134



> This is an information resource and discussion group for people interested

in the World's Ancient Vedic Culture, with a focus on its historical,

archeological and scientific aspects. Also topics about India, Hinduism,

God, and other aspects of World Culture are welcome.


> ------


> There are 2 messages in this issue.


> Topics in this digest:


> 1. Will Hindus Become Extinct?

> Frank Morales <fmorale1

> 2. Dancing with Siva

> shanmugan



> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 1

> Wed, 24 Jan 2001 17:14:02 -0600

> Frank Morales <fmorale1

> Will Hindus Become Extinct?


> Are the Hindus Destined to Become an Extinct Race?


> By Ishani Chowdhury



> In the Spring of 2000, the democratically elected Fijian

> government led by Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry was held hostage by a

> guerrilla group, headed by George Speight. They were demanding a


> state exclusively for the native Fijians, thereby legally abolishing any

> rights the Indian inhabitants have now. Port Louis, Mauritius witnessed

> three days of racial violence in February 1999, when popular reggae singer

> Kaya died in police custody. Riots quickly developed along racial lines

> with black Creoles attacking Hindus. Police stations housing terrified

> Hindus were not spared. Likewise, Northeast India has witnessed a surge of

> nearly 200% in their Christian population in the past 25 years due to the

> wily tactics of foreign missionaries. So strong is their grasp there that

> practicing Hinduism is forbidden in these areas. Durga puja has become

> almost obsolete as deities are destroyed or stolen in broad daylight. This

> confrontational climate has led to numerous militant outfits, sponsored by

> the Church, who are fighting for secession from India.

> Every minute of everyday an innocent Hindu is attacked solely because of

> his faith. It is absolutely heart-wrenching to see that being Hindu gives

> almost everyone the right to automatically verbally and physically abuse

> us. Have we taken ahimsa to such an extreme that merely standing up for

> one's own rights has become a dreadful thought? It is a sad fact to say

> that while Southern Baptists are openly calling for the conversion of

> 'heathen' Hindus, that the vast majority of us sit quietly in our fancy

> homes and luxury cars falsely reassuring ourselves that 'they do not mean

> me.' But indeed they do, and it is happening every minute of everyday in

> almost every country in the world where we live. So pathetic is the


> situation that not only are we being abused and terrorized by the

> minorities in our own country, but by the majority population in the lands

> where we live abroad. Indeed we can distinctly go down in history as the

> most cowardice race that has ever lived.


> This long tradition of having a slave mentality started thousands

> of years ago. History has been witness to the numerous onslaughts that we

> have suffered not only due to disunity, but also to our selfish interests.

> Even the prior knowledge of Alexander's conquest did not stop many Hindu

> kingdoms from willing joining hands with him. This led to the successful

> expansion of Alexander's empire. Even after Alexander's death, many

> kingdoms, such as that of Raja Parvataka's Keykai, chose to remain a


> to the Greek governor appointed to the region. It was only one brave man


> who came forward to set India free. It was the passion in Chanakya's heart

> that led him to form the great Mauryan Empire an empire, which brought

> together the many small, fragmented kingdoms. For the first time it was

> demonstrated how one man could stir a person's soul and become a force to

> reckon with.

> But history has played a cruel joke, for the Mauryan Empire lasted but a

> short time, and so by the seventh century AD, we became the targets of

> another set of tyrannical conquerors - the Muslims. For eight hundred


> we watched as our women were raped, our treasure house of books burned

> (including the world-renowned Taxila and Nalanda university libraries),


> temples destroyed, our people sold as slaves to Middle Eastern countries,

> and killed or forcibly converted. At that time very few Hindus, if any,

> chose to rise. Instead, we were too busy being a traitor to our own people

> and becoming a foot-boy for the king. The Koran, with the countless verses

> calling for jihad against the 'infidels,' became a weapon for every Muslim

> ruler from Mahmud of Ghazni to Tipu Sultan. So poisonous is the Islamic

> creed that having a Hindu lineage did not even matter as was the case


> Jehangir, son of Akbar and his Hindu wife, Jodabai.


> By the arrival of the Portuguese and the British, much of


> (present-day Afghanistan) and Western India (present-day Pakistan) was

> demographically lost to the Muslims. The terrible pogrom known as the Goan

> Inquisition led to the forcible conversion of Hindus to Christianity and

> the large-scale confiscation of ancestral property. Scores of temples were

> demolished and churches built in their place. To add insult to injury, one

> of the greatest so-called "saints", Francis Xavier, feverishly declared

> "When all are baptized, I order all temples of their false gods destroyed

> and idols broken into pieces. I can give you no idea of the joy I feel

> seeing this done."1 With the cross in one hand and the sword in the other,

> these European forces went about annihilating Hindus, so much so that we

> have now lost about 35% of our Goan brothers to Christianity.


> The British drained us of our wealth and left us crippled in


> The rising, violent Muslim demand for the separate homeland led to the

> vivisection of one-third of India. As Gandhi was preaching "shanti,

> shanti," Muslims perpetrated the most heinous pogrom remembered in

> partition history the Noakhali Danga. There is not one family in India

> that has not seen or suffered the brunt of partition. Gandhi did not do

> much or say much when his fellow Hindus were being hounded like

> prey instead he accusingly stressed to us that we be kind and considerate

> to our 'gentle' Muslim brethren. One cowardice act led to another, as


> created our problem of Kashmir and chanted "Hindi-Chini bhai-bhai" while

> the Chinese were attacking Arunachal Pradesh. By this act, we have lost a

> large portion of our land to yet another set of modern invaders.


> In 1971, while troops under Indira Gandhi's direction liberated

> Bangladesh it turned a blind eye to the nearly three million Hindus


> by the Pakistani army and the ten million refugees that flooded the


> She willingly fed, sheltered and handed over 90,000 captured Pakistani

> troops. Inconsiderate of the fact that we lost hundreds of our soldiers in

> the front line, she returned to Pakistan a portion of POK (Pakistan

> Occupied Kashmir) that we managed to re-capture from them. Is this the way

> one treats one's enemy? Certainly let us not forget Kargil, when bodies of

> Indian troops were found butchered, their genitals severed, tongues cut


> eyes gouged out. This scene takes you back to the medieval days when


> kings would not only kill their own relatives for power, but use these


> exact means to slowly torture them to death. Indeed, the injunctions of


> Koran are followed even in this most advanced day and age. And what does

> our beloved India do after seeing the condition of these unfortunate


> martyrs? Exactly what she did over eight hundred years ago absolutely



> Our government has become a lackey for the minority

> population just begging to appease them at any instance they get, even if

> it may be an unreasonable, outrageous demand. But what has happened to the

> 85% of the population who are Hindus, do our votes not count? Apparently

> not. And how is it that our most 'loyal' civil servants are feeling this

> way? It is simple, because we ourselves do not care what is happening, so

> why should they?

> The fault lies not with ministers, governors or the Prime Minister it


> solely with us. We are the people, and the voice of power. If we are

> weak why should they even bother? But, if 12% of the population, the

> Muslims, scream and shout they win the battle, as well as the war. While

> the rest of the world's democratic, secular countries only allow for one

> man to marry one woman, India has given Muslims the special privilege of

> marrying up to four wives, not to mention alimony for only three months.

> Even the Supreme Court did not have a say when Rajiv Gandhi overturned

> their verdict in the Shah Bano case, and instead enacted a law making sure

> that the court finds no scope of jurisdiction in the matters of Muslim

> marriage, divorce, etc. in the future.


> Minority institutions, namely churches, madrasas (Islamic

> schools), etc., in India receive special funding from the government.

> Likewise, minorities also receive subsidies on pilgrimages, such as the

> hajj. Yet there is no such facility for Hindus even though we have become

> a minority in six states in India.


> Millions of Kashmiri Hindus have been driven from their ancestral

> land and are living a dismal life is squatter camps yet not one


> minister is doing anything to address the situation. Sixty ancient temples

> were destroyed in 1992, but no one said a word. Hindu marriage parties and

> neighborhoods are singled out and attacked, even children as young as


> are not spared and our papers remain silent. We have become refugees in

> our own homeland.2


> We are not second class, but third class citizens in our own

> country. Documented numerous times, Christian missionaries are openly

> calling our devas 'shaitans,' compelling tribal converts to illegally

> confiscate land for building churches, urinating on deities, forcing

> marriages of Christian girls to Hindu boys (so as to make the


> a convert) and pressuring converts to force family members to embrace

> Christianity.3 SIMI, the Students Islamic Movement of India has declared


> open jihad against Hindus. Posters being circulated include one that

> exhorts young Muslim boys to follow the teachings of Islam passionately


> trample upon those who are kaafirs (non-believers in Islam).4


> If tribal Christians pelt stones at Hindus and we retaliate we

> are blamed. If Christians and Muslims openly slander our devas, it is

> considered natural, but if we try to defend ourselves or retaliate in


> we are considered communal. It has come to the point where even saying


> one is Hindu is a shameful thing. Many organizations are aghast at the

> thought of putting the sacred Om on booklets, or rush through pujas so as

> not the risk losing the audience. We have successfully demeaned and

> cheapened our religion to such an extent that images of deities are sold


> shoes and goddesses are drawn naked. Has Hinduism become so much of joke

> that Christians and Muslims find it so easy to 'buy' a Hindu convert? How

> can a few saris induce one into discarding his ancestral faith? Why are

> millions of Hindus fleeing Bangladesh is it because the rest of the


> can not help or stand behind them? Has Chanakya's dream of a united Hindu

> nation become a mockery?


> While India is a total failure in protecting the Hindu

> population case in point: Kashmir, the Northeast, the border districts of

> West Bengal Hindus in other countries are not that well off either.

> According to the Fijian constitution, Indians can not own land, and

> Parlimentary seats are not allocated as per normal democratic means. On

> July 27, 2000 two hundred terrified Indians were rounded up and held

> hostage by George Speight's supporters. Even at 44% of the population we

> can not do a thing and the Indian government does not say a thing.


> Fifty thousand Hindus in and around Dhaka, Bangladesh were killed

> in 1964 when a holy relic from a mosque was stolen in Kashmir. In 1992,

> three thousand Hindu temples were destroyed and thousands of Hindus killed

> in religious riots in Bangladesh. This is not something new. "There were

> riots East Pakistan almost every year, and severe killings in 1944, 1947,

> 1950, 1954, 1958, 1960 and 1963" states S.K. Bhattacharya in Genocide in

> East Pakistan/Bangladesh. Added to the long list of mass attacks is the

> daily harassment of Hindus. The Dhaka newspaper Sangabad reported on

> September 24, 1989, the story of Ms. Birajabala Debnath of Niradabad. She

> became a widow after her husband was murdered because he refused to give


> his land to his Muslim neighbor. Then she and her five children were

> abducted in the middle of the night and murdered. Amnesty International's

> 1996 report details the attack on innocent Hindu students at Dhaka

> University's Jagganatha Hall. Seven hundred law enforcement personnel

> raided the University's only Hindu hall firing tear-gas, stealing


> and raping and beating students. The three hour raid saw hundreds of


> and injuries.5


> There have been legal assaults against the Hindus by the

> Bangladesh government as well, most especially the Vested Property Act,

> formally called the "Enemy Property Act." It allows for the lands of a

> person who has fled the country to be seized and redistributed. In 1989,

> Bangla Land Minister Sunil Gupta stated that between 1984-1989 700,000

> acres of land was confiscated from the Hindus, plus thousands of homes,

> shops, ponds, etc. The Bangladesh government is totally nonchalant about

> this and other incidents. It can be safely said that the government is

> indeed playing a major role in systematically exterminating the few

> remaining Hindus. Even as early as 1971, the new Bangladesh government

> chose to turn a blind eye to the incidents that were happening around


> The Ramna Kali Bari in Dhaka, hundreds of years old, was shelled by the

> Pakistani Army and the new Bangladesh government confiscated the land,

> bulldozed the remains and turned the 66-acre area into a park. Bangladesh

> Prime Minister Sheik Hasina goes one step further to say "Bangladeshi

> Hindus have one foot in India and other in Bangladesh" and asked, given


> divided loyalty, what should they expect and how much the local Muslims

> will listen to her government. It seems as though Sheik Hasina is


> from an acute case of amnesia as it was her family that the Indian

> government saved from the hands of a military coup and the assassination


> her father in 1975. Indeed the Koran's injunction of not trusting a

> non-Muslim, as stated in 4:144 of the chapter entitled An-Nisa (Women): "O

> ye who believe! Take not for friends unbelievers rather than believers: Do

> ye wish to offer Allah an open proof against yourselves?" is followed to

> this day.


> Bangladesh has indeed followed in Pakistan's footsteps of

> exterminating Hindus. Pakistan's Hindu population, once numbering 15% has

> been reduced to about 1%. In a recent Indian Express article, the


> few are adopting Christian names so as to escape persecution by the

> Muslims.6 India Today's November 8th article details the life of Pakistani

> Hindus who are crossing the border to settle in India all due to


> harassment by Muslims.7 Bangladesh has successfully driven its once 35%

> Hindu population at partition to a mere 10% now. Conceivably, by 2050

> Bangladesh will achieve the status of Pakistan: no significant Hindu

> population.


> Nepal, the only Hindu kingdom in the world, has not escaped

> either. The Christian population, which was almost nil in 1960, has

> increased by leaps and bounds. Billions of dollars have been pumped in for

> conversion activities. Christians are asking everyone, via the Internet,


> save the 'lost Hindu' souls of Nepal. Islamic madrasas are cropping up in

> the border districts. The Muslim population of 2.5% in 1981 has increased

> to 3.5% in ten years. In December 1998, Muslims held rallies in Janakpur,

> Sita's birthplace, calling for the conversion of Nepal to an Islamic


> It is indeed apt to ask if Nepal, in effect is a Hindu state.8


> While Americans are displaying pictures of Sri Krishna in gay

> magazines and branding the images of our deities on lunch boxes and

> t-shirts, half-way around the world Hindus are losing their lives to

> Christian and Muslim fanatics. What is the use of organizing massive

> conferences detailing our past history when we are losing our future every

> single minute? Can such conferences save our fellow Hindus from the wrath

> of Abrahamic radicals? How many of the world's one billion Hindus


> when 25 Hindus were massacred in Kashmir?9 Compare this with the immense

> Hindu response that was given when one bamboo church was burned in the

> Dangs. Are Hindu lives that dispensable? The Kurds, a people without a

> homeland, rocked the world with simultaneous protests when their leader


> handed over by Greece to Turkey. But the Hindus remained silent when in

> 1997 50,000 Reang tribals fled Mizoram -- in fear of the Catholic spree of

> looting, burning, raping and killing. We are blissfully ignoring Sri

> Krishna's message to Arjuna: to fight adharma wherever it may be.


> It can safely be said that not only are we the most cowardice


> that has ever lived, but also the most selfish one. Sending our children


> Ivy League colleges can not wash away their Indian features or the Hindu

> heritage. We are doomed to be confined to the exhibits of a museum to be

> gawked at by curious onlookers, for many of whom we are ancestors.


> Let us remember Swami Vivekananda's words regarding conversions:

> "And then every man going out of the Hindu pale is not a man less, but an

> enemy more." At the same time, let heed his warning: "Religion and


> alone is the life of India, and when that goes, India will die, in spite


> politics, in spite of social reforms, in spite of Kubera's wealth poured

> upon the head of every one of her children." 10



> Footnotes:


> 1 E Sa, Mario Carbel, Is the March Over?, Hinduism Today, October 1997,




> 2 Ahmed, Mukhtar, Pandits start to trickle out of Kashmir, Rediff on the

> Net, March 14, 2000; http://www.rediff.com/news/2000/mar/14jk1.htm


> `

> 3 Alleged assault on boys for refusing to convert, The Times of India,

> February 4, 2000;

> http://www.timesofindia.com/040200/04indi1.htm



> 11 NLFT rebels shot dead by Bangladeshi troops, India Today, June 18,


> http://www.india-today.com/ntoday/newsarchives/100/6/18/n24.shtml



> Goel, Sita Ram, Pseudo-Secularism, Christian Missions and Hindu

> Resistance, Voice of

> India, 1998;



> Shourie, Arun, Missionaries In India: Continuities, Changes, Dilemmas,

> HarperCollins, 1994;



> Agrawal, Dr. Ravindra; Church Conspiracy In The Guise Of Service

> http://hssworld.org/all/baudhik/christianity/CHURCH_CONSPIRACY.html



> Bhosle, Varsha, Heaven's Gate, Rediff on the Net, July 10, 2000;

> http://www.rediff.com/news/2000/jul/10varsha.htm



> Bhosle, Varsha, Preying Chruch, Rediff on the Net, January 21, 1999;

> http://www.rediff.com/news/1999/jan/21varsha.htm



> Kashyap, Samundra Gupta, More reconversion stories, this time from

> Assam, Indian

> Express, July 10, 2000;

> http://www.expressindia.com/ie/daily/20000710/ina10046.html



> Kumar, Raj, Sahibganj sits atop conversion volcano, The Times of


> March 7, 2000;

> http://www.timesofindia.com/070300/07mpat1.htm



> Niyogi Commission Report on Christian Missionaries

> http://www.secularindia.com/niyogi_commission_report.htm




> 4 Verma, Amita, UP students' body calls for all-out jihad, Asian Age, June

> 20, 2000;

> http://www.asianage.com/asianage/21062000/detfro05.htm



> 5 Amnesty International,

> http://www.amesty.org/ailib/aipub/1996/ASA/31300496.htm



> 6 Vij, Bhavna, Shyam Sharma turns Peter Joseph, but still doesn't feel


> in Lahore,

> Indian Express, May 3, 2000;

> http://www.expressindia.com/ie/daily/20000503/iin03050.html



> 7 Parihar, Rohit, Home Away From Home, India Today, November, 8, 1999, p.




> 8 Jha, Hari Bansh, Whither Nepal?, Hinduism Today, October 1999, p.13;



> 9 Kashmir: The Slaughter of Hindus Quietly Continues, Hinduism Today, June

> 1999, p.21;



> Mercenaries massacre 23 Pandits in Valley, The Hindustan Times, January

> 27, 1998;

> http://www.hindustantimes.com/ht/nonfram/270198/detFRO01.htm



> Dutt, Vijay, Evidence of Pak Support to ultras in J&K: Amnesty, The

> Hindustan Times,

> April 3, 1999;

> http://hindustantimes.com/confram/040399/detFOR99.thm



> 10 "Quotes & Quips," Hinduism Today, August 1999, p.9;




> --------


> Frank Morales, M.A.

> Languages and Cultures of Asia

> University of Wisconsin-Madison

> fmorale1

> Home (608) 288-0266

> Dharma Central: http://www.dharmacentral.com/



> "How many have not asked 'What is Truth' and at bottom hoped that vast

> spaces would intervene before truth came so close to him that in the

> immediate now it would determine his duty for action at that very moment?"


> Soren Kierkegaard


> [This message contained attachments]




> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 2

> Thu, 25 Jan 2001 11:37:19 -0000

> shanmugan

> Dancing with Siva


> Greetings One and All,


> We at Hindu Youth Association (HYA) are selling the 4th Edition

> of 'Dancing with Siva' by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami for

> Australian Dollars $25. The usual price is US $29.95.


> So if your interested in getting a copy please email us.


> Peace,




> NB: Postage would be around $5 for the eastern states in Australia.




> Dancing with Siva



> By: Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami


> http://www.himalayanacademy.com/books/dws/Home.html


> (Hardcover) Normal Price: US $29.95. HYA Price AUD $25


> "This 1,008-page sourcebook answers all questions to quench the

> soul's thirst for God- and Self-knowledge. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniya-

> swami spent 50 years in deep study, meditation and samadhi to create

> this masterpiece. Clearly written and lavishly illustrated, woven

> with 600 verses from Vedas and other holy texts, 165 South Indian

> paintings, 40 original graphics, a 40-page timeline of India and a

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> comprehensive and sensitive introduction to the living spiritual

> tradition of Hinduism ...a feast for the heart and the mind."" (Georg

> Feuerstein). 4th Edition. Hardcover."





> ______________________

> ______________________




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