Guest guest Posted February 16, 2001 Report Share Posted February 16, 2001 Sriman Mahesh Raja Prabhu! Please accept my fallen obeisances. All glories to His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada! It is quite evident from your long and passionate response to my comments about your criticism of Hridayananda Goswami's service to Srila Prabhupada and his Bhagavatam purport, that you are quite committed to persuading us all that your critique is beyond flaw. Because of that conviction, you have once again broadcast your own derogatory opinions about Hridayanada across the Internet. You have done this with little or no regard for the emphatic instruction that is at the core of the Vaishnava philosophy. That instruction is that all aspiring devotees must be VERY careful NOT to commit Vaishnava aparada. The strength of your argument rests on the numerous quotes you have gone to great trouble to collect. This seems to suggest that you acknowledge the importance of supporting your conclusion by quoting sastra and the words of the spiritual master. In fact you have even quoting the third offense to support your case. But you do so by jumping over the FIRST offense which you have completely disregarded: "There are ten principal offenses which can be committed against the holy name. The FIRST is to blaspheme the great devotees who have tried to spread the glories of the holy name throughout the world." - TLC 1: Teachings to Rüpa Gosvämé You then proceed to compound this faux pas by dismissing it with a disparaging remark about ISKCON managers who you apparently feel use this injunction like some type of clandestine evil threatening device: "...the **FAVOURITE GAGGING TECHINIQUE** Gundas in IS_CON have." I will grant you that there have been many abuses of managerial power in ISKCON and they do need to be corrected. But your statement that "...HIS TEMPLES ARE NOW EXPLOITED FOR INCOME -- BIG FAT SALARY BASED," reveals your bitterness and lack of sober clarity. Despite how egregious the abuses have been the principal of Vaishnava aparada still stands as valid as it ever way. Some become so caught up in their own significance that they accelerate their own spiritual suicide by suggesting that those who do not act according to what they construe as proper are not even devotees at all! By doing this they then feel free to unload and say some extremely inappropriate things without giving any further concern for this unanimously agreed upon essential scriptural injunction. But this rationalization is inconsistent with the way Srila Prabhupada acted. No matter how frustrated or disgusted he became with us, due to our numerous mistakes and constant bickering, there are only a few extremely rare cases when he actually asked someone to leave. In the end everyone will be held accountable for their own actions regardless of how one justifies them and Krishna gives us all the free will to either abide by Rupa Gosvamis important realization or dodge it. It' s that simple. Your criticism of one sentence authored by Hridayananda Goswami, out of the thousands of sentences and hundreds of essays, lectures and important contributions he has made to Vaishnava literature, is ominously similar to the mistake made by Durvasa Muni who also became consumed by his own self importance. In Durvasa's case, he criticized Ambarisha Maharaja for drinking one drop of water and breaking his fast prematurely. According to spiritual etiquette Durvasa probably had a good legal point, but he failed to consider that Ambarisha had the blessings of the Brahmans' he consulted with. So we can understand from this story that respect for the devotee and assembled Vaishnavas, is more compelling to Lord Krishna's affection, than the clinical approach to scripture that the Smarta Brahmans are known for and Srila Prabhupada spoke so vehemently against. For this reason your attempt to convince the reader that your presentation is philosophically sound fails. Your behavior belies your intent and it is obvious that you are merely using scripture to justify your own belligerence. When sastra is wielded like a sledge hammer it invariably never works. What you would benefit from is adopting the advice Krishna clearly states in the Bhagavad Gita: "ALL these devotees are undoubtedly MAGNANIMOUS souls..." Bg. 7.18 Perhaps you should check your Gita and see for yourself the exact words Krishna uses: "Udarah sarva evaite." The word "Sarva" refers to "ALL" the devotees. He does not say: "Udarah kascit evaite," which would indicate that He segregates "SOME" of the devotees as Magnanimous, while others are second class and fair game for aggressive public criticism and attack. The facts are that Hridayananda Goswami has quite literally dedicated his WHOLE life to nothing other then teaching thousands of people the sacred message of Krishna Consciousness the way he learned from Srila Prabhupada just as I am sure you are attempting to do. However, in his case, he also happens to be recognized by a very large body of Vaishnavas for that very commitment and has also earned numerous acknowledgements from the secular world. If you had done anything close to this then it would be evident in your choice of words and I would know of you as a noteworthy Vaishnava. Instead you appear to be yet another frustrated individual who uses the internet to takes cheep shots at someone that is far more accomplished and committed to KC then most of us could ever hope to be. The question you must answer for all of us who read your remarks is: "When were you delegated to start policing Hridayananda's service?" If you feel that he made some horrendous error, then the proper thing to do would be to contact him directly and POLITELY ask him if he could better explain what he has written and why. Instead you have elevated yourself to some type of self appointed guardian to defend the honor of great devotees like Narada, Vyasa and Sukadeva. You then turn around and immediately insult thousands of devotees who continue to preach Krishna Consciousness in the wake of Kali Yuga by collectively referring to them as the "IS-CON Gunda goru club". Are you so conditioned that you are unable to see how maya herself has found her foothold in your own consciousness by convincing you to keep being offensively under the delusion that you are some type of transcendental "Rambo". Your rant simply proves that you have completely failed to control your own tongue and mind. This technique is not only ineffective in the Vaishnava community; it doesn't't even make psychological sense in the mundane world of normal interpersonal dealings. Even though your letter does not convince me of it, I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that you actually have some real concern for the philosophical issues you raise. But astute readers will also note that laced all through the point you are trying to make is a large dose of your own unresolved emotional issues. Why would anyone who understood the Sikshastika prayers left by Lord Caitanya be compelled to address your concerns when your own consciousness is so severely tinged? Even Lord Christ rebuked people of that mentality when he said: "He who is without sin may cast the first stone." Do you consider yourself to be so flawless that you indiscriminately toss stones at whomever you feel is acting inappropriately. Do you hold yourself to the same standards of conduct that you demand of those you find fault with? Even the Christians understand the principal of taking the "Log out of their own eye, before criticizing the sprinter in the eye of another." Perhaps you should go find a good minister and have him explain to you the simple teachings of Lord Jesus Christ, before you try to write about Vaishnava philosophy in your attempt to respond to this letter. Your comments about the DIKSA guru leads to the controversial issue of whether Srila Prabhupada wanted his disciples to give initiation or not. You imply that the majority of Vaishnavas concur that Srila Prabhupada preferred ISKCON to implement RtVik initiations. But unless you have been living in the Himalayas under a stone for the last several years you would realize that this is a hotly contested assumption with numerous arguments supporting both sides of the debate. I do not consider myself to be a very learned pundit, but even I was able to illustrate numerous double standards and inconsistencies found specifically in the Final Order document, which seems to have become the new Gita for the disposed and discontent. I invite you to read the series of papers I authored in the early portion of 1998, which are available in the archives of VNN, and can be easily located by searching for them using my spiritual name "mayesvara". If you cannot find them, then I will send them to you and anyone else who needs a refresher course in the science of Hermeneutics. Although the proponents of the RtVik agenda have deluded themselves into thinking that they adequately addressed the several glaring flaws I have identified they failed miserably to do so in a respectable or convincing way. This is confirmed by the numerous acknowledgements I received from devotees all over the world thanking me for taking the time to specifically identify and illustrate the many places where the FO-Sastra contradicts itself. Yet the disgruntled devotees continue to criticize and condemn those who disagree with their interpretation of the available evidence and they still gather like the preverbal fly's Srila Prabhupada reminded us of who are attracted to stool. Regardless of all the horrible things that people say about the mistakes the ISKCON devotees may have made along the way, they are still doing much more, and demonstrating a much greater unity and spirit of cooperation among themselves, than those who make up the RtVik fractions, the so-called-reform movements and the Internet snipers. You obviously have a tremendous attraction to Krishna Consciousness, and although I do not know you, I will venture a guess that your intent is good. Why are you obsessing over Hridayananda Goswami in such an unhealthy and ineffective way while there are literally millions of people suffering terribly from a dearth of Krishna Consciousness that you are obviously intelligent enough to share with them? You write as if Hridayananda Goswami is doing some terribly shameful thing that only YOU are aware of and thus feel compelled to broadcast as if Krishna Himself may not be paying attention. The truth is that Krishna is fully aware of what everyone chooses to do at every moment and He isn't dependent on you to straighten things out if they are not to His liking. Once you have voiced your observations and concerns in a healthy respectful way to the proper individuals, then you have fulfilled your duty and at that point Krishna compels you not to be attached to the results. "You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action. Never consider yourself the cause of the results of your activities, and never be attached to not doing your duty. " -Bg 2.47 So I shall conclude this effort by requesting that you spare us all from your handpicked selective scriptural references and turn your intellectual efforts towards preaching to those who are within your immediate locus of association. You will not only find it to be much more satisfying, but you will also free yourself from the jaws of Vaishnava Aparada which, according to Rupa Goswami and a whole lineage of great Vaishnava saints, is perilously threatening your devotional creeper. Hoping this finds you earnestly engaged in the service of Lord Krishna. Your servant, mayesvara dasa (805) 640-0405 Home robertswg (M-F 7AM - 3PM) mayesvara (About once a week on weekends.) Mahesh Raja [mahesh.r] Sunday, February 11, 2001 1:34 PM vediculture Re: [world-vedic] Hridayananda's Commentary mayesvara dasa wrote: >Hridayananda Goswami has NEVER presented himself as anything more >then the servant to his spiritual master nor has he ever implied or claimed >to be beyond all flaws or conditioning. So why has he accepted the position of DIKSA guru when it is PERFECTLY CLEAR he is NOT on that level? Srila Prabhupada has stated CLEARLY the position of DIKSA guru. Madhya 24.330 The Sixty-One Explanations of the Atmarama Verse In the Padma Purana, the characteristics of the guru, the bona fide spiritual master, have been described: MAHA-BHAGAVATA-SRESTHO brahmano vai gurur nrnam sarvesam eva lokanam asau pujyo yatha harih maha-kula-prasuto 'pi sarva-yajnesu DIKSITAH sahasra-sakhadhyayi ca na guruh syad avaisnavah The guru MUST be situated on the TOPMOST platform of devotional service. There are three classes of devotees, and the guru MUST BE ACCEPTED FROM THE TOPMOST CLASS. The first-class devotee is the spiritual master for all kinds of people. It is said: gurur nrnam. The word nrnam means "of all human beings." The guru is not limited to a particular group. It is stated in the Upadesamrta of Rupa Gosvami that a guru is a gosvami, a controller of the senses and the mind. Such a guru can accept disciples from all over the world. Prthivim sa sisyat. This is the test of the guru. Madhya 24.330 The Sixty-One Explanations of the Atmarama Verse When one has attained the TOPMOST POSITION OF MAHA-BHAGAVATA, HE IS TO BE ACCEPTED AS A GURU and worshiped exactly like Hari, the Personality of Godhead. ONLY SUCH A PERSON IS ELIGIBLE TO OCCUPY THE POST OF A GURU. This means COMPLETE contradiction. Not only that BUT Hridayananda das prabhu is putting OTHERS spiritual lives at RISK because 3rd offense in chanting the Holy name is to neglect the orders of the spiritual master --thus BY DEFYING Srila Prabhupada he should know he is ALSO forcing others under him to DEFY the above Srila Prabhupada's CLEAR ORDER--because he is NOT on that level; to accept a conditioned soul as GURU they will NOT be able to progress to the stage of PREMA level. He cannot transmit Krishna and his loving mellows to the heart of another means NO DIKSA. Simply bluffing. It requires a Maha bhagavata to TRANSMIT Krishna to ANOTHERs PURE heart. (ref 10.2.18 also Antya 4.192-194) SB 10.2.18 P Prayers by the Demigods for Lord Krsna in the Womb As indicated here by the word manastah, the Supreme Personality of Godhead was transferred from the core of Vasudeva's mind or heart to the core of the heart of Devaki. We should note carefully that the Lord was transferred to Devaki not by the ordinary way for a human being, but by diksa, initiation. Thus the importance of initiation is mentioned here. UNLESS ONE IS INITIATED BY THE RIGHT PERSON, WHO ALWAYS CARRIES WITHIN HIS HEART THE SUPREME PERSONALITY OF GODHEAD, ONE CANNOT ACQUIRE THE POWER TO CARRY THE SUPREME GODHEAD WITHIN THE CORE OF ONE'S OWN HEART. If you indeed had ANY real feeling of GENUINE love for you godbrother Hridayananda das prabhu you would try and tell him his life is VERY RISKY according to ISOPANISAD and he should immediately give-up his spiritual master business. Iso 12 The Lord states that as soon as one reaches Him by devotional service--which is the one and only way to approach the Personality of Godhead--one attains complete freedom from the bondage of birth and death. In other words, the path of salvation from the material clutches fully depends on the principles of knowledge and detachment gained from serving the Lord. The pseudo religionists have neither knowledge nor detachment from material affairs, for most of them want to live in the golden shackles of material bondage under the shadow of philanthropic activities disguised as religious principles. By a false display of religious sentiments, they present a show of devotional service while indulging in all sorts of immoral activities. IN THIS WAY THEY PASS AS SPIRITUAL MASTERS AND DEVOTEES OF GOD. SUCH VIOLATORS OF RELIGIOUS PRINCIPLES HAVE NO RESPECT FOR THE AUTHORITATIVE ACARYAS, THE HOLY TEACHERS IN THE STRICT DISCIPLIC SUCCESSION. THEY IGNORE THE VEDIC INJUNCTION ACARYOPASANA--"ONE MUST WORSHIP THE ACARYA"--AND KRSNA'S STATEMENT IN THE BHAGAVAD-GITA (4.2) EVAM PARAMPARA-PRAPTAM, "THIS SUPREME SCIENCE OF GOD IS RECEIVED THROUGH THE DISCIPLIC SUCCESSION." INSTEAD, TO MISLEAD THE PEOPLE IN GENERAL THEY THEMSELVES BECOME SO-CALLED ACARYAS, BUT THEY DO NOT EVEN FOLLOW THE PRINCIPLES OF THE ACARYAS. THESE ROGUES ARE THE MOST DANGEROUS ELEMENTS IN HUMAN SOCIETY. BECAUSE THERE IS NO RELIGIOUS GOVERNMENT, THEY ESCAPE PUNISHMENT BY THE LAW OF THE STATE. THEY CANNOT, HOWEVER, ESCAPE THE LAW OF THE SUPREME, WHO HAS CLEARLY DECLARED IN THE BHAGAVAD-GITA THAT ENVIOUS DEMONS IN THE GARB OF RELIGIOUS PROPAGANDISTS SHALL BE THROWN INTO THE DARKEST REGIONS OF HELL (BG. 16.19-20). SRI ISOPANISAD CONFIRMS THAT THESE PSEUDO RELIGIONISTS ARE HEADING TOWARD THE MOST OBNOXIOUS PLACE IN THE UNIVERSE AFTER THE COMPLETION OF THEIR SPIRITUAL MASTER BUSINESS, WHICH THEY CONDUCT SIMPLY FOR SENSE GRATIFICATION. >He has made a tremendous contribution to the cause of Krishna Consciousness, and continues to do so >to this day in ways that others only dream about. You may decry his contribution, but I for one would feel terribly >deprived if the efforts and contributions of such a brilliant Vaishnava were to be suspended because individuals like yourself >fail to comprehend the larger body of his work and prefer to focus on minutia aspects of his commentary. Are you >suggesting that he should put down his pen and abandon his service to Srila Prabhupada because YOU are under the >impression that he has made some mundane mistake in one purport? I did not say he has not made a valid contribution eg his S America distribution of Srila Prabhupada's books. BUT the FACT remains Srila Prabhupada has left us CLEAR instructions who can write TRANSCENDENTAL literature this has be shown earlier so I will not repeat it here. Here Hridayananda das prabhu has made not only a " mundane mistake" as YOU would like to MILDLY put but it it is DIRECT CHALLENGE to Srila Prabhupada's WORDS because Hridayananda prabhus words are: .." If only those who constantly see the form of Krsna are to be considered uttama-adhikaris, then Narada, Vyasa and Sukadeva cannot be considered topmost devotees, since they do not always see the Lord everywhere. To say that the above Mahabhagavatas do not always see the Lord everywhere is infact MINIMIZING their position OR BELITTLING them ---just try and understand--THIS is NINDA--- BLASPHEME OF PURE VAISNAVAS. he is REFUTING THAT THESE ARE MAHABHAGAVATAS(UTTAMA-ADHIKARIS) --DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!!! Simply a little request---P-L-E-A-S-E DO NOT BE SENTIMENTAL --LOOK AT IT! READ IT! Locananda prabhu UNDERSTOOD IT . Many others ALSO why is it YOU CANNOT ACCEPT it --(may be some back handers from IS-CON Gunda goru club? Whats the EXCUSE? >I do not know you and don't mean to offend you or make a big issue >about this. But it is my understanding that when an aspiring devotee begins >to aggressively criticize the service of another Vaishnava they venture into >the dangerous land of Vaishnava Aparada. True ---BUT ---in the name of VAISNAVA APARADA the **FAVOURITE GAGGING TECHINIQUE** Gundas in IS_CON have USURPED SRILA PRABHUPADA'S DIKSA POSITION, HIS TEMPLES ARE NOW EXPLOITED FOR INCOME -- BIG FAT SALARY BASED. . Ys mahesh Mahesh Raja [mahesh.r] Monday, February 05, 2001 11:30 AM vediculture [world-vedic] --in fact, such reading may be detrimental to their advancement in Krishna Consciousness.(Srila Prabhupada) --in fact, such reading may be detrimental to their advancement in Krishna Consciousness.(Srila Prabhupada) 72-01-20. Letter: Sri Govinda There is no need by any of my disciples to read any books besides my books--in fact, such reading may be detrimental to their advancement in Krishna Consciousness. The following is a practical analysis of Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.2.45) purport composed by a conditioned soul Hridayananda das "goswami". "Srila Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakura also points out in his commentary, atra pasyed iti darsana-yogyataiva vivaksita, na tu tatha darsanasya sarva-kalikata. "in this verse the word pasyet, or " one must see," does not mean that at every moment one is visualizing the form of Krsna; rather, it means that one has reached the exalted platform of devotional service on which he is fit to see or is capable of seeing Krsna's form." If only those who constantly see the form of Krsna are to be considered uttama-adhikaris, then Narada, Vyasa and Sukadeva cannot be considered topmost devotees, since they do not always see the Lord everywhere. Of course, Narada, Vyasa and Sukadeva are considered to be on the highest standard of pure devotional service, and therefore the real qualification is tad-didrksadhikya, or having overwhelming desire to to see the Lord." POINT 1 Uttama-adhikaris who are topmost devotees are the only ones who can constantly see the form of the Lord. POINT 2 Mental Speculation from Hridayananda das "goswami": "If only those who constantly see the form of Krsna are to be considered uttama-adhikaris, then Narada, Vyasa and Sukadeva cannot be considered topmost devotees, since they do not always see the Lord everywhere." POINT 1-we ALL agree. 4.12.11 P Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead Not only did Dhruva Maharaja perform many sacrifices, but he carried on his transcendental occupation of engagement in the devotional service of the Lord. The ordinary karmis, who want to enjoy the results of fruitive activities, are concerned only with sacrifices and ritualistic ceremonies as enjoined in the Vedic sastras. Although Dhruva Maharaja performed many sacrifices in order to be an exemplary king, he was constantly engaged in devotional service. The Lord always protects His surrendered devotee. A devotee can see that the Lord is situated in everyone's heart, as stated in the Bhagavad-gita (isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati). Ordinary persons cannot understand how the Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, but a devotee can actually see Him. Not only can the devotee see Him outwardly, but he can see, with spiritual vision, that everything is resting in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as described in Bhagavad-gita (mat-sthani sarva-bhutani). THAT IS THE VISION OF A MAHA-BHAGAVATA. HE SEES EVERYTHING OTHERS SEE, BUT INSTEAD OF SEEING MERELY THE TREES, THE MOUNTAINS, THE CITIES OR THE SKY, HE SEES ONLY HIS WORSHIPABLE SUPREME PERSONALITY OF GODHEAD IN EVERYTHING BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS RESTING IN HIM ONLY. THIS IS THE VISION OF THE MAHA-BHAGAVATA. IN SUMMARY, A MAHA-BHAGAVATA, A HIGHLY ELEVATED PURE DEVOTEE, SEES THE LORD EVERYWHERE, AS WELL AS WITHIN THE HEART OF EVERYONE. THIS IS POSSIBLE FOR DEVOTEES WHO HAVE DEVELOPED ELEVATED DEVOTIONAL SERVICE TO THE LORD. AS STATED IN THE BRAHMA-SAMHITA (5.38), PREMANJANA-CCHURITA-BHAKTI-VILOCANENA: ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE SMEARED THEIR EYES WITH THE OINTMENT OF LOVE OF GODHEAD CAN SEE EVERYWHERE THE SUPREME LORD FACE TO FACE; IT IS NOT POSSIBLE BY IMAGINATION OR SO-CALLED MEDITATION. SB 9.9.44 P The Dynasty of Amsuman "The maha-bhagavata, the advanced devotee, certainly sees everything mobile and immobile, but he does not exactly see their forms. RATHER, EVERYWHERE HE IMMEDIATELY SEES MANIFEST THE FORM OF THE SUPREME LORD. SB 3.14.48 S Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening sah--he; vai--certainly; maha-bhagavatah--the topmost devotee; POINT 2 We TOTALLY disagree. ..SB 7.1.27 P The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone Sriman Narada Muni, the TOPMOST PURE DEVOTEE, praises Krsna's enemies like Sisupala because their minds are always completely absorbed in Krsna .. SB 1.18.16 P Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a Brahmana Boy There is some controversy amongst the students on the path of liberation. Such transcendental students are known as impersonalists and devotees of the Lord. The devotee of the Lord worships the transcendental form of the Lord, whereas the impersonalist meditates upon the glaring effulgence, or the bodily rays of the Lord, known as the brahmajyoti. Here in this verse it is said that Maharaja Pariksit attained the lotus feet of the Lord by instructions in knowledge delivered by the son of Vyasadeva, Srila Sukadeva Gosvami. SUKADEVA GOSVAMI WAS ALSO AN IMPERSONALIST IN THE BEGINNING, AS HE HIMSELF HAS ADMITTED IN THE BHAGAVATAM (2.1.9), BUT LATER ON HE WAS ATTRACTED BY THE TRANSCENDENTAL PASTIMES OF THE LORD AND THUS BECAME A DEVOTEE. SUCH DEVOTEES WITH PERFECT KNOWLEDGE ARE CALLED MAHA-BHAGAVATAS, OR FIRST-CLASS DEVOTEES. There are three classes of devotees, namely the prakrta, madhyama, and maha-bhagavata. The prakrta, or third-class devotees, are temple worshipers without specific knowledge of the Lord and the Lord's devotees. The madhyama, or the second-class devotee, knows well the Lord, the Lord's devotees, the neophytes, and the nondevotees also. But the maha-bhagavata, or the first-class devotee, sees everything in relation with the Lord and the Lord present in everyone's relation. The maha-bhagavata, therefore, does not make any distinction, particularly between a devotee and nondevotee. MAHARAJA PARIKSIT WAS SUCH A MAHA-BHAGAVATA DEVOTEE BECAUSE HE WAS INITIATED BY A MAHA-BHAGAVATA DEVOTEE, SUKADEVA GOSVAMI. SB 1.3.40 Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations This Srimad-Bhagavatam is the literary incarnation of God, and IT IS COMPILED BY SRILA VYASADEVA, THE INCARNATION OF GOD. It is meant for the ultimate good of all people, and it is all-successful, all-blissful and all-perfect. Hirdayananda das "Goswami" states Vyasadeva ---who is INCARNATION OF GOD is not Uttama adhikari. Just see this nonsense word jugglery written by him. Narada Muni has accepted Vyasadeva as his Guru and Srila Prabhupada states clearly the Guru MUST BE SITUATED ON THE TOPMOST PLATFORM OF DEVOTIONAL SERVICE. And the words used are MAHA-BHAGAVATA-SRESTHO Hridayananda das "Goswami" has stated "If only those who constantly see the form of Krsna are to be considered uttama-adhikaris, then Narada, Vyasa and Sukadeva cannot be considered topmost devotees, since they do not always see the Lord everywhere." Since according to scriptural authority the Guru is MAHA-BHAGAVATA-SRESTHO a Mahabhagavat (topmost devotee) Vyasadeva has NOT made a mistake by accepting Narada muni as his Mahabhagavata Guru. This is the correct conclusion. Hridayananda das "goswami's" conclusion to suggest otherwise is not only faulty but also blaspheme against these Mahabhagavata devotees of the Lord. Madhya 24.330 The Sixty-One Explanations of the Atmarama Verse MAHA-BHAGAVATA-SRESTHO brahmano vai gurur nrnam sarvesam eva lokanam asau pujyo yatha harih maha-kula-prasuto 'pi sarva-yajnesu DIKSITAH sahasra-sakhadhyayi ca na guruh syad avaisnavah Madhya 24.330 The Sixty-One Explanations of the Atmarama Verse THE GURU MUST BE SITUATED ON THE TOPMOST PLATFORM OF DEVOTIONAL SERVICE. THERE ARE THREE CLASSES OF DEVOTEES, AND THE GURU MUST BE ACCEPTED FROM THE TOPMOST CLASS. The first-class devotee is the spiritual master for all kinds of people. It is said: gurur nrnam. The word nrnam means "of all human beings. "Madhya 24.330 The Sixty-One Explanations of the Atmarama Verse The maha-bhagavata is one who decorates his body with tilaka and whose name indicates him to be a servant of Krsna by the word dasa. He is also initiated by a bona fide spiritual master and is expert in worshiping the Deity, chanting mantras correctly, performing sacrifices, offering prayers to the Lord, and performing sankirtana. He knows how to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead and how to respect a Vaisnava. WHEN ONE HAS ATTAINED THE TOPMOST POSITION OF MAHA-BHAGAVATA, HE IS TO BE ACCEPTED AS A GURU AND WORSHIPED EXACTLY LIKE HARI, THE PERSONALITY OF GODHEAD. ONLY SUCH A PERSON IS ELIGIBLE TO OCCUPY THE POST OF A GURU. Hridayananda das "goswami" has deviated from the conclusion of Srila Prabhupada and manufactured his speculative theory in the purport of his so-called Srimad Bhagavatam. The actual Srimad Bhagavatam is spotless purana but his purports are gross misunderstandings of how he himself has understood it. .."Madhya 17.186 T The Lord Travels to Vrndavana tarko 'pratisthah srutayo vibhinna nasav rsir yasya matam na bhinnam dharmasya tattvam nihitam guhayam MAHAJANO YENA GATAH SA PANTHAH TRANSLATION Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued," 'Dry arguments are inconclusive. A great personality whose opinion does not differ from others is not considered a great sage. Simply by studying the Vedas, which are variegated, one cannot come to the right path by which religious principles are understood. THE SOLID TRUTH OF RELIGIOUS PRINCIPLES IS HIDDEN IN THE HEART OF AN UNADULTERATED SELF-REALIZED PERSON. CONSEQUENTLY, AS THE SASTRAS CONFIRM, ONE SHOULD ACCEPT WHATEVER PROGRESSIVE PATH THE MAHAJANAS ADVOCATE.'" Adi 8.39 The Author Receives the Orders of Krsna and Guru IT IS NOT POSSIBLE FOR A COMMON MAN TO WRITE BOOKS ON BHAKTI, FOR HIS WRITINGS WILL NOT BE EFFECTIVE. HE MAY BE A VERY GREAT SCHOLAR AND EXPERT IN PRESENTING LITERATURE IN FLOWERY LANGUAGE, BUT THIS IS NOT AT ALL HELPFUL IN UNDERSTANDING TRANSCENDENTAL LITERATURE. Even if transcendental literature is written in faulty language, it is acceptable if it is written by a devotee, whereas so-called transcendental literature written by a mundane scholar, even if it is a very highly polished literary presentation, cannot be accepted. THE SECRET IN A DEVOTEE'S WRITING IS THAT WHEN HE WRITES ABOUT THE PASTIMES OF THE LORD, THE LORD HELPS HIM; HE DOES NOT WRITE HIMSELF. As stated in the Bhagavad-gita (10.10), dadami buddhi-yogam tam yena mam upayanti te. SINCE A DEVOTEE WRITES IN SERVICE TO THE LORD, THE LORD FROM WITHIN GIVES HIM SO MUCH INTELLIGENCE THAT HE SITS DOWN NEAR THE LORD AND GOES ON WRITING BOOKS. KRSNADASA KAVIRAJA GOSVAMI CONFIRMS THAT WHAT VRNDAVANA DASA THAKURA WROTE WAS ACTUALLY SPOKEN BY LORD CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU, AND HE SIMPLY REPEATED IT. Adi 9.4 The Tree of Devotional Service This is the process for writing transcendental literature. A sentimentalist who has no Vaisnava qualifications cannot produce transcendental writings. There are many fools who consider krsna-lila to be a subject of art and write or paint pictures about the pastimes of Lord Krsna with the gopis, sometimes depicting them in a manner practically obscene. These fools take pleasure in material sense gratification, but one who wants to make advancement in spiritual life must scrupulously avoid their literature. Unless one is a servant of Krsna and the Vaisnavas, as Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami presents himself to be in offering respects to Lord Caitanya, His associates and His disciples, one should not attempt to write transcendental literature. Adi 9.5 The Tree of Devotional Service THIS IS THE SUM AND SUBSTANCE OF TRANSCENDENTAL WRITING. ONE MUST BE AN AUTHORIZED VAISNAVA, HUMBLE AND PURE. One should write transcendental literature to purify oneself, not for credit. By writing about the pastimes of the Lord, one associates with the Lord directly. One should not ambitiously think, "I shall become a great author. I shall be celebrated as a writer." These are material desires. One should attempt to write for self-purification. It may be published or it may not be published, but that does not matter. If one is actually sincere in writing, all his ambitions will be fulfilled. Whether one is known as a great author is incidental. One should not attempt to write transcendental literature for material name and fame. 73-10-14.Pat Letter: Patita Uddharana: The purport is that for TRANSCENDENTAL WRITING ONE MUST BE AN AUTHORIZED VAISNAVA and should write to purify oneself, not for credit. It may or may not be published, but one who is actually sincere in writing, all his ambitions will be fulfilled. N98:72-12-03 Letter to: Billy Reyburne, (new98) letters Regarding your question about writing songs about Krishna, this is not very important thing. You can write, but one cannot take it very seriously. If any Vaisnava is writing song about Krishna, that should be from one who himself has realized Krishna, just like our great saints and acaryas like Madhvacarya, Ramanujacarya, Rupa Gosvami, six Gosvamins, Bilvamangala, Bhaktivinode Thakur, like that. THEY ARE SELF-REALIZED SOULS, THEREFORE IF THEY WRITE SOMETHING SONG ABOUT KRISHNA, THAT IS PERFECTLY FROM THE TRANSCENDENTAL PLATFORM, WITHOUT ANY TINGE OF MUNDANE INFLUENCE OR NONSENSE IMAGINATION. Unless someone comes in the category of these great leading Vaisnava personalities, his manufacturing some songs will be misleading to himself and to others. And unless his writing of poems and songs can be accepted as gospel, as Vedas or the Absolute Truth, such writing is diverting the attention from the subject matter only and should not be regarded very seriously. Now you should become serious to pursue this Krishna Consciousness movement with full energy of body, mind and soul. If you are writing poems and songs, that's all right, you can do it also, but if you can write articles for our Back to Godhead magazine, that is better, that is solid preaching work. No one should write songs of Krishna unless he is self-realized soul, that will spoil the value of the whole thing. But try to use your writing and singing talent for Krishna's preaching work, by writing articles, singing the kirtan, like that. Then you will be happy, and I think you should without further delay try to become devotees as the others are doing and live with us and practice the regulative principles of brahmacari life. In this way, become determined to fix your all attention for seeing Krishna face to face by the Krishna Consciousness process and then you shall qualify yourself for writing songs about Krishna and you chant always this Hare Krishna mantra you can come to the highest point of seeing Krishna very soon, you may know it for certain. In conclusion: Adi 11.7 The Expansions of Lord Nityananda ONE SHOULD NOT WRITE BOOKS OR ESSAYS ON TRANSCENDENTAL SUBJECT MATTER FOR MATERIAL NAME, FAME OR PROFIT. TRANSCENDENTAL LITERATURE MUST BE WRITTEN UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A SUPERIOR AUTHORITY BECAUSE IT IS NOT MEANT FOR MATERIAL PURPOSES. If one tries to write under superior authority, he becomes purified. All Krsna conscious activities should be undertaken for personal purification (apana sodhite), not for material gain. This is an information resource and discussion group for people interested in the World's Ancient Vedic Culture, with a focus on its historical, archeological and scientific aspects. Also topics about India, Hinduism, God, and other aspects of World Culture are welcome. This is an information resource and discussion group for people interested in the World's Ancient Vedic Culture, with a focus on its historical, archeological and scientific aspects. Also topics about India, Hinduism, God, and other aspects of World Culture are welcome. This is an information resource and discussion group for people interested in the World's Ancient Vedic Culture, with a focus on its historical, archeological and scientific aspects. Also topics about India, Hinduism, God, and other aspects of World Culture are welcome. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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