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Women Who Changed Jewish Landscape Meet This Weekend

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>"Lubavitch News Service"



>Women Who Changed Jewish Landscape Meet This Weekend >Thu, 15

Feb 2001 12:59:15 -0500 > > >B"H > >LUBAVITCH NEWS SERVICE >770 Eastern Parkway

* Brooklyn, New York 11213 >718-774-4000 * Fax: 718-953-5591 * E-mail:

LNS (AT) chabadonline (DOT) com >

>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >FOR


> >One thousand Lubavitch women emissaries gather this weekend in >New York to

assess a year's worth of global community >work and plan for the next one. >

>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > >WOMEN


More than one thousand women, leaders of >Jewish communities around the globe,

are converging on Lubavitch World >Headquarters in New York this weekend for

their annual International >Lubavitch Women Emissaries' Conference. > >The

envoys, representing some 60 countries around the globe, will convene >from

February 15 through February 18 about enhancing Jewish life and >learning

around the globe. > >The "Shluchos" (lit. emissaries or representatives), as

they are called in >Hebrew, “will benefit from a wide variety of workshops and

lectures, reports >and discussion groups,” said Mrs. Chaya Perman, chairwoman

of the >coordinating committee, “while catching up with family, friends and

>associates, many of whom live continents away.” > >In their capacity as

"Shluchos" the women serve as school principals, >teachers, counselors,

writers, Rebbetzins, camp directors, editors, program >managers, youth

directors and fundraisers. All this in addition to their >critical roles as

wives and mothers. > >Workshops and seminars, to be held almost round the

clock, will include >diverse topics like: receiving accreditation for

pre-schools, juggling the >varied academic levels of adult class attendees,

solving and teaching >complex halachic issues, campus outreach, counseling and

much more. > >An ongoing track of intense textual learning will be available as

well. > >Despite the dozen or more languages spoken by participants and numerous

>other differences related to geographic distances, conventioneers will be

>drawn together by common purpose. > >"The Rebbe [Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson

of righteous memory] would always >emphasize the critical importance of the

moral support and spiritual >sustenance the Shluchos give one during the

Conference," said Rabbi Moshe >Kotlarsky, who oversees the International

Shluchim and Shluchos Conferences >from his position at the Lubavitch World

Headquarters. > >The annual conference is scheduled to coincide with the 22nd

of the Jewish >month of Shevat, anniversary of the passing (in 1988) of

Rebbetzin Chaya >Moussia Schneerson of righteous memory, wife of the

Lubavitcher Rebbe. Her >role in encouraging the Shluchos and the pride she took

in their work is >felt today. > >“The Rebbetzin adored the Shluchos,” said Rabbi

Yehuda Krinsky, chairman of >the conferences. “She often spoke of her profound

admiration for the >Shluchos, their families and their extraordinary selfless

devotion and >outreach to all Jewish people.” > >The annual conference of

Shluchim (male representatives) was held last >November. > >For more

information on the upcoming conference please contact Lubavitch >News Service

at (718) 774-4000 or reply to this e-mail. >

>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > > >

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