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De: Radha-Govinda Mandir <govinda (AT) mcsa (DOT) net.mx>Para:

Toke Lindegaard Knudsen <tlknudsen (AT) get2net (DOT) dk>Fecha: Viernes 2 de Marzo de 2001

8:38 PMAsunto: Thanks...

My dear Toke:

I am so happy of heard about you fine self. I was thinking that you are little

annoying with my last letters? Indeed, I was so thanks to you for send me the

VT Bhagavatam ' s Introduction. Regarding to your nice questions and comments

about the articles. Yes I agreed with you, that there is extrapolation from

some Hindus and supporters. But I can observer that is a natural reaction

against the other side extrapolation from the conservative westernised

materialistic or Judaeo-Christian indologist. I think at same time, that a I

can take advance from both sides. Because, when there are this type of debate,

more approximations about the reality of the phenomenon of studies could arise.

Other interesting topic, concerning to your question regarding about the

motivations. Let me said you that , may be you know very well, or more well,

you know more as me, that when there is not any interest in a type of

research, there is not incentive for undergoing such task. Firts I think

independently, is necessary to investigate whit all tools for looking the

reality o more closed or next about the reality of one phenomenon. Because,

like you know as more as me; when your stop of the looking without up-date, it

is unscientific. Other point, let me said you, that there is nothing of

relevancy for the-vaisnava -theology to do with the date of Bhagavata, because

for the believers they have any problem. If Lord Caitanya said that , it is all

is right. It is for the specific field of of Indian literature studies. Will be

very significative for science to know with more accuracy the real dates of

this philosophical and scientific works from others cultures.

Other very, very, personal point, your questions remember me one professor, He

was sceptical and he always like to challenge the atheist or theist

philosophical people, and used, so much, this type of questions. But now, at

least, and the serious circles and many scientific communities here in American

continent, I don know in in your country, the ephistemologicals body of

sciences trying to be more interesting in the method and objective ways of

review and they are very open for heard people from orthodoxy traditions, but

if the method is vality.Of course, like the Ph. D. sanscrit student of

Berkeley, Evan Reusch wrote me:"Things have changed quite a bit since then.

Those were times of'orientalims' and colonialism. Nowadays many scholars try

their best to berespectful of traditions they are studying as well of the

people in everypart of world. Nowadays, also, no sober scholar will endorse Max

Mueller'sideas on the Aryan" invasion."Now, here, the times of so called

materialism in the garb of sciences is out-date. Now there are a busy interest

in openness in other fields, considered taboos in the archaic neopositivims

paradimg like parapsychology, mistiscal or religious experiences,

Shamanism,Preculimbius voyages, etc.

Now (in the field of sciences) you can be atheist or theist or gay (personality

I am Viasnava priest for more of 22 years and I am neutral to hate any jiva,

but According to Satras commentarys of Srila Prabhupada homesexuality is

unatural) this no import, the if research results are objectives, with

cuantitatives demonstration it is the validation. May be in essays, you can

put awards your personal ideas, religious,atheistic, existentialistic, gays,

prejudices taboos, believes, but this literature nor science.

Also Toke, now I have so much works to do in the university. But When I need

some criticism or dates review for looking, I beg you, please, let that I will

give to you the nuisance of looking for your very nice and fine person. I had

given your e-mail. address to my teacher of Methodology, Dra Elsa O. Barragan

and she will be in touch with you. You can ask to she any questions about new

ephisotemoligical approach in science appliqued to literary and language


Also you can ask to the Dr. Gomatam or Dr. Damodar Sing about the concerned of

Science and religion, they have a wib site and publication of the last congress

of Synthesis of Science and Religion of Calcutta en 1997. And there are books

about that with the views of many scientific and Nobel laureates about the

subject. My dear Toke, sorry, but in this days and the next weeks I will be

occupied; but may be I write to you or and other epsecialist in the Indololgy

list about my research.

Hoping that you are well.

So long Toke.

Always thanks to good person.


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