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Matsya Puran's Narasimha Story

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This is the story of Narasimha adapted from the the Matsya mahaa


by Devadev.


Hiranyakasipu practiced severe austerities for 11,000 yrs. Brahmaa

was pleased,and said: "You may ask a boon."

Hiranyakasipu said, " O best of the Devas! Make me invulnerable from

Devas, demons, Gandharvas, Yakshas, serpents,

Rakshasas, men, Pisachas, the curses of Rishis, and may I not die

from any weapons, missile rocks, trees, during the day or the

night. Let me be like the Sun, Moon, Wind, Fire, Water, Sky, Stars,

the Ten directions, Anger, Cupid, Indra, Varuna, Yama

and Kuvera."

"Alright, you have those," says Brahma.

Then the Devas, the serpents, Gandharvas, Rishis and others asked

Brahma if that powerful demon could be destroyed. Brahma

said that his austerities had borne fruit and when his merits are

exhausted then Lord Vishnu will kill him.

Hiranyakasipu Prabhu conquered the Devas and opressed the virtuous

living in their hermitages. The Devas and Rishis went to

Lord Vishnu, offered prayers and begged Him to rid the earth of the

terrible burden.

tvam hi nah paramo dhaataa You are the Ultimate Protector

tvam hi na paramo guruh You are the topmost Teacher

tvam hi nah paramo devo You are the Supreme Deva

brahmaadinaam surottama Beginnning with Brahma, You are the

Topmost God

Lord Vishnu said, "Cast aside your fears. I've resolved to kill this


Here is a description of Hiranyakasipu's palace: It was aerial and

could go where it liked. Free from grief and decay. Full of

lustre and prosperity. Beautiful gardens and ponds of cool,

rejuvenating water designed by Vishvakarma, the sthapatyaveda

architect of the Devas. trees of gold studded with precious stones.

Plants and creepers loaded with scented blossoming flowers

of multitude colors that resembled rows of clouds. The odor emanating

from these flowers of unsurpassed sweetness was

stupefying. Nice delicious victuals were pentiful. There were many

resevoirs with sweet smelling blue and red lotuses, lustrous

swans and a variety of other birds. Melodious sounds were produced by

those birds of countless colors. Picturesque mountain

tops, rain forests and orchards loaded with every variety of fruit


Hiranyakasipu was enjoying there in the company of hundreds of

voluptious women. He was dressed attractively and his

diamond earrings sparkled. A gentle soothing breeze laden with a

delicious perfume graced the atmosphere. Gandharvas sang

and and the luscious Apsaras danced. Famous Daityas also waited upon

him, seated in their various Vimaanas {flying chariots}.

When Lord Narasimha appeared, everyone was awestruck, dumbfounded,

stupefied. Narasimhadev was frightening, He had

the head of a lion long sharp nails, and the body of a human being.

Prahlaad, the son of Hiranyakasipu, said, "Dear father, how

wonderful this manifestation of Lord Vishnu is, Who is prepared to

annihilate the demons. I see the whole creation, including all

the Devas and Daityas and you too dad, in this form. Where all things

past, present, and future have their foundation." After

hearing his son, Hiranyakasipu said, "Let's catch this fantastic

Being, and if we have any trouble, then let's destroy Him."

All the Danavas rushed and prodded the Awesome Beast, Lord of the

animals, another name of Narasimha (Mrigendra), with

their weapons. Mrigendra roared wth such might, the whole assembly

began to crumble.

Hiranyakasipu tried going no holds barred hand to hand combat, when

he quickly realized he was short handed so he gathered

all his forces and like the pouring of a vast array of offerings into

a sacrificial fire, he showered a plethora of missiles. Here are

some of the names of the missiles and if you want an idea of their

abilities, well, they basically can flatten you, wither you, make

fall unconscious, slice you up into little bits, sharp discuses and

quoits that mince your head, crush your heart, drown you, make

the earth shake, burn you, make you go nuts or send you direct to the

abode of death, and a bunch of other dreadful ways to

wrench the soul from the body: Kaalachakra, Vishnucakra, Brahmaastra,

vajraastra, mohanaastra, shoshanaastra, bilapanaastra,

santaapanaastra, vaayavaya, mathana, kaapaala, kainkara, shakti,

krauncha, soma, brahmashira, shishira, kampana, Shatana and

loads more. The angry demons were drowning Narasimha with spears,

nooses, javelins, swords, clubs, fiery trees, these guys

basically had vast armeries and missile sites that were able to hit

their target at pinpoint precision. Narasimha loooked like the

mountain Mainaka that is buried in the sea, so fierce was the attack

of the Daityas and so thorough. The demons looked like a

swarm of wide winged, white cranes. With their gold and pearl

garlands, they shone like rays of the rising sun. They were

invigorated seeing what appeared to be fatal attack. Narasimha

covered with dangerous, burning missiles, looked like a

mountain covered with trees and clouds, showering incessant rains.

But, like the mighty Himalaya, He did not move. Inspite of

the multitude of fierce assaults, He remained calm. The demons,

concerened of failure, rose up as a stormy sea, with fierce

waves. A troop of demons with different kinds of heads appeared on

the scene. Some had faces of donkeys, crocodiles, deer, pigs, rising

suns, comets, swans, blazing fires, half moons, roosters, lions,

crows, vultures, jackals, some with two toungues, pretty much all the

variety they could muster showered more arrows and weapons, but Lord

Narasimha was not affected in the least. They became furious like

hissing snakes. They sent forth a volley of sharp venamous weapons,

which were destroyed in the air. The weapons simply vanished like

fireflies do in the mountains. Blinded with rage, the demons threw

their mighty quoits, which illumned the sky as the sun and moon at

the time of the dissolution of the universe.

Narasimha caught hold and devoured these quoits as clouds eclipse the

brightness of the sun. Hiranyakasipu hurled his formidable Shakti

bolt, which shone like lightning, and flew as a shooting star.

Narasimha destroyed the flying bolt with His roar (HUNKARA),

shattering it. Rows of arrows pierced Narasimha, looking like a

garland of blue lotus petals. Lord Narasimha, with a loud roar, tore

into the demons, as wind blusters leaves. Then the chief of the

Daityas, covered Narasimha with rocks as mountains are enveloped by


But, Narasimha would not budge, as a violent ocean can not move

Mandaraachala mountain. Hiranyakasipu created a fiery storm propelled

by fierce winds. The king of the Devas, Indra interceded with profuse

rain to diffuse the inferno. The powerful Demon then generated pitch

darkness, under which the other demons could array themselves with

more weapons and formulate strategies for another opportunity to



Then Narasimha shone forth like the sun, dispersing the darkness.

There were three lines on His forehead, a trident mark, resembling

the Ganges flowing in three directions. He destroyed all the

fantastic displays of illusions perpetrated by the demons. The

demons became so frightened they fled to the shelter of their master

and chief for protection. With his heart burning with rage,

Hiranyakasipu was determined to destroy everything. Terible winds

began to blow as ominous signs of the destruction of the world were

seen in the sky. Along with that terrible demon the whole universe

began to tremble. Serpents of magical powers and several heads

shuddered with fear and hissed out fiery venom.


Assuming a ferocious appearance, Hiranyakasipu, the enemy of the

Devas, picked up a trident and a club and went rushing toward the

Lion Form of Vishnu. Narasimha pounced on and shredded the demon with

His sharp claws.


Earth, Time, theSun, Moon, Sky, Stars, Directions, and hosts of

others were delighted. The Rishis and Devas, headed by Brahmaa

offered thanks and prayers. Gandharvas sang and Apsaras danced.


Narasimha went to the north coast of the ocean Kshiraabdhi, where He

established His form. He then assumed His old form and returned to

His realm, riding on His magnificent eight-wheeled chariot, bearing

the flag of Garuda.

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