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Murugan - embodiment of Beauty & Love

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>webhawks (AT) bellsouth (DOT) net >list (AT) bellsouth (DOT) net >Murugan -

embodiment of Beauty &; Love >Fri, 23 Mar 2001 11:59:01 -0500 >

>http://www.murugan.org/research/anantharaman.htm > >Lord Murukan, the

embodiment of >beauty and love > >By Padmaja Anantharaman > >"Beauty is truth,

beauty is love. >That's all you know on earth >And all you need to know" > >

This verse by John Keats with a slight >variation is quite suitable to the

worship >of Lord Murukan, the embodiment of >beauty and love. > > Man worships

God to improve himself >in different aspects of life. The worship >of the Lord

in varied forms, names and >ways is an ancient cult that has become >widely

popular slowly and steadily. Hence >arises the noble curiosity to ponder over

>the divine figure of Lord Murukan, His >dwelling places and celebrated puranic

>tales associated with him. The experiences >of Murukan devotees enhance His

glory >and power. Now the aim is to trace the >concepts connected with the cult

of >Murukan as an embodiment of beauty >and love. His holy figure and divine

>activities are good illustration. In brief, >Murukan means beauty and also

Murukan >means love. > > Muruku is an ancient Tamil term. In >course of time

with the masculine gender >suffix, -an it became Murukan. In fact >Lord Murukan

is the ancient god of >Tamilians. They considered him to be >the god of

mountains. He is fond of >dwelling in places encircled by beautiful >natural

scenery. Hence He is seated >among hills blooming with blossoms. In >olden days

the region of the Tamilians >was divided into four kinds of lands. >They are

Kurinji, Mullai, Marutam and >Neytal. A different deity was worshipped >in all

the four places. The presiding deity >of hill and hillsides known as Kurinci

was >Lord Murukan; that of forest and its >surroundings called Mullai was

Tirumalai. >Indra was the chief deity of Marutam >covering paddy field and its

neighbourhood; >Varuna was for Neytal, the desert area. >Of all the places the

loveliest place was >the mountain area. Naturally in keeping >with its

enhancing sylvan surroundings >Lord Murukan, the embodiment of beauty >was

worshipped there. Hence He is addressed >as the owner of Kurunji by the Tamil

poet >Nakkirar in Tirumurukarrupatai. > > Different Connotations > > The term

muruku has several connotations >such as fragrance, youth godliness and

>beauty. The ancient Tamils referred to >God with the term Murukan. Naturally

>He has natural fragrance, changeless youth, immortal beauty and divinity >in

all things >where there is beauty the other three >qualities also dwell there.

In toto all these >qualities are seen in love. Hence arises the >curiosity to

find out the varied modes >adopted by different poets. Being enchanted >by the

beauty of the Lord they love Him >seriously and sincerely. Their love finds >an

outlet in the form of poetical expression. >For instance Nakkirar has sung in

praise >of his beauty in general in his literary work Tirumurukarrupatai. > >

According to him what is made by hand >is artificial and what is not done by

man >or manus is natural. The world is fond >of talking about beauty but it is

rather >difficult to explain it for it is an abstract >term. Beauty can be

realised and felt >through varied facets of Nature. It is better >to see the

connection between beauty >and Nature for they are closely allied. In >truth

the body of beauty is nature for it >is mingled everywhere in it. The blossom

>of beauty is Nature. The logical conclusion >is beauty is Nature and Nature is

beauty. >Beauty is revealed everywhere both outwardly >and inwardly. In other

words the aesthetic >sense is revealed by external as well as >internal

aspects. Just as the blossom exudes >its fragrance beauty spreads out its

brightness. >The whole universe is filled with beauty >in several ways. It is

the warp and woof in >the mingled web of human life. All these >blended

together is the monument of beauty. >This is the endless and perennial beauty

>of Murukan which inspires the fire of love >in the hearts of the beholder.

Lord Murukan >always looks young and never attains senility. >The worshippers

of Lord Kumara by words >and deeds become Kumara attaining youthhood answering

the name. > > Murukan's Names > > Lord Murukan has enchanted people by >his

names too. He has several names to >his credit. Poet Arunagirinathar praised

>Lord Murukan several times in several >ways. Being the dweller of hillocks

Lord >Murukan is called Kumara Vadivelan >dancing on each hill. When he was

brought >up by six Krttika lasses, He was in the >form of six children. As Uma

Devi embraced >the six, they blended into one with six >faces and twelve hands.

He is called >Gangeya for being nurtured in river >Ganges; Saravanan was one of

His names >as He was born in the pond of Saravanai; >also known as Katampan for

sleeping >under the shade of katampa trees. Six >faces gave Him the name

Arumukam >and His youth and beauty gave the >appellation Alakan. He is called

Guha >for He is enthroned in the hearts of his >devotees. As He was born on the

star >Visakam, He is also called Visakan. He >was honoured with the titles 'Lord

Father', >chieftain Lord, Swaminathan for teaching >the meaning of the divine

Pranava mantra >"Om" to His father Lord Siva. These different meaningful and

significant >names of Lord >Murukan have enhanced His popularity. >They make a

deep mark on the hearts of >people. Consequently numerous songs >are composed

in honour of His meritorious >names. > > Accessibility > > Murukan is simple

and humble and so >easily accessible to His devotees. It is >not enough if one

repeats the name of >Murukan often. But what is needed by >the Lord is a pious

and truthful heart >brimming with love. He hastens to them >to protect them

from danger. As Kacciappa Civaccariyar says that >ultimate purpose >of Lord

Murukan's birth, in other words >an avatar is the salvation of the world and

>its inhabitants. Mere mechanical chanting >of His name is not preferred by

Him; He >can be approached easily through the >ladder of love. It should be

pure unalloyed >love for the Lord alone. > > The grace of Lord Murukan can be

>acquired in an easy manner by means >of pure devotion and dedication. Certain

>qualities are known to be the hallmarks >of the devotees of Murukan. The

primary >thing is to be rid of pride and haughtiness. >The blessings of the

Lord induces intelligence >from which arises wisdom. This power of >wisdom is

manifest in the spear (Vel) held >by the Lord. A close study of

Arunagirinathar's Tiruppukal reveals many >a truth. The >poet has accused not

women but lust which >arises from them. Certainly women with >sterling good

qualities emanate beauty all >around them. The immense faith and love >of the

devotees for Lord Murukan will help >them attain what they like, love Him

>intensely for faith can deify a man. The >dominating quality in a true and

honest >baktha is His limitless love for the Lord. >It alone induces as well as

inspired him >to worship Murukan. > > Bards on Murukan > > Poet Subramania

Bharati has sung in >praise of Lord Murukan in his Velan Pattu: > > "Murukan

Murukan Murukan come on >the out of peacock come with the spear >grant me

welfare, good status grant me >penance and ability " > > Bharati's Murukan has

twelve hands, >two majestic eyes and a successful spear. > > Kavimani Desika

Vinayagam Pillai sings: > > "I don't want to be born as a king I don't >want

heavenly bliss I seek a little place at >the feet O My Lord help my Life." > >

Namakkal the Gandhiyan has sung in >praise of the glory of the Lord. His made

>love for Murukan makes him exclaim: > > I saw Him coming on a peacock Is there

>anything more beautiful than that? I >cared a foot - for my Home, gate and

material". > > Whereas Uluntuptai Shanmugam frankly >admits that the only God

known to him >is Lord Murukan. Even the mountain >like great misery can be

wiped away like >a dew-drop by the mercy of Murukan. >Similarly several bards

have given expression >to their deep passion for Lord Murukan. > > Murukan and

redness > > Of all the colours, red has the most >power to impress people. That

makes >the skilful Tamilian wear red kumkum >on the forehead. Similarly Lord

Murukan >is known to be the representation of >vermilion shade in several ways.

As a >result, the devotees and disciples of >Murukan are always on the ascending

>order. Murukan is red in complexion >having ruddy feet; His divine complexion

>is as red as coral; He is adorned with >red garment. Indeed He is the

protector >of the world making people live in >happiness and safety He proved

Himself >the saviour by cutting asunder the >Kraunca Hill with His spear and

got >rid of the giant of ignorance. Thus a >beautiful pen picture of the Lord

is given >in Kuruntokai. Already the Lord is "beauty >sitting in a monument".

His red face, >merciful eyes, glittering forehead, sharp >nose and mischievous

smile creeping on >his lovely lips as the child-god Bala >Kumaran is really an

impression of >beauty par excellence. Naturally love >dawns in the minds of the

spectator. >Consequently beauty provokes love. >Hence the worship of Murukan is

a fine >blending of aesthetic love. > > Significance of spear > > Whatever the

size and shape of Lord >Murukan may be, He is never seen >without his weapon

the spear called "Vel." >The Tamil connotation of the term Vel >depicts its

function of generally acquiring >victory. The lengthening of the verb vel

>becomes Vel. Vel is a generic term. It >serves in the hands of Yama, the Lord

>of Death as sulam to defeat enemies. >Even Lord Civa has Vel in His Hand

>besides His other weapons like parasu, >man and malu, but they are never used.

>Lord Civa, the embodiment of wisdom >welcomes His son as "Kumaraya" Ku >stands

for ignorance and Maraya for >the killer or destroy, Namaha means >worship him.

> > In brief, "I worship the one who does >away with ignorance. Why should the

>father worship the son? When the babe >is ill the mother takes the medicine.

>Similarly Lord Civa keeps himself a model >so that the living beings of the

world can >worship the feet of Murukan to attain >salvation bu getting rid of

ignorance. >Hence the spear in the hands of Murukan >is of greater significance

than that of Civa. Celebrating the Vel it has >been honoured >as the "reputed

Vel". The Jain epic >"Cintamani" (Mukti Ilampakam) addresses >Murukan as the

celebrated holder of Vel. >Seeing victory established by the Vel of >Murukan,

his Vel alone is considered to >be the best of the three held by Civa, >Murukan

and Yama. Vel means wisdom, >hence what is wisdom in Sanskrit is Vel >in Tamil.

> > The term "power" (Skt: shakti) means >having the quality of defeating and

also >the quality of providing joy for the possessor. >The overt meaning is not

obvious but it >indicates the power of wisdom. In the >eleventh Nikandu Mandala

Surudotamar >says, Ayiylenba Vele." So wisdom has >become Vel, which has a

special significance. >It will not destroy the body like armies. >But blending

with life it will ruin the >hostility of ignorance, which can enchant >life.

Hence the surname "special" - surrender themselves to Murukan with >speedy

special >Vel. In brief that which can conquer is >Vel in other words the

embodiment of >wisdom. It helps to remove enmity, >hunger, fear of life and

death. To possess >it will enrich one with happiness and >prosperity. So people

attach the appellation >in Vel as suffix to their names such as >Katirvel,

Kanakavel, Muttuvel, etc. > > Two Birds > > Regarding peacock, the mount of

Murukan, >it is a symbol of joy in its dance when >fertile rains fall.

Suppressing the pride >of peacock Murukan made it his vehicle. >Snake

overpowered in the claws of peacock >is the symbol of Time, i.e. death. The

>second bird originating from the destroyed >Cur is rooster, the herald of the

dawn. >It is the symbol of generation and of >procreation. Being the dispeller

of >darkness the bird is raised to His banner. > > The worship of Lord Murukan

takes >place with great pomp and show. People >found immense delight in

worshipping >Him. As an outlet of their happiness >they used several rural

musical instruments >in their cult of worship such as the singing >of flute,

the tuning of the like and the >beating of drum so say Kadialur

>Uruttirrakannanar in his Pattina-p-palai. >Thus the ancient Tamilians

celebrated >the festivals of Lord Murukan having deep >faith mingled with love

and culture fasting >is observed on every Monday. > > The deep involvement in

the worship >of Murukan even today attracts one and >all. In tune with modern

trends, devotees >of Murukan have adopted new rituals >and rites. In olden days

people were >satisfied in simply visiting the shrines of >Murukan to offer their

prayers. But at >present there is a striking difference >even in the cult of

Murukan worship. >People undertake penance for a certain >period of 45 days

with severe restrictions >in food habits and living. Naturally this >will be a

chance to purify themselves >physically, mentally and spiritually. As >a result

their thoughts, words and deeds >are good and sincere. They take bath >twice a

day and perform pujas without >fail reciting the name of Lord Murukan >always.

They abstain from eating onion, >meat, garlic, and such other items which >will

agitate their nervous system. Such >a kind of sattvic food has a great impact

>on their nature, temperament and activity. >They avoid visiting the house of

condolence >or other had places. They wear clean and >ordinary clothes with

garlands of sacred >beads and adorn their foreheads with holy >ash. They prefer

wearing green dhotis. >In fact, their needs have become limited >for their chief

interest in focused on >reciting holy songs about the Lord. After >hard penance

they make their way to the >shrine of the Lord barefooted covering >the often

great distance on foot. Their >piety inculcates them with firm will power.

>Their simple living and high thinking >makes them a model for the people

around >them. > > Carrying kavadi is another common >phenomenon in the worship

of Murukan. >Some of them carry it all the way from >their home to the distant

Murukan temple. >The kavadis are of varied types such as >milk, honey, fruit,

rice rose water and >such other things. Some of them carry Vel >(spear) in

their hand and some insert it >through their cheeks as an offer of prayer.

>These rituals are commonly undertaken >in the way of answering their prayers

>and vows taken for curing their incurable >illnesses and other (successes)

victories. >Besides, a number of similar rituals >observed in other temple are

also imitated >by the devotees of Murukan. The pride >of Murukan is His Vel,

which is the >embodiment of wisdom. To worship Vel >(spear), the holy weapon of

the Lord is >their work. > > Myths associated with the worship of >Lord Murukan

give an indication of life >on earth and even the development and >growth of

it. Still they find a prominent >place to solve the problems of human >beings

in the emotional life of community >in varied phases. > >Murugan.org >(the

Skanda-Kumara website) > >More articles from the First International Conference

on Skanda-Murukan > > > > > > > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at


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