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From Merlin to Duryodhana

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This is from the Hidden Neighbors section of Mike Mott's book:


" Similarly the sorcerer Merlin, himself said to be the half-human result of

the union of an underworld being and a mortal woman, covered Uther Pendragon

with the likeness of his enemy Gorlois, Duke of Cornwall, so that he might

impregnate his rival's wife Ygraine and produce the child which would become

Arthur, the mythical king of Britain. Uther wanted pleasure; Merlin had an

agenda of his own. It's meaningful that Merlin's father was said to have

been an incubus, or a demon/underworld entity capable of having intercourse

with human women and impregnating them. Merlin had to bring together the

desired genetic partners, and this seems to have been simply underworld

manipulation of human history and politics as usual, as far as subterranean

interference in human affairs go."


This theme of manipulation of the surfce world is not something new, thank

you Mike Mott. 400,000 children disappear from North America each year. Even

counting runaway and kids double-counted, this means that every three years

or so a population a little over 300 million loses a million kids. In all of

the Vietnam War, the USA only lost ( only? ) 60,000 soldiers. So the amount

missing is incredible.


The Bhagavad Gita was spoken to Arjuna on a battlefield. The ensuing battle,

which Arjuna had tried to aviod, is said by the Hindus to have wiped out the

administrative/military population of the planet, ( at least of the

surface ). It was certainly manipulated by underworld beings, if not from

the inner shell of this planet, then from what are described in the Vedic

literature as the lower planetary systems. Here is a discription of

Duryodhana's manipulation, he was the enemy of Arjuna and Arjuna's brothers,

jointly known as the Pandavas:




Here is an account from the Mahabharat about the aduction of Durydhana:


" Although sexual attraction seems to play a role in both modern and Vedic

abduction stories, there may also be other motivating factors. The abduction

of King Duryodhana in the Mahabharata is an example in which the underlying

motives involved politics and military strategy.


King Duryodhana once had an encounter with some Gandharvas, who had cordoned

off an area around a lake for recreational purposes and had blocked

Duryodhana's army from entering. When Duryodhana tried to enter anyway, a

fierce battle took place, and he was captured by the Gandharva forces. At

this point, Arjuna, who was staying nearby, used his political connections

with the Ganharvas to free Duryodhana. Arjuna and his brothers had been

driven into exile by Duryodhana, but Arjuna intervened to save him from the

Ganharvas on the grounds that he was a relative and a human being.


Duryodhana was humiliated by being saved by a person he had scorned and

mistreated as an enemy, and he decided to give up everything and fast unto

death. However, it seems that some other parties had long-standing plans for

Duryodhana, and they weren't at all pleased by this turn of events:

' Thereupon the Daityas and Danavas, hearing of his decision, the gruesome

denizens of the nether world who had been defeated by the gods, now, in the

knowledge that Duryodhana would wreak their party, performed a sacrificial

rite in order to summon him.'


With mantras, the Danavas summoned a ' wonderous woman with a gaping mouth,'

and asked her to fetch Duryodhana. This woman was a Kritya, a type of

demoniac being, and she was able to transport the king by mystical travel:

' Kritya gave her promise and went forth and in a twinkling of the eye went

to King Duryodhana. She took the king and entered the nether world and a

little while afterward handed him over to the Danavas.'


[ Moderator's Note: By being referred to as residents of the " nether

world," Sadaputa Dasa, the narrator, is not referring to the hollow portion

of the Earth but rather, planetary systems below the Earth or possibly

worlds in the inner shell. ]


The " Nether World " is not exactly the region beneath the surface of the

Earth. According to the Vedic literature, there are three regions known as

Svarga, or heaven. These are delineated in relation to the ecliptic, or the

orbital path of the Sun against the background of fixed stars. There is

Divya-svarga, (divine heaven ), the region of the heavens to the north of

the ecliptic. Bhauma-svarga ( earthly heaven ), in roughly the plane of the

ecliptic;and Bila-svarga ( subterranean heaven ), to the south of the

ecliptic. The Bhauma-svarga is sometimes referred to as Bhu-mandala, and it

is the " flat Earth " mentioned previously ( see pages 215 - 216 ).


.... The nether regions can also be entered by taking the Pitr-Jana path,

which is said in the Vishnu Purana to begin near the constellations Scorpio

and Sagittarius and extend to the South in the direction of the star Agastya

or Canopus. This is described in more detail in Chapter 7 ( page 281 of

Alien ID ).


Once Duryodhana was in the presence of the Danavas, they explained to him

that his presence on Earth was arranged in advance as part of their plan.

His great bodily strength and his near immunity to weapons were arranged by

their manipulations. He therefore shouldn't spoil everything by taking his

life. Danavas and Daityas, taking birth as Earthly heroes, would assist him

in his battle with the Pandavas. The Danavas also pointed out that they

would use mind control to make sure that this battle would have the desired



' The other Asuras will take possession of Bhishma, Drona, Kripa and the

others; and possessed by them they will fight your enemies ruthlessly. When

they engage in battle, best of the Kurus, they will give no quarter to

either sons or brothers, parents or relatives, students or kinsmen, the

young or the old. Pitiless, possessed by the Danavas, their inner souls

overwhelmed, they will battle their relations and cast all love far off.

Gleefully, their minds darkened, the tiger-like men, befuddled with

ignorance by a fate set by the Ordainer, will say to one another that - '

you will not escape from me with your life! ' Standing firm in their manly

might in the unleashing of manifold weapons, best of the Kurus, they will

boastfully perpetrate a holocost.'


If this wasn't enough, the Danavas also explained that the hero Karna and

the " sworn Warriors " ( a band of demons ) would slay Arjuna. After

convincing Duryodhana that he would be victorious, the Danavas arranged for

his return:


' The same Kritya brought the strong armed man back when he was dismissed,

to the very spot where he had been fasting unto death. Kritya put the hero

down, saluted him, and when the king had dismised her, vanished then and



After she was gone, King Duryodhana thought that it had all been a dream,

Bharata, and he was left with this thought: I shall vanquish the Pandus in


This story from the Mahabharat has a number of features that are seen in UFO

abduction accounts. These include:


1. A strange being takes Duryodhana bodily to another location, where he has

a meeting with other stange beings.

2. Mystical or higher-dimensional transport is used.

3. The strange beings have human form, but look " gruesome." Certainly they

are " aliens."

4. These beings have been guiding Duryodhana's life from the very beginning.

5. They designed his body so that he would be impervious to weapons. Thus

they apparently engaged in genetic manipulations, or something similar.

6. The aliens were planning to manipulate human beings through mind control.

7. After his interview, Duryodhana returned to the spot where he was taken,

and after settling him down, his captor disappeared.

After the experience, it seemed to be a dream.

There are accounts in the UFO literature which parallel the story of



Members: Don't let this type of info just slide by. Get wise and inform





Dharmapada Dasa

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