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RV: Mayans and Mayamuni

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De: Radha-Govinda Mandir <govinda (AT) mcsa (DOT) net.mx>Para:

jtheve (AT) PO-BOX (DOT) MCGILL.CA <jtheve (AT) PO-BOX (DOT) MCGILL.CA>CC: lmfosse (AT) ONLINE (DOT) NO

<lmfosse (AT) ONLINE (DOT) NO>Fecha: Jueves 29 de Marzo de 2001 4:21 PMAsunto: SV: Mayans

and Mayamuni

My dear Sirs:

Regarding to your answers and questions, Dr. Fosse has reason, the apparently

phonetic camparation between Maya and Maya danava etc., quoted by some

historians from Indian, is only right for Von Daniken literature, or my be it

is very nice for the National Inquire. But, there are others works like the

resaerch of Dr. Robert G. Geldern and his men, that demanded serious

consideration. My teacher of classical lenguish, Manuel Garcia Delgado M.A., he

is a Big scholar and performed many years in study the languages of Precolonial

Mexico and he quote many other cientifics in this field, that finds, may

interesting relationship between southasiactic cultures like Indochina and

Polynesia, Burma and Manipura etc., in folk, language, religions, cosmogony,

astrology, costume, iconography, with some mexican cultures. For exempla, there

is a nice investigation from the Professor Francisco Alvarado Contreras called

The Sanskrit and the Taraska lenguage (El sánscrito y la Lengua Tarasca. Edit.

Manuel Porrúa, S. A. ) Other interesting topic is the relations whit the

architecture, is right your assertion. Also, because I am from Mexico, and I

had visited all the ruins, (My sister and brother in law are Ph. D antropligist

from the UNAM). In the Motealvan ruins thera are a carved very similar to

GANESH. The motives in the art are very provocative, because you found in the

Bonampak ruins, lotus flowers, Simhasanas, mayas-nobles seating in padmasana

on of simhasana and the traditonal Svastic. Also elephants mounted by man, and

the famous scholar Makensie said, about of this elephant it is not mamut; but

hindus race. I am nor believer like historians like Dr. Oaks, but I look all

this ruins with my eyes, not in the profesor chair. For me, is very dificult to

be relucant and subjetive reject this and many facts, that indicate the

posibility of some contacs or migrations long time ago between Southasia and

Mesoamerica. If your fine persons want to be in contac with my teacher I can

attaind his e-mail, because he speak english and he was prefesor in USA, long

time ago. You can attain more information of this topic with Michael Parker in

his real forum of free speak in Indology in this vediculture

At your service

Horacio Fco. Arganis Juarez

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educacion y Humanidades

U A de C.

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