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Press statement issued by President, BJP

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>OFBJP Admin

>vaidika1008 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com >[bJP News]: Press statement issued by

President, BJP >Fri, 30 Mar 2001 16:23:48 -0500 > >Title: Press statement

issued by President, BJP >Author: K. Jana Krishnamurthi >Publication: bjp.org

>March 29, 2001 > > Press statement > issued by > Shri K. Jana

Krishnamurthi, > President, Bharatiya Janata Party > On March 29, 2001 > >I

have taken charge of the Presidentship of the BJP, the prime party of the

country >today at a critical phase in country's affairs. I am fully conscious

of my responsibility >even as I realise that expectations from my leadership

both from within and outside the >party are pretty high. I feel quite confident

that, given the good will and trust I enjoy >from amongst my party leaders and

workers as well as from media also, I will be able >to come up to the

expectations of all. > >Earlier when Congress Party had majority of its own to

be in power at the Centre >continuously from 1947 till 1996 except for an

interregnum of two years of Janata rule >the country was facing a situation

wherein democracy in its true sense could not be >seen as the opposition was

numerically weak and hence a lopsided ruling party was >functioning without any

parliamentary checks and balances. What was seen as a >benevolent dictatorship

during Nehru's days for want of recognisable opposition >became a virtual

dictatorship in 1975 when Indira Gandhi circumvented constitution and >usurped

power. When everyone heaved a sigh of relief in 1977 the ruling >conglomeration

then presented on a platter the governance of the country again to >Congress

headed by Indira. From 1980 to 1996 the earlier pattern was repeated >although

Congress was loosing ground both within and outside Parliament. > >The 1996 to

1998 coalition government drifted under unsure leadership and with no >majority

of its own and being backed by majority from outside. A new government >under a

new leadership with a new programme took over in 1998 and continues to day

>under the prime Ministership of Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The NDA government also

had to >bow out in 1999 for want of one vote but has staged a comeback

comfortably in the >midterm poll with much more cohesive partners. NDA

government is the only coalition >government, which has run for three years and

more. > >While on one side BJP and several other parties have glued together on

a mutually >discussed and accepted programme of governance with a determination

to carry the >country forward politically, socially and economically, the

opposition, principally >Congress, has not adapted itself to the changed

situation, which has been brought >about by the electorate of the country.

Democracy has been likened to scissors, both of >its arms being equal and

opposite. But in our country opposition does not seem to >realise its

responsibility towards parliamentary democracy. We have absolutely no

>objection to the opposition playing the role of critic and opponent.

Parliament is a place >for debate, discussion, deliberation and decision. But

it is not a place for behaving out >of frustration, dejection and defeat. We

hold congress guilty of utter disregard of the >basis of parliamentary

democracy by continuously interrupting the proceedings of the >Houses, which

are the two vital symbols of people's trust and confidence. We appeal to

>Congress and other opposition parties that with all our differences in

policies and >progammes let us see that Parliament is not made the causality in

our political and >electoral fight. Our political fight can be conveniently

carried on outside the Parliament >from our respective Party fora. Let the

people's representatives not allow their political >differences to thwart the

interest of the people. This is the budget session and the >budget should get

passed after the due debate. Very many important legislative bills >are to be

passed. The opposition must cooperate. Ultimately the opposition should

>realise that people's patience should not be tested beyond a point as

otherwise they >will have to suffer the wrath of the people when they seek the

people's support for >themselves. > >The BJP realises its responsibility

towards the country. It will take all necessary steps >to strengthen and

consolidate NDA. NDA's agreed agenda of governance is the >government's agenda

and the BJP will place its full weight behind the implementation >of the

agenda. While doing so it will not hesitate to bring to the government's

attention >the problems of the people and for suitable remedial measures. >

>BJP believes in true federalism. The NDA government has been taking steps to

see that >the bonds between Central Government and State Government improve

further and >further. BJP is of the view that efforts be made by State

governments also to >strengthen their ties with Central government also so that

together we serve the best >interest of the people. No state government should

allow itself to be swayed by political >considerations or political colour of

Central Government or other State Government. >The strong constitutional link

is to be further strengthened and respected. > >Even as the NDA government has

gone ahead in the implementation of its agenda by >setting up a commission to

review the constitution of India in the light of experiences >and developments

since 1996 but indeed of the entire post independence period and to >make

suitable recommendations, we would urge upon the government to set up a

>National Judicial Commission which also it has committed in its agenda. It is

a long felt >need. > >Elections to five states of Kerala, Pondicherry,

Tamilnadu, West Bengal and Assam are >to take place in the early part of May.

The respective state units have evolved their >electoral strategy with due

consultations with its NDA allies. In Kerala and Pondicherry >where we do not

have any representative in the legislatures we shall this time mark >our

presence. In other three states we will maximise our presence and see that

>people-welfare-seeking and BJP friendly governments are formed. > >BJP has

always been a people's party and hence has never entertained any thought of

>discrimination against any section of society and much more so against

minorities. At >Nagpur Shri Bangaru Laxman had only voiced the stand of our

party that more and more >from such sections of society as minorities,

scheduled caste etc. should come into the >BJP. This commitment of ours since

founding of the Party continues to govern our >party's approach. This stand of

the party has been reiterated in the NDA agenda also. > >The Bharatiya Janata

Party has always advocated a principled foreign policy that >ensures our

national security and national integrity. It is a matter of great satisfaction

to >the party that the National Democratic Alliance in which the BJP has been a

major >participant, has pursued this policy with great success. The government

has taken >appropriate steps to strengthen the security of the nation.

Relations with major world >powers have shown a marked improvement. India's

position as an emerging economic >and political power is increasingly

recognised all over the world. A large number of >countries have declared their

support for India's permanent membership of the U.N. >Security Council. > >The

Bharatiya Janata Party recognises the importance of adapting basic principles

to >the rapidly changing global environment in all spheres of international

activity, political, >economic, social, cultural, human rights etc. The BJP

supports several initiatives taken >by the NDA government for India's extensive

participation in international activity. > >Closer home, the BJP has

consistently favoured friendly and peaceful relations with all >our neighbours.

While there has been a great deal of success in forging closer >relations with

countries to the East of India and with the West Asian nations, it is a >matter

of extreme regret to us that Pakistan continues to adopt a hostile posture. It

is >our earnest hope that Pakistan will call off the proxy war against India

and then engage >in a serious dialogue to resolve all our bilateral problems.

The resolution of Indo-Pak >contentious issues will not only benefit our two

countries but also the entire region. > >I consider my first task in the

present circumstances will be to pay due attention to the >forthcoming assembly

elections in five states. > >I will also continue to take further steps to

broaden social, organisational and electoral >base of the party. > >Myself and

my colleagues will be undertaking extensive and continuous tours so that >no

communication gap gets developed between leaders and workers at various levels.

> >I will endeavour to further improve the interaction between organisational

and >governmental leaders of the Party. > >I am also giving serious

consideration of holding a 'Virar' type of Chintan Baitak some >time later in

the year so that senior leaders can meet together and discuss about the

>further steps to the taken by the party in the developing situation.

>---- >


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