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[world-vedic] Digest Number 160

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Dear Alisajid,


you can quote a million verses from the koran to support taliban nonsense,

but when the Hindus do likewise with theirs to whack you guys, you fuss so

much !

do not forget one thing - the same bias that is shown towards those u guys


as kafir or infidels is there in every religion. the christians will call u

guys heathens

and the hindus will call you guys mlecchas. so what is so unique about your

citations here ?!

hmmmm ?


if your mosque is whacked, you cry foul but you fellas will go around

disregarding everyone else

and whacking their places of worship and when asked you use the koran as

justification. anyone

can do that in their way and justify using their religious text. that is no

big deal ! how many temples you have destroyed since muhammad ghori's time ?

for one mosque u cry ! if there is a death sentence for ayodhya, you fellas

would have been hung a million times over for the amount of damage you have

done to vedic culture !


u live and let live. that much brains u must have. if not you kill and u

will be killed ! others r no longer

going to just relax and tolerate the nonsense. shariah at best tolerates

others, but that is where it stops.

in malaysia for eg, a non muslim place of worship cannot be taller than a

mosque and in shariah no public worship

by other religions is to be had. u mean u r so frightened that u cannot

philosophically prove your superiority that u must do so by building heights

? but in india rigth in mathura the hindus allow u to prostrate in the

street and face mecca.

so who is the buffoon here ?!


so instead of always crying foul in bosnia and in ayodhya it is time u

fellas ask yourselves as muslims what injustice u have done to others that u

r now getting the severe backlash ! the only thing u can do to show u r a

muslim in india is to kill poor cows whose milk u drank to become big fat

buffaloes ! and where is that stated as a muslim obligation ? that u must

kill cows to show yourself as a mussalman ? u cannot simply have one

standard for yourselves and another for others. and what rascal

assalamalaikum is the muslim world presenting today ? u guys do not even

have an inkling as to How God looks like, what His personality is and how he

exists in a personal domain ! How He relates to His intimate devotees, etc.

all u can say is that one cannot see GOD. SO HOW CAN SOMEONE BE CLOSEST TO


primitive stuff.


for this reason, the science of deity worship and how the Lord's form is

manifested in the material forms that He has created in not put into the

muslim brain for the simple reason that cow killers, meat eaters, etc. can

never understand the personal nature of the Lord. but for that you guys

think you are hell of a great and go around whacking others' place of

worship, then you will get slaughtered elsewhere likewise. do not cry then !


idolatory and deity worship are 2 different things. the first is based on

whims and concoctions, the second based on scriptural authority where the

Lord's form is given. Just because it is not given in a literature that was

presented to low life unclean desert dwelling barbaric characters does not

mean it may not be found anywhere else. u do not teach phd to kindergarten

kids. but if for that the kid thinks that phd is worthless and bogus, it

only speaks for his or her pea brain.


so please grow up and stop quoting koran for all the present nonsense you

fellas are doing because for that reason a million more can be countered

applying similar logic vis-a-vis another scripture.




R. Jai Simman








Wednesday, April 04, 2001 3:30 PM

[world-vedic] Digest Number 160




> This is an information resource and discussion group for people interested

in the World's Ancient Vedic Culture, with a focus on its historical,

archeological and scientific aspects. Also topics about India, Hinduism,

God, and other aspects of World Culture are welcome.


> ------


> There are 11 messages in this issue.


> Topics in this digest:


> 1. US:Non-Christians' freedom of religion gets little respect

> Greg Woods

> 2. Press statement issued by President, BJP

> BJP President

> 3. Why The Cynicism About Indian Gurus?

> Francois Gautier

> 4. SPRING Book Tour DATES - Jeffrey Armstrong

> Jeffrey Armstrong

> 5. Global Action against Taliban


> 6. Why Hindu Outrage against Taliban



> Vrin Parker

> 8. Buddha rubble 'up for sale'

> Adrian Foreman

> 9. Having Fun in Afghanistan

> Mukesh

> 10. In Defense of Taliban

> Pan-Islamist

> 11. Taliban is Righteous

> Alisajid



> ______________________

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> Message: 1

> Tue, 03 Apr 2001 06:59:36

> Greg Woods

> US:Non-Christians' freedom of religion gets little respect




> [This message is not in displayable format]




> ______________________

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> Message: 2

> Tue, 03 Apr 2001 07:08:06

> BJP President

> Press statement issued by President, BJP




> [This message is not in displayable format]




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> Message: 3

> Tue, 03 Apr 2001 07:01:38 -0000

> Francois Gautier

> Why The Cynicism About Indian Gurus?


> Why The Cynicism About Indian Gurus?



> "Does India need the West to realise what an inconceivable spiritual

> inheritance it has in its hands?"


> INDIA, Mar 30 (VNN) - By Francois Gautier


> Westerners have often a deep suspicion of 'gurus' and are wary of

> anything which has a 'Hindu' flavor. It is true that some of the

> gurus teaching in the West might have brought a bad name to Hinduism;

> but is this a reason to clamp them all together under the same 'fake'

> label?


> Indian journalists unfortunately share often the same resistance to

> gurus as their Western counterparts. And one can also understand

> their misgivings, given the problems there has been in India with

> certain gurus having political connections. But these are the

> exception to the rule. Why then brand all gurus as 'godmen,' a

> negative and slightly cynical term, as many Indian journalists do? Or

> why always ask gurus the same pointed and devious questions about

> their opinions on Ayodhya and 'Hindutva?'


> Isn't it also strange that Indian journalists do not display the same

> aggressiveness towards Christian bishops or priests, whom they never

> call godmen, but 'holy father?' They also like to question

> the 'miraculous' powers of Indian gurus, as it was done a few months

> ago in an issue of India Today targeting Sai Baba. But is it less

> rational or Cartesian to think, as the Christians do, that Jesus

> Christ multiplied breads, or resurrected the dead?


> Running down Hindu culture and Hindu gurus is fine -- but a huge

> majority of the Indian population -- which, let us remember, is 85

> per cent Hindu -- sees nothing wrong in this culture: ordinary

> Indians meditate, do pujas, perform asanas, chant bhajans, or

> practice pranayama.


> There is no sectarism here, no fake mysticism, no pagan obscure

> rites. The irony is that this very spirituality on which Indian

> intellectuals tend to look down, is taking root in the West: more and

> more sportsmen, for instance, are using pranayama to enhance their

> performances; ordinary Americans are meditating by the millions (see

> this week's Time magazine showing American children learning

> meditation); hata-yoga has long taken Europe by storm and has been

> copied by all kinds of gymnastics or aerobics.


> Does India need the West to realise what an inconceivable spiritual

> inheritance it has in its hands? A knowledge which once roamed the

> shores of the world, from Mesopotamia to Egypt, from Greece to

> Babylon, but which today has disappeared in a world peopled by

> intolerant churches? Do Indian schools have to wait for the United

> States, before they start teaching Indian children their own culture?


> Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, for example, the founder of the Art of Living

> has also been catalogued as a 'godman' by The Deccan Herald. Yet, he

> too is helping to spread both in India and abroad this wonderful

> spiritual inheritance, promoting as much the revival of Sanskrit and

> Vedic knowledge, as an ecological concern for plastic disposal, or

> trying to save the centenary trees which are in danger of being

> chopped down on the Bangalore-Kanakapura road, as it is being

> widened.


> His numerous associations prove that he is not only a "guru of the

> rich," as he has been accused by The Indian Express: his village

> schools, for instance, do so well, that children have a 95 per cent

> rate of success in exams; his youth training programs bring to

> India's remotest hamlets in Karnataka or even in Naxalite infested

> Bihar, Housing, Hygiene, and Human values. His volunteers work with

> their own hands in villages to clear the garbage, clean the sewage

> infested roads and generally renovate the place. Finally, the

> medically- tested Sudarshan Krya technique is today taught in Tihar

> jail, or in corporate offices in California.


> The Kumbh Mela has just concluded. It was an extraordinary event:

> probably the biggest spiritual gathering in the history of the human

> race. At a time where the West has lost its spiritual moorings and

> when, even Eastern countries such as China or Japan are submerged by

> Western culture -- MTV, Coca-Cola and McDonald's -- India has shown

> that in spite of tremendous odds, she has succeeded in keeping her

> spirituality alive. But once again during the Kumbh Mela, the Indian

> media coverage showed the same Western slant against gurus, saints

> and sadhus.


> Instead of highlighting the remarkable degree of cleanliness,

> orderliness and efficiency demonstrated by the organizers, the UP

> Government and the police, it chose to focus on naga sadhus smoking

> ganja, or the VHP "hijacking the mela," or on Western "hippies" in

> search of enlightenment.


> Indian journalists could have shown a little more pride in their own

> culture by saying, for instance, that it is miraculous that there are

> still men in the world who are ready to give-up everything, including

> their clothes, for the love of God; or that as long as Indian

> villagers were smoking ganja, they did not beat their wives, gobble-

> up their salaries and drink themselves to death, as they are doing

> today, now that (foreign owned) alcohol has invaded India; or that

> any religion worth its name tries to protect its own interests, as

> the VHP is doing (the VHP is not trying to convert other religions,

> yet they are subjected to a much greater bashing by the Indian press

> than Christian priests or Muslim mullahs); or that it is to India's

> credit that Westerners come here searching for the spirituality they

> can't get any more in the West.


> It is part of the freedom of the Press to be able to criticize

> anything and anybody. And we must acknowledge that Indian journalists

> have often played a positive role by highlighting injustice or

> corruption in public life.


> But the spitefulness that they sometimes display towards the saints,

> sadhus and gurus of India seems a little bit unfair. For however much

> poverty there is in this country, however many problems it is facing,

> India's gift to the world in the 21st century will be its

> spirituality, this eternal knowledge which alone She has preserved.


> Copyright Rediff.com





> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 4

> Tue, 03 Apr 2001 07:08:50

> Jeffrey Armstrong

> SPRING Book Tour DATES - Jeffrey Armstrong




> [This message is not in displayable format]




> ______________________

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> Message: 5

> Tue, 03 Apr 2001 07:09:43


> Global Action against Taliban




> [This message is not in displayable format]




> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 6

> Tue, 03 Apr 2001 07:14:45


> Why Hindu Outrage against Taliban




> [This message is not in displayable format]




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> Message: 7

> Tue, 03 Apr 2001 07:38:00 -0000

> Vrin Parker



> Dear Friends,


> I am writing to apologise for not answering emails sent to

> vaidika1008 hot mail account.


> I only use this account to manage the vedic culture discussion group

> and rarely check it.

> I humbly apologise for any unintended disrespect. You are all highly

> valued and respected for your participation.

> For almost 2 and half years we have managed to keep this group going

> pretty consistently. For this I am grateful.

> Sincerely In the Service of Truth and Constructive Debate,

> Vrin Parker


> PS the correct email is vedic108






> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 8

> Tue, 03 Apr 2001 07:44:08 -0000

> Adrian Foreman

> Buddha rubble 'up for sale'


> Buddha rubble 'up for sale'




> After the dynamite, only the rubble of the Buddhas remains


> By BBC Eurasia analyst Adrian Foreman

> The rubble of ancient giant statues of Buddha, which were blown up by

> the Taleban authorities in Afghanistan last month, is said to have

> been offered for sale.


> Reports say several truck-loads of rubble from the statues turned up

> in Pakistan and was offered to dealers.


> The reports have led to heavy criticism of the trade from academics

> and collectors.


> Koichiro Matsuura, the director-general of the United Nations

> cultural organisation, Unesco, is due in Pakistan on Wednesday for

> talks about stopping the sale of antiquities from Afghanistan.


> Tragic situation


> Reports from the town of Peshawar on the Pakistan side of the border

> with Afghanistan speak of truckloads of rubble, some of which can be

> clearly identified as having come from the Buddhist statues.




> The ancient statues were deemed offensive by the Taleban


> But the UN is not yet convinced. Unesco says it wants to check, and

> has again appealed to dealers not to reward the illicit trafficking

> in antiquities.


> It's a difficult and tragic situation.


> The enormous statues, one as tall as a five-storey building, which

> had stood for 2,000 years, were reduced to rubble by Taleban weaponry

> because they were judged offensive to Islam.


> No-one suggested as the Taleban showed off the ruined cliff face

> niches in Bamiyan, where the statues had stood, that there had also

> be an attempt to profit from the destruction.


> Unpopular move


> One dealer who said he had been approached to buy the remains

> suggested that private collectors of Buddhist artefacts, perhaps

> Japanese collectors, were prepared to pay for the statues to be

> restored in another place.


> That would be a daunting task, and in any case would be deeply

> unpopular.


> International experts say no museum nor respected collector would

> help if it would reward the destruction.


> But if the rubble is found to be genuine and a private individual

> buys it, Pakistan only has to agree the paperwork for the sale to go

> through.


> That is something which the Unesco director-general is surely going

> to discuss in Islamabad this week.


> ______________________


> Message: 9

> Tue, 03 Apr 2001 07:51:49 -0000

> Mukesh

> Having Fun in Afghanistan


> ----

> ----------

> Now can someone tell me how can photography and dancing be

> unislamic ? In particular, I am curious to read the passages in the

> Koran that makes these barbarian fools believe so.

> Wanted: the noted islamic scholar, Ali Asjid to make some

> clarifications, lest my phobias become real!!



> Have fun in Afghanistan? Enjoy the weather...

> By Siddharth Varadarajan


> The Times of India News Service


> KANDAHAR: In any major Afghan town, you can be sure to find three

> kinds of shops on every street: a pharmacy, a stationery store and a

> photo studio. In a country that has been through 20 years of war, it

> makes sense to have lots of pharmacies. As for stationery, girls and

> women may not be allowed to study but there are clearly enough males

> out there buying notebooks and pens. But in a country where

> photography is banned - except when official documents require a

> picture protrait - why on earth does one require so many photo

> studios?


> The Taliban may have decreed that photography is un-Islamic but old

> habits die hard. "People still take photographs of their family,

> especially during weddings," said the owner of one photo studio

> here. "Officially, our shop is only meant to take passport-size

> photographs for official documents," he said. "But selling films is

> our main business". Processing films can be more problematic, and

> risky. In Kabul, one studio keeps its customers' prints under a

> couch. Here in the south, people send their snapshots across the

> border to Quetta for developing.


> Though having fun -- or just living what the average Afghan considers

> to be a normal life -- can entail serious risks, people here have not

> abandoned their love for music and films, especially from Bollywood.

> During the 6-hour journey from Torkham to Kabul, my taxi driver

> played a tape of Raja Hindustani 10 times. Taking more than a couple

> of cassettes on the highway is risky since they have to be secreted

> away in some hidden crevice of the car each time a checkpost of the

> Vice and Virtue police draws near. At one place, our taxi was given a

> thorough inspection and the driver frisked. Had the offending tape

> been found, he would have been lokced up for five days. As mere co-

> conspirators, we passengers would have gotten off lighter -- Vice and

> Virtue would only have shaved our heads.


> I asked Qudratullah Jamal, the Taliban's culture minister, what

> people could do for fun and entertainment in a country where music,

> cinema, TV, photography, dancing, painting and flying kites are all

> illegal? "Why", he said, clearly surprised by my ignorance, "there

> are many, many things to do for entertainment. People can enjoy the

> weather in Afghanistan. The climate here is very different. When you

> compare it with other countries, it is much better". As an

> afterthought, he added: "We allow sports. There is football,

> volleyball and horse-riding for boys".


> And what about the girls, I asked. "We have approved a budget to

> build parks for entertainment for boys", he replied. And for

> girls? "The Islamic circle is not limited. It has given rights to

> everyone, to boys." And the girls, I persist. "Isn't it healthy that

> they should also have some entertainment and sports?" Qudratullah was

> losing his patience by now. "If we are to ask Afghan women, their

> problems have been solved. You cannot compare Afghanistan to other

> countries. The women of Afghanistan reject those things which are

> against Islam. It is the demand of Islam that women should live their

> lives according to the principles of Islam".


> Abdul Hai Mutmaeen, spokesman of Mullah Mohammad Omar, was prepared

> to be more liberal. "Anything which does not affect the moral

> character of women is allowed by us," he declared grandly. Asked to

> give examples of what was permitted, he said: "During weddings, women

> can play the dayra (a small round drum). But we don't allow the dhol

> as this is immoral and against Islam".


> I told Mutmaeen that I had heard Hindi films are very popular and

> that Afghan women seem to like Shahrukh Khan a lot. (A foreign aid

> worker who attended a wedding in Kabul recently had told me she was

> impressed with the way the girls danced "just in Hindi movies", but I

> decided not to bring this up). "During the communist days, these

> Indian movies were shown here. Today nobody wants to see them." But

> even young people seem to know about the latest releases, I said.

> Surely they must still be watching. "No", said Mutmaeen. "The Rabbani

> government had also shown these movies before 1996. They must

> remember things from those days. But don't worry. We are in the

> process of repairing peoples' consciousness".


> At the end of interview, I asked Mutmaeen whether he had ever seen a

> Hindi movie during the long years he spent in exile in

> Pakistan. "Certainly not", he said. "I was busy studying in different

> madrassas.There was no time for such things."






> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 10

> Tue, 03 Apr 2001 07:58:23 -0000

> Pan-Islamist

> In Defense of Taliban


> Photography- Islam discourages unnecessary photographs that distract

> attention of Mankind towards the Creator by false deception. Modern

> photography that culminated in the multi billion dollar movie

> industry has caused havoc to the fabric of society which is fast

> falling apart due to rampant immorality and greed. The modern day

> movie idols are fooling the poor masses in the name of entertainment.

> The billions of dollars spent on movie industry can be put to better

> usage for the upliftment of the downtrodden. Another stark example of

> the negative effect of photos is the race relations in the west.

> Blacks have long opposed the idea of `white' Jesus and have

> themselves portrayed him as `black' in their churches. Islam do not

> encourage depiction of the images of any prophet. Blacks are

> therefore attracted to Islam in droves due to its simplicity and

> brotherhood.

> Dancing has become synonymous with corruption and immorality

> especially in the sub-continent. People should worrry more about

> getting medals in Olympics than dancing which has only brought

> disgrace. It is shameful that more than a billion people could not

> win a single gold medal and talking about Taleban banning dancing.


> I may be the lowest of the low but that does not give anyone

> especially the ingrates aping the west to ridicule Taliban. They are

> following a perfectly logical religion. The Sharia does not contain a

> single principle that cannot be understood or which is contradictory

> to living conditions or scientific knowledge. All the commandments it

> dictates are extremely useful. It does not embody any superstitions.

> Preposterous tenets like worshiping idols, images, movie idols,

> icons, which can be accepted only by primitive tribes ( and the

> modern day cavemen) and idolaters and which still exist in

> Christianity, cannot have access into sharia. No one is asking you to

> follow what they practice. Leave Taliban alone and get on with your

> materialistic dog eat dog existence.






> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 11

> Tue, 03 Apr 2001 08:06:41 -0000

> Alisajid

> Taliban is Righteous


> (This Posting is in response to Mukesh and others Anti-Taliban/Islamic



> Taliban are doing every action according to the teachings of Qurran

> and Sunnah.


> They did not punish any person without trial but India's army had

> killed thousand of Kashmiri peoples without any trial.


> He is trying to be the "champion of humanity" but could not see the

> brutalities of his army in Kashmir.


> He is so senseless that he forget the meaning and purpose of

> punishment.


> He wants that we should give a big prize to the criminals instead

> punishing them for their crimes.


> Taliban are punishing the criminals after their trials in Shariat

> courts.


> Every criminal gets full opportunity of defense.


> The Shariat courts never punished any person without having all

> witness necessary to be produced for a trial.


> I am sure that their all-false and fabricated propaganda will do

> nothing except to expose them as enemies of Islam in front of the

> Muslim Umah.


> I could not understand his worries regarding Afghanistan, as in my

> consideration it is not his problem.


> It is the problem of Afghan peoples and they are the real peoples to

> worry about their country.


> They know to fight for their rights and history tells us no nation

> could ever rule them without their wishes.


> English know what Afghan did with them, Russian know what Afghan did

> with them and


> if Taliban will go against their religion and wishes they had the

> power to overthrow Taliban because they know to fight for their

> rights.


> This fals and fabricated propaganda will do nothing except to expose

> the enemies of Islam in front of Muslim Umaah.


> On one side he claims that he is a Muslim and on the other side he

> did not know that Jesus or Ramah is the creations of Almighty Allah.


> With this statement he proved himself that he don't belong to any

> religion and he is a non-Believer of Almighty Allah by disputing his

> Aayat.


> Almighty Allah said in Surrah Al-Momin # 40 Aayat #34







> And for those who are guided by Shaitan and work for their worldly

> interests, Almighty Allah said in Surran Al-Zakhraf # 43 Aayat # 36,

> 37









> I know he will not change himself towards Qurran and the teachings of

> Islam just to make happy his non-believer friends.



> So he believeS that Almighty Allah, Our Qurran, Ahadith and the

> teachings of Islam are against the humanity.


> In Surrah Fatah # 48 Aayat # 13





> in Surrah Al-Hujrat # 49 Aayat # 15







> In Surrah Al-Hujrat # 49 Aayat # 14,








> I understand the meaning of Aayat of Qurran and I know the purpose of

> those Aayat.


> It is difficult for those who never read The Holy Quran and learned

> its meanings.


> It is my advise to you that if you are really a Muslim than at least

> study Qurran and try to understand its meanings.


> Almighty Allah said in Surrah Al-Hujrat #49 Aayat # 17


> "They think that they lay you under an obligation by Becoming

> Muslims.

> Say: Lay me not under obligation by your

> Islam: rather Allah lays you under an obligation by guiding

> You to the faith if you are truthful."


> Please read this Aayat and compare yourself with a Muslim with Faith

> (Aiman) on the super powers of Almighty Allah and a Muslim without

> having faith on the super powers of Almighty Allah.


> I pray Almighty Allah that he should give you a faith of his

> superiority over all acts of our life.


> It is difficult for those who are completely ignorant and had

> indulged in this worldly life to achieve their worldly goals as being

> the friends of Shaitan (Satan).


> They will not accept or agree on the orders of Almighty Allah to

> satisfy their worldly needs,

> as said in Surrah Al-Baqra #2 Aayat #6, 7


> "6. Surely those who disbelieve, it being alike to them whether

> You warn them, or do not warn them, will not believe.


> 7. Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon there

> Hearing and there is a covering over their eyes, and there is a

> Great punishment for them."


> It is said in Surrah Al-Nisa(woman) Aayat #76


> "Those who believe fight in the way of Allah, and those

> Who disbelieve fight in the way of the Shaitan. Fight therefore

> Against the friends of the Shaitan; surely the strategy of the

> Shaitan is weak."



> And then in Surrah Al-Nisa (woman) Aayat # 119 and 121


> "119. And most certainly I will lead them astray and excite in

> Them vein desires, and bid them so that they shall slit the ears of

> The cattle, and most certainly I will bid them so that they shall

> alter

> Allah's creation; and whoever takes the Shaitan for a guardian

> Rather than Allah he indeed shall suffer a manifest loss.



> 121. These are they whose abode is hell, and they shall not find Any

> refuge from it.



> So he or any, one who advises us to turn ourselves from Qurran to

> follow the Satan way, are the companions of Shaitan (Satan) and

> working for the benefit of the Shaitan against the wishes of Almighty

> Allah.


> If he is so sure that my writings are wrong and un-Islamic than

> confront me with references of Quran or Ahadith to prove his version.



> I think with many self-created phobias he lost his all senses and it

> is difficult for him to understand any thing with his remaining

> little sense.


> He could not understand that I am writing from Qurran and Ahadith,

> and nothing is written from me.


> He has no sense that we had a firm belief in Almighty Allah, his

> Prophet, and on his Holy Book.


> He has no logic sense to understand that if we will deny any Aayat of

> our Holy Qurran we will be excluded from our religion by being non-

> believers.




> Islam the religion is not made by a man it has revealed to us from

> Almighty Allah.


> We have no authority or choice to change in Aayat of Qurran and

> Almighty Allah the religion needs our full acceptance and complete

> action from the believers.


> We have no choice on any order of Almighty Allah except to obey it in

> full.


> Any personal change in the order of Almighty Allah will take us

> towards disobedience or Kuffer.


> He should know that Shaitan (Satan) worshiped Almighty Allah many

> years and got the status of Angel but he disobeyed to bow Hazerat

> Adam.


> and because of this disobediance Saitan got a big punishment of hell

> and had ceased all powers those he got as worshiper of Almighty Allah.


> he should Try to understand with his little sense which he got that,


> we have no choice accept to obey every order of Almighty Allah and of

> his Prophet in full not in parts.



> In his religion he might be having the choice to implement the

> religion of his choice but


> In Islam we have no choice but to accept it in full not by parts.


> As said in Surran Al-Ahzab #33 Aayat # 36


> "And it behooves not a believing man and a believing woman That they

> should have any choice in their matter when Allah

> And His Apostle have decided a matter; and whoever disobeys Allah and

> His Apostle, he surely strays off a manifest Straying."




> We are happy to become a robot of Almighty Allah instead to be a

> robot of Shaitan (Satan) like him.



> May Almighty Allah guide us towards the right direction.


> Thanks

> Alisajid


> ______________________




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