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Prabhupada Pure & Blameless

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Recent reports about abuse in the Hare Krishna

schools are Historically inaccurate. When these accusers try to

blame the Founder, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, they are

actually engaging in criminal misconduct. If he were still

alive, he could successfully sue these accusers for slander.


How would I know? Well, I was one of the 1st kids in

his schools, (3rd enrollee). Unlike most in the

lawsuit, I am old enough to have first hand

remembrance of Prabhupada. It is no surprise that over

90% of those involved in the suit were too young to

even remember Prabhupada and enrolled much later. The

other 10% obviously want the big money being promised.


Those who do remember him, like myself, admit there

was abuse but recognize that blaming the Founder is

legally and morally irresponsible and reckless. No

amount of money can convince us to betray his memory.


Yes abuse occurred, but the horrendous abuses did not begin

until after he passed away. The fact is, we were his "Future Hope."

That is the very reason we were targeted and nearly destroyed by

various infiltrators who had no real interest in the Hare Krishna Religion

and Culture, except to destroy it. The western mainstream society

correctly saw the movement as a major threat to their societal hegemony.


The girl with the horror stories about Dallas, TX is a

Born Again Baptist Christian, who is bent on destroying the

reputation of the Hare Krishna’s, perhaps on her own accord, but I doubt

it. Let me just say that the stories she has been

quoting are mostly impossible exaggerations and would

not and could not have happened in a vacuum. In other

words, we would have heard about it, just as we heard

about every other incident that took place. We were

there and were fully aware of what happened and didn't



The fact is, there are some valid and serious

accusations to be answered. I remember many incidents

that would land any adult in jail. However, to have

the record twisted into unrecognizable falsehoods only

belittles us and completely distorts the truth.

To try and place the blame on Swami Prabhupada crosses

the line of ethics and legality. In a court of law it

is called perjury and is punishable. This is the very

reason I was forced to bow out of the lawsuit. These

money hungry people had hijacked my search for



Of course, I want those responsible to be brought to

justice but I refuse to allow my own past to be

manipulated and savaged by those with no interest in

justice. Rather than looking for justice these

unfortunate people have decided to continue our abuse

by slandering Prabhupada and spreading a distorted

record of a past they have no accurate memory of. It

is clear that it is GREED FOR MONEY rather than

justice that motivates those filing this lawsuit.


The truth is Prabhupada was neither a business manager

nor a schoolmaster nor an Empire builder nor a political leader. He was

the 1st Indian Missionary since Buddha's early followers, to

successfully transplant the teachings of Ancient India to foreign lands. He

didn't just bring it to the universities or to the

upper class socialites interested only in the curious

ways of the East. He brought it to the root

level....to the common man and woman in the street.


Lets not forget he came to the USA on a cargo ship

with $7, had two heart attacks on the way...lived in a financially

destitute state for nearly a year, suffered the extreme cold climate of

the west..but kept on preaching.WHY? Because of his deep Love, Faith

and Compassion for a spiritually starved world.


He also had a strong desire to revive the Indian

people's confidence in their own culture and knew that if the westerners

became devotees of Krishna they would follow suit.

Amazingly...IT WORKED..to the boon of the saintly and the bane of

the wicked.


In the midst of the clash of two extreme opposites,

i.e. western materialism and eastern spiritualism, there was bound

to be an extreme reaction. This does not surprise anyone with

an understanding of the dynamics of the culture clash phenomenon.






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In regards to:Prabhupada Pure & Blameless



Dear Vrin,


Don't worry. We are all aware that this is a vicious & deviously

crafted campaign to malign Hinduism in general & ISCKON in



We are all with you. This stupid campaign has not even dented

ISCKON's reputation. All sane beings can clearly see that these were

acts performed by 'plants' in to your system. Your naivete lay in the

fact that you accepted them without screening, and failed to monitor

them. But then again, you agenda was different. It was spiritual and

holy, & totally ignorant of the fact that such evils could be

infiltered within you.


Keep up the good work. We are all with you. Your 'limited' abuse has

not made an appreciable impact. The far more extensive global

perversion of the Church is going on unabated. And at least Hinduism

and Christanity have the guts to accept & reform their ills. Reports

are leaking out of mass crimes in Islamic madrassas. But in Islam,

they fanatically try to conceal all and unashamedly lie about

everything. In any case, more and more reports are filtering out.


In the mean while, do not despair, do not even be concerned. Build

safeguards to prevent this in the future. And keep doing your holy



Hare Krishna

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