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I Am Siva (anthology)

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>webhawks (AT) bellsouth (DOT) net >Angel (AT) bellsouth (DOT) net >I Am Siva

(anthology) >Thu, 24 May 2001 15:26:21 -0400 > > >I Am Siva > >I am Siva,

the life and soul of all. >I am the substratum for all the forms of the world.

>I am the substratum for the mind, prana (life) and senses. >I am the energy in

the atoms and the elements. >I am the effulgence of the sun, moon and stars. >I

am the beauty of beauties. >I am the charm and beauty in women. >I am the life

of all youth. >I am the intelligence in all scientists, educators, >Culturists,

research scholars and philosophers. >I am the foundation of the world. >I am the

wisdom of the sages. >I am the siddhis (powers) in yogis. >I am the life of the

cyclones, earthquakes and volcanoes. >I am the energy in dynamos. >I am the

energy in all germs and microbes. >I am the power in herbs, minerals and

tonics. >I am goodness, truth, success and prosperity. >I am Siva, the life and

soul of all. > >Lumbago and rheumatism shake my body. >All diseases are my

guests. >Let them stay. >What is that to me? >I welcome them cordially. >I

always sing: >"I am not this body, not this mind." >"Cidananda rupah sivoham

sivoham." >I defy, deny diseases. >What is it to be if the body perishes? >I am

anamaya (diseaseless) atman (self). >I am the life of this cosmic play. > >I

have burnt up all duality. >I am sat-cidananda. >I have drunk the cup of pure

knowledge, >It is all sweet nectar. >There are neither vrttis (thought-waves)

>Nor vasanas (tendencies) in the absolute. >There is neither thought nor world

here. >I have experienced this supreme state - >It is neither dual nor

non-dual. >It is only keval asti (pure being). >It is pure consciousness or

supreme essence. >Know The Atman: >If atmic reality is cognized >Then all

differences between trees, mountains, clothes >And others, will vanish. >With

them sankalpas (thoughts) will also be swept away. >The only way out of grief

and delusion >Is the inner realization of the unity of the individual soul

>With Brahman (the absolute). >The atman is to be known - >There is no

attainment higher than that. >One fears not death who has realized Brahman,

>Who is serene, ageless, self-luminous, >Desireless, firm, immortal and

self-existant. > >~M~ light (AT) charter (DOT) net > >* > >I offer to the Supreme Being

>My deeds, my words, my thoughts. >May everyone reach the Supreme Goal. >May

everyone strive for the good of all. >May noble thoughts fill the minds of all.

>May joy fill the hearts of all. >May selfish people become selfless. >May

selfless people become illumined. >May illumined people go beyond death. >And

may they help others >To go beyond death. >-- Ancient Sanskrit prayer > >* >

>The Song of The Sannyasin >By Swami Vivekananda > >Love, hate; good, bad; and

all the dual throng, >Bonds that bind thee down! >Though of shining gold, >Or

darker, baser ore-- >Though caressed or whipped, >Thou art a slave >Strike off

thy fetters! > >This thirst for life forever quench; >It drags from birth to

death, and death to birth, the soul-- >Let darkness go; the will-o'-the-wisp

>That leads with blinking light to gloom. >He conquers all who conquers self. >

>Who sows must reap, >And cause must bring the sure effect: >Good, good; bad,

bad; and none escapes the law. > >Where seekest thou? >In books and temples,

vain thy search. >Thine only is the hand that holds the rope >That drags thee

on. >Let go thy hold. > >Say, "Peace to all." >To those that dwell on high, >To

those that lowly creep-- >All life, both here and there, >In heaven and earth

and hell. >Thus cut thy bonds. > >Heed then no more how body lives or goes.

>Let one put garlands on, another kick this frame; >Say naught. >No praise or

blame can be where praiser/praised, >And blamer/blamed, are one. >Thus be thou

calm. > >Truth never comes where lust and fame >And greed of gain reside. >No

man who thinks of woman as his wife >Nor he who owns the least of things, >Nor

he whom anger chains, >Can ever pass through maya's gates. >So, give these up.

> >Have thou no home. >What home can hold thee, friend? >The sky thy roof, the

grass thy bed; >And food what chance may bring-- >Well cooked or ill, judge

not. >No food or drink can taint that noble Self >Which knows Itself. >Like

rolling river free thou ever be. > >Few only know the truth. >The rest will

hate and laugh at thee, >But pay no heed. >Go thou, the free, from place to

place, >And help them out of darkness, maya's veil. >Without the fear of pain

or search for pleasure, >Go beyond them both. > >Thus day by day, till karma's

power's spent, >Release the soul forever. >No more is birth, nor I, nor thou,

nor God, nor man. >The "I" has All become, >The All is "I" and Bliss. >Know

thou art That. > >* > >Ananda Natesa Master Nome > >Whirling, swirling

Effulgent Bliss Of Reality--the Self: >That Thou art, O Siva. > >Tranquil

lagoon Of Peace Absolute Oceanic joy with billows of ecstasy: >That Thou art, O

Siva. > >Being happiness, Radiating happiness, This is the way of the yogi-sage

>serene: >That Thou art, O Siva. > >Timeless Bliss, Immutable Peace At all

times, In the midst of all >apparent experience: >That Thou art, O Siva. >

>There is no imagination And therefore no creation; Spacelike Void of

>boundless Bliss: >That Thou art, O Siva. > >If one imagines imagination, And

thence a creation, Only Thou art >present In scintillating echoes of

Self-Bliss: >That Thou art, O Siva. > >Immovable and serene Is the yogi-rishi,

Merged in Thee O, Ocean of >Bliss: >That Thou art, O Siva. > >All consuming

eternal Silence, Whose dance is self-illumined Bliss, >Perfect union without an

"other": >That Thou art, O Siva. > >Identity of all, Oneness of love, Uncaused

happiness, Unconditioned joy: > >That Thou art, O Siva. > >No cause of

samsara's suffering is ever present; Diminution of blissful >Brahman Is ever

absent: >That Thou art, O Siva. > >Pointing to refuge, The peace of the Self:

Bestowing Grace The state of >happiness itself: >That Thou art, O Siva. >

>Ego-death, unsurpassed Bliss, Uninhibited dance of joy eternal; Eternal >dance

of infinite Bliss; Silent dance of ineffable joy: >That Thou art, O Siva. >

>Sounding the unstruck in vibratory Bliss; Consuming the veils in >ecstasy's

fire: >That Thou art, O Siva. > >Left eye of experience of happiness immediate;

Right eye of knowledge of >bliss's permanent abode: >That Thou art, O Siva. >

>Opened third eye Of blissful Awareness; Being-Knowledge-Experience >devoid of

inner and outer: >That Thou art, O Siva. > >With upraised foot of transcendent

Bliss, Rudraksha tears of >compassionate Bliss; Blissful slayer of delusion's

suffering, Blissful >revealer of Bliss itself: >That Thou art, O Siva. >

>Laughing skulls garland's immortal Bliss, Blissful laughter that >destroyed

three cities, The single arrow penetrating them >simultaneously, The blissful

Truth of the stateless Self: >That Thou art, O Siva. > >Turning even experience

venomous into Liberation's Dance of Delight, >wild, care-free locks flying in

the breeze of Bliss, permeated with the >fragrance of the flower of joy: >That

Thou art, O Siva. > >Ganges of pure Peace, ancient and serene, flows from Her

Your intensity >who dwells forever supported by Thee: >That Thou art, O Siva. >

>Cool moon so tranquil adorning Thy head, Serene, timeless luminosity >setting

all at rest: >That thou art, O Siva. > >Anklet and bracelet Tinkle in

crystalline joy that is heard by Thine own >jewelled ear, The one Consciousness

alone: >That Thou art, O Siva. > >Infinite circle aflame, of luminous Bliss,

Smile of great mystery; >indefinable Bliss: >That Thou art, O Siva. > >Bliss of

my Guru, Siva Himself; Bliss of the Innate, The Self itself: >That Thou art, O

Siva. > >* > >The Dance Of Shiva >By Srimata Swami Atmananda > >The dance of

Shiva is the dance of Cosmic Energy. >It is the dance of birth and death and

Divine Harmony. >It is the dance of light and darkness and day and night. >In

every atom it is the dance of "Eternal Delight." >In every being it is the

dance of Existence. >In the ambitious it is the dance of persistence. >In every

face it is the dance of a smile. >It is the dance of innocence in a child. >It

is the dance of form and size and color. > >* > >The Inner Self of All Is One

>By Srimata Swami Atmananda > >The inner Self of all is one. >Like the

reflections of the sun; >On countless inner lakes it shines-- >It is the Atman

most sublime. >In brown and black and white it is the same. >This is the most

mysterious game. >It is neither male nor female-- >It is Universal

Consciousness, Hail! >Like sparks of a fire we are one. >From this Universal

Consciousness we are born. >And to that Source we finally return, >Which is our

eternal Cosmic Home. > >* > >A Poem >By Sajila Devi > >As I sit by my window, a

lovely morning is born. >Birds chirping and the sun shining like a jewel. >The

breeze cool and calm, and the leaves of the trees sway gently. >I gaze in

wonder at the beautiful poem laid out before me. > >The world is a poem and not

a dream, as some say. >Poetry is coming out of me, inspiring the pen to run on

the paper! > >Yes, surely the world is a lovely place, a poem indeed! >I behold

a world which was there always, but never seen before. >The agitation of the

mind stops and peace fills me. >Call it grace, or blessings or a higher

consciousness. >It becomes one with nature and sees reality. > >The world as a

beautiful poem, I have seen today. >Some see the world as a stage, where men

are only players. >Some see the world as Maya, an illusion to be abandoned. >I

see otherwise; > >The world as a beautiful poem, >A heaven on earth and a

creation to marvel and rejoice in. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Get your

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