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Chain Letter To Help Nature

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>Chain Letter To Help Nature, etc. >Fri, 25 May 2001 12:43:13

-0400 > >'Human negative thoughts are creating the vibration that reverses the

>migration patterns of wildlife, building disastrous storms and sending >out

negative ions in the atmosphere adding to global warming. This is a >form of

mental pollution. You say, how could this be?' >

>http://www.karinya.com/letter1.htm >Letter to the World > >A CHAIN LETTER TO

HELP NATURE >(Print and send to another) > >My dear friends, and people of

light, > >I am a being from spirit who speaks through a lady named Kat

Cunningham. >I am nothing special, only like thousands from Spirit helping this

>planet at this time. I have asked my channel to write my words to this >planet

.. . . > >* > >Sanat Kumara: What is the Ascension? > >Dear ones you have heard

many stories about this phenomenon called the >Ascension. You have heard that

Earth is going to transform itself into a >new Earth, one which will dwell in

the fifth dimensional plane of >existence. You have heard correctly, and the

time of that transformation >is upon you. > >As you live each day in your

physical reality, many of you find it >difficult to comprehend these ideas

which sound so preposterous. It is >easier to understand an egg transforming

its transparency into opacity >in your morning skillet than to comprehend the

Earth becoming more >transparent and translucent, is it not? And further, when

you hear that >Earth is serving as the vehicle for a similar lightening of all

the >creatures upon it, you find it very hard to imagine this

>fantastic-sounding scenario. > >Dear ones your confusion is understandable. We

wish to explain this >process in more detail for you. Guaranteed is the mandate

that all who >wish to proceed to the next higher plane may do so at this time

in your >history. This move is a soul choice and some of you are making it on

>levels not consciously known by you. Others are aware of this process >and are

actively taking a conscious role in their decision to ascend. >Those who decide

with awareness and those who decide consciously unaware >will all partake in

the adventure. So do not judge another as to whether >they are choosing this

path or that for there is no right or wrong, >there is only the ongoing process

of evolution. > >What will this ascension look like as it happens? Dear ones

many of you >already see it expressing in your everyday lives as those around

you, >and you yourself, seem to be ìsofteningî and finding less attachment to

>things that formerly held you in their grip: desire for wealth and

>recognition, the need to be right, competitiveness, drama, and judgment, >for

example. You see more and more humans turning, turning, turning as >the song

says until they ìcome round right.î You donít have to be >simple-minded to be

simple, to understand the simplicity within the >complexity. This understanding

is the miracle that is now beginning to >take hold all around your planet,

within the hearts of Earthís children. >This understanding is simply that your

roots are as vital as your >leaves. Earth, air and water are as vital as the

tree. This is all a >magnificent dance of love playing out on a field of

matter, and your >opportunity in this lifetime is to recognize the God, the

Oneness, in >the root, the seed, the flower, and the decaying brown petals upon

the >ground, destined to become Earth again. Oh dear ones we in spirit do not

>have this opportunity to live and feel and touch the beauty of God made

>manifest! This is your blessing, your gift. In this ascension you will

>finally be able to see the God force in everything, even the ìevilî one >who

has forgotten his identity. You will know, you will be reunited. >Your tired

aching lonely hearts will reach that state of peace you have >longed for. >

>Besides the knowing that will occur within your hearts, the Earth will

>communicate in ways that are new to many of you. She will talk to you >through

her creations. Those of you who still yourselves will hear many >stories from

the rocks and boulders, trees, shadows, and creatures of >earth and sky. They

have been waiting a very long time to talk to you >and now that the density is

decreasing, you will find it easier to hear. >You will also begin to see the

devas and nature spirits who have >formerly been invisible. Your Earth is going

to become a magical place >for you! > >And what of those who chose the path of

continued physical density? How >does this split for humanity resolve itself

when there is seemingly only >one Earth to live on? You will simply choose your

way and others will >choose theirs; as the choices crystallize, all will find

smooth >transition into worlds which correlate with their degree of frequency.

>The Universe is a very smart place and knows how to transit its >inhabitants,

and choice is the determining factor for all players. Those >of you wishing to

remain here on an ascending planet will stay and >experience all the wonders of

that. The others will find themselves >leaving through a variety of ways,

including physical ìdeath,î then >going on to the next phases of their

journeys. Some will simply ìfade >awayî as the vibration on Earth increases,

finding themselves in >another, denser Earth. Some will rise above this Earth

plane to higher >dimensions, having come here simply to assist with this

ascension >process. You all will go exactly where you want to go and all will

be >assisted by legions of your unseen brothers and sisters. YOU ARE NEVER

>ALONE! You are always loved, and there are no wrong choices. > >Trust the

perfection of creation. We understand your concern about >separation from your

loved ones. Do not limit the Universe; if you and >your loved ones want to be

together, yet you want to ascend and they do >not, you as creators have the

power to duplicate as many of your >ìselvesî as are necessary to manifest a

situation which pleases all. > >So live every day assessing your moments and

choosing to do that which >feels right for you. No one else can make your

choices for you, but >there are situations in which it is correct to concede to

othersí >choices for you, and that in itself is a choice. If you choose

>ascension, all the heavens will rejoice, for another soul is taking a >leap

back Home to the Heart of Hearts, the place to which all souls >eventually

return. There is so much joy here on our side of the veil >every time one of

you realize your God force while in a human body, for >the combination of that

knowing and the physical vessel bring humanity >to its Golden Age. With your

continued understanding of yourself, Earth >will become a perfect place of

peace, an acting example of what heights >creation can reach. There will be

more on this topic of Earthís example >but for now, peace be in your heart and

joy light your way. > >All love to you forever, I am Sanat Kumara > >Copyright

March 2001, Carla DeMarco > >* > >Evolutionary Punctuated Equilibrium > >Dr.

Wesselman has worked for 25 years with an international group of >scientists

investigating the mystery of human origins out in East >Africa's Great Rift

Valley. In the 1970s, while doing fieldwork in the >remote, arid landscapes of

Southern Ethiopia, he began to experience >spontaneous, extraordinary expanded

states of awareness similar to those >of traditional shamans. In an attempt to

understand, he went beyond >scholarly research into direct, personal contact

with the ancient >methods practiced by tribal people for achieving mystical

states. Years >later, this search would bring him face to face with a series of

>visionary encounters that form the core of 'Spiritwalker,' a book based >on

some decidedly different field work he did while living in Hawaii. > >The

following insightful writing by Dr. Wesselman is n excerpt from >'Visionseeker:

Shared Wisdom from the Place of Refuge,' forthcoming in >April, 2001, from Hay

House. > >Heartfelt Salutations-- > >My ongoing research in evolutionary

biology and my meetings with >remarkable people in the Transformational

Community over the past 18 >years have led me to suspect that there are

countless numbers of >evolutionary sleepers out there in the main stream of

humanity, each a >holon containing within itself an extraordinary biological -

energetic >program that can reveal who and what we may all become as the human

>species continues its ascent toward the culmination of our evolution. > >There

appear to be higher functions coded into the personal mind-body >matrix that can

remain dormant throughout life -- but once awakened, >they can transform us

utterly. The inner fieldwork of the Eastern >mystics suggests that these timing

mechanisms involve the ductless >glands, the brain, and the heart. Once

activated, these centers can >enlighten the whole body, which, in turn, often

undergoes striking >changes. At the time of this writing, the human species as

a whole has >not experienced the triggering of these higher functions, but

those rare >individuals who have, stand before us as signposts, as prototypes

of >what humankind may become when the whole population awakens and crosses

>the evolutionary threshold to become a new species. This is not fantasy >but a

real phenomenon known to students of evolution as 'punctuated >equilibrium.' >

>I suspect further that when each of us becomes aware of the

>biophysical-energetic program that exists within us, when we awaken from >the

consensus slumber of culture at large and remember that we were once >seeds of

light traveling among the stars accompanied and protected by >spiritual

guardians, each of us can use the program as a map to navigate >our way through

the forests of illusion and across the plains of >experience. With the closure

of the second millennium and the opening of >the third, recent surveys have

revealed that as many as one in every two >of us have had an involuntary

paranormal experience at some point in our >lives -- one that has carried us

across some unknown inner threshold >into more expanded realms of

consciousness. > >As we awaken, our life experiences can begin to manifest as a

true >hero's journey, an upward quest that leads us into direct experience of

>spirit -- a journey that becomes possible for us only through the >doorway of

the heart. It is through this gateless gate that we can >personally make

connection with unlimited power and a mysterious >god-like mind, and we know

then with certainty that no holy words or >books, no secret ceremonies or

rituals, no leaders or gurus or faiths >can do this for us. Once the higher

evolutionary functions are >triggered, it seems that a predetermined schedule

is set into motion, a >program that cannot be given to us by any outside

agency. This is >because each of us already has it. > >The paths that each of

us take through life are the vehicles through >which we awaken. So as each of

you proceeds on with your lives, growing, >increasing, and becoming more,

please take these thoughts with you -- >with my gratitude. > >-- Hank Wesselman

> > > > > > > > >- > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Get your FREE download of

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