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RE: [world-vedic] Maharaja Virata's Example

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De: Amara dasa <amaradas (AT) lava (DOT) net>Para: Vediculture

<vediculture>Fecha: Domingo 20 de Mayo de 2001 3:57

AMAsunto: [world-vedic] Maharaja Virata's Example

Conversation Between Maitreya and Vidura:

He (Brahmâ) created the chief demigods, who were shinning with the glory of

goodness. He dropped before them the effulgence form of daytime, and the

demigods sportingly took possession of it.


Demons were born from the creation of night, and the demigods were born from

daytime. In other words, demons like Yaksas and raksasas are born of the

quality of goodness.

Lord Brahma then gave birth to the demons form his buttocks, and they were very

fond of sex. Because they were too lustful, they approached him for copulation.

Sex life is the background of material existence. Here also it is repeated that

demons are very fond of sex life. The more one is free from the desire for sex,

the more he is prometed to the level of th demigods; the more one is inclined to

enjoy sex, the more he is degraded to the level of demoniac life.

The worship Brahmâ first laughed at their stupidity, but finding the shameless

asuras close upon him, he grew indignant and ran in great haste out of fear.



Lord Brâhma, approaching the Lord, addressed Him thus; My Lord please protect me

from these sinful demons, who were created by me under Your order. They are

infuriated by an appetite for sex and have come to attack me.

It appears here that the homosexual appetite of a man for another man is

demoniac and is not for any male in the ordinary course of life. (SB. 3. 20


The Kama-satra of Kukoka, has recommendations against to Bhagavatam commands.

For exempla, sex with cows, buffaloes, etc, masturbation's, oral sex, etc. All

of this against to the Vaisnvas sastras. Sex life is only in sacred merry,

under garbhodana samskara. Any scripture that counter the Bhagavata sastras is

mithya or bogus. Let recommend to your fine person that, you are right. Is very

important never hate to any jiva; but in the same time, is very dishonest

looking excuses in the sastras, for to encourage any anomalous character. If

you are demanding respect form others, please, change your life, and get sacred

merry and begot child's in KC, and reformed your sinful activities, and if your

have so much hate and fear to the Ladies, please remained in celibacy living

alone, but stop your sins, and if you aren't so sincere for to do that.

please, we are nothing for stop to you or give to you troubles; but let us to

live in peace with your continued gay-vedic propaganda.

Thanks very much.

The servatns of Radha-Govinda Mandir

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people interested in the World's Ancient Vedic Culture, with a focus on its

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  • 2 months later...

Haribol Amara,


Very interesting article indeed. You've forced me to reconsider a great many

things given my own dreadful experiences from 'the 3rd sex' from guru-kula. We

can talk about that more later. I was wondering if you could pass this letter

along to Govinda dd. She was suppose to email me her address along with others

such as Ambarish, Bir Krsna and Ramananda, but I don't see her letter in my box

of emails. Sometimes my email fails to recieve from others. This is time

sensitive given that the GBC meetings are today so if you could call her and

let her know etc you have this to send her and any one else, that would be much

appreciated. I am at a trade show in Waimea and will not be at a phone again for

a day or two. Her number is 929-9318. I think you would like the letter I am

sending below. Let me know what you think.


Proposal: Ambarish designate one person to decide all matters for the Hawaii

temple for the year. Ambarish should not be harassed over any other details

until the end of that persons one year term which can conclude with a review by

the community for Ambarish’s benefit in deciding whether to continue the

devotees term for another year.



My Dear Govinda dd,





1) Does Ambarish want Sruti Kirti running Hawaii?

2) Will Sruti Kirti accept?


If the answer is yes in both cases, then every other issue should be run through

Sruti Kirti. If Bir Krsna Sw. wants to resign or stay on or be co GBC, then he

should run those considerations by Sruti Kirti to decide. If people want Asesa

for GBC or the GBC wants Ravendra Svarup, they too should than run it by Sruti

Kirti—SK. If Ramananda wants to be temple president or wants to run the

restaurant, he too should simply go through Sruti Kirti. It seems Sruti would

be favorable to such considerations given that he may prefer to have a year or

two more before moving to Hawaii.


The point is that Ambarish should not be sucked into the fray of these (bi)

annual (ugly) dramas. He’s given tens of millions dollars. The least we can do

is spare him the petty politics. I am disappointed the GBC has failed to keep

this rather simple and obvious protocol. I therefore recommend that Ambarish

simply designate one person to oversee the temple. All other matters should

then be run through that one person. He can choose Bir Krsna Sw, or Ramananda,

or Asesa or Sruti Kirti. Whoever he designates should then decide all other

matters: who should be GBC, Temple President, who stays in the temple, etc.

Once a year, Ambarish (for no more then 2 to 4 days) can hear from the Hawaii

community and decide to either replace that person or let them stay another

1-year term.


I feel all other matters besides this one should be put on hold until Ambarish

decides who he wants running the community for the year. Whatever matters have

been discussed or decided should then be restated and reaffirmed by this new

designated leader. Allowing competing authorities such as a temple president

vs. GBC etc will leave Ambarish in the hot-seat as he is forced to weigh one

person against the other in their times of (weekly) dispute. This has been the

result of the GBC running the temple. Therefore, designate one person who

decides the rest.


In honor of this proposal, I will not state my own options on the issues and

people discussed so far concerning Hawaii until this new leader has formed

their own forum for such matters.


In closing, I have been looking for a system by which such issues are decided

rather then focusing on the details of the problems and personalities of the

moment which have changed every few months since I’ve been here in Hawaii--more

then a decade. I’ve considered a number of options and find this to be the best

I’ve seen so far. While Ambarish has sponsored other temples such as Mayapur

and Detroit in varying degrees, only Hawaii remains something of his own

personal temple. Therefore, I find him taking such steps of authority over the

GBC appropriate when it comes to the Honolulu temple. I believe the GBC like

all other devotees would agree with this point.


On a positive note, I simply want to thank Ambarish again for this wonderful

temple. He gets beat up every few months with each new controversy but he often

fails to see the hundreds of devotees to have found shelter here over the

decades during important transitions of their life. I am just one such person

and so today, I sit here in Hawaii having found myself a wonderful home base.

It was only possible because of the time I had in the Honolulu temple. This

goes without mentioning the tens of thousands who would not have otherwise

benefited from the devotees efforts in prasadam and book distribution, Harinam,

etc. Those benefits cannot be estimated, but at least, we can take a little time

to share our thankz Ambarish for such gifts.


Raghunatha Anudasa


*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********On 5/16/01 at 7:57 PM Amara dasa wrote:

Maharaja Virata’s Example


The perfect example concerning the proper treatment of third-sexed people can be

found in the behavior of Maharaja Virata. This great king was the ruler of the

Matsya province in India during the time of Lord Krsna, or just over five

thousand years ago. When Arjuna went to approach the king for shelter, he had

assumed the form and nature of a transgender male, a member of the third sex.

Donned in a woman’s blouse and draped in red silk, he wore numerous ivory

bangles, golden earrings and necklaces made of coral and pearls. His hair was

long and braided, and he entered the royal palace with the gait of a

broad-hipped woman. According to the Mahabharata, “his feminine attire hid his

glory and at the same time it did not. He appeared just like the full moon when

eclipsed by the planet Ketu.”

This portrayal of Arjuna’s dress and behavior is very interesting because it

clearly reveals his third-sex status. It is the same behavior found in the

Kama Shastra describing feminine gay males who dressed-up and lived as females.

Most English translations use the archaic and evasive word “eunuch” to describe

Arjuna, but it should be noted that the castration of heterosexual men does not

cause them to adopt the psychological nature of females and behave in such a

womanly fashion.


Introducing himself as a professional dancer and musician trained by gandharvas,

Arjuna explained that he was expert in singing, hair decoration and “all the

fine arts that a woman should know.” After exhibiting his skills before the

court, Arjuna was tested by beautiful women to ensure that he was actually

third-sexed and thus free from any lust for females. (Had he been merely a

eunuch or neuter, the men of the palace could have examined him for testicles).

The king was surprised yet pleased with his manner of speaking, and he agreed

that Arjuna should live amongst the palace women and instruct them in singing

and dancing. Brihannala (Arjuna) soon became a great favorite within their

chambers. Maharaja Virata instructed his daughter Uttara, “Brihannala seems to

be a high-born person. She does not seem to be an ordinary dancer. Treat her

with the respect due to a queen. Take her to your apartments.”


It is important to note that the king addressed Brihannala as a female,

accepting her transgender status. He did not ridicule or belittle her, and he

most certainly did not have her sent away or arrested. He also did not suggest

that Brihannala change her dress and behave as an ordinary male. Rather, he

accepted her nature as it was and offered her shelter and employment within his

royal palace. This kindness and respect offered by Maharaja Virata to Arjuna in

his transgender form of Brihannala is exemplary and should be followed by all

government officials and leaders of society.




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