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Fw: Identity of Aryans, R/L and Lnguistic Superfamilies

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- Bhakti Ananda E.O.H.N.


Tuesday, June 12, 2001 7:00 PM

Identity of Aryans, R/L and Lnguistic Superfamilies

A number of subjects currently on this forum are related, and can be better

understood when incorporated into broader, more interdisciplinary studies.

Information from a variety of disciplines may quickly validate or disprove an

idea. Thus I have subjected my linguistic work in cognate Deity Names and

religious terms etc. to rigorous cross-verification in other disciplines. For



1) Kouros Helios and Rhoda as Krishna and Radha

A Linguistic analysis of Their Names and scores of By- Names.

B Study of the history and theology of Heliopoli- tan Monotheism

C Textual, museum and on-site survey of related icons

and symbols, including monumental and miniature,

(on coins, personal and state seals,

amulets, foundation deposits etc.)

D Comparison of legends, myths, religious texts,

poetry, plays, sacred arts, philosophy, math,

medicine, time keeping and astrology, ritual,

sacramental social order, sacred architecture


E Study of Radha-Krishna centric Vaishnavism, to the

extent of becoming recogized as an expert (siksha

master) in the tradition.


Thus, when I say that Kouros Helios is Krishna, and Kore Rhoda is Radha, I am

not speculating. I am 100% certain of the historical and theological

identification, because evidence from the above disciplines has confirmed it.


In the same way I have confirmed the cross-cultural connections between Semitic

ELI-YAHU-ADON worship, Afro-Egyptian HERI-ASU-ATUM worship, Greek HELI-US-ONTOS

(AUTOS, ATOMOS) and Indian HARI-VASU-ATMA worship. The Pure Land Buddhist

Trikaya of HRIH and the Catholic Trinity are both related to this ancient

trinitarian monotheism of the Transcendent, Incarnating and Immanent Godhead.


I am not a student of the Nostratic Theorists, but I do advocate a broader and

deeper (time-wise) comparison of languages, along with a similar approach in

the other disciplines. How will we know if there are connections if no one

ever looks? Prejudice is the enemy of truth. We must not reject contributions

from perspectives we have not anticipated or developed, simply because they

differ from our own. People of great integrity can have varied perspectives

with equally valid insights. This is why interdisciplinary cross-pollination

can be so valuable. The Nostratic Theorists have stepped outside the old

boundries to take a broader and deeper, more wholistic look at the development

of language in general. In doing so, they have compared African, Semitic,

Indo-European, Dravidian, Amerindian and other Languages. When I invoke the

term 'Nostratic' regarding my own work, I do so because my own independant,

interdisciplinary studies have 100% proved to me (when I had no preconception

of what I would find) that there are Deity Names and other religious terms

which can be found in the above so-called 'Nostratic' Superfamily. I can find

no evidence of late borrowing to account for the presence of these names, so I

must conclude that they have great time depth, and represent a belief system

that predated the isolation and gene-pooling, and linguistic differentiation of

the Indo-European, African, Semitic and other groups.


I have recommended a broader study of 'Aryan' because in my global study of

Salvific Monotheism, I have consistantly encountered a Name of the Supreme

Father God, which has either an R or L in it, and most often a first sound

which is clearly an aspirate H, hardened, softened, or yielded to an initial

vowel sound. In many places, the people of this Deity are identified by His

Name with a suffix meaning 'of-from-(or)-related-to' . In the context of this

non-Sanskrit evidence, the term ARYA or 'Aryan' is clearly one of these

religious terms of identification. ' Aryan', in its local and restricted

time-frame/ periodic use, may be ethnically associated (as per N. Ganesan's

reply to me about Tamil Literature). However, if we step back far enough to

get the larger global picture, we can see that in THAT context, the 'Aryas' are

not a single separated race or linguistic group. This certainly changes the

parameters of the 'Aryan Homeland' debate. It is a paradigm shift which also

accomodates recent advances in African and Semitic Studies. If there were

African, Semitic and Indo-European Indigenous 'Aryans', then the ethno-centric

'master race' theorists, in all three groups, will have difficulty explaining

their way out of the obvious conclusion.

Humanity is one race, with one 'Father' God. We have a shared primal genetic,

linguistic and 'spiritual' heritage. It is time to stop our short-sighted,

myopic fixation with topics which divide us. Our local and specific studies

should be integrated into the larger global and general fund of knowledge, so

we aren't continually re-inventing the wheel.


Indologists, Semiticists, and Black Studies scholars need to look at each

others' evidence. For example, thousands of seals, amulets, coins etc. have

been found and painstakingly catalogued and analyzed by Greek Scholars,

Semiticists and Egyptologists. There is an excellent collection of ancient

Near Eastern miniature art at the University of Fribourg's Biblical Institute

in Switzerland. What does this have to do with the aryans, Indology, Linguistic

Superfamilies, Skanda as Brahma (post # 985), the vajra of Zeus-Chronus (Jupiter

Fulgar # 963) or the R / L shift and a myriad other things? The answer is, the

region was a cross-road between Africa, Europe and the East. Civilization

has been continuous there for thousands of years. Jericho, for instance, is

one of the oldest cities on Earth. If we look at the linguistic and

iconographic evidence in this collection of miniatures, it becomes obvious that

the Jews shared a single symbol system with the HERI-ASU worshiping Egyptians,

other ELI-YAHU-BAAL worshiping Semites and the Helios worshiping Europeans. In

fact, having studied Vaishnava, Shaivite, Shakti and Mahayana Buddhist Murtis

and symbols, I can immediately recognize their equivalents in the inter-racial

Heliopolitan symbol system. Any Indologist who has studied what I have would

easily recognize these icons, symbols and even the Deity Names which are

associated with them.


For example, the Lion-headed Form of God is very prominent in Egypt and appears

on Jewish miniatures as late as the Maccabean Era. This Lion-headed wrathful

Form of Eli-Yahu as Time is ARYEH in Hebrew, and the Lion-headed wrathful Form

of Hari-Vasu is HARYEH in Vaishnava litanies (like the 108 Names) of Krishna as

Kalah Nara Hari.

Helios (ELI-Yahu) Phanes appears sitting cross-legged on the primal lotus which

has arisen from MZRYM (NHL, NHR, NHRYN =NARA-NARAYANA ) in the primordial

waters before creation. Phanes has 4 heads and arms and speaks creation

(Memphite Heri-Asu-Ptah theology). Obviously this is Brahma from Narayana

Vishnu. The recent INDOLOGY posts about Sumerian civilization can be answered

by reference to the ancient Semitic Name for the entire Mesopotamian Region.

It was NHRYN which is usually given as NAHARAIM from the Hebrew, and explained

as 'from the waters', meaning the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. However, the NHL

/Nile was considered to descend from the foot of the Lord, and the Nile

civilization was called MZRYM. Of course the Ganga flows from the foot of

NARAYAN and Narayana is often interpreted as meaning 'of the waters'. Nilus /

MZRYM in Rome was associated with Jupiter MARIMUS and 'Father Tibur'. Marimus

and Juno Marina are Narayana and Narayani. The Jews also believed in the

sacred river descending from the foot of the Lord (see New Testament Apocalypse

/ Revelation of John). The Jews' sacred Jordan ('Descender') River flowed from

that mountains they called the mountains of NHRYM (in Lebanon). We just

celebrated Maha Kumbha Mela, but this bathing in the sacred river of Narayana /

Naharaim / Mzrym (to wash away sins), was another one of those HR / EL / HARI

related universal practices. River-basin agricultural civilizations globally

shared common features linking them to the worship of Narayana and Narayani.


The related HERI doctrines of PR ATUM and PR AMUN at Heliopolis and Thebes are

clearly the doctrines of the all-pervasive Param Atma and Brahman. 'Self' and

'Being' words in Greek and the Egyptian-Hebrew Deity Name ADON-YAHU are all

ATUM / Atma related. The DJE DJE NTR 'Pillar' Form of HERI-ASU / Eli-Yahu (

also found on Jewish seals etc.) is clearly Jagganath, the Virata Rupa, or

Cosmic Purusha Form of Vishnu worshiped in Puri. Elements of His Brahman Daru

and Nara Hari (from the pillar) stories are found throughout North Africa and

the Mediterranean region. The late Coptic use of NOUTI (Lord) proves that the

earlier Egyptian form of the word is related to the Sanskrit Natha (Lord). ASU

in North Egypt is WASU in the South and YAHU in Israel and Judea. This is

Hari's Name Vasu. in fact, the form TOBA-YAHU is Vasu-deva reversed. Tob (Tov)

and Deva both mean good or beneficent. Yahu / Vasu is related to the masculine


WASU are all related 'Being' names. ASU is also called ASAR in North Egypt. I

have traced His worship into the following




Assyria ASSHUR (Nineveh)


Iranian AHURA

Vedic Name of Vishnu ASHURA


So, here again we see African, Semitic and Indo-European cognate Deity Names.

When the symbols, doctrines, rites etc. confirm these aparent linguistic

connections, it is no longer a speculation based on linguistic rules.


Jewish and Christian scholars do not know what to make of their own mounting

evidence connecting their ONE GOD to many 'other deities' among the Africans

and Indo-Europeans. Not understanding the emanation and incarnation of Hari or

Hara, they fear to discover that their ELI-EL was just another god among gods.

They are collectively in a major 'denial'. They have not understood the

relationship of the Semitic ELI to the Afro-Egyptian HERI, the HURRI of Haran,

or ILU of Bab-Ilu (Babylon). Unless Indologists and experts in 'Hinduism' get

into the discussion, they will take forever to figure it out. Meanwhile

humanity is bifurcated between the 'Abrahamic Traditions of the One True God'

and the 'Polytheistic traditions of the ancient world and Asia'. We cannot

wait too long for the truth that will set us free from this artificially

constructed alienation in the consciousness of our race.


Similarly, Indologists will never arrive at the whole truth about the 'Aryans'

until they start considering the extra-Indo-European evidence. Begin with the

question 'What is the Name, or one of the principal Names, of the Supreme

Father God of any people ? Especially look for Love, Heart, Whole, Heal,

Circle, Courage, Hero, Virtue, Nobility (collective and individual titles of

respect), Cycle / Kyklos / Chakra / Time, Solar, Lion, Eagle / Hawk, (color)

Gold or Yellow, and Origin, Horizon, Ouranos / Heaven, Hand / Creator and

Corona / Halo, Light or Ray connections. With just this beginning a pattern

will emerge with simple R or L Names which are frequently also compounded with

the equally universal ASU, YAHU or VASU (BEING) Name. An example of the

universality of the R / L Name is given below.


The Nostratic Super-family postulates a common origin of these languages (great

time depth). With or without that field, (I worked for decades on this before

I ever heard the word 'Nostratic'), there is clearly a connection, which I have

verified with extensive interdisciplinary investigation.


Nilo-Saharan HR (HERU, HERI, HOR etc.) or RA

Niger Family OLU, ORI, ALE etc.

Hebrew & West Semitic ELI, EL, ARI, OR / UR, HUR etc.

Sumerian ILU

Mitanni HURRI

Greek HELI

Latin SOLE

All Indo-European Love, Lover and Beloved words based on the root HAR or QAR

All words for the HEART, CORE or Center like KARDIA

Iranian HVARE, ZER, also in names like CYRUS etc.



Related to the above compare Hebrew ELYM and ELOHIM, HURRIAN, SYRIAN, HELLENE,


agricultural / civilized and later nobility of African, Semitic and

Indo-European cultures had related titles associated with the R /L Deity Name.

The pictographic writing of Egypt is a key to unlock the Nama Rupa Theology

between Heri's Names and Forms. Thus, in Egypt for thousands of years, the

so-called 'solar' circle glyph was read / had the phonetic value of HR. The

Hawk, Eagle or Lion, and Gold were also 'determinitives' for HR / HERI. These

same symbols (like Hari's or Hara's astras, asanas and vahanas etc.) were all

used for ELI on West Semitic, including Jewish artifacts. As the mount /

vahana of Eli /HR, the giant Egyptian Cobra was called SERAPH or NACHASH in

Hebrew and SESHA in Egypt. He was the 'un-ending Serpent of Eternity / Infinity

frequently seen coiled about the Lion-Headed Form of God as Time. This is

Hari's Cobra Vahana Ananta Sesha Sarpa Naga. SERAPH=SARPA, SESHA=SESHA,

NACHASH=NAGA. All these assertions can be checked against related doctrines,

icons, practices, 'myths' etc. For Example, the lost city of IR NACHASH is

called the 'city of the mystical serpent' (compare Naga-Pur), and there is now

general agreement between scholars of Judaism, that a 'SERAPH' is indeed the

Egyptian Cobra or Winged Cobra, who is the covering or mount of God on Jewish

seals and protective amulets. Ananta Sesha Naga is the Asana or Vahana of

Hari. In fact, as the Serpent of Infinity holding His tail, He has been

identified with OCEANOS holding up the worlds, and thus the pre-Atlas serpent



I have about 150 volumes worth of interdisciplinary evidence accumulated from my

30 + years of study comparing devotional traditions in the ancient world. My

apologies that I cannot send anything to anyone, because I have spent years

bedridden and impoverished with no way to communicate my learning or to get my

work into publishable form and published. If it were not for the recent

donation of this computer, I would not be communicating with you today. At

this late date in my miserable and precarious life, I have given up hope of

ever seeing my work published. The best I can do is to try to communicate it a

little bit at a time to persons working in related fields. I hoped that the

INDOLOGY forum would be an appropriate place to discuss my observations. I

even allowed a 'pastoral' letter containing some of my discoveries to be

posted, believing that a person of integrity who seeks the whole truth, should

never fear to be honest about their own perspective.

Writing can be physically difficult for me, so, having nothing else to offer, it

was forwarded. My apologies. This posting is my attempt to voice a more

academic letter to you all.


After my first (ever in my life) posting on a egroup, I have been blasted, and I

fear that I do not possess the physical strength to even try to communicate my

findings in such a combative atmosphere, filled with so much anguish and anger

on all sides. Anger is a symptom of anguish / pain / unbearable suffering.

Both words come from a root that means to be twisted or tortured. We are all

wounded. Lets us try to heal each other, and reduce each others' pain, so we

can communicate without anger. Why should we pick at each others' wounds ? I

apologize if I have offended anyone, such as Mr. Fosse. Anguish / Anger is at

the root of the problem. A code of ethics will not cure it. Only healing love

and forgiveness will ease the pain. Mr. Fosse and Mr. Ganesans' kind words

certainly eased some of my pain. Scholars are human too. We seek detached

objectivity, but we still bleed when cut. I am so sensitive I even bleed when

others are cut !


When you spend years bedridden or on a respirator, you learn about

vulnerability, helplessness and isolation. You wonder if you will ever be able

to join in the conversation of your peers, or if you will ever be able to make

your contribution in any small way, to the betterment of the confused, divided,

suffering human condition. You INDOLOGY egroup members are all blessed. In the

entire history of the world, you have an unique opportunity to serve the greater

good of humanity. please, do not let your anguish and anger compell you to quit

the field. Rise above the divisive party spirit in a transcendant quest for

truth. If you have the strength, stay in the fight. Some truths are worth

living and even dying for.


No one ever learns in a one-sided conversation. One must be capable of

receptivity to learn. If a scholar has something of value to give, it is

because s/he has first received. Receiving requires kenosis / emptiness /

humility. How can I learn from any of you without humbling myself before you ?

How can I offer anything of value to you without first being humble enough to

receive it from someone else ? What is my debt to the entire civilizations

which have gone before me? We are all getting a view from the shoulders of

giants, and should be humbled by it. Let us love each other and appreciate one

anothers' sacrifices in the quest for truth. Depreciation does not empower,

inspirer and educated people, it discourages and embitters them.


Last night I stopped breathing 13 times in my first hour of trying to sleep.

Only my machine kept me from dying, or worse, waking up brain-damaged from lack

of oxygen. I never know if I will be able to remember anything I have learned

when I wake up. I dread sleep like death itself. Maybe you will never hear

from me again. I hope that you will not dismiss the importance of my

submissions because I am a nobody and a religious nobody one at that !


Wishing you all relief from your anguish and anger,

and final victory in your quest for truth,


your aspiring servant, Tridandi Sannyasi Bhakti Ananda Goswami (please

forgive typos etc. as it is sometimes difficult for me to sit up or keyboard)

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