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Jagganath, Subhadra and Baladeva in Mediterranean Monotheism

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Best wishes, Bhakti Ananda Goswami

"Bhakti Ananda E.O.H.N." bhakti.eohn


Fw: Jagganatha, Subhadra, Baladeva edited

Thu, 21 Jun 2001 12:14:05 -0700


- Bhakti Ananda E.O.H.N.


Saturday, June 16, 2001 6:14 PM

Fw: Jagganatha, Subhadra, Baladeva in Egypt and Judea etc.



Second edited reply to postng email inquiries


Esteemed scholars,



The evidence for this is so vast, that teams of experts could spend decades just

establishing the interdisciplinary parameters of the evidential basis of the

discipline. The study of these Purusha / Polieus / PR ASU connections will, i

am sure, one day develope into an entire field. One could spend a lifetime just

identifying the Purusha / Polieus related PUR settlements in the ancient world.

In my own brief investigation i found hundreds in Europe (BUR, BER, POL etc.),

the Near East (PER, YIR, IR etc.), Egypt (PER) and India (PUR). My following

assertions are easy to verify. These things are not obscure and the evidence is

well known in the various disciplines. Simply stated, there is such pervasive

misinformation and prejudice abounding on all sides, that no one is either

asking the relevant questions, or looking in the right places for the evidence

they need to understand what i have seen, and am trying to describe to you.

Simply stated, the Sacramental Social Order of Purusha's PUR in the East, is

directly analogous to that of Polieus in the Greek Culture, and that of ASU

(Osiris) as the PER related Nome Districts Deity in Egypt. Among the Semites

the same system is associated with Eli's multi-Form in the Sacred Cities called

PER / YIR / IR etc. These Heliopolitan POL / PER / YIR / BURY (Northern

Europe) cities were generally members of the Heliopolitan Alliances, or Asyla

Federations. They worshiped the same Deity and His Shekinah / Shakti in a

variety of local and 'universal' Forms.


Regarding the worship of the Semitic Eli-Asherah-Baal as

Jagganatha-Subhadra-Baladeva in Puri, and Horus-Sekhet-SKR (Asar-Baal) in






c copyright Bhakti Ananda Goswami, 6-15-01


The Historical Identity of the God of the Hebrews, Israelites and Jews.


What are the sources for establishing the historical identity of a deity

worshiped by a specific people, or in an inter-ethnic religious tradition? In

the Mediterranean Region, we have a vast resource, due to the culture, durable

materials used, and the climate which has also helped to preserve evidence.

Practices like votive burials and foundation deposits have also contributed to

evidence (despite moral objections to disturbing these). The abundant sacred

art of the region is available for study, from monumental forms to miniature.

Literacy in the region has provided a similarly large body of ancient written

evidence to study. Since scholars usually specialize, unfortunately, those

working in one field are often unfamiliar with advances being made in other

fields. The more recent trend to interdisciplinary studies has helped to

somewhat correct this problem. Still, it must be noted throughout the

following, that speciality myopia is continuing to obscure facts that become

readily apparent, as soon as broader more interdisciplinary comparisons are



Even an atheist must admit that the worship of a deity is real, even if the

deity isn't. I am a devoted person, but my approach to the following is not to

prove the transcendant existance of God, it is only to establish His HISTORICAL

identity among His worshippers. In the ancient world, transcendant forms of

monotheism were typically inter-racial. If we study the evidence regarding the

Jewish Deity, we discover His symbol system was identical to that of the

Heliopolitan Monotheisms of Egypt and Europe. His Names and numerous By-names

are likeswise found in Africa, Europe, and elsewhere. There were Heliopolitan

Religious Alliances for thousands of years in the region, which included

Europeans, Semites and Africans. Originally, Helios was not merely or even

primarily a mundane 'solar deity'. This exclusive 'solar' association is a

late corruption of His Tradition. Classicists admit that the monotheistic

worship of Helios was incredibly ancient, and already greatly compromised by

the classical period. The Pythagoreans, Platonists, Asclepiadae and Orphics

were all known to worship Helios as Supreme. Scholars of Greek Religion

recognize some shift in this tradition occurring, which they associate with

some appropriation of Helios related traditions, by the late Homeric-related

'solar' demigod Apollo. The late tradition of Apollo is a strange amalgam of

Heliopolitan Idealism and transcendance, with gross Homeric-related

mythological elements. To understand the East-West connections i am

presenting, this point must be understood. It is the Philosophical, Ascetic

Tradition of Heliopolitan Monotheism that i am comparing to Sattvic Vaishnavism

etc. not the late corrupt Homeric type polytheism.


Among the Proto-Jewish Western Semites, the two most frequently occuring Deity

Names appearing in the Scriptures (and elsewhere), are ELI and YAHU. These

Names compounded occurr early in the Bible as ELOAH and later as ELIYAHU. In

Greek this is HELI-US or HELIOS. In Egypt, the compound Deity Name is HR-ASU

or 'HORUS'. But, their are primarily TWO HORUSES IN EGYPT. The first is

HERU-UR, HR-WER, HAROEIS, or 'HERU THE ELDER' . He actually was also worshipped

in a child form, the term 'Elder' being associated with His being the original,

not 'older' form. He is the Supreme God of pre and early dynastic Egypt.

Osiris is considered an alter-form or 'brother' of His. The second primary

'Horus' is the son of Isis and Osiris. This is the 'solar' form most commonly

associated with apollo in late sources. In the earliest Semitic sources YAHU

is associated with 'solar' ELI-BAAL to the extent that Baal is now considered

to have originally been a By-name of Yahu. Baal is also called the 'son' of

Eli, or considered one of His principle alter-forms. Thus ELI-YAHU (BAAL) is

the historical Deity (Supreme Father and Savior God) of the Proto-Jews. Eli is

the Father of the so-called Semitic Pantheon and Yahu-Baal is the Enemy of

chaos, evil and death. Yahu-Baal is the descending Savior of Humanity. A

careful comparison of HERU-ASU (Osiris) and ELI-YAHU (Baal) traditions with

Heliopolitan Monotheism, shows clear connections.


While local and periodic 'myths' vary, the theology seems to have remained

consistant accross large areas from century to century. Not only is ELI

consistantly worshiped with BAAL-YAHU, but this Deity has scores of local Forms

and By-names, which can be discovered through studying artifacts and theophoric

personal names in the Hebrew and Greek Jewish Scriptures. Futhermore, He was

worshiped with a feminine Counterpart (Chokmah / Shekinah or Asherah), Who also

had numerous, varied, local Forms and By-names. It is specifically the separated

, corrupted worship of Asherah and Baal that is related to the corrupted form of

Shaivism and Shakism in the East. Since Baal is identified with Dionysos (and

later Jesus Christ), we can understand the root of the controversy between the

ascetic Heliopolitan Asklepius / Dionysos / Christ worshippers, and the

hedonistic Maenad-related false Dionysos, or 'anti-christ' (corrupted Baal)

worshipers.( more on this below at the end of this letter.)


Thus, throughout the region, for thousands of years among Semites the religion

of ELI-YAHU and Their Feminine 'Shekinah' was dominant. It was closely

related to HERI-ASU and SEKHET worship among the Egyptians, and HELI-OS

(Dionysos) and HEKATE worship among the Greeks. These three indigenous

developments from the Primal Monotheism, were all connected with the 'Bridal

Mysticism' cultus of Helios as Meghistos Kouros, and His Shekinah / Chokmah,

RHODA, on the Sacred Lotus Isle of Rhodes.

The inter-racial, monotheistic cultus of Rhoda & Kouros Helios is clearly

related to that of the Vaishnava's Radha and Krishna.


The Same Deity and Feminine Divine in Africa


In Egypt, ELI was called HR which has been variously vocalized. ' Heru' is

common among Egyptologists at present, but considering Greek HELI, Semitic

ELI, Ali, Uri, Ori, Ari, Latin Sole, Hurrian Hurri etc i have chosen to use

HERI. Yahu was called ASU in North Egypt and Wasu in the South. HERI-ASU (

'HORUS the ELDER and OSIRIS) was worshiped with His Feminine Divine Sekhet,

under hundreds of local Names and Forms. Again, as in the Levant, this was the

dominant monotheism of the entire region for thousands of years. It is the

symbol system of this Egyptian tradition which is used on all Proto-Jewish, and

later Israelite, Judahite and 'Jewish' artifacts. The Jews did not emply a

separate symbol system for their Deity, simply because He was not a separate

Deity. Thus these recognizably Vaishnava related religious symbols connecting

Jewish, Greek and Egyptian Heliopolitan Monotheism are commonly found on the

royal and state seals etc. of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah. The DJED or

TET is one such inter-national religious symbol related to the Heliopolitan

Tradition. 'Djed' type Forms of ELI, BAAL and ASHERAH have been found in

Israel, with some clearly related to the extremely ancient worship of Jericho.

These are the 'Palm Trunk' type Djed 'Pillars".


What Did Heri / Eli - Asu / Yahu and Shekinah / Sekhet Look Like in Egypt and

the Levant?... The Dje Dje 'Pillars'

Considering the regional long-term prominence of this inclusive monotheism, one

could expect to find certain related icons in abundance, and these have been

found in both the Levant and Egypt. Both Semiticists and Egyptologists are

confounded by the strange 'Dje Dje' or 'Djed' 'Pillars', carved, painted,

moulded, minted, created out of glass, enamel, precious metals and stones, worn

as amulets, in temples, on royal and commoners' belongings etc. throughout the

region. They explain the popularity of these almost an-iconic 'deities' as

due to the persistant royal and mass devotion to OSIRIS-BAAL in this form as

the a Universal Savior Deity. Since the HERI-Osiris (ASU / WASU / YAHU )

Black DJED Form is worshiped with a similar White Form (SKR-BAAL) and a

Feminine Asherah Form, these are collectively refered to as Djed Pillars.

These Forms are usually armless and legless with painted-on or low relief

features. They may be depicted dressed or garlanded and are oftened shown being

worshiped by humans and/or animals. The compound 'Osiris Crown', Hemhemet or

Atef crown-of-many-crowns is often adorning Them. This reinforces that they

are aspects or persons of the same Deity. When this same unique crown is seen

on HERI-ASU's other Forms such as the Cosmic AMUN and ATEN, the Lion Headed

AMEN-RA and Helios Phanes, it is a sure identifier of the God-of gods. I have

traced the Dje Dje Crown to Kush / Meroe in Africa, Persia, India and all the

way in Vaishnavisn and related Pure Land Buddhism, to Japan and Angkor Wat.

Heri-ASAR / Osiris was called NTR 'Lord' for thousands of years. The Coptic

Egyptian form of NTR is NOUTI (compare Jagga-NATHA 'Lord').


The Djed Form of ASAR / Osiris was associated with His Cosmic Sacrifice in the

battle between Good / Order and Evil / Chaos. As the Cosmic Form of HERI-ASU,

the Djed 'Pillar' often had siderial time-keeping symbols associated with it.

Of course JAGAT in Sanskrit means 'universe'. The Black Body of the Cosmic

Osiris was sometimes associated with the night sky Body of Father God or Time.

When Jagganath as the cosmic Kala Purusha, has a black body, covered with stars,

this is similar to the star-covered body of Osiris Djed, or His Shekinah as NEIT

(night) in Egypt. Mediterranean region icons of the Cosmic form of ELI-AZAR /

ASAR / OSIRIS, are clearly related to the Purusha Mandalas of the East.


The Sacramental Social System of the region was also associated with Polieus /

PR-ASU's Mystical Body. Certain Priests were associated with His Head or

Mouth, the King with his 'right arm', etc, and celestial and terrestrial

bodies and elements were all believed to be part of His Cosmic Manifestation

(Sun as His right eye and Moon His left, His Phallus at the Temple of MN etc.)

As the all-pervasive Soul of the Universe, He was ATM or AMN (ATMA or BRAHMAN).

Many Names associated with his multi form can be identified in the1000 names of

Vishnu, the 108 Names of Krishna, or Nara Hari etc. He was worshiped in every

temple city-state as POLIEUS (PURUSHA). He was always worshiped with His

Feminine Sekhet or Shekinah. When His Shekinah was worshiped with Him in

various Forms sometimes it was as His Sister, not His Wife. (As with Athena and

Apollo, Subhadra and Krishna.)


In searching for the origin and meaning of these Forms, i read a vast amount of

inscriptional as well a text material. I also studied the rites etc.

associated with Djed worship. Several outstanding story elements connect Osiris

Djed to Jagganatha specifically, one to NARA HARI and one to the Ramayana. When

Isis is lamenting the murder of Her Divine Husband, she is cruelly shown a wax

head made to look like His.(This element is also later connected to the Homeric

Legends.) There is a tradition of this related to the story of Sita-Rama.

Osiris is also revealed to a king, by His devotee, OUT OF A THRONE-ROOM PILLAR

(Nara Hari Rupa). The elements of the Djed 'Pillar' story found in the cultus

of Jagganatha, are in the BRAHMAN DARU story. For example, Osiris Djed

assumed the Form of a giant log. In this DJED Log Form, he drifted up on the

shore of a pious king, who took him to his palace. In the North ASAR -SKR and

Sekhet are identified with the Southern Theban AMEN RA, KHONSHU and MUT. The

greatest of the festivals of Amen, Mut and Khonshu involved Their travel

between two sanctuaries. They were ceremonially pulled with ropes during this

great public festival, in a ritual clearly related to Jagganatha's RATHA YATRA

in PURI.


I will summarize for you. Eli / Heri is Hari (Krishna). This is confirmed by

my work on the Jewish-Rhodian Cultus Heliopolitan connections. Baal-Yahu (Asu

/ Wasu ) is Baladeva as Vasudeva or Vishnu. Shekinah is Shakti (Subhadra

devi). Their worship as the Puri-like so-called 'Pillar' Forms was

periodically dominant, and therefore common throughout the region among all

races for thousands of years. Dje dje Nouti's / Jagganatha's cosmic mandorla /

mandala forms as PR-ASU Purusha are related. His compound crown can be found

from Kush in Africa all the way through India to Japan and Angkor Wat. The

Sacramental Social Body of Djed Polieus is the Purusha-sukta related Varnashram

Social Body of Vishnu as the self-sacrificed Cosmic Purusha. This was not

originally devised as a system to enforce racial purity at all, but rather it

was a same-race and then inter-racial social guild-like system for the

specialization of labor, and the equitable exchange of goods and services in

the social body of the PUR temple community, city-state and empire of federated

city-states. Purusha PR-ASU was also associated with time and the asterim as

KALAH PURUSHA. Solar, Lunar and Siderial time-keeping systems were variously

kept and coordinated by His priests and priestesses. There are thousands of

connections 'waiting' to be discovered by anyone who will look, comparing

HARI-VASU and Shakti Vaishnavism ( and related traditions in the East) with the

great inclusive Heliopolitan Traditions of the West. Since Judaism,

Christianity and Islam all have their roots in this inter-racial ELI-YAHU

(HELIOS / HERI-ASU) worship, it is vitally important for both Eastern and

Western Scholars to put aside their pre-conceived notions and prejudices to

consider this evidence.


A Final Note On The Great Trauma of the Hyksos Period


In my studies i have considered the religious aspects of some pivotal human

experiances, such as the Hyksos conquest of Northen Egypt, and the much later

Assyrian destruction of Heliopolitan culture in the Levant. Religious heresies

and schizm dynamics often lay beneath the political and military movements of

history. There was a period during which the Holy Name of Eli-Yahu BAAL became

'diabolized'. Prior to this period, Yahu was commonly worshiped as BAAL, and

Eli-Yahu was worshiped with His Feminine Shekinah / Chokmah Who was called

Asherah, and scores of other names. After this period (which has not been

reliably dated) Yahu was no longer called BAAL, and no longer publically

worshiped with a 'consort' or Feminine aspect. Baal has both Vaishnava and

Shaivite attributes. Asherah has both Vaishnava and Shaivite related Shakti

attributes. However, after the Great Truama, we see a separating-out of these

traditions into two historical streams. One of these streams is clearly Vishnu

related, and the other is Shiva related. Shaivism and Shaktism apparently

split-off as separate religions from the Primal Tradition, somehow during a

period of religious trauma and related social crisis involving the HYKSOS

(YAKSHASHA ) Baal-Yahu and Asherah-Shekinah worship in the Levant, Egypt and

Mediterranean Region. This is why the so-called 'Left hand Tantric' Traditions

of Shiva and Shakti, have been so frequently identified with the orgiastic

traditions of the late, pseudo-Dionysian Bacchants and Maenads. The Ascetic

Heliopolitan Tradition of the Hierarchos / Hierophant Dionysos (Baal) became

corrupted in association with orgiastic Hekate ( Asherah) worship. Thus the

comparative study of both these ascetic and corrupted (orgiastic) Baal &

Asherah Traditions holds great promise for purely Eastern 'Hindu' Vaishnava,

Shaivite, and Shakti Bhakti Ecumenism as well. The sattvic, pietistic (holy)

traditions of Shaivism and Shakti worship derive from the original, unified

Primal Bhakti Tradition. The impious corrupted, separated heretical Traditions

are later in developement, having a potentially identifiable period of

developement and rise to regional prominence and power, with a distinct pattern

of diffusion. It is the Pseudo-Dionysian (Baal) corruption of Shaivism &

Shaktism, which flowed towards India, after the great Hyksos Heresy in the

Levant, Egypt and Greece. I am not saying that Shaivsim etc originated in the

West and spread to the East. I am saying that a specific corruption of it

appears in the Mediterranean, and clearly spread eastward. In Classical times,

this corruption was associated with the orgiastic and cannibalistic Maenads or

Bacchants of the false 'Dionysos'. It is this tradition which the

anti-Helenizers sought to drive out of Israel, which the ascetic Spartans

outlawed and fought, and which the Senate banned from Rome.


In Egypt, This great religious and social trauma is associated with the Dark

Ages of the Anti-Helios Hyksos, who corruptly identified KETU / SETU with the

Universal Savior, BAAL. The Hyksos were not the enslaved Semitic Heros of the

Jewish Exodus Story. This is one of the worst mistakes historians have ever

made. It is purely based on the racial assumption that , because the Hyksos

were Semites, they somehow had to be the heroes of the Biblical Epic. In fact,

all the evidence indicates that it was under the Hyksos that the Semitic and

'mixed multitude' worshippers of God HELIOS were enslaved. ELI-YAHU is HELIOS

/ HOR-US, whose cosmic enemy is KETU / SETU / CHATA (Hebrew 'Sin') and

CATA-BOLISM. RAHU-KETU is the cosmic enemy of Vishnu and the DEVAS or SURAS.

Rahu-Ketu causes demonic possession, disease, disorder and death. SETU /

SATAN / KETU, cast down, was the 'father of lies' and the distortion of words

(cata-chresis), the cause of celestial sun & moon-eating eclipses, inauspicious

asterims, comets, meteors and floods etc. (catastrophe, cataclysm), the

dis-integration of all things (catabolism), and cause of possession / seizure /

madness ( catalepsy). SETU / KETU / KETOS the Evil Dragon was CHATA or 'sin'

personified. For instance, as late as the New Testament, he is Envisioned by

the apostle John as the cosmic dragon lying in wait to devour the Messiah as He

is 'born' from the celestial Virgin. This is obviously the sun and moon

devouring Rahu-Ketu, enemy of Vishnu and the Devas.


In both the East and West he is depicted as a cosmic dragon who devours the sun

and moon. As such he is KETOS or DRAC in Greek, KETU or DRUG to Tibetan

Buddhists and Satan the Dragon to Jews and Christians. By confounding the

ENEMY of life, truth, order / beauty and health, etc., with the LORD of life,

truth etc, the Hyksos worshiped 'anti-Christ' in the place of Christ. They

created the False Baal-Dionysos-Christ, and changed the capital of Egypt from

one of the traditional Heliopolitan Centers, to the very capital city of SETU /

KETU (Avaris). Breaking with Heliopolitan Tradition, they plunged Egypt into a

'dark age' .

Their power throughout the region devastated the Heliopolitan culture, and set

in motion a religious and moral culture clash that would have repercussions to

our time.


Against the background of this enormous tragedy, The Bible asserts that God

Himself appeared in a theophany to rescue His people. Who was this God, and

who were His people ? He was the Lord of the Patriarch Joseph, Vizier to the

Pharoah of ancient Heliopolis. He was ELI-YAHU, the God Joseph's wife was the

High Priestess of. He was HERU the ELDER, the Deity of Rhodes, that the city

of Heliopolis was built to honor. He was Helios / Eli-Yahu, the Lord of the

'mixed multitude' of Semites, Africans and Europeans who were forced to build a

captital temple-city to glorify the arch-enemy of their God. The Lord of the

Exodus was the true Dje Dje NTR - BAAL, come to take the region back from the

Blasphemous Hyksos, who dared to force the people of Egypt, the Levant, and the

Isles of the Mediterranean to worship, or pay tribute to Setu / Ketu / Chata

....Sin Personified.


Tragically, the corruption caused by the Hyksos was so profound, that BAAL was

eventually 'put away' as a name for Yahu. However, we can use the profound

religio-cultural sea-change of the Hyksos Era to give ouselves a nearest

relative date for the sattvic / pious tradition of Hari-Vasu (BALADEVA) and

Shaktis' worship. If the tradition of Krishna -Balaram worship we know of from

the Gita and Bhagavatam was post-Hyksos Era in developement, Hari, Baladeva and

Subhadra would not be being worshiped together with strictly pious rites.

Krishna would not be identified with Kala or Shiva. The Great Trauma would be

reflected in the corpus of the Krishna-centric Vaishnava Scriptures. Given the

interaction of the Eastern and Western (Old World) Bhakti traditions, There

would surely be some of the period's corruptions strongly evident in the

ELI-BAAL and ASHERAH related Krishna-Balarama and Subhadra tradition. Since

there isn't, i conclude that the Gita and Bhagavatam traditions of Jagganatha

(HARI, KRISHNA), BALADEVA and SUBHADRA predate the Great Trauma of the heresy

of BAAL-ASHERAH. Related elements of Pure Land Buddhism also predate the Great

Trauma. This seems obvious in that these elements have preserved the former

integration of Vishnu and Shiva traditions. (Another multi-volume series could

be written on this.) A profound confirmation of this concept of a Great Trauma

and schizm, can be observed in the fact that the orgiastic traditions of Shiva

and Kali both seem to have appeared and to have become prominent at some

certain time. Both legend and interdisciplinary evidence confirm a diffusion

of these L. H. Tantric- like practices to India, and this diffusion is

specifically what has been recently documented by 'Tantric' Shaivite and Shakti

scholars.The modern advocates of raw (and even human)flesh eating, substance

abuse and perverse sex in the name of religion, do not hesitate to identify

their corrut 'Shiva' with the 'Dionysos' of the Maenads / Bacchants. What i

want to see is the Sattvic Tradition Scholars comparing the unified, ascetic

traditions of ancient religious history.


your aspiring servant, Bhakti Ananda Goswami


Tridandi Sannysi Bhakti Ananda Goswami

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