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Fw: B.A. Goswami comments on Rasa-Lila: Should Conditioned Souls Hear it and Discuss it?

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- Bhakti Ananda E.O.H.N.

Madhudvisa dasa

Tuesday, June 26, 2001 2:05 PM

Fw: B.A. Goswami comments on Rasa-Lila: Should Conditioned Souls Hear it and Discuss it?






Dearest friends,


Please read these VERY important quotations from, HDG Srila Prabhupada regarding

the pre-mature and inapropriate discussion of Rasa Lila, and Sahajiyaism. Then

consider WHY the Rasa Lila has always been 'esoteric' in the Western Bhakti

Traditions, and elsewhere, for instance in the original Pure Land form of



There is a tradition in Orthodox Judaism that a Rabbi of spotless character, who

had been faithfully married to the same one woman for 50 years, MAY be admitted

to the esoteric discussion of the SONG OF SONGS. Thus a rabbi was commonly 70

years of age before he was invited to join the company of the masters who could

discuss Jewish

'Bridal Mysticism' ! In Catholicism it was the same. Spiritually advanced

'consecrated virgins' (vowed celibate priests, monks and nuns) might discuss

the SONG OF SONGS tradition in the sanctuary of their cloisters, but it was NOT

a topic for public discourse. When rogue persons made the 'Mysteries' public,

Sahajiya-related impersonal moral and social disasters invariably followed.

Thus, long before the Advent of Jesus, and the emergence of Catholicism from

the Proto-Catholic Heliopolitan Asyla Federations, the Western Bhakti

Traditions had developed an external conservativism to combat the constant

threat of Sahajiya deviations.


Thus God and Shakti were worshiped exoterically in awe and reverence as the

Heavenly King and Queen (BAZODEO and BASILEA = VASUDEVA and VASDEVI) and

esoterically IN THEIR HIEROGAMOS 'MYSTERIES' as the pastoral Lovers of the

Rhodian-related Song of Songs tradition. The history of Vaishnavism, and our

own Srila Prabhupada's statements completely explain why Rasa Lila is largely

esoteric in the histories of Hinduism, Judaism, Catholicism and Pure Land

Buddhism. It has not been out of rejection for the Rasa Lila Tradition, but a

sense of protection for the 'Holy of Holies', that these traditions have

zealously guarded their 'Bridal Mysticism' teachings.

Even Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu reserved His discussion of Rasa Lila for His most

intimate spiritual association with Ramananda Raya.


'Caroling' was common after Mass for centuries. It was outlawed because it

deteriorated into a sahajiya social fiasco. People would just skip Mass and

The Blessed Sacrament, and show up only for the Chorus / Divine Circle Dance

after Mass. Due to the influence of impersonal 'Gnostic' teachings, the Divine

Circle Dance of Paradise was degraded into a mundane sexually-charged social

event in the name of religion. THAT is why the Catholic Church put a stop to

it. It had degraded into a situation of intolerable offence.


When there is no external embodiment / practice associated with a tradition,

eventually that tradition will be lost / forgotten. Thus, today despite

centuries of Catholics publicly celebrating the Circle Dance of God and His

Brides in Paradise, this Catholic Bridal Mysticism-related tradition has become

generally forgotten. A few scholars know about it...that is almost all. I did

a graduate-level study on the history of this 'caroling' in the Western

Traditions when i was working towards my interdisciplinary master's degree in

the history of religion, comparative religions and theology, during the early



The Catholic history of 'caroling' has two main aspects to it. One is that of

the Circle Dance with God or Christ in the highest Paradise. The other is that

of the popular, charismatic CONCERTINA / SANKIRTANA movements, which were HUGE

at various times in Proto-Catholic, and Catholic history. These movements have

their parallel in other ancient non-Indian Bhakti Traditions. While they tended

to unite the factions of a particular tradition, the specific historical

mandate of our own Caitanya-ite Gaudiya Sankirtan Tradition is to UNITE ALL OF


FOR US TO HELP each group of devotees to recover and revive their own

historical traditions of Sankirtan. Then they will automatically be



Ritual acts embody faith. Worship, festivals, the little every day actions of

physical sadhana, these enflesh a faith that is 'living'. Paramahamsas who

have completely internalized a tradition may remain steady in their devotion

without any external supports / reinforcement or expression. However, most

devotees in this world will always need external supports for the viability and

growth of their faith. Actions also incarnate our devotion as real physical

service to the devotees, Sri Guru and Godhead. The problems do not arise

because people worship Sri Vigraha, or commemorate the Rasa Lila, they arise

when, due to impersonal influences, people take God 'cheaply'. This is what

results in 'idolatry' and sexual abberations in religion.


The 'taking-God/ess cheaply' of sahajiyaism is so spiritually and morally

dangerous, that it has resulted in the exoteric conservativism we see in the

great Bhakti Traditions. Probably the most monstrous corruption of Rasa Lila

ever in creation was the Maenad / Bacchant Tradition which the ASCETIC Jews,

and pagan Greeks and Romans all OUTLAWED from their territories. This is the

same EVIL so-called 'paganism' that early Catholicism was forced to battle. In

india, all the righteous Vaishnava and Shaivite Kings, including Asoka during

his 'pacifist' period outlawed and suppressed these same so-called 'Left Hand

Tantric' and Sahajiya abominations. When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared, He

battled this very same impersonal corruption. After only 500 years, even our

own tradition of Gaudiya Vaishnavism was plagued with the theological and moral

erosion caused by this same sahajiya influence that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Himself battled in His Earthly Lila.


So, in conclusion, we should not wallow in Vaishnava TRIUMPHALISM because we

have received so great a treasure as RASA LILA at the hands of Sri CAITANYA

MAHAPRABHU HIMSELF, through our spotless beloved Guru. Considering our own

unworthiness, and the profound deviations in our own generation of Vaishnavas,

we should rather be PROFOUNDLY humbled by the causeless mercy we have received

in our unique Gaudiya Tradition. AND we should approach our historically

related Bhakti Traditions with a 'straw between our teeth' to assist them in

the revival of their nearly forgotten, ancient, sacred 'Mysteries'. Srila

Bhaktivinode Thakur revived our own pure Caitanyaite Vaishnavism, which had

nearly become lost to the world, due to the excesses, abuses and deviations of


In only 500 years from SRI GAURANGA HIMSELF, our own Gaudiya Tradition had

seemed nearly lost until the powerful Saint Bhaktivinode Thakur appeared !


With the Western Bhakti Traditions and Pure Land Buddhism, these traditions are

thousands of years old. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not separately come to

each of these Bhakti Traditions to SEPARATELY revive their Krishna

consciousness ! Rather he inaugerated A SINGLE GLOBAL NON-SECTARIAN





This is Sri Sri Gaura-Nitais' mandate... Uncover / reveal Radha and Krishna in

the heart of humanity !.... Revive all peoples' ancient Radha-Krishna centric

sacred traditions !... Awaken their original "Krishna Consciousness" ! ...

Defeat impersonalism with the causeless Love and Mercy of the Divine Persons of

the Godhead !... And, in doing so, finally UNITE all the devotees of the world !


Impersonalism and its related immorality is the common enemy, not 'other' devotional traditions.


The other great Bhakti Traditions dealt with the constant threat of this same

degrading 'cheapening' force by becoming very conservative. In Northern

Buddhism, for example, this led to Radha-Padme's presence sometimes being

represented as the Lotus on which Amitabha (Krishna) sits or stands....hence

'the Jewel In The Lotus' ( OM MANI PADME HUM). All the Shaktis of

Amitayus-Lokesvara (Balarama-Vishnu) and Mahadeva (Shiva) are fully depicted in

the canon of Northern Buddhist sacred art, except the highest consort of HRIH

(Amitabha). She is represented in union with Him as merely a Lotus, or other

especially RED or PINK (Rhoda / Radha 'Red' pun) flower. A blue (Nila )

flower is associated with Shakti as Durga or external energy. I have venerated

hundreds of Catholic Icons of Mary, spanning the globe and over 1000 years, and

i would say that over 90 % of the time in Her colored Icons, She has a red or

pink inner dress and a blue outer mantle. Of course Mary's highest most

'intimate' form in relationship to 'Bridal Mysticism' is known by Her


(HEXAD) is associated with Her Symbol as Rhoda, but She also has a 5 pointed

star. In India red is associated with Radha, and blue with Durga. The Hexad

is associated with SRI LAXMI and the 5 pointed star with Durga. In Pure Land

Buddhism, these two stars exist, and Tara's Secret Form is symbolized by a red

or pink flower.


For devotees in the Western Hemisphere, i highly recommend a pilgrimage to

Mary's Catholic Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Northeast Washington

D.C. USA . This is one of the largest temples devoted to the veneration of

Rhoda-Shekinah / Radha-Shakti in the history of the world. Vaishnava and

Shaivite related Shakti symbols pervade this sacred structure from the 6 and 5

pointed stars / yantras on its massive dome and entrance, to Mary's mystical

Rose Window and her dozens of separate shrines within. Her names MARY and

MARIAM are related to Juno's name MARINA which is the feminine of NARAYANA.


Rhoda-Mary has scores of ancient Names and Forms, many of which would be

familiar to Vaishnavas if they ever studied the authentic developement of

Catholicism. Just as we Gaudiya Vaishnavas believe that surrender to Radha is

essential for our spiritual life, in Catholicism, Mary's 'kenosis' or

receptivity to God is considered essential for the salvation of all beings, and

every devoted soul is to take Her as their Mistress and Model of Devotion. In

Pure Land Buddhism, the adept priests and nuns meditate on complete

identification with the service mood of Mother Tara, to enter into the highest

mysteries of HRIH / Amitabha.


Without our Mother, we don't exist, we have no reality of relationship to our

Father. We only exist in potentia in Him. Our Mother's Love attracts the Love

of God, and brings everything from potentia in Him into manifestation. No one

can have a more intimate relationship with our Father than our Mother. We have

one Father and Mother. If we don't know who our Father is, only She can tell us



May Radha / Rhoda the Mystical Rose, Who Also Appears as Nari-Narayani, reveal

Herself to all Her Children, and may She ever Bless us with Her Motherly

Mercy, forgive our offences, and lead us back home TOGETHER, back to the

transcendant abode of OUR ONE FATHER, " BACK TO GODHEAD !" Amen / Aum and HARE



your aspiring servant, Bhakti Ananda Goswami


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