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1st installment on Vedic Buddhism

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I am having trouble opening the attachments, so dear rs contact the

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"Bhakti Ananda E.O.H.N." bhakti.eohn

"Vrndavan Brannon Parker" vaidika1008

Fw: first installment on Buddhism Bhakti Ananda Goswami

Fri, 6 Jul 2001 16:42:52 -0700


- Bhakti Ananda E.O.H.N.

vedicstars (AT) telus (DOT) net

Friday, July 06, 2001 4:37 PM

first installment on Buddhism Bhakti Ananda Goswami



SRI SRI GURU and Gauranga ki jaya !


Dearest Sandi and Jeffrey, Rachel and Vrin,


Please accept my affectionate obeisances.


This is still too complicated for the average reader, but i need to get this

down somewhere in case i have to relocate (leave my body). I am actually

trying to keep it simple. I have had a second inquiry about Pure Land Buddhism

recently, so reflecting on our conversation, Jeffrey, i decided to write

something for you especially, as we discussed, a kind of introduction to

Buddhism. I may also send some of it to the other devotee who inquired.


Attached is my first installation. Krishna willing, the structure will focus

next on finishing the description of Nepalese-Tibetan Buddhism (cult of Tara,

Tibetan Book of the Dead, lila forms of Lokesvara / Vishnu, Mahadeva as AN

EXPANSION OF LOKESVARA, Maha kala as Nara Hari Rupa and YHVH worship at the

PATALA, BUDH AS PTAH etc.) Then i will focus on the origins of 'Buddhism' from

Sakyamuni's time, in Nepal and India. I will show connections to the GOOD

SHEPARD, SHALIGRAM / SHAL GROVE, TULASI and RADHA Traditions in Buddhist lore.

I will discuss how two schools of Buddhist iconography emerged (Gandharan and

Mathuran )...both showing Greek Rhodian connections, and how the earliest

Buddhist centers were all Vaishnava centers. I will touch on the 'Buddhism' of

Asoka, whose guru's ashram of 10,000 was IN MATHURA, and how it is widely

accepted by western scholars that Asoka's Missionaries were present in Judea,

Greece and Egypt. The Theravadins have appropriated Asoka, but there is NO

evidence that his 'Buddhism' was Hinayana ! ALL the evidence is that

originally Buddhism, both before AND AFTER SAKYAMUNI was at first

indistinguishable from Krishna-centric Vaishnavism, except for the late and

insignificant heretical Theravadins, who were suppressed by Asoka etc., and

thus diffused to S. E. Asia through Sri Lanka. Then i will describe how

Vaishnava related M Buddhism spread to China Korea and Japan, and how voidism

corrupted it as an 'esoteric' tradition associated with voidism and

impersonalism in India (the pilgrim problem). Both Tantrism and Dhyana / Zen

acted as vehicles for impersonalism all the way into Japan. I will touch-on

Hanuman as the protector of Pure Land Buddhism throughout its northern range (

He is extremely popular in Chinese Buddhism) and i will explain that the

worship of Krishna and Radha devolved into the separated Chinese worship of MA

Kuan Yin, and how the merged attributes of MANI PADME remain in Japanese

Buddhism today. After describing ancient Japanese Pure Land, with its Catholic

Mary / Benten, Alvar KANAN and Tana Bata Festival Rasa Lila etc. connections, i

will touch on the popular HARI NAM movements of HRIH in Japan...to the

present's SOKKA phenomenon. I will relate my experiances with P.L. Buddhism in

Japan, and my initiation into NEMBUTSU in the inner sanctum of the High Alter

of ASAKUSA KANNON in Tokyo. Then i will finish with a description of the

pre-Sakyamuni Buddhism beneath Sakyamuni Buddhism, in the ancient East (Bon in

Tibet, Taoist Yab Yum / Purusha / Prakrti, Shinto Pantheon etc. ), and how this

is related to Vaishnavism in both India and the Heliopolitan Federations of the

Mediterranean. Once i have outlined these connections, any army of scholars

will be able to reconstruct my studies and flesh-out the entire framework of

connections i have introduced in this short introduction to BUDDHISM in the

context of World Emanational and Incarnational Monotheism. Please forgive my

run-on sentences, i can hardly sit up at this point and im failing fast / must

quit for the day...so




your aspiring servant, Bhakti Ananda

Attachment: (application/octet-stream) Whose Buddha. 4 .doc [not stored]

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