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Fw: Sources, DJED etc. Israelite artifacts, ELI-YAHU-BAAL &c

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- Bhakti Ananda E.O.H.N.


Thursday, June 21, 2001 2:23 PM

Fw: Sources, DJED etc. Israelite artifacts, ELI-YAHU-BAAL &c


- Bhakti Ananda E.O.H.N.


Saturday, June 16, 2001 6:48 PM

Fw: Sources,DJED etc. Israelite artifacts, ELI-YAHU-BAAL &c


(edited from original message...personal content removed)


Bhakti Ananda E.O.H.N.

Bijoy Misra

Saturday, June 16, 2001 3:39 PM

Sources, data base, current situation, prospectus...thanks


part of an email reply regarding Jagganatha in Judea and Egypt


My major assertions are easily verifiable because i have used standard sources

for evidence in each field. For instance, you should easily be able to find

information on Osiris as the Djed Pillar or 'TET' Pillar in any good general

reference work on Egyptian Religion or Art. When studying Egyptian HR as HARI,

the most important thing to realize, is that the Supreme pre-dynastic HR,

considered a 'brother' or By-Form of ASU / ASAR is NOT THE LATE 'HORUS, SON OF

ISIS AND OSIRIS'. The HERI / HR who must be identified and studied is HELIOS

or 'HERU THE ELDER' as Egyptologists often call Him. It is the Rhodian (MInoan

Era) earliest Heliopolitan Tradition which must be studied in relationship to

the Semitic Cultus of EL-ELYON at Salem (later Jeru-salem). Just as Heliopolis

was a capital of Rhoda and Kouros (Radha and Krishna) worship, Memphis was a

capital of PTAH-SKR-ASAR (BAAL) worship. Similarly the Cities of Salem and

Jericho were devoted to Eli / Heri and Baal respectively. The symbol of BAAL

at Jericho was the Palm (Baladeva's Palm flag). The tradition of the descending

Savior of Jericho lasted all the way into the time of Jesus, Who chose to encamp

with His disciples in Jericho, and who was received with the Palm-Frond Rite of

Jericho's BAAL, when He rode in triumph into Jerusalem, as the promised

Messiah. In Semitic Studies, the same Egyptian Djed Pillar and related 'Palm

Tree Trunk' Form of the Semitic Deity is now well known.


One recent text that reproduces and attempts to explain the Egyptian-Semitic

Osiris Djed and Baal 'Pillar' and Asherah Icons is GODS, GODDESSES, AND IMAGES

OF GOD IN ANCIENT ISRAEL , by Othmar Keel and Christoph Uehlinger, translated by

Thomas H. Trapp, copyright 1998 Ausburg Fortress (Press). I only have this

valuable reference at hand, because for my museum tour and lecture series last

year, my Daughter (Sukla dasi) assembled a small booklet to go with my lecture

on the Vaishnava -Egyptian-Jewish connections. I received permission from the

copyright owners of this text to use important icons and passages from the text

in my comparative presentations and companion hand-outs. If you seriously want

to study this subject, this book is essential. It summarizes the present state

of knowledge (without my work ! ) regarding the visual religious symbol-system

of the Semites and Jews. It doesn't however cover the late pre-Christian

period. Still, it provides evidence which directly supports what i have been

saying for 30 + years... that the Egyptian Helios and the Jewish Deity ELI-YAHU

are the Same Deity.


best wishes,


your aspiring servant, Bhakti Ananda Goswami

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