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[world-vedic] Middle Earth

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[world-vedic] Middle Earth


SRI SRI  GURU and GAURANGA ki jaya !


Please accept my humble obeisances.  Regarding this

current discussion about a 'hollow' Earth, i must say

something.  While there are vast caverns which extend for

miles, and hollow magma tubes and collapsed volcanic

cones / flues, and other amazing features on Earth, the term

'middle' Earth, from the Sanskrit 'madhya' was commonly

used in the ancient world for the Mediterranean Basin.


* Dear Bhakti Ananda Goswami,


* I would like to respond to your comments on the Hollow Earth Theory. I will

place a star in front of my paragraphs in order to differentiate my comments

from yours.


* Although there are various bodies of hollow Earth evidence, i.e.,  Arctic,

astronomical, geological and legend, I guess that I should begin by saying that

I am uncomfortable with the interpretations which you have imposed on the

Puranic comments and story lines in regard to the hollow cavity of the Earth.

And I do mean " interpretations." The Puranic account of the Parasurama Avatar

is clear. The context of the story is a globe and the face of the Earth. While

speaking in a descriptive tone, the Bhagavatam mentions the face of the Earth,

Prithivi,  the surface as a whole is implied, not a limited geographical area

such as India as opposed to the Mediterranean. The narration describes the

cardinal directions on the prithivi and then mentions the " madhyatah," the

middle part in relation to " the directions." The four directions on the face

of a globe have no middle part. Only one conclusion is cohesive, that the stary

is referring to the middle part of the planet. How you carry over the obvious

context of the Puranic narration to the Mediterranean Sea all of a sudden is

beyond me, me thinks that you have indulged in some tremendous word jugglery.


* Similarly, the narration of Sons of Sagara contains repreated, obvious

comments in relation to the hollowEarth. The idea is that they " dug " at one

point in order to arrive there. Not that they flew over to the Mediterranean

Sea, nor that they flew down to planetary systems which are below the plane of

the Earth's orbit. " Dug " implies that the motion was inwards. By the way, I

have posted that piece from the Brahmanda Purana on my Hollow Earth Vedic site

with notes of explanation, specifically, an explanation on how such digging

through the Earth's shell could have been accomplished by the princes. It is at

the top as of today: http://www.skywebsite.com/hollow/vedic-hollow-earth/



Latin and Sanskrit are related, and for many centuries

( actually to the present ) the MEDI - TERRA - nean was

called the 'Middle' Earth (Terra). 


* For convenience, I have snipped your comments about the Mediterranean and a

few others. I would liketo address the comments below.


Scriptures should be read theologically and realistically. 

They are also poetry / art, science and so many things all at

once.  However, we should be careful not to superimpose

meanings on scriptures according to some recent pseudo-

science or non-traditional speculation. 


* Excuse me, but I am the one who is being realistic and who has kept to the

original meaning. You have imposed and speculated.



I have also been

hearing  anti-semitic 'reptillian' alien conspiracy non-sense

associated with  the 'hollow Earth' / UFO / demigods and

root-races ideas.  In fact, someone recently asked me if

Krishna was a god who came from the hollow Earth !


* The Kalki Avatar will hail from the hollow Earth. The narration about the Sons

of Sagara from the Brahmanda Purana substantiates that Ayodhya, for example, is

on the surface, which we all know anyway.



of the 'Shastric' evidence for these ideas is totally mis-used,

and has no such history of interpretation.


* There is all kinds of nonsense and  misinformation on all subjects, including

philosophy.  How can you group in my presentation with those other things? What

do they have to do with it? Just because somebody takes the truth the wrong way

doesn't diminish the validity of the truth. There are psychologists who reject

the doctrine ofreincarnation like that. They say that the idea makes people

lose their spirit of free will to some kind ofpre-determined acceptance

ofdestiny. Does this mean that reincarnation does not exist, then?


Just as with

'ARYAN' and other abused Sanskrit terms, Anglo-Germanic

Racists, Muslims, New Age Neo-Gnostics and others have

appropriated the terms and mis-used / corrupted them.


* What does the abuse of the term " aryan " have to do with the configuration of

our planet? Although you accused me off-list of indulging in this abuse, my

article The Hollow Earth and the Aryan Invasion Redefined favors the terms

Caucasian throughout. I did it that way so as not to offend or shut anyone out.

The point that I make is that the remenents of Vedic culture, and a race which

which is closely associated with that culture,  happens to be situated at the

door step of the opening to the hollow Earth, just above Siberia and Arctic

Russia. Remember that Bal Gangadhar Tilak wrote The Arctic Home of the Vedas-

it is just that he wasn't able to take the base of Vedic culture far enough

North, i.e., in through the polar opening.  



case in point is the term NAGA.  The 'reptillian' speculators

like to use references to the NAGA dynasts. They are

unfamiliar with the broader language context of the word-root

NG and its several meanings...NAGA Serpent, NAGA 

Elephant,  ANGA angle (what is bent or curved), and ANGA

Ankle, limb (or foot).  They also don't understand that the

term 'NG - foot' was used to identify an ancient people

whose SPEACH was characterised by the use of the NG

root for both Serpent and Foot. 


* Maharaj-


*  You are speculating a mile a minute right now. But it has no bearing on the

matter of the Earth's hollow world, so I won't get involved in this one at the



* I have snipped your further comments on Nagas for canvenience.


So, please my dear Vaishnavas, do not allow yourselves to

be misled by Anglo-Germanic Aryo-sophic racists who are

abusing and mis-interpreting our Scriptures to promote their

insane, hateful alien conspiracy ideas. 


* What does this have to do with the Hollow Earth Theory? I am accepting the

straightforward meaning of the scripture, you are the one who is stretching the

meanings here. And how do you know that there are no alien conspiracies? I have

culled a description ofthe abduction of Duryodhana which says otherwise. It is

originally from the Mahabharat, but my direct source was Alien Identities. The

story is posted as The Abduction of Duryodhana at the top of my Vefdic HE site:


If manipulation of the royal order by Danava demons was going on 5,000 years

ago, what to speak of nowadays.


 Very intelligent

mentally ill people can construct very convincing

rationalizations for their paranoid delusions and fixations. 


* The further I read your posting, the more obvious this is becoming to me. Take an aspirin!


I have presented the Hollow Earth Theory in relation to various bodies of

evidence on my various sites. The different sites may beseen on the home page

of my vedic HE site, same address as above. I have definitely asdressed the

theme from a scientific viewpoint, i.e., physics, gravity, geology, astronomy.

I am sensible and so are the hollow Earthers with whom I associate on the



* I will throw out one more tidbit. I have attached a NASA photograph above. It

shows the atmosphere of Venus blowing out through the Southern end of the

planet. It is hard to interpret the image otherwise. And as far as the Northern

opening on Venus is concerned, know that there is a NASA study called " Vortex "

because thereis an atmospheric whirlpool above the VenusianNorth pole- the

atmosphere is getting sucked in one end and expelled out the other! Examine the

photo yourself. It's NASA number is: 79-HC-46. It is all there on the Venus page

of my Vedic site.


I think that you have been rather fanatic, arrogant, and not very elegent.





Attachment: (image/jpeg) venus01.jpg [not stored]

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