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Tripurari Swami envious? Not necessarily

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nathan zakheim <zakheim (AT) earthlink (DOT) net> wrote: Mark A Miles wrote:> On Fri, 17

Aug 2001, Mahesh Raja wrote:>> > Tripurari is ENVIOUS of Srila Prabhupada--so

much so he is now making his> > own conditioned soul version of Bhagavad-gita

in direct challange to Srila> > Prabhupada.> > Study the following

instruction--Srila Prabhupada did not say my books are> > lacking therefore you

make your own commentaries. On the contrary he says> > "In my books the

philosophy of Krishna Consciousness is explained fully.">> Mahesh, prabhu. I

still do not understand why you believe Tripurari> maharaja to be envious of

Srila Prabhupada. You will have to explain it to> me very clearly, or someone

else can do so. I read what you say - do not> think that I am simply saying "I

do not understand" as a ploy. However,> you see, I have read statements by

various gurus and acaryas saying that> writing commentaries, etc., on the basis

of the works of the previous> acaryas is OK.NNV DAS: First of all, one must have

extraordinary qualification to writebook on authorized subject matters. this

cannot be done by a conditioned soul.Srila Krishnadas Kaviraja, who composed

the Chaitanya Charitamrita, did notfeel himself to be qualified to write such

books, but minor men are rushingforward to do so with abandon.If you read the

conversations between Nimai Pandit and the Kashmiri pandit, youwill understand

that grammar and aliteration play a huge role in composingauthorized verses.One

cannot simpy express himself as he would in a mundane love poem. thisprocess

must stand the test of Vedavyasa Himself, or it is of no avail.> I will give an

example of this - recently I have been> reading Sivarama Swami's "Venu Gita"; in

the introduction, I read:> 'Accepting that books other than Srila Prabhupada's

are authorized> reading, the subsequent question is did Prabhupada expect

Vaishnavas to> continue composing transcendental literature?Srila Prabhupada

said that His books would be the "Law Books" for the next tenthousand

years....He also said that any informatin that we require conceringthe previous

acharyas could be found in His books,and that there would be nonecessity to go

to those books themselves.> In Caitanya-caritamrita he> wrote, "It is certainly

not good to write literature for money or> reputation, but to write books and

publish them for the enlightenment of> the general populace is real service to

the Lord. That was Srila> Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati's opinion, and he

specifically told his> disciples to write books." (Cc. Madhya 19.132,

purport)Unfortunately, his disciples did not produce any books that Srila

Prabhupadaconsidered to be authoritative.>> So the answer is yes, Srila

Prabhupada expected devotees to take> up our family heritage of book writing.

Now the last question remains: did> Prabhupada consider his disciples qualified

to write such literature? In a> letter to Satsvarupa Maharaja in 1972 Srila

Prabhupada wrote, "You ask> one question about the nature of books I want you

to write as my> disciples; on this point, Krishna consciousness is not limited.

Persons> like all of the Gosvamis wrote so many books, Vishvanatha Cakravarti

and> all the acaryas wrote books, and still I am writing books. Similarly,

also> my disciples will write. So any self-realized soul can write unlimited>

books without deviating from the original ideas."'> (Venu-gita, pp

xvii-xviii)At what point (unlike Srila Krishnadas Kaviraja) does one consider

himself tobe a "self-realized soul"?Anyone eager to write is not qualified to

do so.>>> So, you can see the above statements throw my thoughts into>

confusion. Can we decry Tripurari maharaja without having read what he> has

written?One must acertain first what is the qualification of the writer, and

thenconsider reading what he has written.........even mundane subjects are

dealtwith in this way, and they are much less subtle than spiritual subject

matter.> Yes, I am slightly concerned that he has chosen to write> another

Bhagavad-Gita - but I am not him, and am not privy to his> thoughts.Srila

Prabhupada has made it abundantly clear that no Acharya will write a bookif

that same book has already been written with commentary by an Bona

FideAcharya.All bonafide Acharyas are on the same platform, and are fully

informed by LordKrishna personally. Foolish persons think that These Acharyas

are ordinarypersonalities with some sort of "special" insight....This is not

the case.So, not real Acharya will presume to write in the presence of a


SPIRITUALMASTER!Not only is it discourteous in relation to Vaishnava etiquette,

but it is alsoa clear sign of spiritual incapacity on the part of the writer.>

There is some confusion there on my part as to why> he chose that, but does

that immediately disqualify him as a teacher?Of course!>>> Will someone please

explains this all to me, in a balanced fashion - and> from the beginning?I have

tried, but Mahesh can do so far more elaborately than myself..If hereplies, it

will all become clear.>>> I remain> Your insignificant servant, grasping at

these straws with his mind,>> Mark A Miles>> --> Mark Andrew Miles --

nine9 (AT) ukshells (DOT) co.uk> (maxm (AT) tardis (DOT) ed.ac.uk; mark.m (AT) easy (DOT) com)> WWW:

http://www.nine9.ukshells.co.uk; ICQ: 41974841>> "Any opinions expressed above

are mine. Everybody else can get their> own...">> E-mail with subject "get

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