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Levitation in Tibet

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Re: Source of first post unknown-


"Grid Harmonics & Levitation in Tibet"


Henry Kjelson, "The Lost Techniques"

from German Magazine Article, Author Unknown


" We know from the priests of the far east that they were able to lift heavy

boulders up high mountains with the help of groups of various sounds .. The

knowledge of the various vibrations in the audio range demonstrates to a

scientist of physics that a vibrating and condensed sound field can nullify

the power of gravitation. Swedish engineer Olaf Alexanderson wrote about


phenomenon in the publication, Implosion No. 13. The following report is

based on observations which were made only 20 years ago in Tibet. I have


report from civil engineer and flight manager, Henry Kjelson, a friend of

mine. He later on included this report in his book The Lost Techniques. This

is his report: A Swedish doctor, Dr Jarl, a friend of Kjelsons, studied at

Oxford. During those times he became friends with a young Tibetan student. A

couple of years later, it was 1939, Dr Jarl made a journey to Egypt for the

English Scientific Society. There he was seen by a messenger of his Tibetan

friend, and urgently requested to come to Tibet to treat a high Lama. After

Dr Jarl got the leave he followed the messenger and arrived after a long

journey by plane and Yak caravans, at the monastery, where the old Lama and

his friend who was now holding a high position were now living.

Dr Jarl stayed there for some time, and because of his friendship with the

Tibetans he learned a lot of things that other foreigners had no chance to

hear about, or observe.


One day his friend took him to a place in the neighborhood of the monastery

and showed him a sloping meadow which was surrounded in the north west by

high cliffs. In one of the rock walls, at a height of about 250 metres was a

big hole which looked like the entrance to a cave. In front of this hole

there was a platform on which the monks were building a rock wall. The only

access to this platform was from the top of the cliff and the monks lowered

themselves down with the help of ropes.


In the middle of the meadow, about 250 metres from the cliff, was a polished

slab of rock with a bowl like cavity in the centre. The bowl had a diameter

of one metre and a depth of 15 centimeters. A block of stone was manoeuvred

into this cavity by Yak oxen. The block was one metre wide and one and

one-half metres long. Then 19 musical instruments were set in an arc of 90

degrees at a distance of 63 metres from the stone slab. The radius of 63

metres was measured out accurately. The musical instruments consisted of 13

drums and six trumpets. (Ragdons). Eight drums had a cross-section of one

metre, and a length of one and one- half metres. Four drums were medium size

with a cross-section of 0.7 metre and a length of one metre. The only small

drum had a cross-section of 0.2 metres and a length of 0.3 metres. All the

trumpets were the same size. They had a length of 3.12 metres and an opening

of 0.3 metres.


The big drums and all the trumpets were fixed on mounts which could be

adjusted with staffs in the direction of the slab of stone. The big drums

were made of 3mm thick sheet iron, and had a weight of 150 kg. They were

built in five sections. All the drums were open at one end, while the other

end had a bottom of metal, on which the monks beat with big leather clubs.

Behind each instrument was a row of monks. When the stone was in position


monk behind the small drum gave a signal to start the concert. The small


had a very sharp sound, and could be heard even with the other instruments

making a terrible din. All the monks were singing and chanting a prayer,

slowly increasing the tempo of this unbelievable noise. During the first


minutes nothing happened, then as the speed of the drumming, and the noise,

increased, the big stone block started to rock and sway, and suddenly it


off into the air with an increasing speed in the direction of the platform


front of the cave hole 250 metres high. After three minutes of ascent it

landed on the platform.


Continuously they brought new blocks to the meadow, and the monks using this

method, transported 5 to 6 blocks per hour on a parabolic flight track

approximately 500 metres long and 250 metres high. From time to time a stone

split, and the monks moved the split stones away. Quite an unbelievable


Dr Jarl knew about the hurling of the stones. Tibetan experts like Linaver,

Spalding and Huc had spoken about it, but they had never seen it. So Dr Jarl

was the first foreigner who had the opportunity to see this remarkable

spectacle. Because he had the opinion in the beginning that he was the


of mass-psychosis he made two films of the incident. The films showed


the same things that he had witnessed.

The English Society for which Dr Jarl was working confiscated the two films

and declared them classified. They will not be released until 1990. This

action is rather hard to explain, or understand."


Joesph H. Cater from The Ultimate Reality




There have been many well?authenticated instances of levitation being

produced by sound. Walter P. Baumgartner cites a highly interesting case in

an article entitled, "A Tibetan Leviation Technique," which appeared in the

April?June, 1978, issue of the publication, Energy Unlimited. A Swedish

doctor by the name of Jarl, had the privilege of witnessing such a

phenomenon performed by Tibetan monks at a monastery in 1939. Huge blocks of

stone were levitated to a cliff ledge 250 meters above the resting place of

the stones. The stones to be lifted were partially surrounded by a

combination of drums and trumpets. After several minutes of playing, a given

stone would begin to oscillate and then shoot into the air. It is highly

significant that occasionally a stone would burst into pieces during its




In view of principles already elaborated upon, the explanation is simple.

The combination of sounds being focused on the object started a high rate of

disintegration of soft particles permeating the stones, as they do all

objects. This released harder electrons, which gradually decreased the

overall positive charge effect of the stone. As this process continued, the

resultant charge of the stone became negative. Consequently, the earth's

gravity repelled it upward. Something akin to the Reich cloud?buster effect,

to be discussed in the next chapter, also took place during the process. The

disintegrating soft particles in and around the stone created a void and a

consequent rush of soft par ticles to the area. This added to the negative

charge. Sometimes, too many hard electrons would be released, causing the

stone to shatter.


Carl Von Reichenbach, whose work has already been discussed, actually showed

that sound causes soft particles to disintegrate. He found that color

effects are produced by sound, and the resulting colors are characteristic

of the sound producing them. The colors, of course, are the result of soft

electrons breaking up into their constituent photons of light.


It is not necessarily the hard electrons associated with atoms and

electricity that are released during the levitation process. In fact, the

gravity inducing radiations react far more strongly with soft electrons

associated with ethers closer to that of the gravity producing electrons.

Many of the soft particles permeating matter are of the extremely soft

variety which are comprised of photons well below the infrared and the

gravity range. These particles, as well as most of the others o f a harder

nature, are not firmly locked within matter, and thus have little or no

nullifying effect on the overall positive charge effect of matter as far as

the gravity radiations are concerned. When such particles disintegrate,

harder particles are released, which do become more intimately locked within

matter to give it an overall negative charge.


Nullifying the net positive charge effect of matter will not necessarily

affect the inertial properties to any great extent if the negative charges

are not homogeneously and closely distributed throughout the mass. In fact,

the inertial properties can even be increased, as is the case with the

spinning top. The central portion is positively charged, while the outer I

part has a strong negative charge. A rotating top has greater inertia and

less weight than is the case when it is at rest.


Levitation, of course, can also be produced by beaming soft electrons at the

right concentration and comprised of photons of the correct frequency range

into a body. This is likely the method employed by the ancients with what

were called levitation discs, which were supposedly made of copper. Such

metal of the right shape and mass, when struck to ring like a bell, could

excite the atoms to the extent that a concentrated beam of levitating soft

electrons would be ejected. Perhaps in conjunction with this levitating

inducing sounds would also be produced. Gravity inducing radiations

obviously have their limitations as far as levitation is concerned. Objects

are affected only along the line of propagation and could not be employed

for lifting objects directly above the ground unless the levitating device

were to be held directly above them. This, of course, is not the case with

the other methods."


The Ultimate Reality:



Clouds Don't Fall: http://skywebsite.com/hollow/hollowearthscience/id6.html

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