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Where Do We Go From Here?

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>prophets (AT) greatmystery (DOT) org >vedic108 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com >Where Do We

Go From Here? >Mon, 17 Sep 2001 16:47:23 -0400 > > > >War is an instrument

entirely inefficient toward redressing wrong; >and multiplies, instead of

indemnifying losses. >--Thomas Jefferson > >NOW MORE THAN EVER WE NEED TO

AWAKEN OUR CONSCIOUSNESS. > >The Prophets Conferences call for us to come

together to Reenvision and Reconfigure Reality. By bringing together many of

today's leading spiritual and scientific teachers we learn to broaden our

understanding of our place in the Universe and in so doing we all become the

new prophets creating a new cycle of manifested existence. > >The Prophets

Conference ~ Florida Keys, taking place November 16-18, is bringing together

much needed Healers and Heroes, and one of them is Gregg Braden. Gregg Braden,

best selling author and guide to sacred sites throughout the world, has been

featured at Prophets Conferences and media specials exploring personal and

planetary change. His inspiring sense of optimism is based in what he

recognizes as the ancient technologies of compassion lost to the west 1,700

years ago, when they disappeared from our most sacred texts during the edits of

the fourth century. His compelling research invites us to change our worldview

from one of fear and uncertainty, to the empowering sense of peace that comes

from clarity and purpose. >http://www.greatmystery.org/floridaconference.html >

>--------------- > >Where Do We Go From Here? > >The tragedy that has fallen

upon our nation has placed world leaders, and individuals alike, into the

uneasy position of uncharted territory. There are no models, strategies or

manuals, no one to turn to with detailed procedures as to where we go from

here. How are we to respond to such an unconscionable act carried out by

faceless perpetrators resulting in unimaginable losses? How do our leaders

balance the anger of a nation with the most sophisticated arsenal of military

power that the world has ever known? History has shown us that there are no

"pat", predetermined answers to these questions. There are only our choices

that result from what we know and believe to be true, information that changes

by the hour. > >In the aftermath of the last hours and days, the magnitude of

what has happened is surpassed only by the uncertainty of what comes next.

This, by far, is the greatest fear that I have heard expressed. The events that

have unfolded leave us at a particularly perilous crossroads teetering between

our emotions of outrage and the need for retribution and a longing for reason.

What are we to "do" next? > >What we must bear in mind is that the choices made

in the next hours and days will set the course of human history for generations

to come. > >The magnitude of the events within the last days has opened a deep

wound in the consciousness of our nation and the civilized world; a void that

seeks to be filled quickly, to balance the emptiness. Whatever rushes in to

fill the void of our nation's loss will set the stage for events of lasting

consequences and irreversible effects. Do we fill the void with an overwhelming

display of force and power to quell the pain of a grieving nation, or do we fill

the void with the measured response of a nation demonstrating to the world that

we have truly entered an unprecedented era of dealing with conflict through new

and innovative ways? > >Albert Einstein stated that the problems of our world

cannot be solved with the same thinking that created the problems to begin

with. The events of September 11, 2001 may well represent the first opportunity

in the new millennium for the most powerful nation in the history of the earth

to demonstrate to the world that there is another way to deal with those who

oppose our ideals of peace and freedom. The choices that we make as a people

will define us as a nation and lay the foundation of global policies for

generations to come. > >What Do We Do? > >Clearly, there is nothing that can

justify the unthinkable acts of tragedy and pre-meditated attacks that have

resulted in the loss of so many lives. Just as clearly, there is nothing that

we can do to any individual or any nation to bring back the immeasurable number

of lives that have been lost. > >Our office has been flooded with telephone

calls and email messages asking a simple question: "What do we do?" > >I will

be the first to state clearly that I do not have "the answer" to this question.

Each individual must find a way to reconcile the events of the last days in

their minds and in their hearts. Sometimes it helps to break the big problems

into manageable pieces. I offer the following as guidelines only, in an effort

to serve those who have asked for recommendations and guidance. > >With these

ideas in mind, our first actions must be near-term: >1. To care for our own. >

-To search for survivors. > -To support our rescue and recovery teams, our

governmental and organizational leaders. >Clearly our nation has been attacked.

We must demonstrate that not only has the attack failed to fragment our country,

it has melded our nation into a unified force of support and solidarity. > -To

take the necessary precautions to secure our nation in the presence of the very

real threat of additional attacks. > >2. To choose our response wisely and

responsibly > -To understand that the policies of "globalization" have melded

us into a global family. The choices made over the next days and weeks will

affect all people of all nations and have the potential of lasting consequences

for the quality of life and the future of our world. > -To invoke our power of

prayer, a very real power that quantum science now defines as our ability to

participate in a unified web of energy that links all of creation. > -Through

our prayers, empower our leaders to choose wisely, with the guidance of our

creator, for the good of all people with the long-term vision of a global peace

rather than a short-term goal of balancing an act of terror. > >3. Ultimately,

to realize that there is no "them" and "us." >We share the same world and there

is a "we" - different aspects of the same conscious body. When the dust has

settled, ultimately, we must look deep within ourselves to know what it is

within ourselves that is mirrored by increasingly greater acts of terror and

destruction. From dysfunctional families, to school shootings, to acts of

terror against the United States on foreign soil, to the attacks upon our own

soil, we are witnessing a pattern of increasingly greater acts of anger and

lack of respect for human life directed toward Americans. Imposing a military

action on the "outside" does not change the thinking that led to the acts to

begin with. If we have the wisdom to recognize the language of "mirrors," we

will have witnessed an obvious indication of the need for change. > >The Prayer

> >Though we may each feel as though we are being tested, the oldest texts of

humankind suggest that moments such as this can become less of a test and more

of an opportunity to demonstrate to the world, and to one another, precisely

the kind of people and nation that we have become. > >As we consider our

response to the tragedies, we must remember that we are no longer responding

alone. Our response will have implications that reach deep into the hearts and

the streets of our closest allies and most distant neighbors. While a response

is certainly warranted, the world is looking to us, the most powerful nation in

the history of the earth, to temper our response with reason, justice and a

consideration for our global family and collective future. > >I invite you to

join me in a prayer empowering our leaders with the wisdom of a greater power

as they implement their choices of response. Utilizing our "lost mode of

prayer" identified in the Great Isaiah Scroll, where we feel as if the outcome

has already occurred, rather than asking for intervention, our prayer may begin

as: > >Dear God, >In this time of great tragedy, we give thanks for the courage

within our leaders to recognize the difference between the anger in their

minds, the wisdom of their hearts and the courage to act wisely in their

choices. > >May each leader have the strength to act for the good of all

people, in all nations and our collective future as a global family. > >Through

this prayer we claim that peace, democracy and human life are stronger and more

enduring than the buildings that symbolize them. We breathe life into their

existence from the dust of hate that is transformed by our soil. > >For these

blessings in our lives, we give thanks, > >Amen > >My prayer is that these

insights are meaningful to you in your life. Without doubt, the world changed

on September 11, 2001. What remains to be seen is precisely how the change

unfolds. > >Many blessings of peace, > >Gregg Braden >Melbourne, Australia 2001

> > >THE PROPHETS CONFERENCE - Florida Keys is taking place in the tropical

beauty of the Hawk's Cay Resort ~ Duck Key during the weekend of November

16-18, 2001. The extraordinary faculty of Healers and Heroes coming together

for this special gathering is made up of Barbara Marx Hubbard, Dr. Edgar

Mitchell, Dr. Michael Lerner, James Redfield, Colin Wilson, Barbara Ann

Brennan, Dr. Michio Kaku, Gregg Braden, Brooke Medicine Eagle, Dr. John Mack,

James Twyman, Ilona Selke, Howard Martin, Salle Merrill Redfield, and Laurie

Monroe. > >Hawk's Cay Resort information -

http://www.hawkscayresort.com/index_flash3.shtml. >The early registration

reduced tuition is available until September 23. > >Full conference information

is available at http://www.greatmystery.org and you may receive a brochure by

calling toll-free 1-888-777-5981. > >The INITIATION IN THE MAYAN CONSCIOUSNESS

with Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men scheduled for the week of September 17-23, 2001 at

the ancient Mayan sites in the Yucatan, Mexico, has been postponed to two future

dates, September 26-October 2, and December 3-9. You will find full information

on this powerful event linked from http://www.greatmystery.org. > >Thank you

all for supporting this work and for passing along this message to your

personal email list and to your member lists and groups. If you are not

d to this newsletter but received it through another party, please

by emailing prophets (AT) greatmystery (DOT) org. > >Open to the possibilities.

> > > >Please click the link below to from the Great Mystery

mailing list.

>http://www.dbdevelop.com/sites/greatmystery/un.cfm?Id=23719&UserId;=20 > >If

link does not work, please copy and paste the link in your browser: >please be

sure to include entire link in one line. > Get your FREE download of MSN

Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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