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No tears for Indians killed in US attack

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No tears for Indians killed in US attack


By Prem Kishore in New York






"A rat saved my life," said Sonia Narang an executive at American Express ,

World Trade Centre, New York. "God in His mercy gave me back my life in a

mysterious way.?


The night before the terrorist attack, Sonia and her sister Enisha (who was

visiting from Los Angeles) discovered to their horror a dead rat in the

apartment - a few blocks from the World Trade Centre.


After the mandatory hysteria, the two set out to scour, scrub and clean the

apartment. Wearied out, they called it a night and hit their beds, at 3 a.m in




Sonia woke up an hour late. She was just getting ready to set off for work

when the call came from her dad in Los Angeles who had just seen the plane

slicing through one of the World Trade Centre Towers.


Sonia normally walked through the first Tower round about that time, crossed

a bridge and walked through the second Tower before reaching her American

Express Tower.


She is still in a state of shock, unable to fly home to Los Angeles. The

American Express Towers is in danger of collapsing any moment and she

knows it will be a long time before her career gets back on track.


Others have not been so fortunate. Not only Americans, but hundreds of

foreigners have lost their lives. Unfortunately, the papers and TV coverage

rarely mentions this factor.


There were 100 foreign owned companies in the Towers. Britain, Japan, (with

30 companies) Germany, China(18 companies) Pakistan, Bangladesh, South

Korea, Turkey, Ireland, Mexico, Australia, India are reported to be among the

victims of Tuesday's assault on the prestigious twin towers.


Global banks and stockbrokers, computer firms, and offices representing 35

nations were in the skyscraper. The Tower was the gateway into the United

States for many businesses .


A large number of Indians and Bangladeshis were working in the many

restaurants, shops and building maintenance, Then there are the Indian

computer consultants who are still missing.


As for the airliners that went down, Israeli, Irish, Lebanese and others died in

the flames too.


Right now everyone is pushing buttons, deliberately, indiscriminately and



A young, jean-clad woman with Middle Eastern features was being seen

hustled off an airport terminal in handcuffs, as there seemed to be a doubt

about her passport. A Pakistani couple were searched with a metal detector

at security while TV cameras zoned in on them.


Arabic organizations, institutions, even an Arabic translating service has

received email and death threats. Mosques are being defaced with graffiti and

paintballs. Jeering crowds stand in front of them and shriek ?Go home!?


Yes, the nation is keen to avenge attacks and in their anger the average

American finds any foreigner suspect. There are people poring over phone

directories to find Muslim names and target them in phone threats.


When I mentioned that there were also Indians who had been killed in the

attack, my white woman colleagues said: "Who cares? Americans died, that's

all there is to it."


Everyone is rushing out to buy an American flag to hoist it in the front of the

house or on their car. You had better do it or you would not be considered

patriotic. Young, old, white, black, Asian, European, Democrat or Republican

are lining up to buy flags.


A symbolic salve to a national wound, it is a message that the country is united

and feels the same pain no matter where we come from and who we are.


Ravi, a computer engineer from New York, believes that the attack may have

been sparked off by the non-attendance of US representatives, at the South

Africa meeting on racism.


"America has been significantly high profile in the Israeli conflict, and there

was always the threat of retaliation. I am amazed it did not happen earlier.?


Parveen, from the United Arab Emirates, denounces the terrorist attacks, but

says: "We have closed Islamic schools, centres and mosques in fear for

revenge assaults,?she says.


"We are equally stunned but now must prepare for an anti-Islamic backlash. We

are American citizens and want the agressors to be brought to justice.?


And Nawaz Khan from the 7 11 store, who is always joking around, is

tightlipped. "I did not want to come to work today. In fact my colleague, even

though he is from India and does this job as part time, is terrified and did not

turn up."


The freedom of America has been attacked," said Mira a journalist, "and it

means we are all attacked. America has been flaunted as the most powerful

nation on earth , and has been humiliated. Americans will not stand it.?


Said Veena, a housewife, "It should not be turned into dangerous nationalism

and jingoism. None of us will be safe then. My children already get hostile

glances from school fellows. What about those who are Muslim or Arabs??


Two days ago on TV, I saw the Amtrak train being stopped at a station, all the

passengers pulled out and a Sikh man led out in handcuffs. He was later

released, but this is the extent of suspicion that can destroy the fabric of a



To be fair, the police are taking no chances. I must cite this report from the

Los Angeles Times. In Manhattan, television and radio writer Leslie A Fuller

left her apartment to buy gas for her car. She was stopped by police on the

way back. They questioned her at length.


They noticed a book she was carrying. ""Isn't that the Koran??one officer

asked, pointing to a book of poems by William Butler Yeats that she was

carrying. She took the book to read in case she had to wait for gas.


The officer was suspicious because of Yeats initials WBY rendered on the

cover in calligraphy which resembled, to his feverish mind, Arabic style

lettering. She was questioned for two hours.


And then, there was Rajam, an Indian nurse who comes by my office. "Today,

my patient asked me if I was a Muslim,?she said.


"I think she is going to call the hospital and tell them that she does not need

my services ."


Indians are cautious and alert and are trying to keep low profile.


a great number of Americans have no clue about the difference between

Asian, Arab, Sri Lankan or Pakistani.


No one knows the geography or history of any of these places. Anyone who

does not look American can easily be classified as the enemy.


Meanwhile, Indian communities who certainly have been shook up by the

horrific event are donating blood, money, clothing, everywhere. There are

bhajans and prayer meetings in temples and mosques.


My American friend Jennifer and I met for lunch yesterday. "I had to speak to

you,?she said "I feel all this anger, hate and vengeful words all around me.?


"I am dismayed that my fellow Americans could be so irrational and vindictive.

This is wrong. We, the average Americans, do not know that America is hated

by many a nation. We have to understand why. Instead of retaliation, we must

work with world leaders, and bring about peace. Maybe we have to share

what we have, instead of flaunting our presence."


Manoj a doctor and resident of New Jersey was vociferous in his opinion. "A

mericans do not travel very far. Their country is so vast so I guess they do

not need to go anywhere, but in the process they have no idea of other

cultures, other environments.


"They also have a one sided view of what the world thinks of their nation and

why it thinks in that manner. The media never allows them to have even a

glimpse of other nation's politics and their interests.?


Harbans, a gas station attendant, believes that this scenario happens in India

every day and has been happening in Kashmir for years on end. "People in

Srinagar live with this on a daily basis.?


Sriram, a professor of politics in a community college, wanted to know why

America was not analytical or even curious to know the reason of the anger of

hostile countries.


"Maybe it is the bombing of Hanoi, Cambodia,, Vietnam, the deposing of the

democrat leader in Gautemala, the decimation of the people in Nicaragua, Iraq

and the friendly support given to the Israelis. Maybe we ought to rethink our

foreign policies.?


But Vinayak, a hitech employee in Illinois was only worried what would happen

to his application for immigration in the pipeline. Of course there will be

stricter restrictions, and immigrants will be targeted as they have no vote or



Mishra, a student feels that immigration authorities "should keep track of the

newcomers, monitor their careers and keep them under scrutiny at least for

five years?


This may be bad policing and wrong strategy and civil liberties may be

sacrificed but that kind of scenario is imminent.


This morning in Mesa, Arizona, a black Chevy pickup drove up to a gas

station. A Sikh man was filling gas for his car.


The Chevy driver leaned out of his car, pulled out a gun, shot the Sikh and

sped away. Cruel and vicious.


Rafi ,a professor in the University said, "We condemn the atrocious act. But we

cannot be scapegoats in the retaliation plan. I have been cautioned to leave

the country by my colleague! But this is my country!"


One thing is certain. There will be tremendous racial profiling. This may be

wrong and unproductive but that may be the price we have to pay for living in

America in these troubled times.


In the midst of resentment, frustration and terror, it is reassuring to know


the Seventh Adventist Church near our house sent an email to an Arabic



"To our friends. You are a valuable part of the community. A part of our

country. We are disgusted and disheartened at the hatred of our fellow men.

May we all have peace!" ( Names have been changed)

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