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>"Mukunda dasa. PSS Oldham"

>"Mukunda dasa. PSS Oldham"




>According to Judeo-Christian scriptures, it is clearly said, "Thou shalt not

kill." Nonetheless, giving all kinds of excuses, even the heads of religions

indulge in killing animals while trying to pass as saintly persons. This

mockery and hypocrisy in human society bring about unlimited calamities;

therefore occasionally there are great wars. Masses of such people go out onto

battlefields and kill themselves. Presently they have discovered the atomic

bomb, which is simply awaiting wholesale destruction. If people want to be

saved from the killing business life after life, they must take to Krsna

consciousness and cease sinful activity > > >TRANSLATION: "The hunter replied,

'My dear sir, what are you asking of me? What is wrong with the animals' lying

there half-killed? Will you please explain this to me?' > >TRANSLATION: "Narada

Muni replied, 'If you leave the animals half-dead, you are purposefully giving

them pain. Therefore you will have to suffer in retaliation.' > >PURPORT: This

is an authoritative statement given by the greatest authority, Narada Muni. If

one gives another living entity unnecessary pain, one will certainly be

punished by the laws of nature by a similar pain. Although the hunter Mrgari

was uncivilized, he still had to suffer the results of his sinful activities.

However, if a civilized man kills animals regularly in a slaughterhouse to

maintain his so-called civilization, using scientific methods and machines to

kill animals, one cannot even estimate the suffering awaiting him. So-called

civilized people consider themselves very advanced in education, but they do

not know about the stringent laws of nature. According to nature's law, it is a

life for a life. We can hardly imagine the sufferings of one who maintains a

slaughterhouse. He endures suffering not only in this life, but in his next

life also. It is said that a hunter, murderer or killer is advised not to live

and not to die. If he lives, he accumulates even more sins, which bring about

more suffering in a future life. He is advised not to die because his dying

means that he immediately begins to endure more suffering. Therefore he is

advised not to live and not to die. > As followers of the Vedic principles, we

accept the statements of Narada Muni in this regard. It is our duty to see that

no one suffers due to sinful activities. Foolish rascals are described in

Bhagavad-gita as mayayapahrta-jnanah, which indicates that although they are

superficially educated, maya has taken their real knowledge away. Such people

are presently leading human society. In Srimad-Bhagavatam they are also

described as andha yathandhair upaniyamanah. These rascals are themselves

blind, and yet they are leading others who are blind. When people follow such

leaders, they suffer unlimited pains in the future. Despite so-called

advancement, all this is happening. Who is safe? Who is happy? Who is without

anxiety? > >TRANSLATION: "Narada Muni continued, 'My dear hunter, your business

is killing animals. That is a slight offense on your part, but when you

consciously give them unnecessary pain by leaving them half-dead, you incur

very great sins.' > >PURPORT: This is another good instruction to animal

killers. There are always animal killers and animal eaters in human society

because less civilized people are accustomed to eating meat. In Vedic

civilization, meat-eaters are advised to kill an animal for the goddess Kali or

a similar demigod. This is in order not to give the animal unnecessary pain, as

slaughterhouses do. In the balidana sacrifice to a demigod, it is recommended

to cut the throat of an animal with one slice. This should be done on a

dark-moon night, and the painful noises expressed by the animal at the time of

being slaughtered are not to be heard by anyone. There are also many other

restrictions. Slaughter is only allowed once a month, and the killer of the

animal has to suffer similar pains in his next life. At the present moment,

so-called civilized men do not sacrifice animals to a deity in a religious or

ritualistic way. They openly kill animals daily by the thousands for no purpose

other than the satisfaction of the tongue. Because of this the entire world is

suffering in so many ways. Politicians are unnecessarily declaring war, and,

according to the stringent laws of material nature, massacres are taking place

between nations. > > prakrteh kriyamanani > gunaih karmani sarvasah >

ahankara-vimudhatma > kartaham iti manyate > > "The bewildered spirit soul,

under the influence of the three modes of material nature, thinks himself to be

the doer of activities, which are in actuality carried out by nature." (Bg.

3.27) The laws of prakrti (nature) are very stringent. No one should think that

he has the freedom to kill animals and not suffer the consequences. One cannot

be safe by doing this. Narada Muni herein says that animal killing is

offensive, especially when animals are given unnecessary pain. Meat-eaters and

animal killers are advised not to purchase meat from the slaughterhouse. They

can worship Kali once a month, kill some unimportant animal and eat it. Even by

following this method, one is still an offender. > >TRANSLATION: "Narada Muni

continued, 'All the animals that you have killed and given unnecessary pain

will kill you one after the other in your next life and in life after life.' >

>PURPORT: This is another authoritative statement made by the great sage

Narada. Those who kill animals and give them unnecessary pain-as people do in

slaughterhouses-will be killed in a similar way in the next life and in many

lives to come. One can never be excused from such an offense. If one kills many

thousands of animals in a professional way so that other people can purchase the

meat to eat, one must be ready to be killed in a similar way in his next life

and in life after life. There are many rascals who violate their own religious

principles. According to Judeo-Christian scriptures, it is clearly said, "Thou

shalt not kill." Nonetheless, giving all kinds of excuses, even the heads of

religions indulge in killing animals while trying to pass as saintly persons.

This mockery and hypocrisy in human society bring about unlimited calamities;

therefore occasionally there are great wars. Masses of such people go out onto

battlefields and kill themselves. Presently they have discovered the atomic

bomb, which is simply awaiting wholesale destruction. If people want to be

saved from the killing business life after life, they must take to Krsna

consciousness and cease sinful activity. The International Society for Krishna

Consciousness recommends that everyone abandon meat-eating, illicit sex,

intoxication and gambling. When one gives up these sinful activities, he can

understand Krsna and take to this Krsna consciousness movement. We therefore

request everyone to abandon sinful activity and chant the Hare Krsna mantra. In

this way people can save themselves from repeated birth and death. >

>TRANSLATION: "In this way, through the association of the great sage Narada

Muni, the hunter was a little convinced of his sinful activity. He therefore

became somewhat afraid due to his offenses. > >PURPORT: This is the effect of

associating with a pure devotee. Our preachers who are preaching Krsna

consciousness all over the world should follow in the footsteps of Narada Muni

and become purified by following the four principles and chanting the Hare

Krsna maha-mantra. This will make them fit to become Vaisnavas. Then, when they

speak to sinful people about the teachings of this Krsna consciousness movement,

people will be affected and take the instructions. We receive instructions in

devotional service through the disciplic succession. Narada Muni is our

original guru because he is the spiritual master of Vyasadeva. Vyasadeva is the

spiritual master of our disciplic succession; therefore we should follow in the

footsteps of Narada Muni and become pure Vaisnavas. A pure Vaisnava is one who

has no ulterior motive. He has totally dedicated himself to the service of the

Lord. He does not have material desires, and he is not interested in so-called

learning and philanthropic work. The so-called learned scholars and

philanthropists are actually karmis and jnanis, and some are actually misers

engaged in sinful activity. All are condemned because they are not devotees of

Lord Krsna. > This is a chance to become purified by associating with this

Krsna consciousness movement and strictly following the rules and regulations.

By chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, one can become free from all

contamination, especially contamination brought about by the killing of

animals. Lord Krsna Himself requested: > > sarva-dharman parityajya > mam ekam

saranam vraja > aham tvam sarva-papebhyo > moksayisyami ma sucah > > "Abandon

all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from

all sinful reaction. Do not fear." (Bg. 18.66) > We should take this

instruction from Krsna and follow in the footsteps of Narada Muni in the

disciplic succession. If we simply surrender unto Krsna's lotus feet and take

this Krsna consciousness movement seriously, we can be freed from the karma

incurred by sin. If we are intelligent enough, we shall engage in the loving

service of the Lord. Then our lives will be successful, and we shall not have

to suffer like the hunter life after life. By killing animals, not only will we

be bereft of the human form but we will have to take an animal form and somehow

or other be killed by the same type of animal we have killed. This is the law

of nature. The Sanskrit word mamsa means "meat." It is said: mam sah khadati

iti mamsah. That is, "I am now eating the flesh of an animal who will some day

in the future be eating my flesh." > >TRANSLATION: "The hunter then admitted

that he was convinced of his sinful activity, and he said, 'I have been taught

this business from my very childhood. Now I am wondering how I can become freed

from these unlimited volumes of sinful activity.' > >PURPORT: This kind of

admission is very beneficial as long as one does not again commit sin. Cheating

and hypocrisy are not tolerated by higher authorities. If one understands what

sin is, he should give it up with sincerity and regret and surrender unto the

lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead through His agent, the pure

devotee. In this way, one can be freed from the reactions of sin and make

progress in devotional service. However, if one continues committing sins after

making some atonement, he will not be saved. In the sastras, such atonement is

compared to an elephant's bathing. An elephant takes a very good bath and

cleanses its body very nicely, but as soon as it comes out of the water, it

picks up some dust on the shore and throws it all over its body. Atonement may

be carried out very nicely, but it will not help a person if he continues

committing sins. Therefore the hunter first admitted his sinful activity before

the saintly person Narada and then asked how he could be saved. > >TRANSLATION:

"The hunter continued, 'My dear sir, please tell me how I can be relieved from

the reactions of my sinful life. Now I fully surrender unto you and fall down

at your lotus feet. Please deliver me from sinful reactions.' > >PURPORT: By

the grace of Narada Muni, the hunter came to his good senses and immediately

surrendered unto the saint's lotus feet. This is the process. By associating

with a saintly person, one is able to understand the reactions of his sinful

life. When one voluntarily surrenders to a saintly person who is a

representative of Krsna and follows his instructions, one can become freed from

sinful reaction. Krsna demands the surrender of a sinful man, and Krsna's

representative gives the same instructions. The representative of Krsna never

tells his disciple, "Surrender unto me." Rather he says, "Surrender unto

Krsna." If the disciple accepts this principle and surrenders himself through

the representative of Krsna, his life is saved. > >TRANSLATION: "Narada Muni

assured the hunter, 'If you listen to my instructions, I shall find the way you

can be liberated.' > >PURPORT: Gaurangera bhakta-gane jane jane sakti dhare. The

purport of this song is that the devotees of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are

very powerful, and each and every one of them can deliver the whole world.

What, then, to speak of Narada Muni? If one follows the instructions of Narada

Muni, one can be delivered from any amount of sinful reactions. This is the

process. One must follow the instructions of a spiritual master; then one will

certainly be delivered from all sinful reaction. This is the secret of success.

Yasya deve para bhaktir yatha deve tatha gurau. If one has unflinching faith in

Krsna and the spiritual master, the result is tasyaite kathita hy arthah

prakasante mahatmanah: all the conclusions of revealed scriptures will be open

to such a person. A pure devotee of Krsna can make the same demands that Narada

Muni is making. He says, "If you follow my instructions, I shall take

responsibility for your liberation." A pure devotee like Narada can give

assurance to any sinful man because by the grace of the Lord such a devotee is

empowered to deliver any sinful person if that person follows the principles

set forth. > >[Caitanya Caritamrta, Madhya Lila 24.248-255] > > >WEB SITES. > >

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