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>Mon, 24 Sep 2001 22:20:55 +0100


>Srila Prabhupada reveals America's real terrorist enemy







>Yes, all the Leninists and Stalinists, they kill. It is a country of

>terrorism. That's all. The government men, they are simply terrorists.

>That's all.


>Prabhupada: Yes, everyone is in darkness. If you can make propaganda, the

>people will be misled.

>That is not very difficult. Just like from Russia, nobody is communist. But

>it is going on--the Russia is communist country. I have studied thoroughly.

>Nobody is communist. Maybe a few only. But it is going on by propaganda

>that Russia is a communist country. The people in general, they are forced

>to accept it. That book was written by some man, terrorism. It is

>terrorism. That's it. By force. Nobody accepts this communist philosophy, I

>have studied. (everyone gets out of car) They were very, very unhappy. The

>young man cannot go out of the country. Just see. Restricted. How much

>uncomfortable he is feeling. Especially in European countries, the young

>men, they want to go. But

>they will not allow. They will not allow anything to read except Lenin's

>literature. What is this? Simply suppressing. Everyone is unhappy. Which

>way? This way? This is their position. I have seen it directly. And as soon

>as one is suspected that he is doing otherwise, he will be sent to some

>unknown camp. Nobody knows where he has gone.

>Paramahamsa: Just like they had some people who came to Russia to start

>some Buddhist thing, and then they were sent away to some camp,

>concentration camp.

>Prabhupada: Never seen again.

>Paramahamsa: No one has seen them.

>Prabhupada: Just see. This is their... It is the most fallen country. No

>freedom. No freedom at all. Horrible country.

>Ganesa: Why don't the people revolt if they're so unhappy?

>Prabhupada: Yes, they are revolting, but they are now so much suppressed

>they cannot... Sometimes there is revolt. Sometimes there is upheaval.

>Paramahamsa: Not a big upheaval because they are terrorized. They are

>afraid that if they revolt, then they...

>Prabhupada: They will be killed.

>Paramahamsa: Yeah, the government will come out and just shoot them all.

>Prabhupada: Yes, all the Leninists and Stalinists, they kill. It is a

>country of terrorism. That's all. The government men, they are simply

>terrorists. That's all.

>Paramahamsa: Just like in Cambodia they just, the new Communist government,

>they executed tens

>and thousands of people just recently.

>Prabhupada: Just see.

>Paramahamsa: People who were working for the old government. They just

>killed them all. So this

>what the people are afraid of.

>Prabhupada: Yes. Terrorism. This Communism means terrorism. (aside:) Thank



>[srila Prabhupada Morning Walk May 8, 1975, Perth]



>Not to allow the communists to become very powerful.

>That is American political policy is going on. And the presidents

>may change, but the national policy cannot be changed.

>Therefore they want fighting between Pakistan and India


>Prabhupada: Americans want this place to fight with the Russians. So if

>American comes directly in India, that "We want to fight," then India would

>not agree. Therefore they're keeping with these foolish rascals, Pakistan.

>And they're insulting. They're... Not insulting. They're naturally enemy

>of... not to let them... The Vietnam and everything, Korea, all these

>things. Not to allow the communists to become very powerful. That is

>American political policy is going on. And the presidents may change, but

>the national policy cannot be changed. Therefore they want fighting between

>Pakistan and India. So Russia... Actually that happened. Russia will come

>to the help of India. That arrangement is already

>there with Indira Gandhi. Naturally they'll come to help Pakistan. And then

>between the big two.


>[s.P. Room Conversation April 4, 1975, Mayapur]



>George Bush's speech to Congress Friday, September 21, 2001


>Our war on terror begins with al-Qaida, but it does not end there.


>It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found,

>stopped and defeated.


>We will direct every resource at our command, every means of diplomacy,

>every tool of intelligence, every instrument of law enforcement, every

>financial influence and every necessary weapon of war, to the destruction

>and to the defeat of the global terror network.


>Note: So America is making huge military arrangements to fight with their

>real terrorist enemy Russia. This is very clear. America's war on terror

>will not end untill Russia is stopped and defeated. That is American

>political policy is going on. And the presidents may change, but the

>national policy cannot be changed.


>America will direct every resource at their command, every means of

>diplomacy, [like killing their own citizens, to get the sheep in line]

>every tool of intelligence, every instrument of law enforcement, every

>financial influence and every necessary weapon of war, to the destruction

>and to the defeat of their real terrorist enemy Russia.


>Prabhupada: Your country, America, is very much eager to kill these

>Communists. And the Communists are also very eager. So very soon there will

>be war. And perhaps India will be the greatest sufferer.


>Tamala Krsna: Greatest...?


>Devotees: Sufferer.


>Srutakirti: Sufferer.


>Prabhupada: Because America is aiming to start the war from India.


>Devotee: Oh!


>Prabhupada: Yes. Because India and Russia, they are...


>Brahmananda: They are... Friendship.


>Prabhupada: No. Side by side. If the war is started from India...


>Rupanuga: So India will become...


>Prabhupada: And the Russians are ready here already, I have heard, with

>soldiers and... Not soldiers. I mean to say.


>Hamsaduta: Missiles.


>Prabhupada: Yes. They are also vigilant.


>Visnujana: Will that help our preaching, Prabhupada?


>Prabhupada: Preaching will be very nice after the war when both of them,

>especially Russia, will be finished.......


>Prabhupada: Yes, they are getting. They are already getting. The Pakistan

>will start the war with India. And then everything will be...


>Devotees: Oh! Whew!


>Devotee: Pakistan will start a war... (devotees talking among



>Tamala Krsna: Will this war spread to many different countries and



>Prabhupada: The actual war will be between America and Russia.


>( S.P. Morning Walk Conversation (World War III) April 4, 1975, Mayapur)





>TEL: 0161 628 5213.

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