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India Exposes US Hypocracy

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P.S.. Yesterday, Russia test fired an ICBM from the North of the country

to the Kamchatka Peninsula on the Pacific Coast. It was termed an

"ageing" missile, to see if it was still accurate and operational, and

was reported to hit its target precisely [which is only 500 nautical

miles from Alaska]


This "test" came less than 24 hours after Vladimir Putin [a] expressed

what sanat das stated clearly several hours after the 9/11 WTC/Pentagone

CIA/NSA diversion: "America is attempting to move into our backyard in

the name of attacking the Taliban."


Russia is not amused nor fooled by the U.S. Propaganda War with bin

Laden, Taleban, etal. Nor, apparently, is India, Iran, and a host of

other nations, who are emerging from the initial chaos to subtly state

their awaeness of the situation.


Actually, the brilliant Indian Government, under Vajpayee and External

Affairs Minister, Jaswant Singh, have pretty much told the U.S. that

America itself is supporting the most terroristic of all countries,

namely Pakistan, and that India can deal with this problem itself.

India's 'external' diplomacy was so expert [ie. Singh's meeting with

Bush and Nat'l Security head, Condie Rice] two days ago, that Bush and

Powell have been obliged to admit that Pakistan is harboring,

maintaining and encouraging bases of terror, and that it would 'target

them' also. These statements go diametrically counter to America's

Covert Strategy, ie. CIA/NSA total support for Pakistan's Taleban,

which has been supported mainly by U.S. funds channeled illicitly

through Pakistan for many years.


India is fed up and will come up with its own plan to deal with the

US-Pak Terror Alliance; hence Vajpayee and Putin are meeting on the S.

Asian Crisis in early November.


India stated yesterday that the 'attack on the Pentagone was an attack

on the military center of the U.S.; and the WTC attack was an attack on

the heart of the U.S.' economy.' In contrast, though, India stated that

the Kashmir Parliament attack the other day was an attack on the center

of a country's Democracy, ie. India's' In reference to this profound

point, India stated that although the U.S. has pinpointed [and blamed]

bin Laden for the aforementioned attacks, OBL has denied having any role

in that attack [though he was happy about it]; by contrast, however, a

specific terrorist group in Pakistan has taken full responsibility for

the Kashmir attack.


In this way, India has proved the wrongness of America's hypocritical

[AND SELF-SERVING] stance on "worldwide terrorism." And has

simultaneously obliged the American leaders to implicitly address the

fact that Pakistan has blood all over its hands as a current and

recent-past terror nation. [actually, India has been supremely tolerant

esp. since the Aug., 1999 Kargil Invasion, which it at the time clearly

demonstrated was carried out with total support of Pak, BUT IN FACT THE


FOREAIGN AND PROFESSIONAL SOLDIERS. [elswhere it was said at the time

that these alleged foreign mercenaries/prof. soldiers had been

unquestionably trained at camps predominantly in Afghanistan, that WERE

IN FACT OBL CAMPS. And very recently it was admitted that those camps

were in fact set up and supported by the CIA. Juxtapose that with the

WASh Post story the other day, wherein it was openly admitted that Bill

Clinton in 1998-99 authorized CIA-Intelligence to work with Pakistani

Intelligence to get OBL, and etc. Thus it's obvious that CIA/covert

U.S. agents have been working with Pak/Afghan for many years, and are

the most likely behind-the-scenes force for the destabilization of

Jammu/Kshnir, with Pak the front man and conduit.Anyway, the point is

that India has been extraordinarily forbearing for a long while in the

face of Pak terrorism, esp. beginning with the Kargil invasion

[terrorism which appears to have the U.S. handiwork written all over

it]. India has implored America to address this issue, and US has

repeatedly side-stepped the issue, rationalised and prevaricated, saying

in effect, that 'policy issues and keeping the new [u.S. supported]

Musharraf Dictator at bay, ie. keeping a watch on him so that the

situation in Pak doesn't become volatile, what with all the

fundamentalist Muslims, terroist squads, nuclear weapons, etc.,etc. are

WHY America has to 'tolerate' PAK's connections with terror groups, etc.


But now, suddenly India has masterfully pulled back the veil, and felt

forced [into a corner] to do so recently with the dangerous

developments of Pak flexing its muscles [now that Big Daddy America is

standing by its side] via the Kashmiri Parliament Attack as well as the

U.S.' dangerous military adventure "against world terrorism," which

according to Russia is "an attempt to go into our backyard in the name

of fighting the Taleban."

And, although it was not reported in the U.S. newsmedia, it was reported

in detail in India Times and Hindustantimes that Jaswant Singh got

UNPRECEDENTEDLY in Bush's and Powell's et al's faces and more or less

called them major hypocrites and stated that anyway, India could itself

address the fact that Pak is a Terrorist Nation that needed to be dealt

with. ; shortly after these statements [in the White House], Abdullah,

Minister of Kashmir exhorted his central gov't to attack Pakistan;

SIMULTANEOUSLY, Russia launched an "ageing" Intercontinental Ballistic

Missile [that's a TOPOL multi-warhead missile, that could destroy every

major city on the West Coast in 15 minutes exactly!!] And then it was

announced that INDIa and Russia needed to meet very soon to addresss

these issues [ie. America's obvious pact with Pak's terrror squads, as

well as its [u.S.'s] stated intentions of wanting to set up shop in that

region [with bases in both AFGHAN and Pak] . . .


Also in the WP article the other day [and elshwere recently] the

heroin trade's connection to the Taliban was looked at. This area is one

that the CIA HAs complete control over for the past 30 years. THIS is

how the MUJAHEDDIN "Afghan FREEDOM FIGHTERS" WERE able to pay for those

hundreds and thousands of U.S. STINGER Missiles, etc. all these years.

AMERica gives immense support to "refugee camps" [in Afghanistan and

Pakistan] , etc., which are mainly a guise for drug smuggling and etc.

Just the fact that we're in that country all over the place "giving more

humanitarian aid than any other country" IS EVIDEcne of our real

relationship to the Taleban [which controls over 95% of the country, and

obviously allows our people to go any and every where to "dispense

humanitarian aid." quoteunquote.



Now, in Feb of this year it was admitted that Pak was on the verge of

bankruptcy, and had less than $1,000,000 hard currency reserves in its

treasury. HOW< THEN< CAn Pakistan be wealthy enuf to "Support THE

Taleban, support 3 million AFGHAN Refugees, support numberless "JIHad

MUSLIm Camps" both in Afghan and Pak which fight against the Russians

in Chechna and the Hindus in J&K?!, and also pay its blls, support its

military, cities, poulation of 150 million, etc., etc., pay its IMF




The Answer?

The United States of America is fully bank rolling Pak, and has already

suppied it with over 25$ billion in weapons [of mass destruction] since

1978 BECAUSE IT IS THE SINGULARLY most important geopolitical region in

a strtegic sense in the world.

[in fact, over half of the emergency increase in Defence and CIA

appropriations are earmarked for Pakistan, ie. "fighting world

terrorism," ie, the U.S. using terrorism to battle India's and Russia's

Terroism . . .


SRila Prabhupada said the war between America and Russia would begin

"from INdia" and would be precipitated by PAKISTAN> AMERICA IS ALREADY

there, and will be there more visibly once the CIA Torches an Anerican

CITY and gets the world opinion to do so [out of fear]. War has already

begun; INDIA HAS SUBtly made that clear in the aftermath of the KASHMIR

attack the other day. RUssia is pissed also. THE ALLIance has been

forged in stone. There's no going back now. SOon, there will only be

rumours of this time, this high tech civilisation which committed

spiritual and material suicide. Rest assured, THE WAR HAS BEGUN!


more later.


sanat das

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