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sept 11 a viewpoint

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Namaskar, The article should have been sent 15 days earlier but it has a different perspective.

Sept 11, it is the Law of Karma at work, you reap as you sow. It is the

Americans who, anxious to get the Soviets out of Afghanistan, poured in

billions of dollars into Afghanistan and Pakistan. Arms, money, buying out

opponents, turning a blind eye to Islamic fundamentalisms and trading of

narcotics were some of the means used. Eventually the Soviets were out of

Afghanistan but! The Americans left behind tons of arms, ammunition and a war

ravaged country. Islam had to find a new enemy. It was the Indians read Hindus

of Jammu and Kashmir. Around 1989 Gen Zia started the Proxy war in that state

and it shows no signs of ending. Thousands of people have died, become homeless

and refugees in their own country. Did the world care? Sections of the Church

with the help of evangenlists in the U.S. have taken to the gun in

India’s North East for nearly fifty years. Here again thousands died and

local culture destroyed. The worst terrorists attack in world history prior to

Sept 11 were the Bomb blasts in Mumbai 1993, 250 lives lost and about 700

injured. Aided by the Pakis and Indian Muslims the intent was cripple

India’s commercial capital just as what Muslims have tried to do to New

York. Did the U.S. said a word?

So what I am saying that the U.S. has followed double standards, promoted

terrorists organizations worldwide to suit its convenience. You know life evens

out. You have to pay for your misdeeds. Much as I pray for the families of every

person who lost his life I cannot but go back to the concept of Karma. Is it not

amazing that thousands of years ago the Rishis of India had discovered this very

elementary truth of life?

Yet the Western world is repeating the mistakes that Gandhi, Nehru, Congress,

BJP made. They refused to accept and understand the pan Islamic Muslim mind for

which we Indians have prayed for very dearly, both before and after partition.

They are scared of publicly critic sizing Islam because the Muslims will take

to violence immediately. Now which head of state wants Violence not realizing

that acts of violence are merely being postponed to events like Mumbai Bomb

blasts or Sept 11? In order to appease the Arab and local Muslim population

George Bush and Tony Blair are calling Islam the epitome of peace. Honestly the

civilized man in them is scared of the destruction Islam can cause so praise

Islam. Probably the Koran says that but ask any professor of history what he

has to say about Islam. Better ask the Hindus of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Jammu

& Kashmir what it means to live in an Islamic state.

As Pandit Vamadeva Shastri alias David Frawley has very rightly said “By

targeting Osman Bin Laden the West have made him the most popular man of all

times. He has become a role model for every Muslim child in the world”.

See how one soldier of Islam has brought the world’s only superpower to

its knees.

If you want to solve this problem one of the ways is to examine its source of

funding. In this case it is three, one narcotics, two Muslim countries like

Saudi Arabia and three Oil. Most of us know that the biggest market for

narcotics is the West. Saudia Arabia is a trusted ally of the U.S. Now is the

West willing to come down heavily on the drug lobby within its borders and

allies like Saudia! Coming to Oil, ask yourself, did Islam have such a hold on

world affairs read terrorism till the advent of the Oil crisis of the

seventies? If oil consumption comes down, Muslim states would have less money

to spare for terrorists activities and would have to use limited resources for

the benefits of its citizens. Since democracy is alien to Islam, there are a

large number of disgruntled groups in nearly every Muslim state. Today petro

dollars keeps them under check but if the dollars were to dry up then! After

seeing Pakistani, I doubt if the above argument holds good. Here is a country

that is bankrupt but spends millions of dollars on funding terrorist’s

activities and trying to keep pace with India read Hindus.

How many of us are willing to cut down on consumption of petrol and use public

transport. In India yu would be looked down upon, fall is status but outside

India I am told it is different. Next time yu go for a long drive think that

the petrol yu are paying for is to the extent of app 70% coming from the Muslim

world, so indirectly yu are funding terrorism. I am not suggesting that we stop

using cars but would like yu to think, force yr govts to develop alternate fuel

and increase dometic production of oil.

The saddest part is that post Sept 11 the U.S. and Western Europe have become

secular like India. Which means that Islamic terrorists can blow up buildings,

take to the streets at random but no! Islam is a great religion; it preaches

peace and universal brotherhood. Secularism is important, national security and

nationhood be dammed.

A thought that I like to leave with you is, Why is it barring Ireland and Sri

Lanka every act of terrorists violence involves Islam? What is it about this

religion that makes people lose their intellect (ability to discriminate

between the right and wrong), take to the gun and die in the name of religion?

The Christians of today are as fanatic in their efforts to convert Hindus

worldwide but except for India’s North East one has not heard of them

take to the gun. Yet they use smarter ways like starting schools, hospitals,

dividing society, forcing their ways of education on Hindus.

As an Indian I blame none but us for our current state. As a cultural unit,

nation we lacked a strategic culture. We were not united and were willing to

join a foreigner to defeat an Indian enemy. Our philosophy is inward looking

because of which we mostly looked within and did not keep track on world

developments. We have an English print, electronic media whose sole objective

is to criticize whatever the government does and highlight what is wrong with

India. Can anybody tell me of a state or human being who is perfect but the

media! We have a head of government namely Atal Vajpayee who like Gandhi

believes that making unilateral concessions to Pakistan read Muslims will make

them take up the path of peace. Can you think of a country India that has been

humiliated so badly by another read Pakistan be it terrorists killings in

Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Mumbai Bomb Blasts, Karachi based Underworld etc yet

it refuses to take the gun, professes peace. Ask the super cop of Punjab KPS

Gill; would similar goodness have enabled him to wipe out terrorism from

Punjab? This trait of Indian politicians to be good, make concessions without

getting anything in return baffles me.

Long live Kshatriya Dharam

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