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Currrent Events in Vedic Regions: A Relevant Topic

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In defense of current event postings I would like to share a few



I actually find it quite interesting that Ancient Vedic Gandhahar(Afghanistan)

is at the forefront of the current war. This war is definately an Indian affair.

The whole region was a part of traditional India for aeons. Even Alexander the

Great's Indian Kingdoms were all based in the Afghan/Pak region.

Takshila(Taxila) was a great academic center for Vedic studies. The great

Chanakya taught there.


Though a true part of Bharat, Gandhahar has repeatedly been the source of the

greatest calamities in Indian history.


Approx 3100 B.C.

In the Age of Greater India, MahaBharat, Shakuni of Gandhahar, almost

singlehandedly brought the whole world to the cataclysmic war of Kurukshtera,

which was the beginning of the end of the Vedic Political Power structure. It

has been suggested that this war was one reason so many ancient non-indian

Vedic cultures lost touch with India and its Brahminical guidance.


330 B.C.

Takshila unites with Greeks and supports Greek advance into India but never

fully supports the Greeks. Becomes the Capital of the Macedonian Indian Kingdom.

(I am not versed in this era of Indian history because of the controversy over

the true date of Chanakya and King Chandragupta, so forgive any errors.)


1191 A.D.

Gandhahar=Afghanistan's Mohammed Ghori invades India 7 times and is captured and

released 7 times by the merciful Vedic King, Prithviraj Chouhan. On the 8th

attack, Prithviraj Chouhan is defeated and mercilessly blinded and brought to

Mohammed Ghori's Afghan dungeons.

Thus ended the rule of the last Vedic King of Delhi=Hastinapur.



1800s A.D.

The famous battles of the NW Frontier during the British Raj. Though the enemy

was the oppresive British Empire, it was mostly Indian soldiers in British

employ that died. It should be noted that Afghanistan helped many Indian freedom

fighters, such as Nethaji, escape the Imprisonment, torture and starvation at

the hands of the British. This only added impetus to the British intentions to

remove the Bharatiya identity of its Muslim citizens.



1989 A.D.

After their victory over the Soviets, (Indira Gandhi fully supported soviets,)

US supplied and trained Afghan freedom fighters begin a terror campaign in the

ancient Vedic lands of Jammu and Kashmir. By 2001, this campaign has already

claimed over 40,000 lives. Nearly all Hindu communities become abandoned and

taken over by islamic extremists. The UN, US, EU all ignore the ongoing refugee

crisis of Hindu kashmiris.



US and Herion funded Pakistani forces set up the Taliban Govt. Taliban begins

terrorizing its own citizens including its remaining Afghan nonconverted Hindus.

Soon training camps are set up for Jihadi missions into India and Nepal.

Missions of terror begin in India and Nepal. Pilgrims are massacred, schools

blown up, Police stations massacred to the last man, bombs and guns, hijackings,

murders all in the name of Allah, but supplied with US/EU weapons, funding and

training. Of course, huge doses of Chinese help as well...but we remember the

very intamite relationship US & China share...Most favored Nation status etc.



Sept 11th attack in NYC. The new relationship between India and US, was at its

best ever. Suddenly all this is gone as the US empowers Pakistan with billions

of dollars worth of funds and military backing and plans to mass thousands of

troops in Pakistan and Afghanistan. A succesful conquest and establishment of

US/EU forces in Afghanistan will successfully keep Russia and India from

combining their forces strategically against the Islamic assault.


Anti-Indian terrorism campaign increases after new US-Pak understanding. US goes

from ignoring Islamic terrorism against India to verbal admonition against

anti-Indian terrorism to indirect approval of it by refusing to add the name of

admitted Pakistan terrorist groups to its lists of dangerous terror groups. The

Hindu Tamil Tigers are added to US hitlist.


So here we are late 2001 and once again India is the frontline and ancient

Gandhahar=Afghanistan is its impetus for war.



Have no doubt that the current struggle between western/arab

backed Islamic fanaticsm and Hindu(vedic) India, is definatelly

of interest to anyone who values India as Krishna janmasthan.


I am not surprised that people interested in Vedic culture are

concerned about current events. These events actually have

more of an impact on their daily lives than vedic philosophy or



If India is consumed by a massive war, believe me, there will be

alot less Vedic Culture being practiced on planet earth. The less

Vedic culture the more Kali yug.



At stake here, is India's continued ability to host and share its

treasure house of Jnan, yoga and Bhakti. The Thirta's of India,

the Mandirs, the ghats, the mountains, the rivers and of course

the saintly people by the millions are all here to bless the world.

Our gurudev, Srila Prabhupad clearly stated the significance of

Bharat mata to the Vaishnavas. every long term building project

he worked on was in India...no where else.


When Prabhupad was in India 1971, he was approached by one

of the top military leaders of India. He asked him what to do about

Pakistan's sudden invasion. Prabhupad directly told him to smash

them, they are demons, he said.


His advice was followed, leading to Indian victory and the

elimination of India's containment by US backed Pakistan. US almost joins Pak in

war against India but pulls back at the last second as USSR promises to fully

back India leading to WWIII.

Pak losts its control of East Pak, now Bangladesh, thus freeing up and

nearly neutralising the military threat against Bengal=Mayapur/Navadvip



Another important point is the fact that most media is completely

biased against India and sometimes its a group like ours that is

a resource for those wanting an alternative news source.


So please bear with us and I pray we can soon discuss the

glories of Vedic Culture in a state of peace and devotion.

jaya vaishnavas,

Your servant in the search of truth,

Vrin Parker

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