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Army Generals Offer Pres Bush a VEDIC ALTERNATIVE to Missile Defense Shield

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(Here is a significant Press Release from the fateful day in NYC)





Top-Ranking Military Leader from India Proposes "Vedic Defence Shield" for

Prevention of War



Major General Kulwant Singh

Tuesday, September 11, 10 a.m.

National Press Club, East Room, Washington DC


"Military and diplomatic solutions will never produce lasting peace while

enmity seethes in the hearts of the people. The persistent crisis in the

Middle East alone proves the inadequacy of paper treaties, and underscores

the need for a fundamentally new approach." --Major General Kulwant Singh


(WASHINGTON, D.C.) A top-ranking army general, who helped lead the fight

against terrorism in India for nearly three decades, is coming to

Washington, D.C. next week to offer President Bush an effective alternative

to his National Missile Defense Shield.


Major General Kulwant Singh, a 35-year career army veteran, backed by a

growing number of top military leaders worldwide, will encourage President

Bush and other world leaders to immediately deploy "Vedic technologies of

defence"-a scientifically proven approach that diffuses regional tensions

and prevents conflict.


"President Bush should be commended for his efforts to defend the American

people from nuclear attack," General Singh said. "There are critics who

argue that the missile shield is untested, costly, and provides no defence

against warheads smuggled in by land or sea. But the President is deploying

the most advanced technology he knows. To his critics, I say, 'Show the

President a better way.' "Fortunately, now there is a better way. This is

why we have come to Washington."


Vedic Technologies of Defence Diffuse Acute Social Stress


"America and India are great allies. We are bringing to President Bush the

best of what India has to offer-the very latest technology in the field of

defence," said General Singh.


"Research confirms that the outbreak of war begins with rising tensions

among rival factions. Conventional means of defence do nothing to address

this underlying cause of war: mounting tensions in critical hotspots

throughout the world.


"We are offering a proven, prevention-oriented approach, based on Vedic

technologies of consciousness, to diffuse acute social stress-and thereby

prevent enmity from arising.


"Ours is the only new approach with a proven track record-an approach that

is backed by extensive published research," General Singh said.


How Vedic Defence Works


Recent discoveries in the domain of quantum physics and human consciousness,

according to General Singh, reveal that the field of consciousness is far

more basic and powerful than the nuclear field. "This field of

consciousness-termed the unified field in the language of quantum physics-is

millions of times more fundamental and powerful than the nuclear force.


"We have learned to harness this field through technologies of consciousness

that are simultaneously ancient and modern. They are described in the

ancient Vedic literature, but they have now become the focus of extensive

scientific research. Their application was introduced 25 years ago by

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who advocated group practice of Transcendental

Meditation and its advanced techniques, including Yogic Flying. To this,

Maharishi has added other highly advanced peace-promoting procedures from

the Vedic tradition," General Singh said.


More than 50 studies, published in leading peer-reviewed scientific

journals, have documented the ability of group practice of Transcendental

Meditation and its advanced techniques to reduce societal stress and

violence, and to calm open warfare in war-torn areas. In the mid-1980s this

approach was used to quell violence in the Middle East, and resulted in an

80% drop in war fatalities and war-related injuries, according to articles

published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution and other scientific



Deploying a Vedic Defence Shield in India


More than 25,000 meditating experts are now being assembled in India who,

General Singh said, will produce an "indomitable influence of peace and

coherence in the country. No nation will ever be moved to attack India, as

it becomes a lighthouse of peace and coherence to its neighbours and the



"What better, more humane and cost-effective defence than to prevent the

birth of an enemy? Isn't this more likely to prevent an attack than a new

arms race that is generating such global fear and heightened hostility

towards the US that it might actually provoke a terrorist attack?"


US Department of Peace


General Singh applauded the efforts of members of the US Congress, led by

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), to counter this new military escalation with

a US Department of Peace, funded at 1% of the military budget.


"Such a department could easily support, even within the ranks of the

military, a 'prevention wing' of 10,000 - 20,000 troops trained in Vedic

technologies of defence that can prevent the outbreak of war. This should be

the true purpose of the military: To keep the peace. Unfortunately, nothing

in the current military handbooks trains our soldiers to prevent war.


"That is why it is critical now to implement a prevention wing in the

military utilising these proven Vedic technologies of defence," said General

Singh, who retired from the military in 1995, and is now Defence Minister of

the Global Country of World Peace-a nation without borders founded to

"provide a global home for peace-loving people everywhere," and to offer

governments "proven, prevention-oriented solutions to critical

social problems".


General Singh's Itinerary in Washington


General Singh said he is coming to Washington, D.C. to "present to President

Bush, and representatives of other peace-loving countries, how to promote

invincibility for every nation and permanent world peace by taking recourse

to the higher intelligence of Natural Law, which governs the universe with

perfect order."


For more information, or to arrange an interview with Major General Kulwant

Singh, call Sam Katz at +1 202-339-9782







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