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New war strategy aims for peace, Daily Cougar, University of Houston

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Daily Cougar, University of Houston

Vol 67 (41)


New war strategy aims for peace


18 October 2001

Angi Patton, guest columnist


It's a concept that seems born in fable, not in fact, an idea conjured in

fantasy, not formulated in reality, a plan more mystical than rational, more

curious than conceivable. And yet, on September 28th in our nation's capital

the plausibility of using a strategy of consciousness to immediately diffuse

the threat of terrorism was credibly presented to the world press by

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The plan? An immediate gathering of 40,000 Vedic

pundits trained in the art of mental coherence. The cost? Approximately one

day of our annual defense budget.


The catch? Finding the courage to acknowledge that the mind is mightier than

matter. The reward? Perpetual world peace. The response? America began

bombing Afghanistan.


Middle Eastern analysts have warned that radicalized Islamic factions are

using the United States to unify the Islamic world against western culture

and ideals. Rather than out smart this regime, we have fallen victim to a

calculated plot. As predicted, we are flexing our military muscle and

flaunting our brute strength. Consider that we are assaulting an all ready

war torn Afghan landscape with the Pentagon's "full range of weaponry." In

less than a week, we achieved supremacy of the Afghan air space. An ocean

away our technically astute military has won the air zone, but on our own

soil we have lost ground as an insidious white powder has surfaced via an

unsuspecting postal system.


>From the perspective of cost and reward, the use of Maharishi's

consciousness-based strategy is appealing. Consider that this approach

requires no military arsenal, no ground troops, no loss of life, and no

threat of global annihilation. Consider that every time this strategy has

been implemented in "hot spots" around the world the results have been

measurable, consistent, and effective. The results of which have been

published in more than 40 scientific journals such as the Journal of

Conflict Resolution, Social Indicators Research, Social Science Perspectives

Journal, The Journal of Mind and Behavior, the Journal of Crime and

Behavior, the Journal of Crime and Justice, and Psychology, Crime, and Law.

Additionally, these remarkable findings have been made available to

government's of the world where this information has mostly been ignored.


Although we have grown accustomed to a wireless world where hardware shrinks

and software grows more potent, we are slow to make the connection between

mind and matter. With the magnitude of the September 11th atrocities, the

perpetrators made certain that our attention

would remain focused on the surface. The physical horror of their deed

resulted in brutal images, an ensuing stench, mounds of rubble, and a

psychological and emotional after shock that continues to reverberate

through the national psyche. This approach was tactically designed to keep

our minds in an irrational state. Right on cue, we are acting out the role

of Satan that bin Laden has proliferated in building his case of jihad. We

certainly feel justified in our actions because "they started it," but we

are missing the point of "fighting fire with fire." The attack on our nation

was a tactical and cogent mental construct. To defeat our enemy will require

striking back with a more evolved state of mind that transcends conventional



The notion that individuals can radiate coherence in the environment is a

documented phenomenon. Although it sounds exotic, bizarre, and granted, out

of the ordinary, the phenomenon referred to as yogic flying does diffuse

hostility and neutralize negative tendencies. For the mind to move matter,

for a mental impulse to lift the body off the ground, the brain must be

operating from a state of infinite coherence. When large groups of

individuals gather in one location and practice this technique a more

orderly and peaceful environment is the documented outcome.


While the current plan calls for 40,000 pundits stationed in India, over

100,000 yogic flyers have been trained in the world since 1976. Who makes up

yogic flyers? University professors, airline pilots, librarians, doctors,

lawyers, students, taxi drivers, accountants, CEO's, farmers, politicians,

merchants, stockbrokers, actors, bankers, men and women, moms and dads,

wives, husbands, uncles, aunts, grandmothers, young, old, short, tall,

brown, white, black, yellow, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus. In short,

very ordinary people sprinkled over 100 countries in the world make up this

extraordinary force. What has been lacking for the establishment of world

peace is a communion of these efforts.


We may have so called "smart" bombs but consider that these weapons, despite

the intent, create further chaos and confusion in the environment. To

restore order and civility in the world will require a more educated

strategy than we have currently utilized. For perpetual world peace to be

the legacy of our generation, we must be open to a new form of defense that

has the proven ability to create coherence and eradicate the terrorist

stronghold on the world


Angi Patton is an Associate Professor of Art at the University of Houston.















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