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Iskcon terrorists?!!

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50 - Mayapur Bomb Blast Reveals GBC

> Terrorist Campaign

> Mon, 22 Oct 2001 11:30:00 +0100

Newsletter of the Iskcon Revival Movement (IRM)

> Issue 50

> Message from Adridharana Dasa, Temple President

> ISKCON Calcutta:




> 1. Mayapur Bomb Blast Reveals GBC Terrorist Campaign


> 2. New York IRM Temple Provides Spiritual Healing

> Following WTC Disaster

> 3. Academic Paper Leads To Official IRM Debate With


> 4. Newspaper Heaps Further Embarrassment on

> Vipramukhya Swami

> 5. Biggest European ISKCON Temple Promotes Sai Baba


> We apologise profusely for the delay in sending out

> this newsletter. We also apologise for the delay in

> responding to e-mails. This delay has been due to a

> massive re-organisation we have had to undertake due

> to our internet service provider shutting down

> following take-over by a larger company. As you will

> note this newsletter has been sent out from our new

> e-mail address:


> irm



> We apologise for this change but we had no choice,

> and we hope that the new address will be easy to

> remember, since you are effectively writing to the

> irm office!


> The e-mail address adri - IS NO MORE.


> The web-site addresses will remain unaffected.


> So please from now on reply to our new e-mail

> address: irm



> We will be sending out another reminder to everyone

> on our mailing list. Our re-organisation to

> accommodate these changes is complete, and

> henceforward normal service will be resumed.


> Also we have had many queries regarding the

> situation at Calcutta Temple. Please note that a

> huge contigent of thugs from Mayapur temple did

> attempt again to take-over the temple. Their illegal

> attempt however has resulted in legal action being

> taken, including the filing of a criminal case.

> Subsequent to that other criminal activities have

> also come to light. Due to legal reasons we are

> unable to say more at this stage since certain legal

> procedures are ongoing as we speak and we can only

> issue a full statement once the matter is fully

> resolved. Please bear with us.



> 1. Mayapur Bomb Blast Reveals GBC Terrorist Campaign



> The world has been in a great state of shock,

> confusion and grieving since the horrific events

> that took place in New York on 11th September. Many

> devotees see these events and the war which has

> followed as a sign that the only hope for humanity

> really is Krishna Consciousness, as we approach the

> precipice of a 3rd world war. However just when you

> thought things could not get any worse, they do. The

> headquarters of the movement that is supposed to be

> providing this spiritual alternative has been caught

> red-handed engaging in a terrorist bomb-making plot.

> One could be forgiven for thinking that extremist

> violence and murders are currently the monopoly of

> terrorist outlaws like Osama Bin Laden. But now

> both the Indian media and police have confirmed that

> ISKCON Mayapur have themselves been making bombs in

> the holy dhama! (an activity not recommended

> in "The Nectar of Devotion", as far as we are

> aware). All of the major newspapers in India (Asian

> Age, Hindustan Times, Times of India and Calcutta

> Statesman), as well as the Indian police, exposed

> this illegal activity as having taken place *within

> the ISKCON Mayapur temple complex itself by

> disciples of Jayapataka Swami and the head of

> Mayapur's security force.* (see

> full newspaper reports below). Unfortunately for

> these would-be terrorists, this act of "devotional

> service" back-fired on them - literally. One

> bomb-maker died, and his two accomplices were

> injured when the bomb accidentally went off - a

> clear case of instant karma if ever there was one:




> "On Saturday afternoon just at the back of Mayapur

> temple one person died due to a sudden explosion of

> bombs which they were making in one of the buildings

> under construction. The deceased was identified as

> Babu Ghosh, aged 30. One of his associates named

> Amit Das, was seriously injured.


> The officer-in-charge Mr Sukumar Dutt of Navadeep

> Police Station stated that the two said persons were

> security staff of ISKCON. Both were making bombs in

> a building behind Chandraya Mandir when one of the

> bombs exploded injuring the said two persons who

> were immediately admitted to the Sadar Hospital,

> Krishnanagar, near ISKCON. Babu Ghosh died in the

> hospital. Nitai Prasad prabhu, the ISKCON spokesman,

> is not prepared to accept the said persons as being

> ISKCON staff. He said the incident took place on

> ISKCON property, but stated that the said persons

> had nothing to do with ISKCON."

> (Ananda Patrika Bazzar, 14/10/01)


> "A man died and another was injured while making

> bombs inside a house on the ISKCON compound on

> Saturday afternoon.

> The Navadweep Police said, Babu Bose, 30, Amit Das,

> 28 and their asssociates were making bombs inside a

> secluded house on the complex when some of the bombs

> burst. Police sources also said the two had a past

> criminal record.The two were admitted to Shaktinagar

> Hospital. Babu died later in the evening. Nadia

> Superintendent of Police, Ramphal Power, said he had

> received several complaints of criminal activities

> having increased in the area. 'We have identified

> some trouble-makers. Such incidents will not be

> allowed to recur,' he said. ISKCON sources said the

> two were not connected to their organisation. "The

> incident took place outside the complex." an ISKCON

> spokesman said. But the Police maintained that the

> blast took place inside the complex.

> (Asian Age, 14/10/01)


> "Bomb Makers Hurt - Babu Ghosh,30, and Amit Das,28,

> were injuered on Saturday while making bombs inside

> a partially constructed house neare Iskcon Mandir

> here. They were injuered when a bomb exploded,

> sources said, Police arrested the two."

> (The Hindustan Time, 14/10/01)


> "One Babu Ghose & his two associates were arrested

> on Sunday on the charge of a bomb blast near the

> Iskcon Temple at Mayapur on Saturday afternoon.

> Police said, Babu was a group D employeee of the

> Iskcon temple."

> (The Statesman, 15/10/01)


> "Police arrested three persons from Iskcon temple in

> Mayapur and seized the attendence ragister, in

> relation to a blast near the Temple on Saturday

> which killed a man & injured two brothers. according

> to Police, Babu Ghose was making crude bombs near

> the temple compound when one of them went off

> accidentaly killing him on the spot & injuring two

> others. Initially, the temple authorities had denied

> any connection with the de-ceased or the injured but

> on Sunday admitted that Ghose was a group D staff."

> (The Times of India, 15/10/01)


> "Nadia distict police have interrogated the wounded

> person who was making bombs at an under construction

> building under construction at ISKCON Mayapur, in

> the hospital on Sunday. According to police sources,

> wounded Amit Das (28) had recovered physically.

> Higher-ranking distict police officials have

> interrogated him on this day. It is learned that

> while bombs were being made, one exploded killing

> one other person. His name is Babu Ghose (30). Babu

> Ghosh was working as a guard in ISKCON main office,

> Mayapur. The wounded Amit Das is also a devotee of

> ISKCON. Police sources revealed that Babu Ghosh was

> a known terror in that area. The distict police

> officials not only questioned Amit Das but Iskcon

> authorities also. Even though the ISKCON authorities

> are refusing to accept the responsibility for the

> incident, the identities of the dead and 2 wounded

> persons are not unknown to the local people. In the

> mean time the police have noticed some

> irregularities in the official papers of the ISKCON

> main office."

> (Ganshakti, 15/10/01)


> "One person died in the ISKCON compound due to a

> bomb explosion in a building under construction at

> Mayapur. It created panic as the police have

> captured 4 fresh bombs and other materials from the

> place. The police are inquiring why they were

> making bombs in temple compound. The additional

> superintendent of police said on Sunday morning that

> one of those making bombs has died and the other is

> in serious condition and so at this stage we can't

> say more. Police have started investigation. [...]

> Dead Babu Ghose was the security guard in ISKCON,

> his father said. But the ISKCON authorities said,

> 'Babu left security job before two and half years

> ago."

> (Sangabad Pratidin, 16/10/2001)





> You will notice from the reports how the Mayapur

> authorities have been trying to squirm out of

> admitting the obvious, and as usual tried to engage

> in their usual lies and begin a cover-up. It did not

> last long since the evidence was so damning that

> even they had to admit the truth. This comedy of

> errors was also played out under the full gaze of TV

> cameras as well as all the main news stations there

> - E-TV, Akash Bangla and Khas Khabor - reported the

> news. Intially the Mayapur spokesman Nitai Prasad

> Das stated on TV that it was a *gas explosion*! Then

> by the next news report it was admitted that it was

> bomb explosion, but not on ISKCON property. Then

> they next admitted on TV that it was on ISKCON

> property, but those involved were nothing to do with

> ISKCON. By the final report they had also conceded

> that those involved were active members of ISKCON

> Mayapur. Though it will be noted that the Police

> version of events was accurate from the start.

> Having been caught red-handed the latest lie they

> have started circulating was that they were making

> the bombs for 'self-defence'! Naturally this yarn

> has had the local police doubling-up with laughter.

> We wonder what tale they will spin next.


> Naturally with the current tense world situation in

> regards to bombs and terrorism, the authorities have

> taken this matter very seriously, and in addition to

> the local police, both the state C.I.D., and the

> Intelligence Bureau are at the scene. Following the

> incident the Police have reported that many of the

> leaders and managers at Mayapur have fled, while

> some western 'devotees' have fled the country, and

> there is hardly anyone in a position of authority

> that can be questioned. This is understandable

> considering the fact that the Police are treating

> this matter with the utmost importance.


> While the investigations and interrogations are

> going on, we have learned both from our sources in

> Mayapur and the Police, that the bombs were being

> made to be used in a terrorist attack to take over

> the 22, Gurusadaya Road, property in Calcutta, which

> is the property developed by the temple for the use

> of the Calcutta Life members. It is also the

> property where a marriage hall was mysteriously

> burned down 2 years ago, as reported by us in

> Newsletter no. 16 (ISKCON Calcutta Triumphs

> Following Arson Attack). Though the thugs from

> Mayapur have made many attempts to try and seize

> this property by force, they have failed each time

> due to huge gates and a high perimiter wall with

> intense security. Unlike the Temple building, it is

> not open to the public, and thus is virtually

> impossible to storm. We have been forced to turn it

> into a fortress. Frustrated at their many previous

> failures to obtain entry, the plan was to use the

> bombs to blow the gates and scare all the security

> guards and devotees inside to flee in panic, thus

> allowing the Mayapur mob to finally storm the place

> and claim possession. This account is backed up by

> the fact that one week before the bomb blast, Babu

> Ghosh, the chief bomb maker who died in the

> explosion, came to visit the property with Dayarama

> Das, the head of Mayapur. They were seen 'casing the

> place', making a survey, and also made threats that

> they would be soon taking the place over. That this

> is not simply a story which we are giving after the

> fact to fit the circumstances is proven by the fact

> that on the 7th of October, straight after this took

> place, all the above was registered by us with the

> local Ballygunj Police Station in an official

> report, which stated that Dayarama had come here

> with his guards, and that they had threatened to

> take possession soon. Of course we had no idea at

> the time, that they were actually making bombs to

> assist in their terrible deeds.


> *** The fact remains that the head of Mayapur's

> security and an initiated disicple of Jayapataka

> could not have been building a bomb factory on the

> temple property without the blessings and active

> planning of the Mayapur authorities. These

> authorities being Jayapataka Swami, Bhakti Caru

> Swami and Dayarama Das. ***


> Many people have commented on how they have been

> blown away by the bold preaching of the ISKCON

> Revival Movement (IRM) to restore Srila Prabhupada

> in his rightful position as the Diksa Guru of

> ISKCON. Obviously threatened by our strong

> preaching activities and worldwide media coverage,

> the authorities in ISKCON Mayapur (headed by Bhakti

> Caru Swami and Jayapataka

> Swami) have decided in turn to try to blow away the

> IRM - literally.


> In Newsletter 46, we detailed the storming of the

> Calcutta temple in April of this year by Mayapur

> thugs led by Dayaram das, co-ordinated by the

> illegal gurus Bhakti Caru Swami, Jayapataka Swami

> and Gopal Krishna Swami, and we reproduced the

> various newspaper reports of this ISKCON-instigated

> violence. Then in the following Newsletter (no. 47),

> we reproduced parts of Bhakti

> Caru Swami's leaked memo where he pledged material

> support for another violent assault on the IRM:


> ". let us find out what Dayaram Prabhu actually

> needs, man and money wise, and then try to provide

> that to him."

> (Bhakti Caru Swami, May 14th 2001)


> Each time we provide more evidence on how the

> GBC/Guru faction has turned into a crazy violent

> cult, we always feel that surely they cannot get any

> worse. Unfortunately they never cease to amaze us.

> Yet so many motivated persons still continue to

> support this morally bankrupt leadership as they

> lead ISKCON into the abyss. How much more death and

> destruction do they need to see before they wake up

> to the fact that the current GBC/Guru faction-led

> part of ISKCON bears absolutely no resemblance to a

> spiritual movement, and is nothing but an attempt at

> trying to enjoy the assets and disciples of Srila

> Prabhupada, whom they have unceremoniously replaced.

> We only shudder to think what new horrors will

> continue to unfold. The GBC-Guru cult is determined

> to turn ISKCON into a war zone in their mad pursuit

> for power, property and disciples. In this we have

> to agree with President George W. Bush, that terror

> has no place in a civilised world, and that it must

> be and will be defeated. Like the islamic extremists

> who use the name of religion to justify their

> violence and terror, the GBC Gurus and their

> fanatical disicples also invoke the cause of

> defeating those who are 'offenders and blasphemers'

> to their Guru to justify their violent and illegal

> antics. To paraphrase Abraham lincoln, Might is NOT

> right. Rather RIGHT is might. And bombs and terror

> notwithstanding, truth and righteousness WILL

> prevail, since the IRM will continue to remain

> unbowed and undettered in our mission to restore

> Srila Prabhupada to his rightful position as the

> spiritual master of ISKCON.


> Srila Prabhupada ki jai!



> 2. New York IRM Temple Provides Spiritual Healing

> Following WTC Disaster


> Though the disaster at the World Trade Center has

> devastated the great city of New York, and numbed

> most of its famously talkative natives into a

> subdued sense of shock, the devotees from the local

> IRM temple in Manhattan, which is based in the area

> of South Manhattan which was sealed off following

> the disaster, have been quick to use the opportunity

> to spread Srila Prabhupada's message with even

> greater success. Reports Madhusudan Das, the

> sankirtan leader from the IRM Radha Govinda Temple

> in Manhattan:


> "It is a while since we last did book distribution

> inside the World Trade Center. Though we have been

> there many times recently distributing books on the

> outside of the Center. The inside was a very good

> spot for book distribution in the winter since the

> New York winters are very cold. We found the

> management friendly and helpful and in return we

> tried to stay within the designated regulations,

> which they have in operation for those who wish to

> exercise their "Free Speech" rights. It was an

> incredibly passionate spot to do book distribution,

> and many times we would stand there for hours on end

> doing nothing, just depending on Krishna. Yet sure

> enough at the end of the day our trolley was always

> empty. Since trolleys were not allowed inside the

> WTC. We used to keep our trolley in the subway

> newsagent's shop, which was in the care of some

> friendly Indian people, and carry what books we

> could sell inside, in a small shoulder bag. In this

> way we would go back and forward as the books were

> sold.

> Yesterday 13th we ventured out to experience how the

> events of Tuesday 11th have affected the people of

> NYC. Our temple is in St. Mark's Place, which is 8th

> Street and was in the restricted area being less

> than 2 miles from the WTC. The police had roadblocks

> from 14th Street downtown and were checking id, only

> allowing residents, rescue traffic and police

> vehicles access. However one day after the disaster,

> we were out as usual distributing books, trying to

> give the Lord's mercy to a stunned city, with many

> having lost loved ones. Another noticeable feature

> is the amount of literature on the street poles &

> trees. Now almost every pole is covered with

> pictures of missing loved ones who worked in the

> WTC. It is certainly a very sad scene, but armed

> with the sword on knowledge (Srila Prabhupada's

> books) we ventured forth to at least try to relieve

> some of their suffering which is due to ignorance. I

> went to Union Square and initially distributed on

> the streets around the square but after some hours I

> calculated that there was actually more activity in

> the square itself. So there I went and indeed that

> was the place to be, so many people were weeping,

> Buddhist monks were holding a prayer vigil with

> candles and all. A very somber mood prevailed the

> thousands assembled there. I got some very nice

> realizations about Srila Prabhupada's book, "Beyond

> Birth & Death", which if we had to propose a book

> which best summarizes our philosophy then it has to

> be this book. The first chapter is titled, "We are

> not these bodies", and I wondered just how many

> times did Srila Prabhupada say this. It was

> certainly his most constant preaching theme. One

> young man stood there and carefully read 5 pages of

> the book before consenting to buy (this is very

> unusual since normally everyone in NYC is in such a

> mad rush) and in similar ways all my books were sold

> out in a short time. I was also left lamenting,

> lamenting that I had not brought more books with me.

> Union Square has become a focal point for what has

> developed into the peace movement. Initially it was

> somewhere near the disaster where the people went to

> mourn their lost loved ones and find some solace

> from the teams of psychiatrists and practically

> every religious & non-religious denomination in New

> York. For almost 2 weeks it was packed with people.

> TV cameras from all over the world were in

> abundance. It was a happening, something spontaneous

> from the hearts of the NY people. It was in stark

> contrast to the media who were urging on war and

> bombs. Here could be found a gentler folk, with a

> message of peace, and not wanting to inflict a

> similar suffering on others, as they have had to

> unfortunately experience. A feeling of purification

> was obtained by just being there. That is until the

> political factions moved in, socialist worker,

> Marxists etc. Then symptoms of agitation began to

> evolve. Now the proposed "War" against the culprits

> had become "A Racist War" which fooled most, but not

> the NY police department and others of

> discrimination. The police were out in force in case

> the situation got very ugly. We were due to do

> kirtan that evening, but the atmosphere was a bit

> tense, cops were all over the place and the

> agitators were doing their thing. However

> Locanananda prabhu re-assured us that once the

> kirtan begins everything will be fine. Sure enough,

> with about 90 minutes of chanting, book and Srila

> Prabhupada's peace formula distribution the

> agitators had all dispersed. The police, seeing that

> any potential trouble was now over, also went home

> and those few remaining could once again smile as

> the transcendental sound vibration took over

> everyone's consciousness AND everyone was buying

> books!"


> Brahmabhuta Das, another devotee at the temple added

> the following:


> "Here in Lower Manhattan the IRM devotees of Sri

> Radha Govinda temple as well were shaken up and in

> the same mood joined the crowds of thousands in

> Union Square Park. It was a very emotional

> experience serving in Srila Prabhupada's and Lord

> Caitanya's mission at this time. We remembered when

> Srila Prabhupada talked of the bombing in Calcutta

> during WWII....For the pure devotee it was no more

> significant then sounding just like fireworks while

> the rest of the city was panicking and trying to get

> out . We gained strength and courage through Srila

> Prabhupada's personal example and in the evenings we

> took the harmonium and instruments, a cloth to sit

> on, prasadam, incense and hundreds of Srila

> Prabhupada's books. We sat down in the midsts of

> thousands and chanted the Holy Names of Lords

> Krishna. It was very solemn. Crowds of people

> gathered around the devotees for long periods

> drinking in the Holy Names. Some were trying to read

> our lips and murmur along with our chanting and

> others sat down with us taking pairs of kartals out

> of the pile we made in the middle of our circle.

> World media cameras and microphones floated around

> the perimiter. This chanting vibration stretched

> throughout the whole park as crowds of people

> quietly moved through the tree covered paths and

> lawn to read countless handwritten homage shrines to

> the victims decorated with thousands of candles.

> They took cups of halavah, doughnuts donated from

> the devotee-run Doughnut Factory downtown, Peace

> Formula leaflets (stopped and read them) and bought

> books. We felt better....It's true. Times like these

> are a good opportunity to preach Krishna

> Consciousness. Four days after the attack, Mayor

> Guilliani was calling for everyone not to be scared.

> Go out, have a good time, see a Broadway Show. That

> was our cue. On Saturday New Yorkers, IRM devotees

> included, tried to take a break from all the anxiety

> of the attack. The lights were turned back on in

> Times Square and the #1 HIT on Broadway the Srila

> Prabhupada's Saint Marks Place Sri Radha Govinda

> Temple devotee Harinama was back and it was standing

> room only. Huge crowds of people were out. Not

> morose, but with a refreshing mood of love for our

> fellow man. It was auspicious. Auspicious means when

> you walk out of the subway in Times Square dressed

> as a devotee of Lord Krishna and three police

> officers immediately approach you and inquire about

> Krishna Consciousness. It was a refreshing

> realization of the ecstatic timelessness of Harinama

> sankirtan. Although thick gloom hung in New York

> City the Harinama was as fresh and ecstatic as

> always. People smiling hearing Hare Krishna chanted

> sung to Srila Prabhupada's tune; skipping and

> dancing by & singing Hare Krishna back at us in the

> same tune. Buying books & chatting. People aproach

> us and ask us what we think of what happened. I was

> just thinking how forunate that is. How many

> trillions of births did it take to finally approach

> a devotee and inquire into the problems of life.

> Harinama Sankirtan KiJaya!


> On Sunday Sept 23rd the IRM devotees and guests had

> gathered as usual for the Sunday program at the Sri

> Radha Govinda Temple in Manhattan. By Lord Krishna

> and Srila Prabhupada's mercy we had a wonderful

> class and kirtan. Then watched a Srila Prabhupada

> video; one of the highlights of the weekly Sunday

> Love Feasts. Afterwards we honored a sumptous

> feast. Roger Leanord prabhu, one of our founding

> members, and a computer executive whose office is

> just a block from ground zero of the WTC, mentioned

> that the following day Monday there was a really

> important event happening in New York City at The

> Great Hall in the Cooper Union Building. A Town Hall

> Meeting to discuss the WTC disaster and its effect

> on all of us and what should be done now. He said

> 1000 or more people, many leading citizens in New

> York, will be there and we should go and have a

> Harinama in front of the building and preach to

> them. Jayananda dasa, lead singer of the hardcore

> rock group The Cromags, then said a friend of his,

> Morgan,who was the organizer of the event. Jayananda

> said Morgan has attended a couple of our Sunday

> Love Feasts and he loves prasadam. Jayananda

> immediately phoned Morgan and asked if he could

> arrange it. Morgan replied, "You mean you want to

> distribute the spiritual food? You're in!" Morgan

> said there will be about 40 VIP guests, including

> some of the most prominent citizens of the city and

> we could serve them behind the stage. By this time

> it was 10:30pm Sunday night.. $400 in laxmi was

> donated for bhoga. The following morning, I

> Brahmabhuta dasa and IRM devotee Nimai dasa (a

> gurukuli from the old 55th St. temple) went

> shopping. We bought bhoga and received enough

> donations from stores to serve out 650 plates of

> prasadam. Commodities Health Food Store donated

> enough organic berries, organic yogurt and organic

> sun dried sugarcane so that Jayananda dasa could

> make 35 gallons of thick lassi nectar that made the

> people at the Great Hall swoon in ecstasy. Eight IRM

> devotees from the Sunday feast the previous evening

> came to the temple Monday afternoon to help in the

> kitchen. We met at 2pm and in only four hours

> prepared subji, rice, halavah and nectar. IRM

> devotees Jayananda dasa, Nimai dasa, Brahmabhuta

> dasa, Vani devi dasi, Bhakta Avatar dasa, Subji

> prabhu & Mother Riikka prepped and cooked for Lord

> Krishna. Frank Jr. prabhu, Jayananda's nephew,

> mercifully cleaned all the pots.


> On such short notice, it could only have been by

> Srila Prabhupada's and Lord Krishna's desire that

> such cooperation amongst devotees can take place.

> Srila Prabhupada teaches that by nicely serving the

> bonafide spiritual master and pleasing him Krishna

> will if He so desires empower His devotees at

> anytime and remove all obstacles to their service.

> Armed with the prasadam, a book table, instruments

> and 1000 Peace Formula leaflets donated by IRM

> supporters who own a print shop near the temple, we

> loaded a van donated for the evening and arrived at

> the Great Hall at Cooper Union at 6pm. Morgan the

> organizer of the event was shocked when we arrived

> with enough prasadam to feed hundreds. For a moment

> there was confusion and we almost

> had to set up to distribute on the sidewalk next to

> the street outside. We already understood for

> certain that Lord Krishna wanted the IRM devotees to

> be here tonight. Jayananda dasa said no and that we

> have to be inside. So, Lord Krishna directs from

> within the heart of everyone and suddenly the

> janitor appeared and said, I will set you up in the

> Great Hall itself. So he not only set us up in the

> lobby of the Great Hall, but he provided tables and

> chairs for the people so they could sit comfortably

> while they took

> their prasadam. Our staunch world renowned IRM

> sankirtan leader Madhusudhana dasa was allowed to

> set up a largre book table as well. By this time

> other devotees Locanananda dasa, Madhuvisa dasa and

> Karuna devi dasi arrived to help serve.


> The Great Hall was filled to capacity and a huge

> crowd outside could not get in.and were frustrated

> and angry. While the Great Hall patrons took

> prasadam inside the devotees ran dozens of plates

> and cups of nectar outside to everyones full

> satisfaction, turning the atmosphere from anxiety to

> peaceful transcendental bliss. Major media with

> television cameras attended from around the world.

> The atmosphere was tense in the meeting. People were

> in shock from the WTC atttack, worried about bio

> warfare and losing our civil liberties. People were

> arguing , Nobody could reach a solution or

> conclusion.. no one was satisfied. The panel even

> announced that they blamed religion. And the crowd

> applauded and agreed. Nobody had any answers accept

> the devotees on how to stop the madness on the

> planet. Roger prabhu commented: 'Although the

> flag-waving and and patriotism that we've

> experienced since the World Trade Center incident is

> certainly reassuring, on another level perhaps

> that's the problem in the first place: When I wave

> my flag at you, considering myself as a member of a

> certain group or country and you similarly wave your

> flag at me, also thinking of yourself as a member of

> a particular group, we both make the same mistake of

> failing to realize our true identities as spirit

> souls and children of One Divine Parent. Any

> intelligent dialogue between us, then, becomes

> imposssible. How might we begin to upgrade that

> dialogue, to relate to each other at that higher,

> spiritual level? What are some of your ideas and

> suggestions?"


> They had none.


> Srila Prabhupada said that prasadam distribution

> would conquer NYC. You could definitely see at this

> meeting everyone was on the mental platform and

> arguing inside the Great Hall. They would come out

> and take prasadam for a break. When they took a

> plate and tasted the prasadam immediately a great

> transformation took place. Their faces would light

> up and they appeared

> instantly rejuvenated. As groups of people

> approached the table and took plates, this

> transformation in consciousness was like blissful

> waves rolling by. Some asked the devotees, what do

> we say should be done? It was a great opportunity

> for devotees. It opened a lot of doors to preach to

> an educated class of people. With this divine

> opportunity IRM devotees passed out Srila

> Prabhupada's Peace Formula .


> People were so grateful that we came and distributed

> the delicious food. Many commenting with curiosity

> that it was more then delicious. Thus the prasadam

> changed the whole vibration of the meeting and they

> took a Peace Formulas and got the real solution

> after all. The whole situation was calmed by giving

> out prasadam In this way the meeting was turned from

> a mundane intellectual discussion with basically no

> solution and brought it to the transcendental

> platform.


> 650 people took prasadam and mor

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