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Murder in New York(And a short message about a warner)(September 14, 2001)


Due to the events of September 11, 2001, it is now time to temporarily [maybe]

depart from our "neutrality" with regard to the issue of politics or religion

at this website. First things first, though.

The mass murders that occurred in New York by people who decided to use a

vehicle of transportation as a weapon to display their weakness have no

justification whatsoever--NONE. My heart and soul and mind and anything I can

do with my body goes out to the victims and their survivors and to New York

City and to all humanity.

In a sense, I am "glad" that I was standing in front of my TV when I

witnessed--with my own eyes--the second plane, LIVE, ramming into a building

that housed human beings. I say that I was "glad" I was standing there because

that moment *did not* allow me to begin RATIONALIZING, and making statements

such as, "Well, it all happened because of prior U.S. atrocities, and now we're

getting what we gave out."

Oh, no! There was NO TIME for me to entertain such rationalizations. Because the

*natural* human reactions often work much faster than the intellect, which has

the tendency to trip over itself--no time. So, my entire body shook and I

almost went into a panic, having witnessed mass murder. I have never seen

murder first hand. I have seen "murder" on television, or at the movies. I have

heard war veterans describe killing, some of them in tears at the thought of

killing another human being. I have seen people speak even joyfully about what

they would do to someone if "I could just get my hands on him!"

But I have never witnessed a murder. And I *certainly* have never witnessed a

mass murder carried out in front of millions [perhaps billions] of people all

over the world. So I shook all over my body, my mind having NO time to

rationalize. Then I almost panicked, but caught myself due to the fact that my

loved one was in the next room. And all of this was going on *so rapidly* that

explaining it here does not do justice to the experience. And then the next

thing that happened is that I literally *felt* the horror and feelings of the

**occupants of that airplane** who knew perfectly well that they were going to

their deaths, and that there was not a single thing they could do about it.

There were no doors to open; no windows to crawl out of; no place to run; no

place to hide. They faced their impending *unnatural deaths* without a single

CHANCE to alter their "future."

The next thing that happened was just numbness. Then I began to realize how

*desensitized* I, just like other TV watchers, had become: There I had

witnessed a mass murder ON TV, but could not let out a single peep, other than

shake all over my body. What the HELL is wrong with me, I wondered. And then I

found myself watching the second attack over and over again, on reruns, not

knowing if I was watching it as if I were watching a movie, or whether I was

just subsconsciouly trying to figure out what on EARTH could have caused any

human being to commit mass murder on TV (or anywhere, for that matter), or

what. But look I did--over and over and over again.

It was not until today that it all hit me and I broke down while sitting at

work. No more holding the tears that SHOULD have poured the very instant I saw

what had happened. At my job, we spent half the day in prayer--the next day.

It's awful.

What's next? I don't feel like philosophizing. But there are some simple realities now.

1. Evil exists2. Evil is a force3. Evil is trying to engulf ALL of humanity and

goad it to destroy itself.

It is not for *me* to decide how my country, America, should now react. Quite

frankly, were it up to me, and were I to succumb to certain instincts, it is

quite possible that a few countries would no longer exist now--new maps of the

world would have to be created. But everybody has that capacity, doesn't he [or

she]? Oh, yes, you can believe it. But what keeps us from becoming

animals...no...devils, is that we rise above those parts of our nature. Am I

saying America should "rise above" this and *not* retaliate. No, not at all.

This is the world we live in, right? You hit me, so now it's time for me to hit

you. You stabbed me, so now its time for me to stab you. You bombed me, so now

its time for me to bomb you. You dropped a nuke on me, so now its time for me

to drop a nuke on you. All very "logical," right? All very "just," right? It

all makes "sense,* right? It's *basic survival* to "defend" oneself, right? We

all know that.

I mean, after all, look at the evil of Adolph Hitler. We were *right.* History

proves that we were RIGHT. One person in England wanted to negotiate with

Hitler. Others rightly characterized him for what he was: the embodiment of

evil. So now, it's pretty difficult, isn't it, to talk about peaceful

alternatives? It's pay back time, isn't it? The people who committed mass

murder on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, have got to pay the ultimate mortal

price for what they did. And, quite frankly, this is all very justified on this

level of existence, and in terms of how we have evolved as a "civilization." in

this world.

So we know what's gonna happen next. And because of who we are as human beings

*at this time* (still) there will be no other action that can possiblly be

taken by the U.S. other than deep and perhaps massive retaliation of the

protracted nature that our President has outlined.

In the next section, people, I am going to depart from my neutrality temporarily

at this website, because now that this tragedy has happened I cannot just sit

here and pretend that I don't have a world view or a spiritual view or a

religious view. And you DON'T have to accept it. You don't have to believe it.

You can LAUGH at it. You can ridicule me. You can think anything you wish.

Since December 10, 1999, when this site went on the Internet, I have

steadfastly refused to say a single thing about my personal beliefs. And after

the following *sharing* that I will now do with you, I will probably take this

note down after a few days and go back to my "neutral" position at this


Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(1835-1908)

First of all, *please know this*: I *do not* give you this message with a SINGLE

CARE about whether or not you would decide to become associated with the

particular community that the above-mentioned individual started in the year

1889. I swear to you from the bottom of my heart that it is NOT my concern that

you join this community. It is not. But I simply ask you to listen to this

message and just THINK about it. That is all that I ask. *Stay* whatever you

are, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, spiritualist, atheist, wiccan, pagan,

gnostic, WHATEVER. But please give me your ear just for this one piece.

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was born in the year 1835. He made an astonishing

claim [you can read about it at this website, so I will not repeat it here.

Also, if interested, you can contact any branch of the Ahmadiyya Movement in

Islam and ask for books on Hazrat Ahmad, because I'm not going to preach about

that here].

And, tied to that claim was his WARNING that the world would be moving towards

an important threshold that would DEMAND a change in how it viewed the settling

of human disputes. He stated that war was finished. It was over with. It was now

obsolete. And he stated this long before there was any knowledge or any idea of

the possibility of creating weapons that could wipe out all of life on earth

(nuclear weapons).

He stated that if human beings DID NOT come to understand that a new day had

come; that this was a day in which *the pen* would be the important "weapon" of

war, not physical weapons; He stated that if we did not learn this, then we

would SOON be punished and that we would possibly be destroyed. He spoke from

spiritual insight, not through geopolitical analysis. He claimed that he had

*received* information directly from the Creator of everything that *he*

(Hazrat Ahmad) had been appointed--right at the very head of the 20th century,

the late 1800s, early 1900s--to warn humanity that it was fast moving towards


And it was not long after that that World War I broke out. During World War I

chemical weapons were used like bullets. After that war the nations got

together and decided to ban the use of such weapons. Then World War II came.

People, NOTHING could have been SO clear as these back-to-back wars that came

PRECISELY after the advent of this man at the turn of the century. Again: I am

NOT speaking to recruit ANYBODY, because that ain't my bag here. Because I am

not speaking to associate Hazrat Ahmad with the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam,

even though he founded this movement. I am speaking to associate Hazrat Ahmad

with YOU--with humanity at large. He was a warner for ALL humanity. So please

DO NOT write to me telling me that I'm trying to "recruit" you to some

organization, or that I'm trying to "convert" you to this brand of religion or

to this sect within this brand of religion. I am not trying to do that. Believe

whatever you wish to believe. You're free to do so.

You can stay whatever religion you are, if you wish. You can stay an atheist, if

you wish. Do whatever you want to do. That is your business. But I have now done

my duty as your fellow human being, and I can go to my death knowing that. I can

face God on the Day of Judgment and say, "Yes, I passed on the message."

Now, back to the subject at hand: The retaliation is going to go forward, and it

is justified within the context of how we currently deal as human beings. That's

just the fact. But, people, either *during* or *after* this war is won [if that

really happens], we better start--as a human family--realizing what time this

is, and *why* things are happening the way they are happening. That is a hint,

and I don't want to go any further. But people all over the world *have some

issues that they need to deal with* internally, on an individual level and as


I don't speak as anybody's guru, because I can barely figure out how to deal

with *my own* life, let alone make the ridiculous claim that I can solve

somebody else's problems. So don't look at this note as some big shot guru

sitting up on a stage handing out "wisdom." But I am *very familiar* with the

accuracy of the vision that this warner had. He was on target. And I wish he

*hadn't* been, because then I might be able to crawl back into my comfortable

little hole, and I probably would never have posted this note, taking the risk

that people will charge me with preaching. Whatever.

The nations of the world need to figure out some other way to deal with

differences. As I said, and as we've been told, retaliation WILL go on, and

perhaps it should, as one reaps what one sows. But maybe its time to start

sowing some DIFFERENT seeds. Because if one reeps what one sows, just remember:

there's a BUNCH of people out here sowing!! The Hutus and Tutsis sowed. The

Catholics and Protestants [ireland] are sowing. The dalits and the Hindus are

sowing. The Muslims and the Hindus are sowing. America and international

terrorism are sowing. And we reap what we sow. If we don't find some new seeds,

all sowing will come to an abrupt and final halt. That's all I have to say.


The Tomb Master

Tomb Home


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