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Ahmadiyyas' claim to Kashmir based on TOMB OF EISA, Eisa is NOT JesusHomepage, Anti Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam.html

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Ahmadis have definitely been persecuted by other 'Muslims'... In Pakistan they

are not allowed to call themselves 'Muslims'. The Ahmadis have found welcome

and sanctuary in Great Britain and Germany. Kersten and his crew have been

empowered promoters of the Jesus in India Ahmadi campaign. What is the

affinity of Kersten et al with Element Books in Great Britain, a prime purveyor

of Ahmadi myths ? Element is a hot-bed of English esotericism which is laced

with Ahmadi related agendas. Is the Element crew just too foolish to recognise

the truth, or are they publishing the Jesus Tomb etc. Ahmadiyya propaganda

pieces knowing that they are untrue ??? The Theosophists, and other Aryanist

esotericists were always involved in political intrigues. What does the crew of

Element know, and what about the many other British publishers and media that

have been aggressively promoting the New Age Ahmadiyya Messiah / Tomb of Jesus

story? 100+ years ago, the Ahmadis and the British were hand-in-glove

politically, and the British Aryo-sophic esoteric orders / lodges were the

meeting place for their occult conspiracies.

What is going on now, and whose side are they on ?


Supposedly Osama Bin Laden, the Taliban and the Pakistan Government are all ANTI

AHMADI. This would seem to put the Ahmadis on the 'side' of the West again.

But, there can be no doubt that they would love to get 'back' their former

territories. They claim that Kashmir is theirs.


What is their role?



Ahmadiyya Awareness Campaign 5th January 1998

Praise be to Allah, One and Only. His Love and Blessings may shower on Syedna

Muhammad after whom there is no prophet and upon His Pious Family and Respected


>From Terrorism to Judicial Crisis

Qadiani Conspiracy Exposed

Plans to create a Vatican-style Independent State in Pakistan

India has established Terrorist Training Camp in Qadian

Special Weekly Takbeer Report dated 25th December 1997


Farooq Adil

This story is as old as Pakistan and its history. During the early months of

1947, when Pakistan had geographically not come into existence, a religious

group of undivided Punjab sent a letter to British Rulers requesting that they

should not be included as Muslims because although they live in India but they

have a separate identity from Muslims. Those who are aware of the history of

Pakistan Movement know that 2nd Khalifa of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani, at the

wishes of his British Masters and certain Hindu leaders wrote this letter.

Hence there was no hesitation in accepting this request. As a result Muslims

became a minority in Gurdaspur, Ferozpur and Amritsar, where actually the

Muslim population was 51%. This was the reason of unjust division of Punjab. It

was due to this that not only the unparalleled migration and worst massacre in

history took place but also the problem of Kashmir started which has become an

international issue. Another factor that was responsible for this ugly aspect

of history was that unfortunately Muslims were represented in the Boundary

Commission by Sir Zafarulla Khan, whose spiritual leader had separated his

creed by writing letter to the British Rulers. This incident was linked to a

few years' previously hatched conspiracy and the resulting movement, whose

leader was the Head (2nd) of Ahmadiyya Jamaat, Mirza Basheeruddin Mahmood, and

secretary was Allama Iqbal. This movement is remembered in history as Kashmir

Committee. This was in 1931. Qadianis not only consider their leader, Mirza

Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani, a prophet but also Promised Messiah and it is their

belief that Hazrat Eisa (AS) is buried in Kashmir. Thus, for them Kashmir is an

important place religiously. This was revealed by Hakeem Nuruddin who became the

first Head of Ahmadiyya Jama'at after the death of Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani. He was

the official Physician of Maharajah of Kashmir and wrote a book after research

in which he tried to prove that the grave of Hazrat Eisa is near Srinagar, thus

they have a right over Kashmir. But this is a false claim. Famous historian

Abdul Haleem Sharar has proven the fallacy of this claim in his book, which was

written Specially for this purpose. through historical references he has proven

that the grave of the person named Eisa near Srinagar, he was a Mujahid

commander in Central Asia who was defeat in some was and came to this area. He

died here. This was the time (1931) when neither the destructiveness of Qadiani

fitnah were a common knowledge nor their heretical (Kafirana) beliefs were known

to people. Thus with above intention in mind and keeping some other goals ahead

of them, when they started "Kashmir Chalo Movement ", to misguide common

Muslims they included Allama Iqbal in the central leadership. But this

conspiracy and the elements behind it could not escape the sharp eyes of Allama

Iqbal for long. Thus he immediately distanced himself from this movement and

deflated its balloon. Keep in mind that in those days Qadianis did not used to

declare themselves separate from Muslims, rather they were eating away the

foundations from inside. From "Kashmir Chalo Movement" to the request to

consider them a separate entity from Muslims and then the unjust division of

Punjab in the Boundary Commission, the reason for the devious role played by

Ahmadiyya Jama'at was the promise that was given to them. To make it a reality,

Qadianis have continuously been playing a significant role. Qadianis were told

that if they declare themselves a separate entity from Muslim majority, they

will be given a large area consisting of two areas of Pakistan - Sialkot and

Shakergarh - and Kashmir, its center will be Qadian and it will be given

Vatican-style status, the focal point of Christianity. Man proposes and God

disposes. During the disturbances of 1947, Sikhs did not understand this subtle

point. When they lifted their arms to slaughter Muslims, they could not

differentiate between Muslims and Psendo-muslim Qadianis. Thus Qadianis too had

to migrate along with Muslims from Qadian, Gurdaspur, Ferozpur and Amritsar.

Sikhs inadvertently were thus responsible for the failure of a cleverly-hatched

scheme against Muslims. Thus some good came out of evil. Although the scheme to

create a Vatican-style City in Qadian failed but Indian Government never ceased

to bestow favours on this religious creed. During those years when Sikh revolt

was at its peak in Eastern Punjab, all foreigners including Sikhs were

prohibited to enter Punjab. But even during this period, Qadianis from all over

the world including Pakistan had total freedom to visit Qadian, a small town in

East Punjab, which became notorious because of Mirza Ghulam's obsession with

prophethood. Independence of Pakistan and then passage of

"Qarardad-e-Maqaased", all hopes of such elements and forces were dashed, who

in the first place, were against the Creation of Pakistan and if they can't

stop it, wanted to either destroy it or had the desire to steer this newly

founded State along their lines (of Secularism). These forces included,

Qadianis, as well as Christians and certain non-political and political groups.

These elements were not at all willing to accept a Pakistan whose identity is

only and solely Islam. During the decade when Blasphemy Law was passed, two

religious minorities considered it a direct threat to them. Qadianis were on

the top of the list and Christians were the next in line. On this issue the

interests of both minorities became one. Areas of Punjab where Christian

population is concentrated include border areas of Sialkot, Lahore and Okara.

Co-incidentally, large numbers of Qadianis are also residing in these areas,

since these areas are closest to Qadian. Even Before the creation of Pakistan,

followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had been here. Blasphemy law thus resulted in

unification of the interests of these two minorities and with passage of time

an unseen bond has been established between them. This undeclared alliance has

created an unusual situation. Both groups had deep-rooted connections with the

sectarian terrorism that had gripped the whole country and especially Punjab,

just before the recently ended Constitutional, Political and Judicial Crisis.

Both these minorities have especially worked on two fronts:

Through well organised planning they have established a network of

non-Governmental organisations. Nephew of Sir Zafarullah Khan, Mr. Zafar

Chaudhary has played a special role, whereas at the instructions of Mirza Tahir

Ahmad, Head of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat, former caretaker Minister of Sindh and

retired bureaucrat Kanwar Idrees has also been providing important services.

NGOs, which include Pakistan Human Rights Commission of Asma Jahangir, whose

husband is also a Qadiani, established relations with various International

Human Rights Organisation and their Patron Agencies. Focussing on Pakistan's

(Blasphymy) laws and other human rights issues, they started a propaganda

campaign against Pakistan, which is still going on in some form. Another front

was terrorism. If a cursory view of sectarian violence is taken, it becomes

obvious that most incidents have taken place in areas where these two

minorities are residing.

Recently, responsible persons have presented a report to the Government of

Pakistan, which reveals that the Indian Government has established a camp in

the town of Qadian in East Punjab. Running under the control of RAW (Research

and Analysis Wing), the Indian Intelligence Agency, youths from Pakistan are

being trained here for terrorist activities. Report says that these young men

go through Jamaat Ahmadiyya to Qadian. Amongst these youths, are

Qadianis/Ahmadis as well as Christians. Before departing for Qadian and upon

return, these men take shelter in the houses of Qadianis and Christians living

in border areas. They are given basic information and training here. It is also

revealed that after committing the crime, terrorists hide in these areas as

well. It should be noted that the distance from Shakergarh to Qadian is not

more than 20-25 miles. Shakergarh (and its adjacent areas), Tilford (in Surrey,

UK, where Ahmadiyya Headquarter is located) and Qadian makes a triangle from

where all Sectarian Terrorism is being organized in Pakistan. If the record of

movements of Qadiani leaders in these areas is charted out a strange pattern

comes to light. Report has also mentioned certain names and this revelation has

created astonishment and perturbation in Government Circles. Investigations are

going on at an unusual space in this regard. Report has mentioned that it is a

common knowledge that there are connections between Jamaat Ahmadiyya and India,

Israel and Christian World; therefore no surprise was ever shown at this. But

after the passage of law in 1974 declaring Qadianis as non-Muslims and

promulgation of Blasphemy law during the reign of General Zia ul Haq, these

contacts have increased tremendously and as they increased, so did the

sectarian terrorism and Shia-Sunni violence and bloodshed. These connections

reached their climax in 1984 when Mirza Tahir Ahmad suddenly left for London.

Since then establishing links, planing and their execution have become more

efficient and rapid. Report has also shed light on the influence of Jamaat

Ahmadiyya on Pakistan's Administration and Politics as well as on their leader,

Mirza Tahir Ahmad. When Pakistan came into being Qadianis flooded the

bureaucracy whereas in Armed Forces as well they were numerous and influential

(Thanks to Sir Zafarullah Khan) This resulted in a very unusual situation

especially in bureaucracy. Jobs and promotions were granted only to those who

were either Qadianis or were recommended by Jamaat Ahmadiyya. Those who could

not get the recommendation or considered it wrong, remained jobless or without

promotions. It was the same period when the first movement against Qadianis

started in Pakistan, i.e. 1953. Report has mentioned that this was also one of

the factors for the onset of Tehreek-e-Khantme Nabuwwat, which had created lot

of financial repression all over the country especially in Punjab. Regarding

Mirza Tahir Ahmad, it is mentioned that due to this person Jamaat Ahmadiyya has

become active in politics otherwise earlier it used to consider itself weak in

this field. When Zullfiqar Ali Bhutto was laying the foundations of Peoples

Party, Mirza Tahir Ahmad was close to him. In these days, Mirza Nasir Ahmad was

the head of Ahmadiyya Jamaat, but he was a weak and shy person. He did not want

that Jamaat Ahmadiyya should create for itself opposition by interfering in

Politics. But against the wishes of Ameer of Jamaat, Mirza Tahir Ahmad

developed influence in Peoples Party. Then Mirza Tahir and it was felt that

this young man is an aggressive person, willing for armed activities and clever

person. Even during the lifetime of Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Mirza Tahir had made the

political wing of Jamaat so active and strong that the Ameer of Jamaat became

helpless. Mirza Tahir came so close to Bhutto that when he (Bhutto) took

control of Govt., his (Tahir's) position became that of an important political

adviser and de facto ruler. Now Qadanism had become more powerful. Earlier in

1965 through Bhutto this element had conspired to annihilate Pakistan by

initiating war with India. That time as well their target was to establish a

separate state that they had dreamt in the 40s. Now the same group had extended

a lot of influence in the government. Thus not only among the country loving

religious and political parties but also the arm itself became alarmed and

military intelligence started preparing reports about their activities and

lists of their people on sensitive posts. After sometime a forceful public

movement started as a result of which Bhutto had no choice but to declare them

non-Muslims. At that time several people occupying sensitive posts absconded

from the country, resigned from army and other departments and those who had

become Qadiani due to pressure or financial incentives, reverted back to Islam.

One such example is a famous family from Jhelum whose son, Raja Manawwar,

announced that he is a Muslim. His two brothers, Raja Mansoor and Raja Basit

were in Ahmed forces and the third, Raja Ghalib was the Director Education

Punjab. This and several such examples make us believe that if Islamic scholars

adopt a wise and honest & whole-hearted approach and Govt. controlled media also

support them, then there is no reason why thousands of Qadianis should not

revert back to Islam. Majority of them neither knows the real motives of this

religious cult nor they have any knowledge of their activities. It has been

suggested that if they are approached with affection and sincerity then good

success can be achieved, because their large section is in search of truth and

is country loving. But no attempt has been made to approach them properly. It

should be noted that after the tragedy of East Pakistan, the information

gathered by of intelligence agencies regarding Jamaat Ahmadiyya its political

wing revealed once again that this creed wants to create a state by the name of

Qadian or some other suitable name which will run on the pattern of Vatican. It

also came to light that India had always supported them for this purpose and

had reassured them that through their efforts and planing if they succeed in

getting the border areas of Sialkot and Shakergarh, then Kashmir along with

Qadian and adjacent areas will be given to them where they can form their

self-administered govt. or even a state. Report further mentions that during

70s and 80s, Qadianis had extended hands of Cooperation towards Shias and

Ismailis in same way as they had done with Christians but they failed in their

attempt. Now for the few years through Asma Jahangir and similar so-called

Human Rights campaigners they had tried to defame Pakistan on the grounds of

poor human rights records. Zafar Chawdhery (Nephew of Sir Zafarullah Khan

Qadiani) has been behind these efforts. At the same time sectarian terrorism

was initiated in Pakistan and some Qadianis and Christians were murdered so

that the basis of its law on blasphemy, Pakistan can be defamed at

International level. Through some references, report has proved that this

element has been involved in the violence murders of the past few months to the

present Constitutional, law and Judicial crisis. To create the present crisis

US$330.000.000/- were spent and the distribution and utilisation of this huge

amount was also brought about through them. The basic reason for this crisis

was to give a fatal blow to the ideological identity of this country so that

instead of an Islamic State, it should become a secular state. In such an

instance not only its International role but its defense capabilities will also

suffer. To achieve this purpose following should be done:

Firstly attempts should be made to abolish the abolish the 1973 constitution. If

constitution can't be abolished then at least the entire 8th amendment should be

cancelled. Then attempt should made to get the Second Amendment (which had

declared Qadianis as non-Muslims) abolished. For this reason, attempts should

be made to bring up secular leadership in both Political field as well as

Military services and let them succeed. This was also the basic aim of present


The person whose name was suggested for certain big post in the caretaker setup

for the next two years, in his pronouncements, actions and character he is

purely a secular personality. A question was raised about him whether such a

person who is not only unacceptable ideologically but also has certain moral

flaws, can he be constitutionally given a responsible position especially in

the Judiciary in a state like Pakistan? Report has moreover mentioned that this

fact should never be over looked that somehow Qadianis are present behind every

crisis in this country and this time as well they had been very vigorously

active. Recent statements of Mirza Tahir also prove this. Report has also

mentioned that whether India gives them East Punjab town of Qadian, adjacent

areas and Kashmir or not, they will continue their efforts to create a

Vatican-style independent state. There has been no change in their stand and

aim on this issue and for it they have solid backing and help from India,

Israel and the Christian World. The report has suggested following


1. Mirza Tahir's visits to India and his meeting with Indian authorities in

London should be closely monitored. Connections and activities of Peoples

Party's leaders should be monitored. These include Khalid Kharral (who spent 2

years in India) Aitizaz Ahsan, Aftab Ahmed Sherpao and Naheed Khan. Serious

attention should be paid to the easy grant of political asylum to Qadianis by

Britain other countries of Europe (America and now Far East) and this issue

should be carefully and cautiously raised at diplomatic levels. Activities of

organisations working in the name of human rights, their office bearers and

patrons like Zafar Chaudhry should be watched. Specially their financial

transactions should be regularly and thoroughly investigated. Activities of

Qadianis and Christians in Sialkot, Shakergarah and other adjacent border areas

should be closely watched. It is through these areas that young men go to India

to receive training for terrorist activities and return. These routes should be

closed and activities of those families should be closely watched who give

protection to terrorists and provide facilities for them. During those days

when incidents of terrorism increase in different parts of the country, the

movement of terrorists in these areas is increased. After committing the crime,

terrorists escape to the neighboring country through these routes. If these

areas are closely watched during such periods (of violence/violence), these

terrorists can be easily apprehended. Such arrests can lead to horrifying

discoveries about the network of terrorists and their supporters.

(Courtesy of Takbeer International Urdu Weekly)

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