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Babylon 5 - Vedic signs of characters

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Babylon 5 - signs of characters


In 70's and 80's I was very much interested in science fiction.

Perhaps that time it was the only area of culture in USSR,

free from communistic ideological pressing. Yet in 1984

under Chernenko reign it were repressions against our club

of science fiction "COMCON-3" - it was closed by KGB.

Since that time science fiction is associated for me

with freedom and spirituality.


Few years ago after long-long time of studying Bhagavad-Gita,

Caitanya Caritamrita and Srimad Bhagavatam I was very much

impressed by Babylon 5 show and also, like you Curtis, got

quite hooked. I saw it 4 times or more in records.

Seemingly the author, J. Michael Straczynski had thoroughly

studied Mahabharata and Vedas, and it even seems to me,

that he in his young years was in relation with ISKCON.

Any way, Babylon 5 serial is a high quality fiction in a

spirit of Stanislav Lem and Isak Asimov - you would hardly

be polluted by excessive materialism.


The characters of "Babylon 5" are bright persons, and any

astrologically experienced person can say something about

their Lagnas, despite the fact that they all live

on cosmic station.


Airy Lagnas:


John Sheridan (Bruce Boxleitner) - Libra (with 1st lord in 1st)

Delenn (Mira Furlan) - Gemini

Lennier (Bill Mumy) - Aquarius

Zack Allan (Jeff Conaway) - Aquarius

The Minbari Federation (priest caste) - Gemini


Fiery Lagnas:


G'Kar (Andreas Katsulas) - Aries (with Scorpio Moon)

Londo Mollari (Peter Jurasik) - Leo

Lyta Alexander (Patricia Tallman) - Saggitarius

The Narn Regime - Aries

The Centauri Republic - Leo

The Minbari Federation (warrior caste) - Saggitarius


Earthy Lagnas:


Susan Ivanova (Claudia Christian) - Capricorn

Stephen Franklin (Richard Biggs) - Taurus

Talia Winters (Andrea Thompson) - Taurus

Michael Alfredo Garibaldi (Jerry Doyle) - Virgo


Watery Lagnas:


Vir Cotto (Stephen Furst) - Cancer

Kosh Naranek (animatronics) - Cancer (with strong Jupiter)

Jeffrey Sinclair, Valen (Michael O'Hare) - Pisces

Alfred Bester (Walter Koenig) - Scorpio (with Gemini)

The Vorlon Empire - Cancer

The Shadows - Scorpio

The Psi Corps - Scorpio

Lorien - Pisces


(Perhaps I'm wrong in some cases. but this is not a matter

of principle.)


You see, that there is all spectrum of Lagnas in this show.

In real cosmic situation there definitely must be diffferences

in temperaments of humans, and lagnas must represent

these diffferences. Astrology here provide suitable model of

human consciousness, but there are another models, also effective,

but not related explicitly with planetary positions and other

astrology stuff. I mean K.G. Jung typology, according to which,

for instance, John Sheridan will be of ESTP type. (Myers-Briggs

type indicator). In socionic this type is called "Marshal Jukov",

or Sensoric-Logical Extravert, it is a type of Lenin or, perhaps,

Srila Prabhupada. Types here are determined by psychological tests

or even appearance. Jung type is a constant along all life of

person and is formed in the moment of birth, i.e. there must

be definite correlation between Jung type and Lagna (and other

horoscope features). Who knows an exact formula?????????????????

Who knows? WHO KNOWS? ... Unfortunately nobody, only some

guesses, may be Moon sign, may be Panchamahapurusha Yogas

.... may be it will be a great discovery, important enough for

even Nobel prize, which at last will establish scientific status

of astrology on this planet.


As I mentioned before, there must be astrological equation

just like Shroedinger equation of quantum mechanics.

Nowadays almost all have higher education and have some concept

of quantum mechanics. Please remember - it must be useful.

Psi function describes human consciousness and have 4 components

according to Jung typology. Four scales: intuition - sensoric,

ethic - logic, rational - irrational, extravert - introvert.


Equation: d(Psi)/dt = H*Psi + Transits + Remedy + Noise


Meaning of this equation is that variations of the state

of consciousness Psi depend on Psi itself (self-reason changes

as in Vimsottari dasa, H - hamiltonian), on perturbations from

Transits and Remedy measures (mantras etc.), on other influences

from media, society etc. (Noise). At the moment of birth

there is reduction of such wave function (measurement),

it's shaping, thereafter it evolves according to mainly

internal laws, as it is depicted by above equation.

Presence of noise make this equation stochastic and all

predictions can be only probabylistic. Any way, at least

this is convenient symbolic model and must be developed in

some future.


This equation will also be true on cosmic station, although

transits denotes here influences from different cosmic objects,

other than our common planets, and at a time of birth on

such station these influences will shape wave function

of consciousness of a native, giving him some jung type,

and some correlating lagna. Am I right?




Best regards,

Saunaka Rsi das (Sergey Kozitskiy) skozi@p...

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