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GALACTIC FEDERATION Update: November 3, 2001

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GALACTIC FEDERATION Update: November 3, 2001  

Date : 

Wed, 28 Nov 2001 03:49:48  

    Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy

     and the Galactic Federation

6 Caban, 0 Xul, 10 Caban  (November 3, 2001)


     Greetings! We come today with more items to discuss with you. At

present, your world is moving swiftly toward a resolution of your

currently insane situation. Right now, various aspects of our earthly

allies have fortified their previous positions and are very quickly

approaching the point at which our agreements will be manifested.

However, the small, willful cabal continues to offer resistance to

these efforts. Fortunately, it is gradually weakening in its attempts

to delay us. Therefore, we are confident that many significant

announcements, as well as activities closely related to these

pronouncements, are nearly at hand. Of these, the last will consist of

a formal statement that ends the current cover-up of our existence.

This will allow us to begin a program that makes you fully aware of our

benevolent intentions. We need to bring first contact to your

attention, dear Hearts, so that you understand it conclusively. In

order to do this, we have set out a sequence of important steps to

prepare you for our arrival en masse.


     The crucial first stage is, of course, a formal announcement of

our existence. With this, we can show ourselves openly and begin to

teach you about ourselves. To do so, we will begin with a five-part

series on first contact, conducted by our liaisons and by individuals

who have volunteered to closely observe your present global society.

This will bring you up-to-date on Earth's true history during the past

few galactic years and include an overview of our First Contact Team.

At this point, you will meet many of our fleet commanders and hear them

discuss, in person, what is to happen next. A large part of this

information will also include direct transmissions from your Ascended

Masters. Their messages will help your global population to attain a

better understanding of what they are experiencing on physical, mental,

emotional and spiritual levels. Our approaching first contact is both a

reunion with your space family and a time for you to learn about your

coming responsibilities from those who understand Heaven's divine plan.

During this instruction, you will receive many astonishing



     The moments immediately prior to the beginning of first contact

will witness global demonstrations of our vast fleet. In daylight

hours, we will offer you the opportunity to review our fleet and even

allow some of them to land in your fields, public parks, city centers

and airports. These displays will only last a short time. Many

prominent individuals will be allowed to broadcast with our liaisons

from our Motherships. During this time, we will manifest upon your

world a vast amount of Galactic Federation technology, adding to the

magnificent ones that your own inventors created long ago. At last, the

huge cover-up of new technologies will come to an end. Then, your

present science will take the enormous leaps that it needs to become a

true, spiritual science. We are now discussing this procedure in great

detail with our earthly allies. You will be quickly moved from a very

skewed and limiting economy to one based on a natural cycle of

abundance. This means that we, and our earthly allies, will have to

publicly explain a great many new perceptions.


     We are intensely interested in the process of explaining new

perceptions to you. We understand how different this new transitional

world will seem to you, though it is meant to exist only for a very

short while. According to Heaven's timetable, it will last from one and

one-half years to less than three weeks. As always, this timing will be

determined by the condition of Mother Earth. It is she, dear Hearts,

who desperately needs to alter her present appearance and to prepare

more directly for your new, fully conscious reality. That new reality

contains a pristine, surface world and an ecosystem different in many

ways from that to which you presently are accustomed. This modification

also has to be timed to the vast changes that are now taking place on

your Sun. To this end, your solar system's Spiritual Hierarchy has

attached some parameters to these changes, which we are now using as

points of reference. When they have been reached, we will know that

your movement into subterranean environments should start immediately.


     The other crucial point remains your transformation into fully

conscious Beings. As we have long noted, our medical teams are

monitoring this process. According to their reports, you have reached

the thresholds of the omega point for change. In fact, this is the last

phase of a time that has continued for many millennia. Your local

Spiritual Hierarchy is elated over what is now occurring. Assisting

them in this operation are the many parts of A-E-O-N, which have

arrived to bestow their great blessings and to oversee the last stages

in transforming your realm from limited to full consciousness. This

process has reached a very delicate stage. The last few elements need

to be added to the mix in just the right order. Here, your ceremony and

your ongoing commitment to envisioning this have immeasurably assisted

our efforts. We are most thankful for the part you are playing in co-

creating this beautiful new reality.


     Your Inner Earth family has long been the major overseer of this

first contact mission. Aided by the Sirian star-nation and by your

Galactic Federation Regional Council, they have provided protocols that

have served as the framework for carrying out this complex procedure.

We salute them and know how anxious they must be to greet you. Below

your planet's surface, these former Lemurians have constructed an

exceptionally pleasant environment. It mirrors your own and contains

many Galactic Federation of Light technologies, such as different kinds

of holographic food preparation tools, some versions of our

teleportation instruments and a global holographic communication

device. They are only a few of the items you will discover in these

habitats. They will be very difficult to recognize by appearance alone.

One major difference will be that they produce no noticeable pollution.


     In these skies, clouds hover and a Sun shines brightly. Night

skies are aglow with stars and a Moon continues to exhibit its many

phases. Depending upon your surface location, you will still experience

changes of season although, for those who truly abhor intense winter

cold or summer heat, there will be a possibility to correct these

extremes. At most, these conditions are temporary. In your true future

homes, dear Hearts, weather will be almost non-existent. Fully

conscious humans prefer a semi-tropical climate. They live deep under

the planet's surface, maintaining a global grid of special temples,

which sustain the planet's ecosystem. By coordinated rituals conducted

on the planets that belong to this solar system, they also take care of

the planetary system's prime mover - the Sun. They live in a style well

known for its abundance and its compassion for all aspects of



     Your surface world's main planetary guardians, the cetaceans, look

forward to carrying out their mission. This is helping to prepare you

for the multitudes of life forms that have attained sentiency in this

galaxy. Your galaxy is adrift with many highly intelligent life forms

that are eager to greet you at first contact. Your current perceptions,

however, leave you somewhat unprepared for this. Therefore, the

cetaceans have undertaken the mission of accustoming you to such a

profusion of life forms. Over the past few decades, they have made

themselves your living symbol of Love and of interspecies compassion.

In doing so, they have also encouraged you to intervene on their

behalf. As a result, your global society has chosen to support their

survival in your oceans and rivers, and to assist them in their ongoing

efforts to communicate with you on many conscious levels.


     Today, we have discussed the current steps that will lead to first

contact. These events are based upon agreements that have manifested,

over a very long period, upon your realm. Now, finally, we are

approaching the stages for which we all have patiently waited. We ask

you to maintain your present commitment and focus to their quick

success. The time when we will be openly among you is very close. We

now take our leave. Blessings! Know that the endless Abundance and

Prosperity of Heaven is yours! Amen. Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian

for Be One! Be in Joy!)


Planetary Activation Organization



This copy was sent or reposted by Robert E. McElwaine

                                  PAO Member

                                  Eckankar Initiate

                                  B.S., Physics and Astronomy, UW-EC




See also the various web pages at http://www.disclosureproject.org .







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