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"Elaine" lizral



Tue, 1 Jan 2002 23:16:08 +1000



MAHATMA GANDHI’S PROPHECY: “The Partition of India will be the cause of four

wars with Pakistan.” (1947)

Friends, My HogueProphecy Bulletins and mailing list are finally back on line.

Thank you all for being so patient with me. Once again let me apologize to all

of you who received problematic emails and bouncing mail from the many

technical problems my web master and I endured while setting up this new

mailing list. I am about to begin writing my tenth book, starting January 1.

Because of the focus and solitude needed to write this book, my personal

replies to all of your letters will be far more infrequent in the coming year.

I will try as best as I can to answer your many interesting questions at the

end of each HogueProphecy Bulletin. These bulletins will come to you every four

to six weeks. Here we go.


In the monsoon season of 1947, in the final days of the British Raj in India,

the key leaders of Indian resistance to British rule confronted each other over

shape of the independence to come. Although for years Mohandas Gandhi, the

spiritual and political father of the predominantly Hindu Congress party, and

Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the leader of the Muslim League, were united in their

fight for independence from British rule, they stubbornly disagreed about what

shape that Indian independence should take. Gandhi believed that India should

remain united, whereas Jinnah could not see how the new India, with its huge

Hindu population of 250 million, could ever treat a minority of 90 million

Muslims as anything but second class citizens. For Jinnah the only solution was

the partition of India’s predominantly Muslim provinces into a new

Islamic-friendly state of Pakistan (Urdu for “The Land of the Spiritually

Pure”). Gandhi believed that a secular based democracy would eventually find a

way to protect all minorities given time and patience. A rending of India into

two nationally and religiously divided entities would create a climate of

greater sectarian violence than ever before. To accommodate Jinnah, Gandhi was

ready to undercut his own political party and Jawaharlal Nehru, his chief

disciple and designated choice for prime minister, for the sake of unity. If

Jinnah would forego partition Gandhi was ready to order Nehru and the Congress

party leadership to step aside and allow Jinnah and leaders of his Muslim

League form the first Indian government. Though initially stunned by the

radical offer, Jinnah rejected Gandhi. To him no power on earth would prevent

Pakistan, even if a partition of India created minorities of millions of

Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims stranded in new countries not of their choice.

Jinnah’s dream of Pakistan would live, whatever the cost; even if the new state

could hardly sustain itself as a viable nation. “Better a moth-eaten Pakistan

than no Pakistan at all,” Jinnah would later say. British parliament passed a

bill granting partition in July 1947. Independence came the following month

with the birth of two new nations of India and Pakistan. The physical division

led to an autumn of mass murder and bloodshed and the agonizing displacement of

tens of millions. On the dusty roads and tracks across the new frontiers, hoards

of Muslims refugees from Hindu dominated India passed millions of Hindus exiting

Muslim dominated Pakistan. Over 1 million people died in Hindu-Muslim violence

during the great exodus. On January 30, 1948, Gandhi himself was assassinated

by Nathuram V. Godse. A Hindu fundamentalist, Godse believed Gandhi had sold

India out to partition and to the Muslims. Upon Pakistan’s independence, Jinnah

was installed as Governor General of an economically feeble and politically

stressed new country of diverse peoples who shared little else in common but

Islam. Pakistan consisted of eastern and western provinces separated by a

thousand miles of hostile Indian territory. Jinnah survived Gandhi by eight

months. A chain smoker as his adult life, he finally succumbed to lung disease.

Before Gandhi’s martyrdom, and before he received the title Mahatma (great

soul), he prophesied that any partition of India would magnify the historic

discord and suspicion between Muslims and Hindus in South Asia. Partition, he

said, would destine India and Pakistan to fight four wars — each more terrible

than the last. Gandhi lived to see the first Indo-Pakistani war erupt in the

mountains of Jammu-Kashmir at the close of 1947. This disputed Himalayan

kingdom ruled by a Hindu Maharaja before the partition of India had a

predominantly Muslim population. Both India and Pakistan claimed it. After the

Maharaja had ceded Kashmir to India, he requested military help as mobile

columns of Pakistani troops and armed Pathan tribesmen invaded through the

Himalayan passes heading for the Kashmiri capital of Srinagar. Indian forces

checked their lightning strike and United Nations intervention resulted in the

battle line becoming the de facto new border between Indian and Pakistani

Kashmir known to this day as the Line of Control. The first war resulted in

roughly two-thirds of Kashmir remaining in Indian hands. Pakistan would demand

of India that she let the people of Kashmir hold a special plebiscite to decide

whether to incorporate into India or not. India would delay the Kashmiri

plebiscite for decades. In 1960, Communist China signed a friendship pact with

Pakistan and seized a large portion of Indian-held Kashmir two years later in a

surprise offensive In 1965, India and Pakistan fought a second and much larger

war over dominion of Kashmir across the frontiers of West Pakistan. India sent

900,000 troops in a crushing, three pronged offensive against the Pakistani

defences on the approaches to Lahore. Over 450 Pakistani tanks were destroyed.

A UN cease fire forestalled the intervention of Communist China on the side of

Pakistan. A third and even bloodier Indo-Pakistani conflict came six years

later in 1971. A civil war in East Pakistan between Muslim Bengali insurgents

(tacitly supported and armed by India) and an occupying army of mainly West

Pakistanis escalated into a wider war with India. It started when the wholesale

round up and massacre of hundreds of thousands of suspected Bengali civilians by

West Pakistani soldiers caused ten million refugees to flood into India and

overwhelm its emergency food resources. US President Richard Nixon declared

that India’s support of Bengali insurgents was an attempt to destabilize

Pakistan — a US client state during the Cold War— and he cut off India’s

American credit. Pakistani jets promptly bombed Indian airfields in Kashmir.

The Indian army entered the war on the side of the insurgents. In twelve days

they successfully shattered Pakistani forces on two fronts and captured an

entire Pakistani army of 90,000 men in East Pakistan. East Pakistan became the

new country of Bangladesh. Pakistan had not only lost the war but lost half of

its population and two-thirds of its export economy. The army and economy were

on the verge of collapse. Pakistan stressed its economy further trying to catch

up with India in a nuclear arms race optaining nuclear weapons capability at the

close of the 1980s. Around the same time it also supplied arms and safe havens

for Kashmiri insurgents to wage a decade-long civil war in Jammu-Kashmir.

Border clashes across the Line of Control were frequent throughout the 1990s. I

was traveling through India in the spring of 1990 when the two countries nearly

fulfilled Gandhi’s prophecy and fought a fourth war. Rumors abounded in the

Indian press that India was contemplating a preemptive blitzkrieg strike to

take out Pakistan’s nuclear program before they could make deliverable nuclear

weapons. However, a report from Indian spies in Pakistan made an ominous

discovery. They saw new bomb racks on the wings of Pakistani jet bombers large

enough to load atomic weapons. Was Pakistan bluffing? Could they really deliver

their nuclear payloads? The Indian government ordered their conventional forces

to stand down. I wrote the following observations in India, during the last

crisis of 1990. They later appeared in The Millennium Book of Prophecy,

published in 1994: “Now that Pakistan has nuclear capability, India’s atomic

weapons race may have resumed. Both countries deny they are building bombs.

Western intelligence agencies estimate that by mid-decade, Pakistan ... will be

capable of manufacturing six Hiroshima-sized bombs per year. Experts believe

that India has already stockpiled three hundred kilograms (660 pounds) of

weapons-grade material. Current intelligence estimates put its nuclear arsenal

at twenty bombs. And if a future Chinese regime should threaten another

invasion of India’s Himalayan provinces, the Indians are capable of

transforming their current stockpile of plutonium into an arsenal larger than

the entire Chinese arsenal to date.” During the Cuban Missile Crisis I watched

loved ones peer into soft October skies waiting for Armageddon to fly on

contrails of missiles and B-52 bombers. The tension I experienced in India

reminded me of those thirteen frightening days from my childhood. I walked in

the Indian valleys in the shadow of immanent nuclear death. That feeling

returns to me now eleven years later as I watch developments in this newest

crisis. I feel India and Pakistan moving inexorably towards the dark frontiers

of a fourth war on the tank treads of mobile ballistic missile launchers.


In mid-December 2001, eight terrorists identified as members of the Kashmiri

insurgent organizations of Jaish-e-Mohammed and Lashkar-e Tayyaba, stormed the

Indian Parliament in New Delhi. All eight men were killed along with six Indian

security servicemen in a failed attempt to annihilate the political leadership

of India. Soon afterwards large contingents of the 1.3-million-man Indian army

and six-hundred-thousand-man Pakistani army began moving into position facing

each other in the winter fastness of Kashmir along the disputed Line of

Control. Farther south you see them park their tanks and set up their mortars

and artillery along the partition line drawn 54 years before, dividing the

heavily populated regions of Punjab. They position their anti-aircraft

batteries and mobile ballistic missile launchers behind dunes in the deserts

along the western edge of Rajasthan. They prepare dugouts for over a million

soldiers down along an invisible line, drawn on the maps of politicians, across

the Himilayan fastness of Kashmir all the way down to the salt marshes of the

Rann of Kutch along the Arabian Sea. And there those million men of India, and

a half-million men of Pakistan wait; hopeful for a diplomatic solution. On

Friday, 21 December, the Indian High Commissioner to Pakistan, Vijay K.

Nambiar, promptly left the Pakistani capital declaring a diplomatic impasse. He

had learned that Pakistan would not immediately arrest all leaders and members

of Jaish-e-Mohammed and Lashkar-e Tayyaba organizations and dismantle their

training camps in the Pakistani occupied portion of Kashmir. Given the new and

darker world we live in after terrorists harbored by rogue nations crashed

hijacked jets into New York’s skyline and the US Capital, India feels within

its rights to demand of Pakistan what America demanded of Taliban ruled

Afghanistan: a) arrest all terrorists within their borders; b) close down and

destroy their training camps; c) seize and destroy their weapons; and, d) face

a full scale military retaliation if there is no compliance to every demand.

What indeed would Americans demand of Pakistan if they where in India’s place?

If terrorists from camps in Pakistani-controlled Kashmir had sprayed the US

Capitol Building with grenades and machine guns in an attempt to slaughter the

US Senate and US House of Representatives, what would the United States do? By

adopting the Bush terrorism doctrine, India could soon launch an attack on

terrorist camps in Pakistani territory but this time, the fourth war foreseen

by Gandhi could go nuclear. Current estimates place Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal

at 8 to 20 atomic bombs, each with a destructive force similar to those used by

the United States in their nuclear attack on Japan in 1945. India may have

anywhere from 25 to 40 similarly destructive atomic weapons in its arsenal.

When Gandhi and Jinnah debated the partition of India, there were 340 million

people in the balance. Fifty-four years and an explosion of population later,

Gandhi’s warning of a fourth and catastrophic war places up to 1.2 billion

South Asians in the balance. In the worst case scenario, history’s first

nuclear “bush” war could extinguish far more people than all those lost in both

world wars of the 20th century. The death toll could be in the hundreds of



The prophet Nostradamus may have foreseen its outcome in Century 7 Quatrain 16.

If the leaders of India and Pakistan could read this following warning, perhaps

they would pause and reflect before they pass over the Line of Control, and send

history out of control. Entree profonde par la grand Royne faicte Rendra le lieu

puissant inaccessible: L’armee des troys lyons sera deffaite, Faisant dedans cas

hideux & terrible. The deep entry made by the great queen Will render the place

powerful and inaccessible: The army of the three lions will be defeated,

Causing within a hideous and terrible event. In 1996 I wrote the following

interpretation for this quatrain in Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecy: “In

1985, Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India, was gunned down by Sikh

separatists who had infiltrated her bodyguards. The murder was in retaliation

for her ordering the Indian Army’s bloody attack of Khalistani guerrillas

holding out within the holiest shrine of the Sikhs, the Golden Temple in

Amritsar. The ‘great queen’ could be Mrs. Gandhi or her granddaughter,

Priyanka, who is being groomed for power by the Congress Party. The army of

‘three lions’ is the Indian Army, (the Republic of India has ‘three lions’

huddled together in its federal device). If Nostradamus is not alluding to this

incident, perhaps, he is implying some future defeat of a descendant of Gandhi

in a war over Jammu-Kashmir and the Punjab. The final line could describe a

breakdown of Indian society in the wake of sectarian violence after the defeat.

Or perhaps ‘within’ something worse. Maybe our prophet is warning of a plague

from ‘within,’ in other words, a radiation scourge caused by a nuclear disaster

at the atomic plant near Mumbai (Bombay), or from a nuclear bush war with

Pakistan sometime between 1996 to 2026.”


As I prepare to send you this bulletin, President George Bush, (the leader of

the free world) is putting pressure on the his new ally in the war on

terrorism, General Pervez Musharraf (the dictator of Pakistan), to arrest

leaders of both militant Kashmiri groups responsible for the Indian Parliament

attack. US Secretary of State Colin Powell on 26 December (and a whole three

months after America declared war on terrorism) announced that the United

States is freezing the assets of Jaish-e-Mohammed and Lashkar-e Tayyaba

organizations. Spokesmen for the Indian army have made it known that their

forces will be ready for war by New Years Eve (2001). However, war may not be

as immanent as it appears. Some news services speculate that Indian forces will

not fight a winter war and postpone their full scale incursion into the

Pakistani-held portion of Kashmir until the spring. Hopeful signs have just

evaporated that talks may take place between the Indian and Pakistani leaders

at a gathering of seven South Asian leaders in Katmandu, Nepal, on 4-6 January

2002. Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee has said there will be no

talks. Both countries have imposed economic sanctions on the other. No over

flights by the other’s planes will be allowed, yet India’s Foreign Ministry

said Friday that Indian armed forces would make an exception to the ban to

allow Musharraf to fly through its airspace to attend the Nepal summit. The

Associated Press reports on 28 December that the Indian army told some 20,000

people in more than 40 villages in Kashmir to leave their homes within 36

hours. The army had already warned about 10,000 people in 24 villages near the

Pakistani border to move. New Years Eve is tomorrow. Villagers in Indian-ruled

Kashmir, who have lived for over a half century in the twilight zone of war and

peace continue to flee their homes with cots and clothes. Many are convinced

that this time India and Pakistan will fight their fourth war.


This is history’s newest variation of the Cuban Missile Crisis. If there is war,

then it will happen in the next seven to fourteen days. If there is war, it will

most likely start with a conventional clash of armies. In less than a week of

combat India will overwhelm the Pakistani army. That is when Pakistan could

consider a nuclear option to stop the Indian Juggernaut. The immanent collapse

of Pakistan could also bring a third nuclear power into the war — its longtime

ally, China. Now, if we get through the next seven-to-fourteen days without a

war then it may only be a postponement of the fighting until spring. My study

of political astrology would place the next time windows of greatest danger for

war in February and in April 2002. If Pakistan has not disbanded the

Jaish-e-Mohammed and Lashkar-e Tayyaba organizations and their camps by

springtime, India may do it for them with Agni and Pritvhi ballistic missiles

and commando raids. Then again, maybe not. These strange new times see leaders

from volatile developing a skill for making a mad dash towards the abyss of

doomsday only to stop just in time before the plunge. I sincerely hope the hot

“heads” of state in Indian and Pakistan cool down in time before they tumble

over the edge from the momentum of their current and bellicose rush of

stupidity. If General Musharraf can negotiate a cessation of the conflict, I

cannot say the future for the Pakistani dictator and his government is bright.

Volatile and polarized forces are pulling General Musharraf’s power base apart.

The Pakistani dictator by siding with President Bush and the Americans has

angered a whole lot of Islamic fundamentalists and radicals in his country. It

is true that only a minority of Pashtuni Pakistanis support Usama bin Laden and

al-Qaeda; however, a substantial majority of the Pakistani population — and the

officer corps supporting Musharraf’s junta— does not see the Kashmiri

insurgents and their camps in Pakistani-held Kashmir as havens for terrorists.

They are viewed as freedom fighters. If Musharraf bows to diplomatic pressure

coming from American friends and Indian foes alike and shuts down the Kashmiri

camps, he may avoid war with India this winter, but fall in a coup d’état later

in the year. George W. Bush, the president of the most powerful democracy in the

world, must rely on the political health of a dictator he could not even name a

year ago. I am certain the president remembers Musharraf’s name now. He has

become a critical linchpin to Operation Enduring Freedom. The fall of Musharraf

and Pakistan’s descent into chaos — or its descent into the hands of a new

al-Qaeda friendly radical Islamic regime — would seriously jeopardize the

American president’s war on terrorism. In the final reckonning, we are at the

highest danger of a nuclear bush war in South Asia if Pakistan slides into

social and political chaos. India may sheath its nuclear saber for now, but be

inclined to launch punitive attacks on a debilitated Pakistan later on this

year for its support of Kashmir insurgents who shot up Indian Parliament House.

But India beware! A mortally wounded or radicalized government of Pakistan may

take you to the nuclear funeral pyre of mutually assured destruction with its

final desperate act. Eleven years and a new threat of nuclear bush war later, I

convey to all of you the same message I gave in interviews to the Indian press

back in 1990: “My research [into prophecy and how to forestall dire events,

like an Indo-Pakistani nuclear war] deepened and was revolutionized by the

addition of meditation into my life. Meditation made me aware that no safe

place exists for anyone except within consciousness. [Through meditation I have

recognized] that you , me, everyone, is responsible for the misery and

auto-suicidal tendencies which are destined to destroy this beautiful planet.

What is needed from all of us is an inner revolution; a new science of

self-observation that can make us first aware of the roots of our suffering.

That has to be understood before any successful attempt to alter human destiny

is possible. So far we have failed to fix our world because we deal with the

symptoms not the disease itself.” (The Sunday Mail [Calcutta, West Bengal],

March 18-24, 1990)


Just before I post this rather scary Bulletin, some good news. The Pakistani

leader has complied with one of India’s demands and has arrested leaders of

both Kashmiri separatist movements. The Indian Foreign Minister had a press

conference today, thanking Pakistan’s leader for his action. He added the

first conciliatory words of encouragement I have heard so far — that India

looks forward to further steps being taken to end the conflict through

diplomacy. I close this essay with sage observations from two sons of South


“This is the beauty of life, that is goes on growing, and it knows no end; that

it goes on living and knows no death — that is eternity....And it is time we

should have a look inside our own beings, because within our own being is all

that we are looking for outside. We will not find it on the outside, it is not

there. It is here.” (Osho) “We must be the change we wish to see in the world.”

(Mahatma Gandhi) John Hogue Rogue Scholar/Author: —Nostradamus: The New

Millennium —Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies —Messiahs, The Visions and

Prophecies for the Second Coming —The Last Pope: The Decline and Fall of the

Church of Rome —The Millennium Book of Prophecy —1000 for 2000 Startling

Predictions for the New Millennium -- Visit my web site at:

http://www.hogueprophecy.com You can purchase any of my books and audio books

by going to: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect-home/hogueprophecyc0d


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