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>Sat, 19 Jan 2002 15:05:12 +0400


>CNN's Pro-Pakistan Bias PetitionDon't delete.Do some action this time


>Navneet Bedi

>npsbedi (AT) usa (DOT) net

>Friday, January 18, 2002 3:50 PM

>CNN's Pro-Pakistan Bias Petition






> CNN's Pro-Pakistan Bias




>View Current Signatures - Sign the Petition



> CNN - Cable News Network

> 1. Mr. Walter Isaacson, Chief Executive Officer, CNN Newsgroup

> 2. Mr. Rick Davis, CNN News Standards & Practices

> 3. Mr. Eason Jordan, Chief News Executive, CNN

> 4. Mr. Tom Fenton, Vice President, International News Gathering, CNN

> 5. Mr. Sam Feist, Executive Producer, CNN

> 6. Mr. Wolf Blitzer, Anchor, CNN

> 7. Ms. Christiane Amanpour, Chief International Correspondent

> 8. CNN_All_FeedBack

> 9. CNN_Attack

> 10. CNN_Community

> 11. CNN_CrossFire

> 12. CNN_Public_Information

> 13. CNN__Q_and_A

> 14. CNN_TalkBack


> Dear CNN Team,


> We, the undersigned, as concerned US citizens and residents of

> Indian origin, hereby register our protest with regard to CNN's

> error-filled, shallow and biased coverage of the ongoing India-

> Pakistan conflict. Since decision-makers within the US government

> rely on media outlets like yours, it is our Concern that faulty

> or biased coverage of a conflict between these nuclear powers

> could lead to bad US foreign policies.


> We would like to draw your immediate attention to a recent column

> by Mr. Rajiv Malhotra, titled "CNN's Pakistan Bias". It is online

> at http://www.sulekha.com/column.asp?cid=163061 , a popular site

> that caters to the Indian diaspora. The article encapsulates the

> flaws in CNN's coverage and the frustrations felt by many in the

> Indian diaspora over the same. Incidentally, the article provides

> background information on this conflict, which your reporters may

> find valuable in terms of context.


> We have outlined below a few salient points from that article

> which support our contention regarding CNN's coverage.


> 1) Inequitable Coverage:


> There is substantially more air time devoted to reports from, and

> on, Pakistan than India, and this despite the presence of an

> older CNN bureau in New Delhi. There is also more "face time"

> given to Pakistani officials and spokespersons than their Indian

> counterparts.


> 2)India and Pakistan as "equals":


> This appears to be CNN's implied view, although as stated above,

> the coverage is not consistent even with this fallacious notion.


> India is a pluralistic, secular, vibrant, cacophonous democracy

> like the U.S. It has a tradition of orderly transition of

> governments, an army that is clearly subordinate to the elected

> government and an increasingly dynamic economy. It is also home

> to one-sixth of the human race and encompasses every religion on

> the planet, including a Moslem population that is approximately

> equal to the population of Pakistan.


> By contrast, presently, Pakistan is an Islamic military

> dictatorship, ruled for two-thirds of its 54 years by the army,

> has an eighth of India's population and an economy that teeters

> on the verge of bankruptcy. Religious minorities, including

> Moslem sects like Shias and Ahmadiyas, are treated as second

> class citizens. Non-Moslem minorities have dwindled to less than

> 4 % of the population. The original constitution of Pakistan has

> been abolished and strict Shariat Law is in place, which is

> highly discriminatory towards people of other (non-Moslem)

> faiths.


> 3) Pakistan as Co-victim of Terrorism:


> While this may be the view du jour in official circles, no doubt

> as a quid pro quo for usage of facilities until we apprehend bin

> Laden and his associates, journalistic integrity requires a more

> truthful perspective.


> Yet, CNN has toed this line, turning a blind eye to the Pakistani

> ISI's role as parent and nurturer of the Taliban who bear

> substantial responsibility for the most heinous attack on US soil

> in 50 years. There is also precious little investigative

> reporting on the vitriolic anti-American curricula of the

> thousands of Madrassahs (religious schools) which are really

> jihad factories. The questions as to why these have been allowed

> to thrive on Pakistani soil and what specifically is being done

> to shut them down now are conveniently ignored.


> 4) Pakistan as a true "Ally":


> This canard has been foisted on the public since late September.

> Pervez Musharaff's being dragged into it, after arm twisting by

> Washington D.C. ("You are with us or against us!") and the fact

> that India first offered its unqualified support to fight the

> scourge of terrorism have been inexplicably forgotten. While

> Pakistan may now be an "ally", is it not incumbent on the media

> to handle the relationship with skepticism, given the ally's

> shenanigans in Afghanistan recently?


> A significant portion of the Taliban consisted of Pakistani

> nationals. The higher echelons of the Taliban certainly had

> connections to the ISI and the Pakistani army, as was evidenced

> by the hurried evacuation of Pakistani brass from Afghanistan in

> the early stages of America's Afghan campaign. What were they

> doing there? What was their role? Why were these questions never

> pursued? The Northern Alliance, America's true allies on the

> ground in this campaign, have repeatedly expressed skepticism

> about Pakistan's intentions, past and present, in view of its

> support of the Taliban. Yet, these views have given short shrift

> instead of being investigated.


> 5)Musharaff as a Statesman:


> This military General who is the self appointed "Chief Executive

> of Pakistan" came to power by overthrowing an elected government.

> He was the architect of the naked Kargil aggression against India

> less than a decade ago. He has prevaricated on the nature of the

> Taliban; to wit, they are just "students", "a small group of

> extremists" and at one time opined that they should be a party in

> the new Afghan Governmental structure. Yet, CNN continues to pay

> obeisance to him and gives him more "face time" than his

> counterpart, Mr. Vajpayee of India who is the democratically

> elected Prime Minister of the largest democracy on the planet.


> 6) Jammu and Kashmir:


> The correct name of this state is Jammu and Kashmir, not Kashmir.

> This crucial issue is covered, if at all, with little context. At

> the time of independence, the independent kingdom of Jammu and

> Kashmir was given the option of joining India or Pakistan.


> The Maharajah of Jammu and Kashmir ceded this territory to India

> after some dithering, during which time Pakistan invaded and

> captured part of the territory. This illegality notwithstanding,

> Pakistan has repeatedly asserted the Moslem- majority profile of

> Jammu and Kashmir as a reason for its claim to it. This argument

> is mooted by the fact that India is a secular country with a

> Moslem population spread out all over and at least equal to that

> of Pakistan.


> A second assertion by Pakistan is the need for a plebiscite per

> the U.N. Resolution on this matter, which came about because of

> the dispute. What is conveniently neglected in this assertion is

> the skewing of the demographics by Pakistan deliberately settling

> the area with outsiders, which would render the results of any

> such plebiscite meaningless.


> Finally, Pakistan has been waging its own proxy wars in this

> theater, with its Al-Qaeda linked operatives, which has resulted

> in a mass exodus of the native Hindu Pandits from the area.


> To keep referring to Jammu and Kashmir as the "disputed

> territory" without this context is intellectually dishonest as it

> puts India and Pakistan on an equal moral footing.


> The above list, in no way exhausts the instances where we have

> found CNN's coverage to be biased. We have presented a sample of

> your bias, which we hope will persuade you to reevaluate your

> policies regarding coverage of this crisis which has major, long-

> term geopolitical implications.


> Fairness and journalistic ethics certainly demand a better

> understanding of the concerns of India, a democracy that has

> borne the brunt of unconscionable terrorism over the past two

> decades. Unbiased coverage would be much appreciated to ensure

> credibility of your slogan, "depend on CNN".


> We await your response, since we are part of your valuable

> audience.




> Sincerely,


> The Undersigned





>View Current Signatures









> The CNN's Pro-Pakistan Bias Petition to CNN - Cable News Network was created

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