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Happy Cows - an Ayurvedic Expert´s impressions

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Radiance Dairy - An Ayurvedic Expert's Perspective on Organic Milk


It's milking time, the sun is setting, and a wide expanse of pink and violet sky

meet the golden harvested prairies in November at Radiance Dairy in southeast

Iowa. About 80 cows moo-ving in single file are merrily making their way into

the milking barn. Francis Thicke, owner of Radiance Dairy, Fairfield (Iowa,

USA) introduces Harriet the cow to visiting ayurvedic expert Rama Kant Mishra.

Vaidya Mishra, who first tasted Radiance Dairy milk in 1994, was overjoyed to at

last meet the cows who give such nourishing milk. "When I first saw, smelled and

tasted this milk in 1994, I was immediately reminded of the raw milk I drank as

a boy in my small village in India. It is the one milk in this county that is

like the divine milk I drank in my childhood. Ever since then, I have been a

fan of Radiance Dairy."

Once the cows are in the barn, they are fed organic barley which they consume

like it's candy, pushing and shoving to get at it. "I was very impressed with

the dairy, the whole environment is very clean. The udders are cleaned prior to

milking, and most importantly, the cows are well cared for and loved by their


The cows are not injected with hormones and are fed only pure food. Francis also

plays Maharishi Gandharva Veda music which Maharishi Ayur-Veda believes creates

soma in the milk and in turn enhances the milk's intelligence. Soma, according

to Maharishi Ayur-Veda, is the impulse of creative intelligence which connects

body and mind by physical existence and consciousness. Vaidya Mishra also made

a suggestion that Francis play Sama Veda, which will increase even more soma in

the milk. Once milking starts, the cows become quiet, sort of meditative and the

room is filled with a joyful silence. Vaidya Mishra assures Francis that the

cows enjoy being milked and are fulfilling their dharma in this way.

The milk is then pasteurized - heated just enough to kill the bacteria.

Maharishi Ayur-Veda understands that milk is a very special product, not just

physically but on a more refined level - the level of intelligence. The more

the milk is processed, the less intelligence and live, good bacteria is present

and that greatly reduces the quality of the milk. Therefore, any processing such

as reducing fat content or inserting vitamins, is tampering with nature's

intelligence and reduces the quality of the milk. The more intelligence in the

milk, the greater the health benefits.

The type of food the cow eats is of great importance. It should be of the

freshest origin, which in turn produces the highest quality milk. Radiance

Dairy feeds their cows non-contaminated, fresh grasses and barley. Barley has a

kairshna value which means it will not create heaviness. Cows that eat wheat

create milk that is a little heavy to digest and too much of this milk can

increase congestion or kapha.

If you notice a stuffy nose from drinking milk, Vaidya Mishra recommends that

you boil water and then combine 50% boiled water to 50% boiled milk. Then add a

pinch of cardamom, cinnamon, or ginger. This will make the milk lighter and

reduces the fat naturally without disrupting the quality of the milk. The

cinnamon helps metabolize the sugar and carries the nutrients of the milk to

the brain. Cardamom and ginger help with overall digestion and ginger helps to

pacify kapha.

Vaidya Mishra further explains that non-organic milk sold in grocery stores may

be many weeks old and is filled with antibiotics and hormones, and that the

process of homogenization, which includes removing fat, inserting preservatives

and vitamins, depletes the quality of the milk. These cows are often overmilked

and locked up without the freedom of grazing. The end result is that the milk

is difficult to digest and does not have much benefit for our health, and in

fact, may be harmful by clogging the channels of the body called shrotas.

Clearly, we are also ingesting the antibiotics and hormones which, with regular

consumption, may lower our immunity and cause further imbalances.

Here, Vaidya Mishra quotes the ancient ayurvedic texts regarding the value of

milk: "Cow milk is of the sweet taste and it remains sweet even when digested.

Many foods have a sweet taste but once it reaches the stomach turns sour. Milk

is a good source of blood tissue, gives stamina, lubricates the channels,

pacifies both vata and pitta, enhances reproductive tissue, enhances ojas

(finest by product of digestion in the body), helps to rid impurities from the

blood and the tissues and creates pure rasa (bone) tissue. It also creates

internal smoothness and suppleness that helps to lubricate the channels that

carry out excess doshas and malas (waste). Regular use of milk has an

anti-aging affect that enhances immunity against diseases. If milk is not

prepared or taken properly, it can clog the channels."

Milk greatly enhances ojas, increases healthy tissues, intelligence, and

happiness. Vaidya Mishra further explains that food which the body can easily

handle such as sweet pears or warm milk greatly enhances reproductive tissue

and increases ojas. Ojas and reproductive tissue support the health of other

tissues such as muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow, blood, and blood plasma.

Inbetween each of these seven tissues is a gap which emits ojas. All seven gaps

produce some ojas. Milk produces "instant ojas" on all levels whereas with other

types of food, it takes 30 to 40 days to produce ojas.

If agni or digestion is low, milk may cause over lubrication which may result in

a stuffy nose. It is then best to dilute the milk by using 50% boiled water and

50% boiled milk along with one or more of the spices mentioned above. Both

growing children and adults should have at least 2 cups of milk per day. There

should not be a weight gain problem if you dilute the milk with water and add


In India, cows are worshipped as Mother Divine. Vaidya Mishra says that cows

provide nourishment just like a mother and milk is divine, motherly. Milk gives

health. It has a medhya quality which means it is good for mental functioning

and memory. From milk we get butter, ghee, paneer (fresh cheese) and yogurt

which contain GI friendly bacteria. It is filled with calcium and essential

proteins also.

Tending to the care of cows is a nobel undertaking. Happy cows produce happy

intelligent milk and from drinking such milk we will all enjoy more happiness.

So the next time you're in the grocery store, look for organic non-homogenized

whole milk. Remember Vaidya Mishra's words of wisdom and drink to your health!



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