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feb 12

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the Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan Mumbai invites you on 12th February 5 pm to the

Bhavan's Geeta mandir for a talk by Shri Michael Cremo and Shri Andrew Foss.

What will they speak on, synopsis and their bios are below. The function will

be presided over by Prof Jayantikrishna H Dave, Hon Director, Bhartiya Vidya


See you there.

With Prem and Om sanjeev

Human Race : Archaelogical Evidence consistent with the Puranic Accounts of

Extreme Human Antiquity.

Michael A. Cremo, Historian of Archaeology

Synopsis: According to the Puranas, humans have been present on earth since the

beginning of the current kalpa, or day of Brahma. The traditional Vedic

calendars tell us that we are now about 2 billion years into the current kalpa.

A Vedic archeologist might therefore predict that we should find evidence for a

human presence going back perhaps as much as 2 billion years on this planet.

Over the past two centuries, archaeologists have found bones, footprints, and

artifacts showing that people like ourselves have existed on earth for this

vast period of time. Human skeletal remains have been found going back as much

as 300 million years. Human tracks have been found in layers of rock over 500

million years old. And human artifacts have been found in mineral deposits over

2 billion years old. But many scientists have forgotten or ignored these

remarkable facts. Why? Primarily because they contradict the now dominant views

about human origins and antiquity. According to these views, humans like

ourselves are to have existed for only about 100,000 years, and before that

there were only more primitive human ancestors. This evolutionary paradigm, to

which influential groups of scientists are deeply committed, has acted as a

"knowledge filter." And the filtering, intentional or not, has left us with a

radically incomplete set of facts for building our ideas about human origins.

Recovering the complete set of facts takes us on a fascinating expedition,

across five continents to key archaeological sites, some long forgotten, some

the center of ongoing controversy. These facts are broadly consistent with the

accounts of human origins and antiquity found in the Puranic literatures of


Bio: Michael A. Cremo is an internationally known expert on the history of

archaeology and anomalous archaeological evidence for extreme human antiquity.

He is research associate in history of science for the Bhaktivedanta Institute,

and is a member of the History of Science Society, the Philosophy of Science

Association, and the European Association of Archaeologists. His most recent

scientific publication is "Puranic Time and the Archaeological Record,"

presented at the World Archaeological Congress 3, 1994, and now included in the

proceedings volume Time and Archaeology, edited by archaeologist Tim Murray for

Routledge (1999). On Amazon.com, world's largest Internet bookseller, Cremo's

controversial "underground classic" Forbidden Archeology (1993) is has been a

bestseller in the archeology and evolution categories. Dr. K.N. Prasada, former

president of the Archaeological Society of India, said: "I find the entire gamut

of human origins and prehistory has been brought out in one single comprehensive

volume, a task few people can achieve. I congratulate you for writing this

excellent reference book, which will act as a catalyst for further research on

a subject of immense interest, not only to scholars and students but also


Science, Astrological Predictions & the introduction of JYOTISH SHASTRA in the

Educationsl System.

By Andrew Foss

Synopsis: The development of science has in many ways validated the approach of

the Rishis who gave us Vedic Science. In particular, modern Physics has shown

the fundamental essence of everything has the property of self-awareness. This

element is the Vedic in Veda Vigyana and has to be properly understood for

Vedic sciences to be properly practiced. Jyotisha, like Ayurveda, is not only a

set of rules but also a process from the inner to the outer. It is grounded in

the mathematics of the heavens and its correspondence to the human life.

Because of this it can help us to understand why and how things happen the way

they do while at the same time elevating the soul.

Many questions arise due to people’s experience with Jyotishis. What is the

value of predictive astrology? When is it useful to know about the future?

Should one resort to Shantis or remedial measures? How the Sayana and Nirayana

systems differ, and many more. This talk will focus on how Jyotish can be

considered as a science and its use in our daily life. Also covered would be

how it can be introduced into our educational system and its value thereafter.

Bio - Andrew Foss is the founding President of the British Association for Vedic

Astrology and faculty member of the American College of Vedic Astrology and sits

on the board of the (American) Council of Vedic Astrology. He is the editor of

Gochara, a scholarly journal for Vedic Astrology. He has studied, researched

and lectured in the Vedic wisdom for 26 years with a particular interest in

Jyotisha Shastra for the last 16. He holds a Masters degree from Oxford

University where he read Physics and has worked as an astronomer and published

research on the solar system. He is completing an MSc in Computer Science at

the University of Alberta and has published in the field. He is the author of

Shri Jyoti Star, one of the leading software for Vedic Astrology and the

forthcoming book Inner Secrets of Vedic Astrology. In addition to Jyotish he

has an extensive grounding in Yoga, Ayurveda and Vedanta and has worked and

lectured extensively in the field of Vedic science on five continents. He was

the first European Faculty member of the ACVA and played a leading role in

introducing the principles and practice of Ayurveda in Africa.

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