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What Hindus Can Do?

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>"sanjeev nayyar" <exploreindia



>Fri, 1 Mar 2002 16:49:45 +0530




>When my 71 year old mother heard about how 58 odd Hindus were burnt in

>Godhra her first reaction, Beta this reminds me of the Partition riots in

>Punjab. Then Hindus and Sikhs including women and children were similarly

>killed. Has anything changed?


>From the time of the first Muslim invasion of Sind in 712 AD Hindus have

>been killed, raped, converted and their temples destroyed. Besides our

>country was plundered like never before. At the time of Partition Nehru

>said that we Hindus could now live in peace since we had given the Muslims

>what they wanted. As the movie 'Hey Ram' showed nothing as changed. India

>continues to be a victim of Islamic terrorism or to use a medievial word

>Barbarism. In independent India it was only in Nehru's Jammu and Kashmir

>did such things happen but now the virus has spread to every nook and

>corner of the country.


>Sometimes I wonder why the Muslims of India are so attached to the mosque

>constructed by Babar, a Turk, logically how on earth is he related to them.

>He spoke a different language, came from a distant country. But so strongly

>do the Muslims of India identify themselves with these foreign invaders

>that it makes me want to agree with people who say that Islam knows no

>national boundaries, is Pan-Islamic. What is it in us Hindus or Sanathan

>Dharam that the Muslims hate it so much (I am not seeking approval please).

>Singing of the Saraswati Vandana or Vande Mataram was such a big issue or

>UnIslamic meaning Islam always came first.


>Friends can you think of any other country in the world where the majority

>community is treated like this. The Congress / Left supporters of Muslim

>intransigence and terrorism are least concerned about Hindus. Sadly the BJP

>too has turned secular, Hindus be damned. Having a Church would take away

>the freedom of Sanathan Dharam but beloved ones if Hindus fail to organize

>ourselves, stand up unitedly for their rights there would be many more

>Godhras to come. Just see the plight of the hapless Pandits of Jammu and

>Kashmir and you will realize the condition you will find yourself in. Why

>must the government manage our Temples and Educational institutions when

>Muslims / Christians are free from such control? Articles 29,30 of the

>Constitution must be amended.


>What must one do? Am reproducing quotes of Sri Aurobindo, (from the book

>'India's Rebirth') one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century.


> 1." September 4,1906 - Partition Bengal : The idea that by encouraging

>Muslim rowdyism, the present agitation may be put down, is preposterous and

>those who cherish this notion forget that the bully is neither the

>strongest nor the bravest of men, and that because the self-restraint of

>Hindus, miscalled cowardice, has been a prominent feature of his national

>character, he is absolutely incapable of striking straight and striking

>hard when any sacred situation demands this. Not has it been proved

>recently, that the mild Hindu is so absolutely helpless and incapable of

>defending his rights and liberties as he is painted by his foreign enemies.

> 2. June 19,1909 - Of one thing we may be certain, that

>Hindu-Mahomedan unity cannot be affected by political adjustments or

>Congress flatteries. It must be sought deeper down, in the heart and in the

>mind, for where the causes of disunion are; there the remedies must be

>sought. We shall do well in trying to solve the problem to remember that

>misunderstanding is the most fruitful causes of our differences, that love

>compels love and that strength conciliates the strong. We must strive to

>remove the causes of misunderstanding by a better mutual knowledge and

>sympathy; we must extend the unfaltering love of the patriot to our

>Musulman brother, remembering always that in him too Narayana dwells and to

>him too our Mother has given a permanent place in her bosom; but we must

>cease to approach him falsely or flatter out of a selfish weakness and

>cowardice. We believe this to be the only practical way of dealing with the

>difficulty. As a political question the Hindu Mahomedan problem does not

>interest us at all, as a national problem it is of supreme importance.


>3. April 18, 1923 - Hindu-Muslim unity : (Sri Aurobindo:) I am

>sorry they are making a fetish of this Hindu-Muslim unity. It is no use

>ignoring facts; some day the Hindus may have fight the Muslims and they

>must prepare for it Hindu-Muslim unity should not mean the subjection of

>the Hindus. Every time the mildness of the Hindu has given way. The best

>solution would be to allow the Hindus to organize themselves and the

>Hindu-Muslim unity would take care of itself, it would automatically solve

>the problem. Otherwise we are lulled into a false sense of satisfaction

>that we have solved a difficult problem when in fact we have only shelved



> 4. May 18, 1926 - Look at Indian politicians: all ideas, ideas-they

>are busy with ideas. Take the Hindu-Muslim problem: I don’t know why our

>politicians accepted Gandhi’s Khilafat agitation. With the mentality of the

>ordinary Mahomedan it was bound to produce the reaction it has produced:

>you fed the force, it gathered power and began to make demands which the

>Hindu mentality had to rise up and reject. That does not require Supermind

>to find out, it requires common sense. Then, the Mahomedan reality and the

>Hindu reality began to break heads at Calcutta. (refers to the riots in

>Calcutta the previous month). The leaders are busy trying to square the

>realities with their mental ideas instead of facing them straight….


>5. August 1, 1926 - Muslim problem : The attempt to placate the

>Mahomedans was a false diplomacy. Instead of trying to achieve Hindu-Muslim

>unity directly, if the Hindus had devoted themselves to national work, the

>Mahomedans would have gradually come of themselves…. This attempt to patch

>up a unity has given too much importance to the Muslims and it has been the

>root of all these troubles.


>6. May 28, 1940 - Gandhi’s attitude to Muslims : Have you read what

>Gandhi has said in answer to a correspondent? He says that if eight crores

>of Muslims demand a separate State, what else are the twenty-five crores of

>Hindus to do but surrender? Otherwise there will be civil war.

> (A disciple:) I hope that is not the type of conciliation he is thinking



> Not thinking of it, you say? He has actually said that and almost

>yielded. If you yield to the opposite party beforehand, naturally they will

>stick strongly to their claims. It means that the minority will rule and

>the majority must submit. The minority is allowed its say, “We shall be the

>ruler and you our servants. Our hard [word] will be law; you will have to

>obey.” This shows a peculiar mind I think this kind of people are a little





>Through a series of researched articles The Feature of the Month for

>Februray attempted to understand the mind of the sub-continent Muslim. A

>number of readers criticized me for attempting to spread hatred. I have

>nothing to say but see events unfolding for yourself. Suggested reading in

>order of dates is Wahabi Movement (1830-1860), Aligarh Movement (1870s),

>Khilafat Movement (1920s), Muhammad Iqbal (1930s) and lastly History of

>Urdu. All these articles are on the History section of the site. To read

>more about Aurobindo click here -



>You do not have to agree with me but hope to have left you with food for



>With Prem and Om sanjeev

>Discover your Indian Roots at - http://www.esamskriti.com

>Long Live Sanathan / Kshatriya Dharam.

>Generate Positive Vibrations lifelong worldwide.

>Aap ka din mangalmaya rahe or Shubh dinam astu or Have a Nice Day

>Unity preceedes Strength

>Synchronize your efforts, avoid duplication.







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