Guest guest Posted March 16, 2002 Report Share Posted March 16, 2002 >prophets >Prophets Conference Newsletter - List 2 <greatmystery-list2 >From Science To God: A New Light On Reality at The Prophets >Conference >Tue, 12 Mar 2002 19:07:33 -0700 > >(To from this newsletter, at the bottom. To > to this newsletter as a new member follow the instructions at the >bottom.) > >The Prophets Conference Monterey is honored to have Peter Russell as a >member of the prestigious faculty coming together in the beautiful setting >of Asilomar during the weekend of March 29 31. > > > >The following abstract is of Peter Russell’s Monterey presentation. > >FROM SCIENCE TO GOD: A NEW LIGHT ON REALITY >With Physicist/Philosopher Peter Russell > >What does the speed of light have to do with the Koran, St. John and Aldous >Huxley? Where does quantum physics meet the psychology of meditation? And >if “I think, therefore I am,” why can’t physics, chemistry or biology >explain where human thought comes from? > >From quarks to quasars, Western science has achieved remarkable success in >explaining the world around us. But when it comes to our inner world, >science falls curiously silent. Physicist, psychologist, and philosopher, >Peter Russell offers one of the most lucid accounts of why the great >spiritual teachings might have science by the tail when it comes to >consciousness and how collective wisdom is so valuable during these >troubled times. > >Peter’s latest book, and the theme of his talk at The Prophets Conference >Monterey, From Science to God, is as much a personal story of an open >minded skeptic as it is a tour de force of scientific and religious >paradigm shifts. Russell takes us from Galileo’s den to the lecture halls >of Cambridge University where he studied with Stephen Hawking. "If you had >asked me then if there was a God," says the bestselling author of his >scientific beginnings, "I would have pointed to mathematics." But no matter >what empirical truths science offered him, one thorny question remained: >How can something as immaterial as consciousness, ever arise from something >as unconscious as matter? > >And so Russell brings us to Buddha and to Einstein, daring us to wonder if >science may have it all backwards. With characteristic warmth and rationale >he leads us to a new world view in which consciousness is as fundamental a >component of reality as space, time and matter, and God takes on new >meaning, one that neither conflicts with modern science, nor diminishes >traditional spiritual teachings. In so doing he offers poignant insight >into solutions to humanity’s great malaise: >“This meeting of science and spirit is crucial, not just for a more >comprehensive understanding of the cosmos, but also for the future of our >species. Today, more than ever, we need a worldview that validates >spiritual inquiry, for it is the spiritual aridity of our current times >that lies behind so many of our crises.” > > >Large scale problems call for innovative thinking and true innovation often >appears radical in the face of old paradigms. Amidst terrorism, political >deception and the violence all around us, peace and healing are radical >notions indeed. With hopeful reasoning Peter Russell shows us that beyond >the limited constructs of our brain and five senses, lives the greater >power of the human mind and heart. >“Peter Russell is a brilliant theoretician who brings an astonishing >creativity to every topic he touches. He has a keen intellect and a truly >compassionate heart…” >-- Ken Wilber > >PETER RUSSELL >PHYSICIST, PSYCHOLOGIST, PHILOSOPHER >Peter Russell’s contemporaries have lauded him as one of the finest minds >of our time, >The New Buckminster Fuller, and an Eco-Philosopher Extraordinaire. With >summa cum laude degrees from the University of Cambridge, England, in >theoretical physics (he was a student of Stephen Hawking), psychology, as >well as computer science, he brings a sharp, critical mind to world >affairs. Ironically, it was Peter’s passion for mathematics and physics >that lead to a thirty-year exploration into the nature of consciousness. >Fascinated by the mysteries of the human mind, he traveled to India to >study meditation and eastern philosophy, and on his return to the UK took >up the first research post ever offered in Britain on the neuropsychology >of meditation. During his post-graduate degree in computer science he >conducted some of the early work on three-dimensional displays, presaging >by some twenty years the advent of virtual reality. Peter Russell pioneered >the introduction of personal development skills to the corporate world, >running highly acclaimed programs on creativity, stress management, and >sustainable environmental practices for clients such as IBM, Apple, >Digital, American Express, Barclays Bank, Swedish Telecom, ICI, Shell Oil >and BP. He is the best-selling author of ten books. His multi-image shows >and videos have won praise and prizes from around the world. As one of the >more truly forward-thinking futurists, Peter appears frequently on radio >and television, and is a sought-after and respected speaker in the USA, >Canada, Europe, and Japan. Peter divides his time between his houseboat in >Sausalito, California, and London, England. > >(Note: Individual presentation tickets are available on-line for $25 at > Come enjoy a day or an >evening with these exceptional presenters in this wonderful setting. A >limited number of full weekend conference passes are still available, so >register soon. Lodging at Asilomar is now full but there are many great >places to stay near by at various prices and information is linked at > or call 888-777-5981.) > >----------- > >THE PROPHETS CONFERENCE ~ MONTEREY: RENEWAL A Celebration of Life Energy >taking place in the truly beautiful setting of ASILOMAR CONFERENCE GROUNDS, >Monterey, California during the weekend of MARCH 29-31, 2002, is bringing >together a most wonderful and powerful visiting faculty made up of Ram >Dass, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Stanislav Grof, Hank Wesselman, Fred Alan Wolf, >Gregg Braden, Paul Ray & Sherry Ruth Anderson, Brooke Medicine Eagle, Peter >Russell, Riane Eisler, Russell Targ, Nicki Scully, with kirtan by Jai Uttal >with Geoffrey Gordon. > >Full information on The Prophets Conference ~ Monterey is linked at > >Call toll-free 888-777-5981 >-------- > >THE PROPHETS CONFERENCE ~ SANTA FE: POETS, MYSTICS, MAGICIANS >JUNE 7-9, 2002 >The James A. Little Theater, Santa Fe, New Mexico > > >Bringing Together > >Barbara Marx Hubbard, Gregg Braden, Stanislav Grof, Norman Shealy, Brooke >Medicine Eagle, Tom Robbins, Krishna Das, Fred Alan Wolf, Howard Martin, >Laurie Monroe, Ralph Metzner, Hank Wesselman, Ilona Selke, Judith Bluestone >Polich, Robert Venosa and Martina Hoffmann, and David Carson. > >The Prophets Conference Santa Fe: Poets, Mystics, Magicians brings together >a most inspiring faculty to facilitate our awareness, creativity, >understanding, and transformative evolution. Encompassing art, science, and >spirituality, these motivated and accomplished teachers bring us visions of >universal unity. They point at the necessity for a new order of values >immersed in a mystical union with the All. They call us into wider >dimensions where love and compassion help make the world safe. They >motivate us into activities of learning, giving, knowing, conceiving, >usefulness, and gratitude. > >The delegates coming together in Santa Fe are gathering to build >friendship, joy, trust, authenticity, personal responsibility, health, and >the ability to actively create and make a difference in our troubled world. > >We embrace the possibilities. > > > >--------- > >Full information on the INITIATION IN THE COSMIC MAYAN HEALING FOR >HUMANKIND with ELDER HUNBATZ MEN taking place in the sacred Mayan sites in >the Yucatan MARCH 17-24, 2002 is available at > > >--------- > >Thank you all for supporting this work by passing along this message to >your personal email list and to your member lists and groups. If you are >not d to this newsletter but received it through another party, >you may SUBSCRIBE by sending an email to prophets asking >to . > >Please click the link below to UNSUBSCRIBE from the Great Mystery mailing >list. > > > >If this link does not work, please select REPLY to this message with >UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject. This will give us the correct address to which >this posting was sent and not another address that you may use but is not >in this list. Thank you. > > >Open to the possibilities... > > > _______________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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