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RSS Report 15mar02-Bangalore-Bharat

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1. (This is the annual report of Ma. Sarkaryawahji's presented to

Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha, Bangalore on 15th March, 2002)


Parampoojaniya Sarsanghchalak ji, esteemed senior colleagues,

brother and sister representatives from various states,


You are very cordially welcome to this programme of Yugabda 5103

(C.E. 2002). In the light of review of the previous year's work we

have to chalk out programmes in this get–together for the coming

year. The moment we remember the yester year, which was so full of

dynamic developments, thoughts go out to our colleagues whose

physical form we will no more be able to see but whose inspiring

memory will be always in our hearts.


National Scenario


During the last year we witnessed many unexpected changes and

incidents taking place in Bharat and abroad. We saw many bitter and

sweet contours of social psychology. We saw government and

administration taking a stern view of 11 September and 13 December

incidents, and their diplomatic moves in making world opinion in

Bharat's favour and compelling Pakistan to stand in the defence box.


We have also witnessed the spreading of ISI network in Bharat; the

fifth columnists nourishing the enemies of the nation for votes; and

the terrorists continuing barbaric violence in spite of the

increasing pressure on them. We also saw the government taking a

stern view and a fighting stand at the Doha-Meet of W.T.O. in the

genuine economic interests of Bharat and the countries of what

is known as the Third World. We also see the indigenous small scale

industries, farmers, labourers and artisans being cornered to a

stage brodering bankruptcy and starvation due to the wrong economic

policies of the government due to the pressure of foreign debt.


While we note the zeal of the saints and Ram Sewaks for the

construction of the Ram Temple, the hesitation and nervousness of

the Ram Bhaktas sitting on treasury benches was also visible. While

on the one hand, the number of those willing to build Ram Temple at

Ram Janmabhoomi has increased, on the other, are those who are bent

upon creating hurdles in the way of the construction. They are the

ones who have gathered some electoral mileage after the recent

elections and want to earn further political advantage by creating

such hurdles. On the one hand, lakhs and lakhs of Ram Sewaks are

waiting to go to Ayodhya with fervour and on the other, the anti-

Hindu communal and fundamentalist forces are intriguing to crush

that fervour, through the terrorist violence like the Godhara



Such contradictory circumstances have made the scenario of the

country and the world quite vague and uncertain. We are confident

that owing to the fast growing, countrywide Hindu awakening, efforts

towards a peaceful solution to the Ramajanmabhoomi issue will

command popular support. We must recognise the fact that it is the

pressure of Hindu Awakening that the national situation will

gradually but certainly take a new turn which will expose to the

world all the fifth and deceit and witness the anti-Hindutva

elements meeting their doom. What will remain will be a propitious

and promising morrow by getting a new life through the moral

and auspicious Hindu Sanskaras and the globe will then be ready to

give a welcome to the dawn of a divinised human life.


In order to maintain the alertness and preparedness of the society

to cross that turn of the crisis safely and peacefully, the scope of

our work will have to be expanded and the working consolidated



The reddish glow of dawn and the dimness of the departure of night

co-exist at the time of the break of a new and bright morning.

It is because of the awareness of this all-important fact that the

Sadhakas intensify their Sadhana in that Brahma Muhoorta.






The most agonizing is the memory of our four prominent workers who

were abducted in Tripura for ransom and kept for a long time, and

ultimatley killed brutally. The sacrifice of Sarvashri Shyamal Kanti

Sengupta, Dinendra Nath De, Sudhamoy Dutta and Shubhankar

Chakravarti has left us in a state of deep and remorseful anguish

for not having been in a position to save them. Simultaneously, it

has become an eternal source of inspiration to destroy all such evil

forces which took the life of such workers.


Many of the senior workers who, because of their experience,

maturity and patience, stood as a strong support for us in such

difficult times are no more with us. We shall no longer see with us

Shri Keshavrao ji Gore – our one time Akhil Bharatiya Vyavastha

Pramukh who taught us small practicalities through touching

anecdotes and Shri Bhaskar Rao Kalambi, known for his haroic stand

in the face of opposition, constant efforts and simplicity. He had

spread the Sangh work in Kerala as




the very first Prant Pracharak and later on pioneered the

countrywide spread of Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram. Known for his

powerful oratory, idealism and austere way of life of a Pracharak

through his devotion to duty, one time Uttar Paschim Kshetra

Pracharak Shri Brahmadev ji has left us. Death has snatched from us

many brothers like Shri Ganpat Rao Brahmapurkar, the ex Sah-

karyavah of Andhra Prant; Shri Vasant Rao Agashe, the ex-Karyavah of

today's Jharkhand; Shri Madhukar Bhagvat, the ex-first Prant

Pracharak of Gujarat; Vaidya Shri Vishnu Dutt ji, M.P. of Jammu and

Shri Shiv Ram Telang of Maharashtra, a multi faceted

personality. Shru Gauri Shankar ji, who because of his stern sense

of duty, winning behaviour and personal bonds had become a source of

hope for the Vidyarthi Parishad, has entered eternity after a long

sickness. The Kalyan Ashram has lost for ever a devoted worker in

Shri Mishri Lal ji Tiwari, its ex-General Secretary who handled

the accounts as efficiently as he cared for the needs of his brother

workers. Dr. Madhukar Rao Bokare, the ex-national Convenor of the

Swadeshi Jagaran Manch who, after deep cogitation, embraced the

thought of Hindutva and enun-ciated Hindu Economics with adequate

expertise and rationality, has left us for ever. Active in politics

since the Jan Sangh days, and a symbol of purity of character and

congeniality, Shru Uttam Rao Patil has left us. And so also Shri

Talum Rukabo who gave the clarion call to his tribal brothers of

Arunachal Pradesh to establish hundreds of temples through his

traditional ideology of Donnyo Polo.


Many other brethren, who had brought dynamism to the national life,

are now no more. Shri Narayandev Rao Pandhripande,

alias `Nadepkaka', the famous Sarvodaya-worker of Vidarbha, who has

made successful experiments in the field of cow-rearing, protection

and agriculture; Shri Jaal P. Gimi who earned popularity because of

his clarity of thought in the field of education, oratory,

generosity and clean image, now remain only in our memory. Swami

Shivay Subramanium, who constantly strived for awakening of the

Hindus abroad, through publication of a quarterly magazine "Hinduism

Today," is no more. Shri Madhav Rao Scindia, a politician of great

promise, who died in an air crash along with four young newsmen and

aircrew in the prime of his glory; Shri G. K. Moopnar of Tamilnadu;

Shri Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy of Andhra Pradesh; Smt. Phoolan Devi

who surpassed all the odds of life because of her struggling

nature and became a Member of Parliament; and the all-round

respected Lok Sabha Speaker Shri G.M.C. Balyogi alongwith his

Personal Secretary and the aircrew, have left us for ever.


In the national field of Arts, we can no longer enjoy the enchanting

notes of sitar by Indraneel Bhattacharya. Nor can we see the

captivating cenematic performance of Dadamoni Ashok Kumar and Shri

Shivaji Ganesan. Along with these famous personalities we

remember our relatively unknown brethren like Shri Anant Kumar ji

the Jilla-Pracharak of Goraksha Prant who was electrocuted while

placing the Dhwaja Danda at the Sanghasthan, and Shri Mahipat ji of

Mumbai of Navyug Karyalaya, who cared and rendered services with

personal care for everyone, who are no more.


We recall the terrorism spread in our country and the world, which

took a heavy toll of the innocent civilians and security personnel

on July 21 at Amarnath and on Sept. 11 at Washington – World Trade

Centre. We painfully remember the demise of the innocent civilians

and valorous security personnel last year at Jammu–Kashmir Vidhan

Sabha and other places. We remember with pride and honour the

security and police men who laid down their lives at the doors of

our Parliament on December 13 in order to safeguard the honour

of the country.


We pay our tearful homage to our 57 brothers, sisters and children

who fell martyrs near Godhra railway station at the hands of the

anti-Hindu fundamentalist forces bent upon frightening the Hindus

vis-a-vis the Ram-Mandir-movement through terro-rist tactics. We pay

homage for all the above mentioned, and unmentioned brethren and

pray for the sadgati of all of them including those who fell a

victims to the riots that followed the Godhra carnage..


Sangh Work


In the March 2001-Delhi Pratinidhi Sabha 41,382 up-shakhas at 30,752

places were reported. A minimal growth of 700 shakhas was noticed in

the beginning of the follow-up efforts in the wake of the Rashtra

Jagaran Abhiyan. The number of Saptahik Milans and monthly Sangh

Mandalis, however, rose considerably due to new contacts. There were

8,001 Sapatahik Milans and 8,334 Sangh Mandalis throughout the

country in March, 2001.


Last year, the process of selection of trainees for Sangh training

camps was observed very strictly in all the states. Therefore, the

number of trainees in all the camps remained almost the same as

previous year. In the First Year Camps 11,367 youth and 375 adult

Swayamsevaks from 7,400 places took part. In the Second Year Camps

there were 3,226 youths and 178 adults and in the Third Year there

were 896 youth and 179 adults. We will be implementing this year

the unanimously accepted suggestions based on the review of the last

year training camps.


The follow-up efforts following the Rashtra-Jagaran-Abhiyan were

discussed very comprehensively in the preceding Pratinidhi Sabha. In

that meeting, a specific guideline had emerged for the further

development and expanse of our work during the coming years. The 12

point gist of the deliberations was passed on to the prominent

workers in all the states. We believe that, based on these

deliberations, our attention will be constantly focussed on

furtherance of our work during the coming years.


As usual, our work has been getting increasingly more love and co-

operation from our society. Our brothers have earned success in

developing the Sangh-Karya in the far flung areas of states like

Sikkim. Quite a large number of our tribal brothers were present

there in the specially convened Sangh Training Camp and the Basic

Training Camps in the month of January. Important persons of state

and administration extended their support and co-operation for

convening the camps. The Village Development Minister of the state

was present in the concluding ceremony of one of the Camps. In spite

of their conveyance related adversities the public, administration

and every section and strata of society extended their cordial co-

operation which has doubled the zeal and self-confidence of our

workers. Similar experiences were evident in the camps convened in

other states also.


Rashtra Shakti Sangam, Jaipur


The grand Route-March of the Swayamsevaks of Rajasthan Kshetra on

October 13, 2001, has underlined the increasing speed of our work in

that area in many respects. To attain the qualitative dividends, the

exercises of step-synchronisation and band-play had started right

from the month of July. Indeed, the grand occasion was

conducted with attention to minute details and advance

preparations made exactly as per our traditions. Adequate

arrangements were made on the Jaipur Road, 50 Kms. away from the

Route March, for bath and refreshment of the Swayamsevaks so that

they could reach the given places for the March to start by 11.00

A.M. sharp and return to their places immediately after the

programme was over. Accordingly, 39 centres were established for

these facilities. The March started from 11 places. On the routes,

at 5 places two or more Marches mingled together and reached the

place of the Public Function. About 4 lakh citizens witnessed and

accorded a hearty welcome to the marches. Those trapped in traffic

jams came forward to cheer up and welcome the Marchers. The place

for the public function could be made available just a week earlier,

due to the initial non-cooperation of the state administration.


However, the 7.5 lakh square feet field was levelled and cleaned by

the Swayamsewaks who worked hard day and night. Poojya

Sarsanghachalak's address was listened to by 51,202 Swayamsevaks in

uniform, 10,250 Swayamsevaks in partial uniform, 24,743 gents and

3,192 ladies. 2,526 band players participated jointly. Very

cordial co-operation was extended by the public in decorating the

city all over for the entire programme schedule of Oct. 13. Food for

all the Swayamsevaks was arranged by 35,000 families which provided

68,768 food packets. Print and electronic media too co-operated in

full measure since the very beginning of the preparations of the

programme. While 100 journalists were expected, about 140 were

present. The administration was worried about the

transport and other civil facilities, but having seen the able

planning, arrangements and the directions, the administrative

officers felt relieved and started praising the programme. Those who

had earlier opposed the programme due to their Sangh phobea

could not help praising the programme when they beheld the grand

show and the well- organised March.


The Grand Hindu Sangam, Raipur (Chhattisgarh)


This grand congregation took place at Raipur on January 6, 2002.

19,560 Swayamsevaks from 3,000 places out of 1,200 Shakhas in 1000

Mandals in the state were present. 25,000 families provided 70,000

food packets for the Swayamsevaks. 10,000 gents and 4,000 ladies had

gathered to listen to Poojaneeya Sarsanghchalakji. Sreshtha Baba

Balakdasji, the young saint, presided over the programme. The

atmosphere of Hindu-unity is being strrengthened as a result of this

big programme which was organized after the remarkable increase

in the number of Shakhas as a result of the sustained efforts of

workers over the last for 2 to 3 years.


Hindu Vanavasi Sangam, Jhabua


The love and faith reposed in the Sangh experienced in the big

cities like Jaipur and Raipur has indeed pervaded upto far flung

areas all over society. No doubt, till now the forest areas of Dhar-

Jhabua-Alirajpur Madhya Bharat region had also been the centre of

Christian Missionaries, due to our scanty access to those areas. For

the last 2 to 3 years a basic infrastructure of our activities

has been started there by means of the Ekal Vidyalayas (one teacher

one school). Contact and due publicity could take place by means of

the Kaanvad yatras and Ganeshotsavas at 1,400 places for the purpose

of Shraddã Jãgaran.


This year a special campaign had been undertaken and after that it

was decided to hold at Jhabua a mammoth Vanvasi Hindu Sangam. 1,600

workers from urban and 1,900 from forest areas got due training and

started contacting the families in each village. Mothers and

sisters too had joined in that campaign. The statues of Shri Hanuman

Ji were installed in 3 lakh 25 thousand families of 2,485 villages;

28 lakh forest dwellers wore the Kanthis (holy lockets). The

campaign ended successfully by January 6, and a favourable

atmosphere pervaded the whole area for the Hindu Sangam.


As a result, on 17th of January the whole area was filled by the

upsurge of Hindutva–inspired Vanavasi brothers, sisters and mothers.

Those living within the area of 50 Kms. around Jhabua, started

reaching there on foot. Others arrived by every available means of

transportation such as bicycles, bullock-carts, scooters etc. On the

night of 16th of January they stayed at 40 places surrounding

Jhabua. The task of looking after them at those places and as well

as during their travel, necessary amenities were provided in an

excellent manner by the local villagers themselves. On 17th of

January, since the very morning, thousands of villagers

started surging towards Jhabua from all directions in a disciplined



The surge of the people continued in a grand and yet disciplined

manner. The flow continued upto the beginning of the programme

scheduled at noon. The whole atmosphere of the jungles resounded

with Bhajans and Jayakaras. The grand audience of two lakh was

addressed by respected Mahamandaleshwar Swami Parmanand ji, Sadhvi

Ritambhara ji, many local saints and respectable persons and

Poojaneeya Sarsanghchalak ji. The self-inspired and devoted co-

operation of the local public was remarkable and equally so was the

campaign of the Swayamsevaks and the way they conducted the Jan. 17

programme. It was a common sight to see people discussing and

praising the efficiency and competence evident in maintaining

discipline and security. The police and the administration had

nothing to do except taking rest and enjoying the whole programme.


The spontaneous self–restraint and alertness of the Swayamsevaks was

commensurate with the Sangh-Sanskars and left its deep impact on

everyone. The grand, well arranged, efficiency of the programme was

highlighted in the reports published in detail in almost all

M.P. newspapers for two days. As a consequence in the whole of that

area an effective Hindu atmosphere has come to stay and everyone

could experience the simplicity and warmth of homely relations of

our Vanavasi brothers.


Hindu Sammelan in Simdega (Jharkhand)


A grand Hindu Sammelan was convened as desired by Poojaneeya Ram

Rekha Baba of Simdega to receive Poojaneeya Sarsanghchalak ji on

April 6, 2001. 28,000 Vanavasies drawn from an area of 2.5 Kms.

around the Head Quarters of Simdega congregated to attend the Hindu

Sammelan. All of them had come on foot and all expenses were borne

by the villagers themselves. It is noteworthy that the Simdega

district of Jharkhand is having a Christian majority population. The

effects of the Sammelan culminated in an all-round Hindu

awakening. The awakened people thereafter banned smuggling of

bovine animals for slaughter throughout that area.


Amrit Mahotsava Camp at Utkala Prant


The idea of holding a grand camp of all the Swayamsevaks of Utkala

Prant was conceived two years ago; but due to the calamity

created by cyclone, Swayamsevaks had to be pre- occupied

naturally with the relief activities. Ultimately, it was held on

December 28, 29 and 30, 2001. Towards this, all the new and old

workers were contacted and talked to in 4,702 group meetings and



It was compulsory for every participant in the camp to memorize the

Sangh Prarthana and the Geet, Vyayam Yoga, step-synchronization in

Patha Sanchalana and to wear the full Ganavesha for the occasion.

Poojaneeya Sarsanghchalak ji himself had reminded them of the

necessity of qualitative improvement. As a result of these

restrictions the number of the participants came down; and yet, it

rose to 17,547 drawn from 3,022 places. As a result of such

practices participants' togetherness and silence during each of

their Uttishtha and Upavisha deeply impressed the visitors; and the

new Swayamsevaks experienced the Sangh tradition of group-

working and discipline. Blessings of Poojaneeya Puri Peethadheesh

Jagatguru Shri Shankaracharya ji Maharaj were received and read out

at the inaugural ceremony before all the Swayamsevaks. The camp

was inaugurated by Shri Shri Shri Gajapati Divya Singdev ji Maharaj.

Shri Babu Rao ji Paldhikar one of the founders of Sangh work in

Utkala, was present in the closing ceremony in spite of his

physical handicap. His short but touching and inspiring address

filled the Swayamsevaks with joy and enthusiasm. Poojaneeya

Sarsanghachalak ji was present in the camp for all the 3-days and

the closing ceremony was addressed by him.


In the year 1981, when a state level camp of Utkal was organized

the Swayamsevaks' strength was 8,000. The December 2001

camp, convened after 20 years, reflected the considerable increase

in the number of participating places and the Swayamsevaks.

Encouraged by this experience, the Swayamsevaks have now decided to

start Shakhas and service-oriented activities in every Mandal.


Samarasata Sangam, Bangalore


Our brothers of Dakshina Karnataka also manifested the notable

expanse of their work, social acceptance and their organizing

capacity, on January 25, 26 and 27, 2002. It took about 6 months

preparation to mark the presence of 39,220 youth participants in

the township planned specifically for this occasion. An

enlightening exhibition was arranged at the entrance. The camp was

blessed by the Chief Guest Shri Adichunchunagiri Swami ji at its

inauguration. On the following day i.e. 26th of January, the

Republic Day was celebrated by hoisting the Tri-Colour flag. Next

day, the atmosphere of whole of the Bangalore city was saffronised

by six grand marches on all the roads; huge crowds of citizens stood

to welcome and cheer up the Swayamsevaks.


Doctors, advocates, industrialists, artists, writers, leaders of all

sections and strata of society, heads of various Mutts, leaders of

various parties, scientists and Christian leaders of various sects,

visited the camp and discussed with Poojaneeya Sarsanghachalak and

other Sangh leaders. The newspapers and T.V. channels had given

overwhelming publicity to the camp since the very start of the

putting up the planned township. Leaders of all political parties

had come to the place of the camp and promised to accord their co-

operation in organizing the camp. A good number of legislators

participated in the Camp, so the Legislative Assembly declared one

day official holiday. The grain merchants gave grains and the

vegetable merchants gave vegetables for the camp, most of them free

of cost. The 2.40 lakhs 'pooran-polis' prepared by about 10,000

families in Bangalore sweetened not only the mouths but the minds of

the campers also!


The closing ceremony was presided over by the famous computer

scientist. Dr. Vijay Bhatkar, the inventor of Param Computer. His

rational and impressive speech was full of glorious

references for Indian culture, science and Vedic

traditions, and followed by Poojaneeya Sarsanghachalak ji's speech

Approximately, 40 thousand Swayamsevaks and over one lakh citizens

were present in the closing ceremony which has remained an

everlasting memory of joy and enthusiasm for them.


Follow–Up Measures


Such grand and enlightening programmes in the currently special

circumstances have been made possible because of the cordial

relations of the Swayamsevaks with the public, expanse of our work,

and the long experience and expertise of our workers. But we

should not feel elated or satisfied with the glamour of such

programmes. It is obligatory to follow up and transform the awakened

enthusiastic emotions for the furtherance of our

concrete work. Due attention must be focused on that aspect. Three

specialties were common to all of the above said programmes. Grand

public congeniality towards the Sangh was noteworthy in each

programme; some qualitative pre-requisites were prescribed for the

participants, even while efforts were made to increase their number

in each programme; followup actions were planned by the end of

each programme.


Consolidation the Upa-Shakhas in Kerala


During the preceding year our increasing attention was focused on

the qualitative development of the Shakhas and the Swayamsevaks.

Such instances are available in our plannings in several states also.


In Kerala, emphasis was laid on preparing lists of Swayamsevaks,

Gata-vyavastha, weekly meetings of Shakha team of workers at the Upa-

Shakha level and monthly and annual meetings of the Shakhas and the

annual functions of some of the selected Shakhas. It was also

planned to have Mandal-wise monthly meetings, naipunya-vargas and

mandala sanghiks. In their extensive tours, the state level workers

emphasized the implementation of these plans. The Mandals which

had monthly meetings, naipunya-vargas and sanghiks and at least

three Shakhas, were termed as Vikasita Mandals and the Kshetra level

workers toured these places. When Poojaneeya Sarsanghachalak ji

visited Kerala, only Mandal and above level workers were invited

to attend the programme. By then, the plan had been implemented

in 486 out of 1,471 mandals and 1,142 out of 4,496 Upa-Shakhas.

There has been a noticeable growth in the stability of the number of



Poojaneeya Sarsanghachalak ji himself has drawn our attention to the

need to further improve the quality of the touring workers and

Shakhas. It is very obligatory to have at all places, including

Upãshakhas, sufficiently big teams of such able workers who, on the

basis of their introspection and initiative, give sufficient time

for the work. In view of this, during the coming years we have to

strictly adhere to our joint efforts, share and shoulder

responsibilities at every level, and make the thought process and

mutual communication more pervasive. We will also have to

decentralize the decision making process in the coming years.


Activating the Touring Workers : Gujarat


Last year our Gujarat workers had to be busy in relief work for the

earthquake victims. The Prant does not also have the required

number of Pracharaks. Out of 39 districts only 20 have District

Pracharaks. Therefore, emphasis was laid on having a team of touring

workers at all the Tehsil centres. It was stressed that in the

initial stages, the Mandal Centres should have shakhas. Workers

toured upto Mandals. Efforts were made to have repeated programmes

at the weak Tehsil centres in order to organize teams of Karyakartas

there. Emphasis was also laid on training of workers at all

levels. It was left to the district level workers to take initiative

on decision-making of the subjects of planning and decision to

increase the Shakhas. As a result, there are now more than 900

Shakhas and 1,600 Upashakahs in Gujarat.


Poojaneeya Sarsanghchalak Ji's Tour of the Vishwa Vibhag


Awakening about the Hindutva and the acceptance of the Sangh work is

wide spread among the Hindus living abroad also. This became evident

from the experience of the tour of America and Canada by Poojaneeya

Sarsanghchalak ji in the month of August 2001.


The workers of San Francisco organized a Hindu Sangam and for that

they had contacted about 20 thousand Hindu families. It was

the biggest ever Hindu congregation in that area in which 12,000

citizens were present. The presentation of dance-drama based on

Ramayana by 300 children earned overwhelming applause. Similar big

programmes were held in New York and Houston also. In Canada,

Sarsanghchalakji twice addressed the senior leaders of native

Americans in that continent.


In the month of August, Shri Ranga Hari ji had participated in a

conference of adherents of pre-Islamic and pre-Christianity

religions convened at Lithuania.


In a reception given to Shri Madan Das ji and the well-known

economic-thinker and co-ordinator of Swadeshi Jagaran Manch, Shri S.

Gurumurthy, in Kenya, the Industry Minister of that country was also



The roaming people, Romas of Indian origin are proud of their roots

in Bharat. They have preserved, even to this day, some Hindi words

in their language. In a conference held under the auspices of the

Hindu Heritage Pratisthan of V.H.P. at New Delhi, 34 representatives

of Romas from Europe were also present.


Special Contacts in Haryana with the Brethren Following Jainism


A special plan was chalked out in Haryana last year in the light of

the resolution passed in the previous Pratinidhi Sabha to celebrate

the 2600th Jayanti of Bhagavan Mahaveer Swami. `Sangh Marg', the

Jagaran Patrika of Haryana Prant, published a special issue on the

occasion. The issue reached 7,000 distinguished families. At 24

places, dialogues took place between the Sangh workers and prominent

Jain brethren numbering 400. There were programmes at 14 district

centres under the auspices of the Sangh, in which 5,500 Jain

brethren were present. Almost at all the places the Jain Munis and

Sadhvis doing the Chãturmãs blessed the audience. This endeavour of

Sangh has generated a cordial atmosphere for a series of discussions

in future also in the interest of the whole society.


Litterateurs Meet for Social Harmony at Nagpur


The above conference was held on the 27-28 Jan. 2002 under the

auspicies of the Samãjik Samarasata Manch (Forum for Social

Harmony). Workers active in the field of agitations of our deprived

sections of society and more so in the intellectual field, numbering

275 literatteurs took part. The conference was presided over

by the reputed Dr. Ishwar Nandapure. In spite of warnings by the

self-appointed monopolists of such sections that thereby he would be

committing suicide, he accepted the invitation. In his speech, he

whole heartedly supported the programme and the necessity of the

Forum and said, "In fact, this has been my rebirth, and not my

suicide." Doubtless, the programme has proved to be a milestone in

the onward march of the Forum.


Contact with Active Service–Oriented Workers


We all very well know the names of Shri Rajendra Singh of `Tarun

Bharat Sangh' of Rajasthan who has earned the Magsaysay prize; and

Shri Sachchidanand Bharati who did commendable work in the hills of

Uttaranchal for agricultural development and social awakening.

Poojaneeya Sarsanghachalak ji had gone to those states and visited

their achievements. That drew the attention of the

Swayamsevaks on such aspects of holistic development of our

rural areas where so much has yet to be done; and we too can

galvanize sufficient capactiy to do this.


Service to the Displaced Bangladeshi Hindus


The inhuman excesses perpetrated on Hindus in the wake of the

elections in Bangladesh are still continuing. The whole of the Hindu

society there is living under the dark shadow of

uncertainty and terrorism. The gates of their only solace, Bharat,

are also closed officially. Now what can they do? Should they

continue witnessing molestation of their sisters and mothers

shamelessly? Or should they commit mass suicides? Should they

succumb to these double pressures and jettison the culture of their

ancestors and join the bands of the religious tyrants? Nobody

listens to them. The Sangh Swayamsevaks, however, are doing their

very best within their limitations for serving the tortured

Bangladeshi brothers and sisters. The Vastuhara Sahayata Samiti of

West Bengal has been aiding 6,566 persons of 2,165 families with

food, clothes and other things through its 4 camps and 49 kendras.

General public was informed, of the problems faced by our displaced

brothers and sisters through public meetings at 3,815 prominent

places. Financial aid was also collected for their relief through

these meetings .


It is the moral and humanitarian duty of Government of Bharat to

compel the government of Bangladesh to rehabilitate the displaced

persons at the home-country with honour and security. Till the

time they are honourably rehabilitated there, the Indian government

should, as their bounden duty, give them due succour and shelter.


The Call


The great endeavour of Sangh is going on so as to enable Bharat

mould her life in the light of the sacred and beneficial ideals of

Hindutva so that she may lead the world in the cultural and

spiritual field. Only in its successful and early fulfitment lies

the glorious future for Bharat and the world. The need of the hour,

therefore, is to put in our maximum efforts so as to make this great

work of Sangh all pervasive, steady and dynamic. Bharat Mata Ki Jai.

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