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Sharon's war threatens Zinni&Bush's Heroin Operations

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It's Time To Stop Defending Israel

By Barry Chamish



"I recently found peacemaker Anthony Zinni on the CFR list...

Once Israel confiscated the PLO "government" records, it had the

goods on every New World Order crook and anti-semite in the form of

documented proof of their murderous and illegal transactions against

Israel. Imagine how handy that could turn out to be! No wonder Europe

and the Bush administration wants an Israeli withdrawal far from the

buildings they are snooping through."


"That bus bomb in Haifa STINKS of CIA involvement man. I'd be willing

to bet the support infrastructure was the same people the DEA is

involved with in Syria smuggling heroin to Europe and NYC. Zinni is a

key figure in the drug trade... that's why they call him the

Godfather. Sharon's war is messing with Zinni and Bush's drug

profits, and they couldn't stand Sharon making Bush look bad on TV,

so BOOM.


A publisher and writer I both respect sent me an "exclusive"

intelligence report smuggled out of Ramallah by an Arab lady trapped

there. This distorted piece of propaganda kept me reading for a few

paragraphs until I got to the part where "settlers" were rampaging

through Ramallah with the IDF.


That did it for me. I wrote a letter to the publisher, a Jewish woman

who seems to have forgotten that minor fact, and asked her to stop

sending me lies by e-mail. There are no "settlers" rampaging through

the town. She wrote back, "Prove to me it's wrong."


I calmly replied, "No, you prove to me. Find the names or photos

of "settlers" rampaging through Ramallah. I don't have to prove

anything to you."


It's time we stopped defending Israel. We don't need to and anyone

who enters into a debate on Israel's nastiness against the benevolent

and peace-loving Arabs honors the ignoramus by entering the fray on

his terms and ends up making Israel look guilty by falling into the



What's the point? Look at CNN tonight. The splendiforous Wolf Blitzer

asked viewers to vote on the following poll: Will there be peace in

the Middle East under Sharon's watch? Of course, the implication is

that Sharon is responsible for war and no one else. Now who would

vote in a rigged poll like that?


The following answer is the only appropriate one for any Jew with



"I'm sorry, I know you don't like us and are abetting our murderers,

so I don't feel like talking to you."


No, let's stop defending Israel to the misguided stooges attacking us

and use our energy more efficiently by defending Israel for

ourselves. The first line of defence is truth and we'll never be free

unless we rid ourselves of the forces who brought us this war and are

planning our extinction.


The following information comes from solid sources but not all has

been proven by corroboration. Let's gather intelligence together.


How Nazis Infiltrate


I was given a remarkable document which links Shimon Peres to

French "former" Nazis, the most prominent being Francois Mitterand. I

will present the case in the next sendout.


Meanwhile, in 1994 the newsletter Inside Israel proved that Peace Now

was receiving significant monies from a pro-Nazi fund located in the

Jerusalem neighborhood of Ein Kerem. A well-placed informant

explained, "You know all the far left speakers who appear at the Van

Leer Institute in Jerusalem. The Van Leers were known Dutch Nazi

collaborators. Martin Buber refused to speak at the institute because

of that. What's their building doing in Jerusalem attached to the

State President's office?


The Rebbetzin Peres


Whatever happened to Shimon Peres' wife Sonia? We never see her

anymore. And we used to from time to time for show even when hubby

was co-habitating with and promoting the political career of Collette

Avital. Well it seems that Sonia has taken revenge in a good way.


>From a rabbi with a devoted following. "Sonia Peres has become very

religious. She is especially fond of my writings and tapes and is not

only studying them but holding study sessions in her home."


Shamgar Saves The Day


>From an attorney who is at the head of a political movement. He is a

very good source. We cover many topics. ie "There was a lot of talk

about a murder around the Demanjuk trial. Dov Eitan was appointed to

defend Demanjuk and discovered the government got the wrong man. He

died before the trial started and not many people think it was a

natural parting."


In my book The Last Days Of Israel and Natan Gefen's book, Fatal

Sting, we both offer serious evidence that the 1996 elections were

rigged. Peres actually won by 2% but had been pre-blackmailed over

his organization of the Rabin murder to take a dive. 148,000 votes

for Peres were destroyed before they were counted.


The attorney concurs: "You got that right. What happened was Shamgar

warned Peres he would blow the truth sky high unless Netanyahu won

the elections."


Restaurants And Other Assassination Topics


Two facts from dependable sources absolutely confirmed.


Remember Benny Lahav, the Shabak's Forces Commander at the rally

where shortly after, Rabin got killed? In 1996. he threatened to

write a book exposing all he knows about the murder.. Looks like he

found a better vocation. After retiring with a fancy pension, he

bought a pizzeria in Kochav Yair. Buy a slice and ask the owner what

was going to be in his book.


Yoram Rubin, Rabin's bodyguard and murderer, has a father-in-law who

owns Cafe Max in downtown Jerusalem. Rubin, himself, is security

chief at the Israeli Embassy in Cairo. Max relates that all the

families of the embassy staff, including Rubin's, were sent back to

Israel. Yoram had better watch out there isn't a terror attack that

removes a guard who knows too much.


Also, highly confirmed: Yoram Rubin was confined to Ichilov Hospital

for 6 days after the Rabin murder, though his medical reports show he

had nothing worse than a slight burn on his arm. Why the long



Dr. David Khen, a vascular surgeon and colonel in the reserves, has

gathered eye-witness testimony that Rubin threatened to commit

suicide on the night of the assassination and was kept under a

suicide watch for almost a week.


Kimche Kimche Kimche


Remember that name. The Jerusalem Post gives him first column

editorial space to promote Oslo almost every week.


>From an excellent investigative reporter: "Kimche is at Oxford

in '76, the next thing you know he's a high-ranking Mossad officer in

Israel. No one understood where he came from, he didn't even speak

Hebrew. He still doesn't, very well. He is a British plant but more

than that, he's the executive director of the Israeli Council On

Foreign Relations."


Arafat's Motto


Cleanliness is next to gluttony.


I Won't Vouch For These Two...Yet


Why were three of Rabin's bodyguards murdered? A source I met just

once after a lecture explained: "Kuriel or another bodyguard was

supposed to shoot Amir with a 22 caliber pistol. Amir wasn't supposed

to survive but his killer chickened out of shooting him. The Shabak

that night went crazy looking for the 22 caliber gun."


A middle level clerk in the Foreign Ministry: "We received a request

to cut diplomatic ties with Norway over their pro-PLO actions in

light of the fact that they arranged the Oslo Accords. The request

actually read that it won't take long before Oslo is equated with

Auschwitz and maintaining diplomatic ties was no different than

keeping ties open with Nazi Germany. Our Minister, Peres, was not

shown the request."



AND NOW...Good tips from my most astute correspondents.


I correspond with several Arabs and I think we're reaching some

understanding. Well, their adjectives to describe Israel are

softening somewhat. One letter did strike out:


"The only good thing I can think about Israel is they didn't murder

you for investigating the Rabin murder. They won't let us do that. Do

you think anyone thought Nasser died naturally from a heart attack?

He was 52 and in perfect health. Sadat's assassination may have been

suspicious but at least there were trials and executions. Whoever

murdered Nasser got away with the perfect assassination."


Zinni, At Last


I recently found peacemaker Anthony Zinni on the CFR list, discovered

some key Jesuit figures in his early career and concluded that he was

not in Israel to make peace. A brilliant researcher from Toronto dug

much deeper. Absorb yourself in the following portrait of Bush's man

of peace.


"That bus bomb in Haifa STINKS of CIA involvement man. I'd be willing

to bet the support infrastructure was the same people the DEA is

involved with in Syria smuggling heroin to Europe and NYC. Zinni is a

key figure in the drug trade... that's why they call him the

Godfather. Sharon's war is messing with Zinni and Bush's drug

profits, and they couldn't stand Sharon making Bush look bad on TV,

so BOOM.


When are people going to understand that America is the world's

greatest criminal enterprise? Arafat is a school boy compared to the

Bushes. "Zinni joined the USMC in 1961. He makes General in SIX

YEARS, serves two stints in Vietnam. Thus begins the fast track to

the intel/defense circles that Bush, Armitage, Cheney, Rumsfeld etc.

are building up.


1970, he's shipped to Okinawa, and over the next 5 years spends a

considerable amount of time in the Caribbean... this sets him up as

the perfect Liason for the USMC end of the eventual Central

America/Middle East/Austin-Miami-Mena pipeline used by Air Caribe in

the 1980's.


1974, he's assigned as head of the Officer Assignment branch of the

Manpower Department... a key post in the Shadow Government that's

preparing to Emerge in 1980. The Bush cabal needs to be able to have

their people in the right places in order to make things work..


"1981-1986, the Iran/Contra years, Zinni is first stationed near

Langley (CIA headquarters) at Quantico. Then he's moved to USMC Head

of Special Ops and Terrorism Counteraction Section... in other words

he's controlling the portion of the USMC that's now fighting Reagan's

phony war on terror. He's in a position to have his people training

at Fort Benning, where they can liase with their South American

counterparts and train death squads for Reagan.


"1989, he's back at Quantico.


"1993, he's in charge in Somalia, where he deliberately screws things

up for Clinton as Bush's last parting shot at Clinton. The Somali

exercise was in fact set up by Bush in 1992, and Clinton inherited a

program whose failure was ensured, because Bush set it up that way,

and Bush's men on the ground made sure Clinton would get slimed.


"Zinni has been in and around every major drug operation set up by

the Bush/Casey/Colby team since Vietnam. He's been peripheral to

personnel placement and oversight for years, always in strategically

sensitive places where there have been known DEA/CIA drug pipelines

in operation.


"You're never going to get hard proof, but Zinni is a Bush boy. While

not directly involved in any hands on drug smuggling, he's peripheral

to ALL of it and has been for a very long time. He's a facilitator,

not a player in the true sense. His job has more or less been to make

sure that the right people are in the right place at the right time.


"This is fairly common knowledge in insider circles, but I don't

suggest trying to make the accusations publicly... there just isn't

enough paper to prove anything, and Robert Mueller made sure to stop

the BNL and BCCI investigations before they could lead back to the

Pentagon or White House. He also stopped the Lockerbie investigation

cold, so Zinni's (and many others including Bush Sr) ties to the

Syrians never saw the light of day, although there IS a Library of

Congress document you can get entitled


"Syria, President Bush, and Drugs" that was published October 28,

1992. It makes for some interesting reading.


"The contents of the report are more or less confirmed in a book by

Lester Coleman entitled "On the Trail of the Octopus" that tells of

his time in the DIA. He was loaned out by the DIA to spy on the CIA

and DEA on behalf of the DOD, and while in Cyprus and the Middle East

discovered that a DEA operation had been compromised. He believes

(and plausibly... read the book) that the Pan Am 103 bomb was placed

on the plane not by Libyans as claimed by Bob Mueller's

investigation, but by Syrians who used their DEA heroin pipeline to

smuggle a bomb onto the plane. Considering that at least one of the

alleged bombers was acquitted and the second is still in the

appellant process, it's more likely than not that Coleman is right.


"We're talking about the most sophisticated Organized Crime Syndicate

in the history of man, run by Bush Jr's father. You're not going to

find any evidence to pin on anyone in the inner two circles, and that

includes Zinni. They're all buffered by mules like Oliver North and

Barry Seale. And now they have Robert Mueller as head of the FBI and

Ashcroft as attorney general, which basically ensures no war crimes

tribunals in the near future. Both men are as racist and corrupt as

it gets."


Why The PLO "Embassy" Got The Boot


What do you know? The Rockefellers of CFR fame were the PLO's



"Barry: In the attached information from Gale databases, please note

the associations between Cushman & Wakefield, of today's Arafat

eviction, and it's parent company the Rockefeller Group, Inc. It

seems that the Rockefeller family is realizing that their sponsorship

of terrorists has bit them in the ass. They know all too well the

alliance between Osama and Arafat. Can you imagine the loss of income

to Rockefeller Group, Inc. in New York alone from the 9-11 attack?

Are the CFR occultists losing the Rockefeller family? Persecuting

little Israel has a price! (Gen. 12:3) Is the Enron bust out an

attempt to recover their losses in New York?"


I sent one observation of my own to this fine observer. My

information shows that the NY financial district was in a real estate

crisis before the towers were felled. It was far more profitable to

sell the property and let the new owner enjoy his six week old $3

billion insurance against damage caused by terror attacks.


Of Course! Israel's Got The PLO's Entire Collection Of Records


This lady has to be right, though I can't find anyone to say so. Once

Israel confiscated the PLO "government" records, it had the goods on

every NWO crook and anti-semite in the form of documented proof of

their murderous and illegal transactions against Israel. Imagine how

handy that could turn out to be! No wonder Europe and the Bush

administration wants an Israeli withdrawal far from the buildings

they are snooping through.


Dear Barry,


"I have been wondering if the recent turn around by the Bush

Administration has something to do with the documents the IDF is

turning up in their searches. Maybe the Bush administration thought

the incriminating evidence that the IDF is finding about Arafat

funding terror operations would be better hid. Maybe they are afraid

of even more incriminating info. becoming public or falling into

Israeli hands to be used as a bargaining chip against them.


"What if the IDF uncovered documents concerning the CIAs recruitment

( payment?) of terrorist leaders such as Rajoub , and the murder of

Israelis living in the west bank, many of those killed being US

citizens. This would place the USA in the position of supporting

terrorist organizations. It would place Bush in violation of his

own "Bush Doctrine".


"Some people think the recent about face in US policy is a ploy, that

the US secretly still wants Israel to continue its offensive, sort of

a good cop/ bad/cop routine to appease the Arabs. I don't think so.

If they were doing that they could have done it better and sooner.


"They did this to everyone's suprise, shortly after evacuating Rajoub

from his hideout. Where is he now by the way? And shortly after the

IDF started making some smoking gun documents public. I think they

are scared and I think they are serious and they might even be being

blackmailed by the PLO itself using the same documents. I think they

got themselves into a mess that they don't know how to get out of and

the welfare of the State of Israel is not their priority. They are

worried about saving their own skins.


What do you think about this, and is anyone in Israel looking into



*** The toll free numbers to inquire about the author's books are:


USA - 1 877 RABINYY 7224699 ISRAEL - 1 800 RABINY 722469

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