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Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha World Tour 2002

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April 24, 2002 VNN7283


Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj Tour 2002




INDIA, Apr 24 (VNN) — The 2002 European Tour of HDG Srila Bhakti

Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj

The European devotees of GOKUL are pleased to announce that His

Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj will be gracing our

shores from 24 May through 3 July 2002. Below is the itinerary of

his schedule, plus contact information. Specific details of programs

within each country will be posted as they become available on the



For those of you who may not be familiar with Srila Tirtha Maharaj,

we have also included below some biographical information as well as

some information on his books in English.








Friday 24 May: Arrive London via Austrian Airlines


Friday 24 May- Sunday 2 June: London, England

(home of Padmanabha das)

Contact Akincana das or Lalita dasi: bhakti

Telephone: 00.44.771.84.94.234 (mobile)

Leave 2 June for Paris (ferry from Dover to Calais, 7:15 AM, then

drive to Paris)


Sunday 2 June- Tuesday 4 June: Paris, France

(home of Aristanasana das)

Contact Bindu Madhava das: rabardy


Leave Tues 4 June for Holland (by car, 4 1/2 hours)


Tuesday 4 June- Tuesday 11 June: Rotterdam, Holland

(home of Tirthakara das and Jahnava dasi)

Contact Arjuna das: gopinath


Leave Tues 11 June for Cologne, Germany (by car 3 hours)


Tues 11 June- Wed 12 June: Cologne, Germany

(home of Madhusudhana das)

Contact Madhusudhana das: sonukapoor1


Leave Thurs 13 June for Zurich (by car 6-7 hours)


Thurs 13 June- Monday 17 June: Zurich, Switzerland

Contact Raja


Or Arjuna das at gopinath

Leave Monday AM 17 June for South France (by car 5-6 hours)


Monday 17 June- Sunday 23 June: San Tropez, France

(home of Lidia Lorrain)

Contact Bindu Madhava das: rabardy


Leave early morning Sunday 23 June for Florence (by car 5 hours)


Sunday 23 June- Monday 24 June: Florence, Italy

Sunday evening program in Florence.

Contact Golokananda das: golokananda

Telephone: 00.39.347.464.1679 (mobile)

Leave morning Tuesday 25 June for Slovenia (by car)


Tuesday 25 June- Sunday 30 June: Slovenia

(home of Tungavidya dasi)

Contact Tungavidya dasi or Madan Gopal das: tfister

Telephone: 00.386.1.529.3650

Mobile: 00.386.41.787.472

Leave Sunday AM 30 June for Vienna, Austria (by car)


Sunday 30 June- Wednesday 3 July: Vienna, Austria

(Radha-Govinda Temple)

Sunday evening program at Radha-Govinda Temple

Contact Krishna das heradhegovinda


Leave Thursday 4 July for Delhi


Thursday 4July: Return to India via Austrian Airlines









GOKUL presents



His Holiness Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj


The Year 2002


His Holiness Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj is the

present President/Acharya (spiritual leader) of the Sri Chaitanya

Gaudiya Math and the Founder/Acharya of the international

organization, GOKUL. He is the 11th Acharya in the preceptorial

channel of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486-1534). Born on April 24,

1924 in Assam, India, Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj

joined Sri Chaitanya Gaudiya Math in 1947 after completing his

Masters Degree in Philosophy at Calcutta University (India). He

served that institution as its Secretary and took Sannyasa (vow of

renunciation) in 1961. He became the President/Acharya of the Math

in 1979. Working eighteen hours a day, he is incessantly engaged in

the service of humanity as a teacher of Vedic wisdom and the

philosophy of bhakti-yoga (the path of devotion to God).


Today, at age 78, Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj is

acknowledged by the Vaishnava community as one of the most exalted

personalities among his generation. An authority on both Western and

Gaudiya Vaishnava philosophy, His Grace is completely versed in the

six darshanas (philosophical schools of thought) of the ancient

Vedas. His knowledge of Sanskrit language and religious texts is

vast, and he has an encyclopedic and realised knowledge of the Vedic

scriptures. His ability to support the Vedic viewpoint on

theological, sociological, psychological and scientific issues via

classic methods of analysis, logic and scriptural reference is

unsurpassed. Yet in spite of his qualifications, one will never find

a more humble and genteel individual. Far from being a dry

philosopher, he never deviates one iota from the prescription of the

shastras (Holy Scriptures). "Personal example is better than mere

words" is his way of preaching.


For the last five decades, Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami

Maharaj has been engaged in the teaching of the philosophy of Sri

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to counter the present-day trends of violence

and cruelty, and to bring about a unity of hearts among all,

irrespective of race, creed or religion. Since 1997, his Divine

Grace has also embarked upon travelling throughout the entire world,

enlivening diverse audiences with this rich, historical and esoteric

philosophical system.


During his US tour in 1997, His Holiness Srila Tirtha Maharaja

addressed the United Nations in New York City, offering them a

succinct outline for world peace based upon the spiritual tenets of

the ancient Vedas. His preaching programs over the past years have

also included many interesting dialogues with prominent Catholic,

Protestant, Jewish, Hindu and Baha'i theologians and philosophers, in

such diverse settings as universities, interfaith groups, churches,

Hindu temples and a wide variety of metaphysical and private

educational centres. All are invariably won over by his gentle and

affectionate nature, combined with his resolute faith. He has also

spoken on the sublime teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu on many

radio and television programs, including a thought provoking

interview on BBC radio in 2000, which was broadcast worldwide.


In addition to his role as Acharya of Sri Chaitanya Gaudiya Math,

Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj serves as the beloved

Acharya of GOKUL (Global Organization of Krishnachaitanya's Universal

Love), which he founded in 1997. He is also the Vice-President of

the World Vaishnava Association. Working eighteen hours a day, he is

incessantly engaged in the service of humanity as a teacher of Vedic

wisdom and the philosophy of bhakti-yoga. He is also presently

engaged in writing articles and books on bhakti-yoga in his native

languages, as well as in English. To date, his English publications

include the books Suddha Bhakti, Sages of Ancient India, A Taste of

Transcendence and Sri Chaitanya: His Life and Associates, with

several other titles underway.


In the year 2002, more programs are presently being organised, aiming

at even a greater variety of venues and addressing people of all

ages, nationalities and religious persuasions, as "Love of God" is

anything but a sectarian message, and "World Peace" is a topic

relevant to all, regardless of one's philosophical viewpoint. His

speeches are dynamic and his personal presence is electrifying, yet

his personality exudes a sweetness, which endears him to all.


Maharaj also travels with several expert temple musicians, who are

adept in the ancient practice of congregational chanting of the Holy

Names of God ("kirtana") and whose intensely devotional mood captures

the hearts and minds of all.


If your community or organization would like to host a program, we

would be most happy to accommodate you. Generally there are two

programs per day—one in the morning or early afternoon, and one in

the evening.


There is never a fee for any program. All programs are free and open

to the public.


European dates

24 May through 3 July 2002

Contact GOKUL: bhakti


Visit us on the web at http://www.gokul.org








Books by Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj


Sri Chaitanya: His Life and Associates


An absolute classic of unsurpassed beauty and literary scope, this

very special volume is the definitive chronicle of the holy lives of

an entire lineage of Vaishnava spiritual leaders, from the tenth

century to the present day. Utilizing a vast range of

contemporaneous historical and biographical sources, this most

important work brings the reader to a deeper understanding of the

saintly personality of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, as well as

other great contributors to the Vaishnava faith, such as Jayadeva,

Nityananda Prabhu, Advaitacharya, Narottam das Thakur, Vishvanath

Chakravarti Thakur, Haridas Thakur, Vamsi das Babaji and too many

others to mention. The reader is also provided with esoteric

insights into the intimate nature of the devotional relationships

that exist between the generations of gurus and disciples throughout

the centuries. Translated from the original Bengali, this book is

a "must read" for all students of Vaishnava or Vedic traditions.



A Taste of Transcendence


A collection of English discourses delivered by Srila Bhakti Ballabh

Tirtha Maharaj between 1997 and 2000 in the US, Europe and India.

These sublime lectures encapsulate, in the form of colorful stories,

insightful analogies and lucid commentary, the essence of the divine

teachings of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and the devotee saints

of ancient India. Chapters include "The Welfare of the Living Being"

(discussing our tenuous position within this human birth), "What is

Bhakti? (a comprehensive look at the purport of the words of Vamsi

das Babaji and the meaning of bhakti in general), "Krishna: the

Greatest Magician" (an elaborate and humorous description of

Krishna's maya),"Answers for All Time" (an elaborate explanation of

the questions between Yamaraj and Yudhishtira Maharaj in the

Mahabharata), "The Message of the Bhagavad-gita" (new insights into

the staple literature of all India religions), and "The Significance

of Ekadashi Vrata" (an extremely in-depth look at devotional service,

including the holy life of Ambarisha Maharaj), and "Sanctifying the

Heart" (an unforgettable explanation of the inner meaning of




Sages of Ancient India


Another very important new book by Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha

Maharaj, now also available, is Sages of Ancient India, an in-depth

commentary on the holy lives and teachings of the boy saints, Dhruva

and Prahlada. Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj says

repeatedly, "If we think that we have already heard these histories

of Dhruva and Prahlada, then we have not actually heard them--not

even once! Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu insisted on hearing the holy

biography of Prahlada not less than 100 times. This book is a

beautifully rendered prose form of these sections from Srimad

Bhagavatam, with elaborate and enlightening commentary and charming,

original black and white illustrations.

Suddha Bhakti


A distillation of some of Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj's

finest English discouses, Suddha Bhakti is a sublime explanation of

the Vedic concepts of Sambandha, Abhidheya and Prayojana; that is to

say, it defines the true meaning of relationships (between man and

the Absolute), the method of spiritual practice and the ultimate goal

of existence. Utilizing examples from ancient Indian literatures,

this little volume is a guidebook to the path of Suddha Bhakti, or

pure devotional practice, as it has been handed down through the

Vedic system of thought for thousands of years.





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