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[world-vedic] Vedas Confirm Islam Supreme.....

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Dear Vrin,

I loved the reply, you made to Zafar. You are full of knowledge and vission. I

too come from a Christian-Hindu background and understand what Vedas and

Abraham have offered us. Abrahamic people have been cheated by their founding

fathers, unfortunately they do not know or care to know, they only know how to

kill the indefiles through terrosism or conversion, it is time that we the

followers of true vedic traditions raise to the occassion and show what true

vedic compassion is and liberate the abrahamic followers out of their ghetto

mentality religions which is driving us to world war and bring them back to

vedic fold for world peace, which their forefather left due to force and


Though I know Abrahamic religions also give some spiritual information, but in

their present format they are only propagating adharma, they have only two

choices before them, one is to reform their religions and join humanity march

to glory or disband their religions and join us. I believe, since these

abrahamic religions have started and spread through voilence, soon they will be

stopped and destroyed through voilence. Do you know, most of the abrahamic

followers believe that their prophets are going to come second time and their

religion is going to win, just like Dhuryodhana thought that he would win the

war inspite of all the crimes he commited on the pandavas and knowing Lord

Krishna presence with the pandavas. Unfortunately they do not know that Lord

Vishnu already came 9 times to protect vedic dharma, he would once again come

to protect vedic dharma, if abrahamic religions try to attack vedic dharma.

This time it will be more of a physcological warfare.

I feel it is the duty of every sanatana-vedic-hindu to protect our dharma, and

engage the adharmic forces according to the modern rules of warfare meaning

"rules of engagement". Dear friends, please do not forget, Sanatana-vedic-hindu

dhrama is the original religion of humanity inherited from god. From the past

2000 years, too many psuedo-prophets have come and gone. Vedas are there for

everybody and so there is no need for any other man made religions books. The

followers of abrahamic religions talk sweet and seem innocent, but they have a

dangerous agenda, to take control of human mind. Beware.


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Vrin Parker

Mailing-List: list vediculture; contact vediculture-owner

Tue, 30 Apr 2002 05:02:23 +0000

[world-vedic] Re: Vedas Confirm Islam Supreme

Note:In Fairness to Zafar, I must let everyone know that I chose the title of

his article..."Vedas Confirm Superiority of Islam". Though this was the gist of

his article, he did not title it thus.Vrin

Dear Zafar,

Respects and greetings,

first, I must say that I do not have time to respond properly but I'll start by

saying that I agree with everything except the points below.

I read yr paper and I appreciate it except I don't agree with all of it. The 1st

problem I have is that the Bhavishya Purana as it is presented in yr paper is

based on a forged version. Vedic experts have informed me that the prophecies

about mohammed and jesus were added in later and thus we can't accept them as

authoritative sources. It was in order to prove the superiority of the

Abrahamic tradition that this forgery was made.

Also you didn't show any proof that eating meat is acceptable. In regards to the

point about Hindus accepting everything as God and the Muslims accepting

everything as God's...this is a good point except that only simplistic people

think everything is God or supremely advanced see God in all. the Vedic

conclusion is obvious that there is a distinction between Maya=illusion and


So a true devotee, while offering respect to one and all, worships God within

the heart of all creatures, not that the beings are all God. The "We are all

God philosophy" is one branch of Vedic philosophy which Caitanya clearly says

is offensive to God because it is deforming God into nothingness. GOD IS GOD,

everything else is His reflected glory. The various 330 mil demigods are 

simply pious beings who have been allowed to serve God in various capacities,

such as keeping the rain going or fire burning. GOD is so great and beyond this

reality that He doesn't need any invovlement here. It is only His Compassion and

Love for us that brings His participation. Blessed souls are allowed to become

Devas or Angelic beings with specific functions in order to please God by their


At times, devotees may develop relationships with certain demigods, but not in

place of God but rather as a compliment to God. This is partially why Mohammed

encourgaed charity. not to glorify the donor but to please God's children and

thus please God.

An example is given to explain this phenomenon. famous people are constantly

sought after, but when you try the direct approach it is very difficult ot

reach them. However, if you were kind to the dog of this famous person you can

very easily touch such a person's heart. So in the same way, God is

exceptionally pleased when we honor His servants much more than when we honor

Him directly. therefore there has always been a vedic tradition of worshipping

others than God. the problem came when people forgot that these beings were not

God and they began worshipping such and such as God. this is a great problem not

only in Hinduism. This problem was rampant in Arabia. Mohammed solved this

problem by bringing them back to the true faith of One Loving God.

I have to go but I don't feel satified with my response so pls bear with me. I

thank you for your blessings and patience. I just wish that you could be a

Muslim, in the tradition of Mohammed, without having to reject and negate other

valid God conscious paths. Otherwise I accept Islam as A great path of Surrender

to the Compassionate and Almighty Creator. I aslo feel that you should read the

Bhagavad Gita AS It IS, translated by A.C.Bhaktivedanta Prabhupad. Why his

translation? because the some other ones were written by atheists or others.

How could such anti-devotional people correctly translate a devotional book?

thus many people are tricked into seeing Hinduism as a nonsensical ungodly

culture. the sad truth is it is the most devotional book in the history of the

world. I personally believe Mohammed knew the Gita and thus His main teaching

and Krishna's final teaching are EXACTLY THE SAME=GIVE UP ALL VARIETIES OF



The only differance is that Mohammed said Surrender to God whereas Krishna said

Surrender Unto Me, because rather than being a messenger of God, Krishna is

God. Paradoxically, God is so great that He allows His devotees Like Mohammed

to be glorified on an equal level.

So once again, I say That I have no doubt that a sincere and pious Muslim will

go to heavan, so the question of converting you does not arise. However, in yr

case, I will never be acceptable to God until I reject Vedic culture and

surrender to God in the Quranic tradition. This is the heart of the problem and

the reason Modern Islam is at war with everyone until they have either been

subdued or have subdued their non muslim neighbors like the Jews in Egypt,

Algeria etc(I have an Algerian Jewish friend who has verified to me personally

the horror of living there as a jew) or the Hindus of Afghan, Pakistan and

Bangladesh. As a devout and sincere Muslim you should be defending the

oppressed, regardless of their religious status, and asking the world to

forgive yr misguided brothers and sisters for abusing Islam.

Modern Islam is now regarded as a weapon pointing at the heart of all

non-muslims. This is not REAL Islam. Enthuse the hearts of other Muslims rather

than belittling other people's connections with God. With about a billion

muslims and many Islamic nations on the global scene, be content. Let us have

our share. When and if Modern Islam can become more hospitable to its fellow

non-muslim human beings and actually see that we are also worthy in the eyes of

God, surely we will have peace on earth.


Vrin Parker

PS I just wanted to say that all this is fine but I just want to let you know

that I am a normal person with wife and kids. I got faults and am just human. I

would rather know you as a person and accept that perhaps we will never agree on

these topics. To me it matters not. Therefore if you are ever in Eugene, Oregon

I would be honored to meet you and eat some good Indian cooking...vegetarian

only:) I am actually very sad that the Islamic world is so inimical to Hindu

India when the real threat to both cultures is the

Capalistic/Communistic/Corporate Narco-colonial Imperialism of the Western


Everytime the west needs to divert the muslim mind they magnify some

confronatation amongst our cultures and suddenly the wrath of Islam is turned

against India the home of some Islam's greatest art, music, culture and minds.

Its obvious that Indian Muslims are at the forefront of many great things. Just

if they could recognize that its the Indian part which is an asset rather than a


However with the education of Indian Muslims going the way it is, I do not see

much hope. Rather I see a bunch of misguided people destoying their own country

on behalf of the Western powers. If the Muslim world would once again embrace

their Hindu brothers, it would create the greatest power on earth. The British

recognised this long ago and have spent the past 150 yrs sowing hatred amongst


In 1857, the people of India rose up against English rule. There was no

differance between Muslim or Hindu. In fact one goal of the campaign was to

reinstate Moghul rule. Rani of Jhansi's greatest generals were Muslim. Shivaji

also had many loyal muslim generals and followers. In Nethaji's time, it was

with the help of many Muslims inc nonIndian muslims that he was able to go so

far. I could go on and on, but I will conclude by saying that if Islam wants to

survive the ongoing struggle with the west they have only one real

option...UNITE WITH A REVITALIZED HINDU INDIA. The USA knows this and is thus

pursuing a close relationship with India. Communist China will never allow

Islam to thrive but the foolish Muslim Leadership is falling right into their

hands in an attempt to counter the Western powers. I guess I said more than I

planned. Om Shanti.Namaskar

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This is an information resource and discussion group for people interested in

the World's Ancient Vedic Culture, with a focus on its historical,

archeological and scientific aspects. Also topics about India, Hinduism, God,

and other aspects of World Culture are welcome.

Remember, Vedic Culture is not an artificial imposition, but is the natural

state of a society that is in harmony with God and the environment.Om Shantih,

Harih Om


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