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Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah:IN HIS OWN WORDS

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Crown Prince Abdullah said: "No one can dictate anything to the Kingdom. Since

the era of late King Abdul Aziz, nothing was imposed on the Kingdom against its

will." Asked to comment on his forthcoming meeting with US President George W.

Bush, Crown Prince Abdullah highlighted the existing deep-rooted Saudi-American

friendship, and said it dates back to more than 60 years. "I would like him

(Bush) to be just in all matters. I think that certain things are not very

clear to him but when they become clear, he will act differently," the Crown






Crown Prince Abdullah Ibn Abdul Aziz, the Deputy Prime Minister and Commander of

the National Guard held talks with President Bashar Al Assad of Syria during a

short visit to Damascus.

During the meeting, the Saudi and Syrian sides discussed the situations in the

region, particularly the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories, the

Palestinian cause and the siege, killing and destruction which the Israeli

occupation forces are practising against the Palestinian leadership and people.


The talks also covered the recent Arab Summit's resolutions. The two sides

stressed the importance of setting up the Palestinian state on its national

soil with Al Quds as its capital.

Crown Prince Abdullah had arrived in Damascus by land from Beirut where he

discussed with President Emile Lahoud of Lebanon, the volatile situation in the

occupied Palestinian territories, and the steps that should be taken in the

light of the continuous Israeli aggression.

Crown Prince Abdullah Ibn Abdul Aziz, affirmed that "the current Israeli actions

are not accepted by any law. No human being will accept these acts. Eventually,

such acts provoke iniquity.''

''Who could imagine a girl of not more than 16 years old could lace herself with

a belt of explosives? What prompted her to do so? The answer is injustice in all

its crude forms topped by (malicious) works of Sharon, '' the Crown Prince


''The complete absence of wisdom and understanding by Sharon has motivated and

pushed this girl and others to that end. This girl has passed away but her

feelings are alive and will remain in the conscience of every Arab who tasted

the bitterness of injustice,'' Crown Prince Abdullah told a group of

journalists from the ''Washington Post'', the ''Financial Times'', ''Time''

Magazine, ''Reuters'' and ''CNN'' on Saturday evening in Beirut.

''You cannot expect good things from the ones who have become insane, but

nevertheless we will not lose hope," Crown Prince Abdullah said.

''This man lacks everything, everything, sanity, humanitarian sentiments and

morals but his day of doom will come .. undoubtedly he intended to derail the

initiative but it will be pursued against his desire, that's what I hope," the

Crown Prince said.

Crown Prince Abdullah reiterated Saudi Arabia's full support to the Palestinian

cause and highlighted the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's constant and unwavering

backing to the Palestinians in the just struggle to regain their usurped


"Since the last 60 years, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been trying to make

the United States understand the justice of the Palestinian cause, and to

persuade the US to take a just and balanced stance in this regard," Crown

Prince Abdullah said.

"These efforts are the culmination of consistent efforts made by the Kingdom

ever since the reigns of late King Abdul Aziz and his sons, to achieve this

end," the Crown Prince noted.

Asked to comment on what steps the Kingdom would take to prevent Israeli Prime

Minister, Ariel Sharon, from harming Palestinian President Yasser Arafat, the

Crown Prince said: "The current Israeli actions are not accepted by any law. No

human being will accept these acts. Eventually, such acts provoke iniquity.''

''Who could imagine a girl of not more than 16 years old could lace herself with

a belt of explosives? What prompted her to do so? The answer is injustice in all

its crude forms, topped by (malicious) works of Sharon. The complete absence of

wisdom and understanding by Sharon has motivated and pushed this girl and

others to that end. This girl has passed away but her feelings are alive and

will remain in the conscience of every Arab who tasted the bitterness of

injustice,'' Crown Prince Abdullah said.

''So, it is not strange that a person like Sharon, whose record is well known,

should try to harm Arafat and our brotherly people in Palestine. We, in the

Kingdom, will not show any slackness in defending our brothers in Palestine led

by my brother the Mujahid, Yasser Arafat. God is with us and justice will

prevail ultimately at the end because there is no life without justice," the

Crown Prince said.

On President Arafat's present ordeal, Crown Prince Abdullah said: "We are

exerting ever possible effort and there are contacts with our friends in the

United States who have promised to take good steps in this regard. We are

waiting for the US to fulfil its promise and activate solid steps in this


Asked as long as Arafat's life is not in danger, will he be able to continue his

works as President of the Palestinian Authority, the Crown Prince said:

"Arafat's strength lies in his faith and in the trust of his people in him.

Arafat will remain a model for the Palestinian people, their conscience and

their leader what ever happens."

Responding to a question about an Israeli plan to expel Arafat from the occupied

Palestinian territories, Crown Prince Abdullah said: "Whether Arafat is expelled

or not, the (just) struggle (of the Palestinians) will continue because every

Palestinian is Yasser Arafat."

Asked for his opinion of what Sharon had done just one day after the Arab

Summit, the Crown Prince said: "First let me know what you think as journalists

about what had happened? Ask yourselves the same question. The answer is very

clear. It was a savage act, divorced from any human logic.''

''It was a show of law of the jungle, which is not accepted by any honest

person. I think, many among the Israeli people do not agree with what this

person (Sharon) is doing. The aspirations of the people for peace is a

torrential stream that Sharon and some Israeli press (organs) will not stop.

Justice and peace will be achieved in spite of him (Sharon)," the Crown Prince


Asked if he was disappointed about what had happened, Crown Prince Abdullah Ibn

Abdul Aziz said: "There is no place for disappointment in the hearts of the

people who believe in God and in the hearts of people who believe that the

rights will be returned in the future. Whatever happens, the right and the

justice will ultimately prevail."

Asked if he has a plan or mechanism to convince the Israeli people of the value

of the (peace) initiative, the Crown Prince stressed that ''the plan is in the

interests of Israelis who are the people more in need of stability and


"They have to read the initiative with wisdom, for it brings hopes for the

peoples of the region. I hope that it will not be killed by the hater of peace

(Sharon) who is short-sighted," the Crown Prince noted.

Asked what he would do if Israelis rejected the initiative, the Crown Prince

said that the Israeli people did not reject the initiative; it was only

rejected by Sharon, the extremist, and some journalists.

Asked about the size of work needed from the Arabs to regain Israeli trust and

to convince them about peace with the Arabs in the presence of some hostile

Arab leaderships like Saddam Hussein , Al Qadafi and Al Assad, Crown Prince

Abdullah said: "The Arabs now have extended an olive branch and hands for peace

to them. The ball is now in the Israeli court and the question is whether the

Israeli people want peace and security or not? I think this depends on them."

Responding to a question about the upcoming steps to ensure the success of the

initiative and to progress it, the Crown Prince said: "The Secretary General of

the Arab League and Arab Foreign Ministers have been assigned to follow up the

initiative and they are doing what is necessary for it.We don't like to

interfere in their business," Crown Prince Abdullah added.

Asked about the possibility that Yasser Arafat might be killed, arrested or

expelled by the Israelis, Crown Prince Abdullah said: "We should always be

hopeful, and there is no place in my heart for desperation."

Crown Prince Abdullah reiterated that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia would devote

every effort to support the Palestinian cause.

Commenting on the prospects of the peace initiative and whether the US

Administration would positively respond to it, Crown Prince Abdullah said: "We

have a proverb which says: to keep speaking about the past is a senseless act.

I believe that President Bush will not hesitate to do something because I think

Bush is a human being and a person with humane sense.God willing, I do feel

optimistic," Crown Prince Abdullah added.

Meanwhile, Crown Prince Abdullah Ibn Abdul Aziz has said contacts were made with

the Americans regarding the crisis in the Middle East who said US envoy to the

Middle East Anthony Zinni is there and that the envoy will do something.

The Crown Prince made these remarks in an interview with Imad Al Din Adeeb of

Orbit Television, the Saudi Press Agency and the Saudi television. Saudi

Information Minister, Dr Fouad Ibn Abdul Salam Al Farsy was present during the

interview in Beirut.

''We are doing our best to solve the present crisis. We have contacted our

friends in the US and they have made promises and we are awaiting concrete

steps based on these promises,'' the Crown Prince said.

Crown Prince Abdullah said he also talked with Palestinian President Yasser

Arafat who briefed him on the situation. The Crown Prince said he told

President Arafat of the contacts he made with the United States and that the

Americans will take steps.

The Crown Prince said that he urged President Arafat to be "patient and persevering."

In reply to a question about the role that could be played by President George

W. Bush and US Middle East envoy, Anthony Zinni, Crown Prince Abdullah said:

"No one can bear the (current) situation because it has gone beyond the limit.

How can one remain silent when attacked by missiles."

Asked to comment on the ferocious Israeli attacks that culminated with the blitz

on President Arafat's offices, the Crown Prince said, "I feel like any ordinary

Arab or any person in this world who wishes to see justice served, the ones who

wish to see justice and sanity because sanity no longer exists.''

The Crown Prince decried the brutal attacks launched against the unarmed

Palestinians by the Israeli troops, and said: "As a human being I can not

tolerate such savage practices. Despite the senseless (Israeli) acts, we shall

not give up hope."

''We are a noble nation with a long history. It will not be shaken by a single

person or persons, or by Israel or any other country,'' the Crown Prince said.

Asked about the irrational response of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon

vis-à-vis the Saudi peace initiative that was endorsed by the Arab Summit,

Crown Prince Abdullah said: "It is not our initiative alone, but it is actually

an initiative of Arabs and Muslims. Thanks to the Almighty God, it has proved


''Earlier, I had a plan to announce the initiative, but I had kept it in my

drawer. The announcement about the initiative was made following my meeting

with American journalist Thomas Freidman. I told Freidman that I had postponed

the announcement of the initiative due to the vicious practices of Sharon,''

Crown Prince Abdullah said.

''Some of the Jews inside Israel are good persons, but Sharon has no

rationality, no humanity and no morals. I know that Sharon is trying to block

the initiative but, the initiative will go ahead in spite of him," the Crown

Prince said.

Asked to comment on allegations of certain quarters that the Kingdom of Saudi

Arabia has proposed the initiative following the incidents of September 11

under American pressure, Crown Prince Abdullah said: "No one can dictate

anything to the Kingdom. Since the era of late King Abdul Aziz, nothing was

imposed on the Kingdom against its will."

He noted that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is keen on the service of Islam, its

interests and the interests of the Arabs and Muslims. "The initiative is a

Saudi one, and we thought of it more than two months earlier," the Crown Prince


In reply to a question on motives behind launching the initiative, Crown Prince

Abdullah spoke about "deplorable and inhuman" developments and said he launched

this initiative because of the injustice going on in the Middle East region in

order to serve the Arab and Islamic nations.

"If the initiative is accepted then, it will serve the interests of the Arabs

and Muslims and even the interests of the Israelis; if it is blocked then,

those who used to speak about peace will expose their real intentions and must

then conceal their face before the world," the Crown Prince said.

Crown Prince Abdullah reiterated that Palestinian President Arafat is a

much-loved person, not only by Palestinians, but also by all Arab nations.

"We pray to the Almighty God that he will not be harmed. Even if Arafat is

harmed then, we should remember that there are other Palestinian men who will

succeed him. Every Palestinian is a Yasser Arafat,'' Crown Prince Abdullah

said. "However, life and death are matters determined by the Almighty God," the

Crown Prince noted.

In reply to another question about his embrace with Izzat Ibrahim, the

Vice-President of the Iraqi Revolutionary Command Council at the recently

concluded Arab Summit in Beirut, Crown Prince Abdullah said: "Izzat is my close

friend, and I respect him.This embrace is a message for our Iraqi brethren,"

the Crown Prince noted.

"I think that Saddam should accept the process of inspection so as to resolve

the problem and to save his people from anything that may harm them," Crown

Prince Abdullah said.

"The Iraqi people are dear to us. Moreover, I have friendship with Saddam and

with all of them," the Crown Prince added. Recalling a proverb which says: "It

is senseless to keep speaking about the past," the Crown Prince said: "As such,

we don't want to speak about the past."

Asked about the outcome of the Arab Summit, which concluded its deliberations in

Beirut last week, Crown Prince Abdullah said: "I feel satisfied with the

Summit's results, and wish for more achievements in terms of truth and

frankness. I hope we will speak sincerely and forge reconciliation among all of


Referring to the efforts to reconcile Iraq and Kuwait at the Beirut Summit,

Crown Prince Abdullah said: ''It was a great achievement and in the interest of

all. Nobody will benefit from continuation of differences. They have to reach an

agreement, because their strength is in their unity.''

"I am a normal person, a Muslim and an Arab who is loyal to his religion,

homeland and to the Arab and Muslim world, as well as to the entire world.

Nothing can justify a state of disappointment if one has a strong belief that

the entire world is managed by Almighty God," the Crown Prince noted.

Asked to comment on his forthcoming meeting with US President George W. Bush,

Crown Prince Abdullah highlighted the existing deep-rooted Saudi-American

friendship, and said it dates back to more than 60 years. "I would like him

(Bush) to be just in all matters. I think that certain things are not very

clear to him but when they become clear, he will act differently," the Crown

Prince said.

Asked if some of the Arab leaders who had not participated in the Arab Summit,

notably Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, had done so because they had

reservations about the Saudi initiative, Crown Prince Abdullah said: "President

Hosni Mubarak is my brother and friend, and he was the first one to support the

initiative. The fraternal Egyptian people have also voiced support for the

initiative, so don't think that he did not come to the Summit because he was

opposing the initiative."

"All brothers who did not participate in the summit have told me that they do

support the initiative with their heart and soul, and all reports in this

respect are inaccurate," the Crown Prince added.

Asked about the future prospects of the initiative after it has become an Arab

initiative, Crown Prince Abdullah Ibn Abdul Aziz said: "All these matters will

be left to the Arab League's Secretary General Amre Mousa and the Arab Foreign

Ministers, who are assigned for this mission, and I hope they will perform

successfully their mission in this respect."

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