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A Note on Mars/Saturn Conjunction

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>Chebiji (AT) aol (DOT) com >Chebiji (AT) aol (DOT) com >A Note on Mars/Saturn

Conjunction >Thu, 2 May 2002 05:31:10 EDT > >A Note on Mars/Saturn

Conjunction > It is not uncommon to see two or more planets very close together

in a >chart. It is called an astrological conjunction. A conjunction brings

about a >significant interaction of the involved planets’ energies. The

effects can be >malefic or benefic, depending on the nature of the planets

involved. > >Due to current events, I will be discussing the dynamics of a

conjunction >with regards to the planets of Mars and Saturn as they will be

conjunct in >the next few months of 2002. This conjunction is universal to our

whole >planet. All nations, cultures, and individuals will feel the effects of

this >conjunction. The magnitude, intensity, and variance of these effects will

>differ relative to a nation or individual’s chart. > >Mars and Saturn are

said to be in conjunction when they are in the same >house, especially when

they’re close to one another. They influence each >other. For example, in

this case of Mars-Saturn conjunction, Mars is a planet >of energy,

aggressiveness, anger, conflicts, dispute, and agitation. Whereas, >Saturn is

the planet of suffering, trouble, delays, obstacles and >obstructions. Such

influences of the planets are tempered by the sign in >which they are

located.These are further tempered by the sign in which they >are situated. For

example, Mars in Aries has a different nature that Mars in >Taurus. Similarly,

the Saturn is also influenced by the sign in which it >belongs. > >When such a

combination exists in a chart, it is generally considered >destructive But

there are always elements of positive influence that >manifest. While you are

aware of the destructive nature of this planetary >configuration, I can list

some of the benefits that it can bring: >1. This combination enhances the

ability to think, and brings logic, >diplomacy and strategy which will help

anybody to survive. >2. The combination increases the person’s ability to

take challenges and >does not allow them to feel defeated. Therefore, it makes

the person rise to >the occasion and fight it out and not get a sense of

defeat, even when >defeated. The Spirit becomes optimistic. >3. While it gives

tremendous experience in dealing with life, by making the >person go through

all kinds of difficult experiences, these very experiences >enable the person

to rise above the circumstances and become successful. >4. Things which are

difficult to change can be changed. It is because of >this planetary

combination that people or countries can make radical changes >which would

otherwise take ages. These changes ultimately bring progress. >5. These planets

remove laziness and promote action and busy-ness. >6. This planetary connection

promotes hard work, which is always good. >7. Mars, when aspecting the Saturn,

gives power to Saturn. The power of Mars >is energy and action. It makes people

awaken to the challenges of life and >become action oriented. >8. People who

have a restricted boundary of thinking and who are afraid to >go beyond these

limitations created by themselves, when under pressure of the >Mars Saturn

conjunction, are forced to break the barriers and go beyond. > > >Apart from

the Saturn Mars conjunction, similar types of results can also be >expected,

when Saturn and Mars are in mutual reception or in opposition. >Meaning they

are aspecting each other but in another way. The results of the >Saturn Mars

conjunction or aspects are different for different rising signs >therefore one

has to make adjustment in understanding their influences. When >the Saturn Mars

conjunction or aspects exist in an individual’s natal chart, >the impending

transit carries the dominant influence for those individuals; >no matter what

house or sign they are in transit. If the conjunction is not >present in the

natal chart, when they are just transiting in the sky, they >may not make much

impact especially when the Dasha Bhuktis are favorable in >the individual

chart. But in the case of countries or nations, the results >may be viewed

differently. > >On April 5th, Mars enters the sign of Taurus. Saturn is already

transiting >Taurus. Mars will stay in Taurus until May 19th 2002.  Taurus is

ruled by >Venus, which is a benevolent planet. It also rules the second house

of the >zodiac. Taurus is represented by the bull. So the planets, when they

transit >this sign, are influenced by the qualities of the bull. It is also

influenced >by the nature of the second house, which is the house of wealth and

>happiness. In this case, since two malefics are transiting Taurus, it affects

>the wealth and happiness of the people concerned. Generally this affects most

>people, but specifically people whose transits are negative (for example if

>you are a Taurus rising). > >To view the chart of this celestial event, please

click here > >In addition to that, the current transit of  Saturn is also

suffering from >another major setback which increases its malefic tendencies.

It is suffering >from what is known as Rohini Shakata Bheda; Saturn passing

through Taurus at >a specific angle. At some point in the future we will be

explaining this >phenomenon, as it is an article in itself! This transit of

Saturn in Taurus >with its position in Rohini Shakata Bheda is unique and will

only happen in >the same sign in about another 30 or 60 years as case may be.

In the past, >this conjunction associated itself with war events like the First

and Second >World War as well as the Vietnam War. > >This unique transit of

Saturn is going to be difficult from many points of >view. One can see acts of

sabotage, fire, accident, war-like tendencies, >natural disasters, etc. One can

see this in the months of April, May, June >and July, in many countries of the

world. This will also tend to affect >economic progress. Therefore, this is not

a good time for investment >activity. There could be bearish tendencies in many

different industries. It >is a time for caution. > >It will be interesting to

note that in the month of May and June there are >many planets coming together

like Mars, Saturn, Mercury, Venus, Rahu, Moon >and Sun. Naturally when this

many planets are together with malefics like >Mars, Saturn and Rahu, no doubt

you can anticipate some fireworks. > >Added to this is a major solar eclipse on

June 10th which intensifies the >malefic nature of this combination. The results

arising out of this eclipse >could be anticipated anytime between June to

December 2002. Generally the >eclipses are bad. Indications are for politics,

politicians, and countries, >when the eclipse is taking place in unfavorable

houses for those countries >and those politicians. It will also affect

individuals especially those whose >Sun, Moon, rising sign, etc, are either in

Taurus or Scorpio. This eclipse is >also considered bad for the environment

because during the eclipse, there is >an increase carbon dioxide and a decrease

in oxygen (the life-giving force) >thereby weakening the immune system of those

people who are already affected >by weak immune systems. > >So therefore it

would be appropriate for people to be careful about their >health, not to be in

a hurry, avoid accidents, cautious about risky >investments, and travel only

when it is necessary. Most of all, watch your >immune system. > >Ultimately,

all these planetary conjunctions are a challenge to our strength >and therefore

that is the beginning of gaining a handle on our lives to rise >above and face

better times ahead. Unless we are challenged by the >circumstances of life and

thereby gain experience, we cannot learn to live >with confidence and ease. >

>-Chakrapani Ullal Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

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