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Nothing notorious about 6-planet conjunction!

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Dear Mr. Dilip Kumar,

 There is nothing notorious about six planaets. Please sptop spearding this kind

ogf Ignorance and pseudo Science . Please stop circulating your distorted views

please do not pollute the minds of Young Hindus and spoil them to be lazy and

inactice because of superstitions. Muslims do not give a dam to your theoris ,

Christians do not care reidiculous staements . Scince has no respect for people

who spread heresay.

 Let me clearify you per Lokmanya Tilak When All seven Planets lined up in One

line then Vedas were written. This happaens every sixty thousand human years.

You mean to say iif six planets cunjugation is notorious then seven planet

conjunction is disastorous according to your theory?

 Therefore, my request is to pleses do not misguide the people they are already

misguided ,I pray to God to pleasae give you courage to rectify your baseless

presumptions and give you correct knowledge to help people benevolently awy

from superstitions and distortions .


 Deen BC.May 16, 2002

>E K Dhilip Kumar >vediculture >To:

vediculture >[world-vedic] The notorious 6-planet

conjunction! >Thu, 16 May 2002 05:52:58 -0000 > >The notorious 6-planet

conjunction! >- E K Dhilip Kumar >6 Planets are grouped together in the sign of

Taurus or Vrishabha >Rashi and so we find groups of people discussing about this

rare >event! > >Such astronomical situations had occurred several times in the

past. >Usually such a rare event in the sky is bound to catch the eye of >both

the believer and skeptic. The media takes advantage. > >Such a phenomena

frightens those who are already running a bad phase >as per their horoscope.

The effect is so high that many are refusing >to go even to the office. But

what is the justification? > >When planets move from one sign to another, we

call it a Transit and >the effect of such a transit as Transit effect. Transit

effects are >given 25% importance, while the Dasha and Bhukti (planetary

periods) >and the position of the planets in a horoscope is given 75% marks.

>It is like the practical and theory in a chemistry exam. Even if you >get 0%

out of the 25% allotted for Transit effects, you still can >pass the test if

you get 50% out of the 75% allotted for theory. > >The problem starts if you

are not doing well as per Transit and also >as per Dasha (Major Period) and

Bhukti (Sub period). Such a >situation usually does not occur frequently, thank

God. > >Over the past 48 hours I have received several phone calls from my

>customers asking what is going to happen to them. I said, just don't >worry.

"Life would continue as usual. After this conjunction you >will know." I got a

call from one of my clients who said, his >expensive spectacles fell off and

broke and asked me if it was due >to the 6-planet conjunction. I said may be

you were thinking so much >about it, that you did not notice that you had

placed it carelessly >around. Another friend of mine fell sick and called me up

to know if >the planets were against him. > >All these events are always

happening. > >People born in the Janma Rashi of Mesha, Vrishabha, Mithuna are

>already under the negative influence of Sade-Sati or 7.5 years Shani >and

Thula Rashi people are under the challenging phase of Ashtama >Shani. If such a

person is also running a bad phase as per Dasha and >Bhukti then the current

month is likely to be more stressful. For >those born in these Janma Rashis all

we have to say is that you >should go on with your work, but avoid important

decision making >today since your mind may be under more stress due to the

influence >of these planets and more so due to the media hype. So just make a

1- >minute prayer to your chosen God or Goddess and go on with your >work. God

helps those who help themselves. > > > Chat with friends online, try MSN

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