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Beneficiaries of communal carnage in Gujarat

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>[bJP News]: Beneficiaries of communal carnage in Gujarat >Fri,

17 May 2002 11:15:29 -0700 > >Title: Beneficiaries of communal carnage in

Gujarat >Author: D.P. Sinha, IAS (Retd.) > >BJP has certainly not gained either

from the killing of Hindus by Muslim mobs at Godhra or from the subsequent

retaliatory violence on Muslims by Hindus. It has given a weapon to the

opposition, particularly Congress and Communist parties, who were earlier

rejecte9 by the electorate to brow-beat BJP. For them, it is the opportunity to

undo the electoral verdict with the help of Goebbelian propaganda and capture

power through maneuvering. If not BJP, then who stands to gain by the gory

garment of Gujarat? > >The reply is simple and straight forward. The foremost

gainer is Pakistan. For Pakistan it is an ideological victory. Hindu-Muslim

divide is the very foundation on which the grand edifice of Pakistan as a

country stands. Pakistan was created on the ideology, propounded by Sir Syed

Ahmed Khan, vigorously propagated by Sir Mohd. Iqbal and successfully

implemented by Mohd. Ali Jinnah that Muslims constitute a nation, different

form Hindus. The two nation theory, as it is called, has been sought to be

refuted by post-partition India by opting for ideal. of Hindu-Muslim oneness.

Just as Pakistan is concretization of ideology of' Hindu-Muslim separateness,

India is monument of inter-religious amity .Pakistan is a theocratic state; an

Islamic republic. India is a secular country .In all its post-partition years,

Pakistan was a democracy, only for some brief inconsequential periods, whereas

India has had a flourishing democracy all these years. Ever since partition,

Pakistan has tri! >ed to inject its virus of Hindu-Muslim divide in the

body-politics of India and to destabilize Indian democracy. It is so well known

that it does not need to be substantiated with instances and cases. If communal

riots take place in India, it demolishes the secular credentials of India and

vindicates Pakistan's communal stand. There can be no doubt that torching of

Sabarmati Express was a handiwork of Pakistani inspired Muslim goons. > >With

their past experience of Bombay riots and Calcutta killings in response to

Muslim League's call of Direct Action in Aug. 1946, the Pakistani rulers knew

of the ferocious Hindu reaction to provocative violence against them. Yet they

incited Muslims to perpetrate Godhra killings. Pakistan does not mind, if some

Muslims lives are lost in the process, so long it serves its ultimate aim of

creating a Hindu-Muslim divide in India and score an ideological point over its

secularism. Pakistan does not want the Gujarat riots to cease. Not surprising

that even after deployment of army the riots are lingering. A few thousand

Pakistanis, who had come to India as visitors, have not returned back after the

expiry of their visas, and have disappeared in the Country with the connivance

of Pakistani agents here. It is these illegal Pakistani immigrants supported by

Indian fundamentalist Muslims who are keeping the communal violence alive, by

covert sporadic killings, as in guerrilla warf! >are. >The other group that has

vested interest in continuation of Gujarat riots is of disgruntled Congressmen

and Marxists of different hues.. Their agenda for return to power is served by

killing of both Hindus and Muslims be it the killing of Hindus in Godhra by

Muslims and killing of Muslims in retaliation by Hindus. Congress and its ilk

have developed a vested interest in continuation of violence in Gujarat. It

hopes that longer these riots continue, greater will be malignment of BJP

Government and better will be the chances of Congress to return power. The

Congress and Marxist dominated the media have disregarded the time honoured

convention of not mentioning the religious identities of the persons involved

in communal riots. > >They are loudly exaggerating violence perpetrated on

Muslims &; Muslims alone, in a bid to incite them to continue the vicious cycle

of retaliations. It is these Congressmen, both Hindus and Muslim who are part of

Hindu mobs killings Muslims and Muslims mobs lynching Hindus. It does not matter

if Hindus are killed or Muslims, so long it serves the Congress formula of

return to power. >Let our peace loving countrymen not make any mistake about

the Gujarat riots. It is Pakistan and its Indian agents, the unscrupulous

Congressmen and Marxists who stand to gain by Gujarat mayhem. It is these

people, who are frustrating the normalcy efforts of Gujarat government and are

keeping the violence alive through sporadic incidents of violence committed

covertly. > >D.P. Sinha >IAS (Retd) >E-Mail: dpsinha50 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com >

>---- >


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